I, Uchiha Yiyong, have not been hated!

Chapter 170 About Yiyong’s encounter with a psychopath

Chapter 170 About Yiyong’s encounter with a psychopath
[1 month 23 day]

After three days of searching in volcanoes and jungles, no rare creatures worth recording were found. It's time to leave the country of Taki.

In the past few days, there have been more and more Taki-nin following me and underground. Even the waiter at my lunch today was disguised as Taki-nin.

But after I revealed their identities on the spot, I saw relief instead of panic on their faces, and I understood that they had done it intentionally. After asking, I learned that they were not trying to ambush me or poison me.

The reason why these ninjas were chasing after them was because several nobles from the country of Takino had invited Orochimaru to visit them, and they even gave each other gifts, so the relationship was very ambiguous.

The Taki Ninja Village thought that I had stayed behind after dealing with Orochimaru, and wanted to deal with those nobles as his accomplices, so under the order of the daimyo, they had to bite the bullet and monitor my whereabouts.

In fact, if they hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it. After all, the only records Orochimaru left were those cold experimental reports.

However, since they took the initiative, for the sake of safety, I still plan to eliminate the hidden dangers before leaving, and maybe meet these people.

Of course, I could guess without asking that most of these people were like the great Tibetan minister from the Land of Fire, who had already hid in the daimyo's palace.

This reminds me of an incident two years ago.

It was not long after I forced my way into the Palace of Fire Country, and my father asked Anjuro's shadow clone who stayed in Konoha to bring me a letter.

He scolded me in the letter, saying that in order to punish my behavior, the number of commissions issued by Fire Nation nobles in Konoha dropped sharply. The village's income was half less than the previous month. Uchiha had just improved. His reputation took a sharp turn.

He repeatedly emphasized that as long as I am still an Uchiha, there will always be people who think that my every move is controlled by him.

Therefore, in order to gain the trust of the daimyo, he had to send Itachi, who had been working in the Konoha Library after resigning, to the City of Fire to be the mouthpiece between the family and the nobles.

Finally, for the sake of the Uchiha's collective wish to one day become Hokage, he asked me not to deal with the offending nobles again.

Because I firmly believe that Butterfly's goal of "eradicating the ninja system" will be realized sooner or later, so I know very well that the wishes of the tribe are just illusion after all——

Since even the ninja system is about to disappear, where will the shadow come from?

Compared with an illusory dream and people's concrete and real life, it is self-evident which one is lighter and which is more important.

Therefore, I ignored the content of the letter and continued to act as I had in the past - in order to eradicate the problem of missing persons in an area except for Orochimaru's factors, I would often connect with experimental maniacs, kidnappers, underground arena operators, and Their high protective umbrellas were cleared together.

Naturally, these people would not wait to die and tried to fight back.

After I left the Country of Fire, I was assassinated dozens of times. Every time I kill them all, the killers still come one after another in an endless stream.

I didn't understand what was going on, so I used illusion to control one of them. The man told me that in addition to my bounty rising every day, for ninjas, the unfortunate death at the hands of a "ninja world" like Giyuu Uchiha seemed to bring about the reputation of a hero after death.

Being called a "public nuisance" by these people put me in a bad mood for several days.

The last time, I was surrounded by more than fifty chuunin jounin. Except for Konoha, there were people from all countries and ninja villages. It really annoyed me. So that time I changed my strategy.

Except for a few ninjas who did not kill me directly, the rest of the assassins would never be able to extract chakra independently for the rest of their lives. Three of them could not face this reality and committed suicide on the spot.

Being killed will make them be hailed as heroes by their own people, but being destroyed, they will be nothing.

Since then, no assassin has appeared on my path.

Since violence didn't work, my enemies turned to my family.

Just like this, two or three months later, Itachi and Shisui both sent me letters, which probably meant: My behavior has affected the international reputation of the Land of Fire. All countries hope that the Fire Nation can take measures against me, otherwise even the alliance may be broken.

After meeting with the daimyo, my father planned to personally take me back to Konoha. After his mother had a big fight with him over this, she simply resigned from Konoha and decided to specialize in action guidance and special effects for movies in the future. Then, my father was so angry that he fainted and was admitted to the hospital.

I felt very sad after receiving the letter that time. The last thing I want to see is for people I care about to suffer the consequences of my actions.

But if I really do what my father said, and only deal with the disappearance case itself, and do not pursue those nobles and ninjas who profit from human trafficking and human experiments, and give similar groups the sternest warning, then such a case will only be in vain. Endless.

I spent the next few days in a daze, feeling unspeakably guilty.

But I also feel that my guilt is a betrayal of those whose lives are in danger. Although Butterfly repeatedly emphasized to me that this is not our world, so I am not responsible for those people's lives. But there is always a question in my mind.

Why can I reunite my family while those people have to suffer the pain of separation and death?

Every minute and every second that I hesitate here, someone will be separated from their loved ones because of my trivial entanglement.

But I can no longer do what I used to do. As long as I close my Sharingan, I can block out all unnecessary thoughts and do what I need to do without any worries.

At this point, I understand why Konoha uses two derogatory words "bond" to describe the relationship between people. In my opinion, weakness may be a more appropriate expression.

However, this weakness is still a happy trouble after all, and the refreshing feeling of being alone is actually a kind of painful relief.

When I think about those people who no longer have their "weakness", they still still have their lives to be taken away, I feel completely at ease.

In those days, my brain seemed to be pulled by two opposite forces, my eyes swelled and hurt involuntarily, and I couldn't even control the color of my Sharingan.

This is a new feeling that I have never experienced before, and its complexity cannot be described in words.

Just when my troubles were about to reach the critical point, Anjuro's crow brought me another letter from my mother.

I thought it was still trying to persuade me to stop, so I opened it with great annoyance, but the first two paragraphs of the letter read like this:

"There's a line from Sasuke's favorite comic book that I think applies to you: 'It's not me that's wrong, it's the world.'

"I haven't heard from you recently, so I guessed what you were worried about, so I am writing to explain. Your dad is fine, he just needs a reason not to go to you, so I did some tricks to the iron element in his body, It’s enough for him to be able to deal with the big names.”

Then, in the letter, my mother analyzed for me the importance of black industries such as underground arenas to the economies of those small countries, and believed that this was the real reason why various countries would rather protect these fat-headed nobles than become my enemy. Therefore, in order to prevent me from getting entangled, she decided to cooperate with the Fire Nation to develop the application of rare metals in civilian industry.

As a result, the demand for metals in the Fire Country has increased dramatically, and small countries can use the profits from the mining industry to make up for the economic holes caused by the disappearance of black products.

Since this matter was led by the Fire Nation, the daimyo became the biggest beneficiary, and the alliance was maintained, so he would no longer have any objections to me.

In addition, she also used her family's money to invest in the film company that filmed "The Princess".

She thought it would be okay if a character with a similar style to me but a more likable personality (I don’t know what that means) was added to the newly released movie, and then the creative staff explained in the interview that the character was based on me. Effectively reversed my reputation in folk rumors.

In this way, as long as the civilians who sympathize with the victims in the movie are more willing to hire Konoha ninjas to balance out the income lost due to the cancellation of the commission by the nobles, there will be no pressure on the father's side.

"Just do what you should do. Every time Sasuke hears news about you, he is always so happy that he can't sleep." This sentence became a reassurance for me.

That night, I also stayed up all night because I received support from my family for the first time. I even feel that my very limited care for my family is far from worthy of their trust in me.

However, even though I couldn't sleep all night, the symptoms in my eyes healed without medication the next day, and they were no longer painful or swollen. That letter must have greatly relieved my psychological pressure, allowing me to continue this willful activity with less worries.

At the end of the letter, my mother suggested that if the nobles I wanted to deal with were allies of the Country of Fire, then I could provide the evidence to the country's daimyo so that they could be prepared and use their country's legal means to execute or detain these nobles. noble.

In this way, the dignity of daimyo in various countries will not be damaged by my lynching, and they can also express their attitude towards black property as a country. Finally, they can find an excuse to deprive these nobles of their illegal property in an open and fair manner.

Of course, if there is sufficient evidence but they do not refuse to implement it, the Fire Nation daimyo will strangle them in the metal trade, impose economic sanctions, and strengthen their control over these small countries.

In this way, the Fire Nation, the allies, and I have all achieved our goals.

Although there was a lot of political nastiness in it, I have to say that my mother's method worked.

Since then, my actions have met with little resistance from the allies of the Fire Nation. For example, Taki Ninja Village never thought of doing anything to me this time, which is one of the proofs.

I followed this group of Taki-nin to meet with the daimyo of Taki-no-Kuni and told him that I hoped to check whether there were curse marks on these nobles, family members, and servants, and that I wanted to know the specific content of their exchange with Orochimaru.

Half an hour later, the leader of Taki Nin showed me more than 40 kinds of aphrodisiacs developed by Orochimaru for middle-aged men with different physical constitutions. I did not find any traces of curse marks on these people. Finally, the daimyo of Takino Country swore to me that his ministers would never have any form of dealings with Orochimaru again.

At this point, I no longer have any reason to stay in Taki Country.

Originally I was supposed to write this travelogue during my break last night, but some unpleasant things happened afterwards, so I didn’t have time to write until now.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as I arrived at the border between Earth Country and Takino Country, I met a blond kid with a high ponytail blocking my way.

I thought he was an assassin, but he claimed to be my victim, saying that because I was messing around in the ninja world, he had to be compared with me every day by the Tsuchikage.

According to him, the Tsuchikage used the excuse of letting him catch up with me to force him to study Dust Release for fourteen hours a day, leaving him no time to create art at all. So he thought that as long as he killed me, his free time would be back.

In short, for the art he talks about, he must kill me.

When I found that I could understand Orochimaru's crazy words but not his, I knew that this boy must have some mental illness.

Because the other person was very young, only two or three years older than Sasuke, and because I didn’t want to argue with a mental illness, I immediately left quickly with the breath of fire.

But I didn't expect that he would actually use Earth Release to create a flying ninja tool, and he would continuously drop incredibly powerful clay bombs hundreds of meters above where I couldn't attack.

Apart from the Tailed Beast Tama, I couldn't think of a way to attack him at the moment, so I used the shock wave generated by the explosion to practice the first form of Breath of Wind, and at the same time led him to the sparsely populated Stone Country.

The last time I came to the Kingdom of Stone, I noticed that people in a village seemed to be imitating the story of Foolish Old Man who moved the mountains, trying to dig through the mountains and open a road to the outside world. But after last night, half of the mountain had been flattened by the blast. They only needed to clear away the gravel and they could pass.

After running like this all night, I was quite familiar with using the breath of wind in sports, so when he flew to a slightly lower point, I used the aftermath of the explosion to jump on his flying ninja tool and control it with Sharingan. He flew me to Iwa Ninja Village. Finally, I hung him on the railing at the entrance of Iwa Ninja Hospital, left him a sum of money for medical treatment, and then left before Iwa Ninja could react.

Although this kid wasted a lot of my time, the word "art" in his mouth did give me a lot of inspiration.

Anjuro said that the performing arts of Noh actors can make him completely forget himself. Maybe I can also find an "art" that suits me to achieve the relaxed state required by Fenghu·Jianzhong.

So next, I decided to go to the place with the most artists in the entire ninja world, which is Mikazuki Island. Hope to gain something.

Today's score: 8-2=6 points. The two points deducted were because I was delayed for at least half a day by the blond kid. 】

"Giyu-senpai is so good at writing. Sure enough, his own statement is somewhat different from what the Konoha ninja at the gate told us. It seems that there are already many interpretations among the people..."

In the hotel room, after Xuanya read the second part of this travelogue verbatim to Muichiro, he raised his head and poured himself a large glass of water, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"How about it? Have all the words you can't read marked?"

"Yeah." Muichiro marked the corresponding pronunciation above Giyu's original text, "It's just that I don't know the meaning of some words. For example, this 'brain-filled intestine fat' sounds disgusting..."

[I didn’t expect that I would one day guide others to study...]

Although he complained silently in his heart, Genya Fusugawa actually liked this feeling, so he immediately explained: "It means that a person's brain and intestines are filled with fat. It probably refers to those who do nothing, eat and are lazy. So stupid and stupid people!" "That's quite vivid."

Muichiro nodded seriously, marked the meaning of the idiom in the blank space at the corner of the page, and then closed the pen cap as if he was done, with a sweet smile on his face, "Thank you, Xuanmi. Otherwise. If I had to look it up in the dictionary slowly, it would probably take me a week.”

"Well," Xuan Mi was a little overwhelmed by how polite he was, "You don't have to be so polite..."

"What's wrong?" Wuichiro understood after a moment's thought, "Are you not used to the way I look now?"

"A little bit."

Genya Fusugawa scratched his head in confusion, "Although Muichiro like this is very lovable and has the feeling of a good kid, he always feels that he is missing a kind of... well, the usual 'weird' security is missing. feel."

Muichiro tilted his head: "What does that mean?"

"That is to say, if the former Muichiro was left alone, I might be more worried about what he did to others than worrying about his safety..."

Xuan Mi tried his best to formulate words to express his feelings, "But if it were you now, if I really left you alone somewhere, I always feel that something would happen to you because you were too innocent."

Muichiro, who split his brother from his body, seemed to have completely transformed into the person Ichiro was before his death.

If it weren't for the coolness in his body caused by Kasumi's breath, Fusukawa would even doubt whether Muichiro still had the ability to fight.

"I understand what you mean, but I like the way I feel now."

Muichiro slowly expressed his feelings, "When Ichiro 'really' appears in the world where I am, I can show myself without any scruples, instead of subconsciously pretending like before. It’s like he’s alive in me.”

To explain, Muichiro added: "You know, just like Butterfly-senpai, she actually doesn't like to laugh.

"The reason why she always wears her sister's smile is to give herself the illusion that 'my sister is still with me'... I guess if Hanashira can appear directly beside her like Ichiro, in reality By being with her in the world, Butterfly-senpai's smile will be completely different."

"Is that so?"

Xuan Mi seemed to understand but didn't seem to understand, "In that case, you can do whatever you want... Anyway, except for the shadows from various villages, no one can threaten your safety."

"What about you, Xuanya?" Muichiro suddenly asked curiously, "Don't you miss your brother?"

"He only said goodbye to me briefly, and then went to reincarnate with Senior Hua Zhu. That bastard..."

Speaking of Immortal Kawa Saneya, Xuanya clenched his fists, and then suddenly realized, "I said why I don't like that boy Ichiro. It should be because of the sense of déjà vu! But having said that, I know that guy may have forgotten it now Despite all the bad things in the past, I am living happily, and I don’t seem to miss him as much as I did in the beginning.”

Muichiro asked: "It doesn't matter even if he doesn't remember you after reincarnation?"

"Yes." Xuan Mi nodded with great certainty, "Even if he doesn't remember me at all. After all, in a sense, he is already another person."

"I can't do it." Muichiro raised his eyes and looked at the roof, as if he could penetrate the wooden boards and beams and directly see the twinkling stars in the night sky. "Ichiro couldn't do it either, so when he proposed to me, When I was asked to 'smuggle' him here, I didn't hesitate at all and just did it instinctively."

"Maybe it's because you two are twins?" Xuan Mi guessed, "After all, my eldest brother and I are several years apart..."

"Speaking of twins, I don't understand a bit." Muichiro extended his right index finger, "The way your brother likes Hanashira is not the way I like Ichiro, right?"


When it comes to the topic of love, Genya Fusukawa seems to have completely inherited the gossip attributes of Iwazhu. His body that was originally sitting upright like a bell can't help but lean forward, "Anyway, Master Bei Mingyu said this, otherwise I can't explain these two things." Why should we all go to reincarnation together?"

"But this is unreasonable."

Xuan Mi asked in confusion: "What's unreasonable?"

"According to the rules of the underworld, if two people are reincarnated at the same time, their relationship after birth should be like I and Ichiro."

Muichiro put the two tea cups together, "Either twin brothers, twin sisters, brother and sister, sister and brother. In short, it is completely different from the kind of relationship they want, right?"

"...There are still such rules."

Immortal Kawa Genya fell into a daze at first, but his dull brows, eyes and lips soon began to tremble.

In the end, he couldn't help it anymore, and while hammering the table, he laughed out loud in Muichiro's confused eyes: "Hahahahahahaha, it really made me laugh to death! Is there such a thing?! What if I really have to change from a lover to a lover? As for good brothers, hahahahahahaha..."

"What are you doing? As soon as I walked into the yard, I felt the ground shaking!"

Five seconds later, the sliding door of the room was opened, and Ichiro, Shiro, and Onito Suigetsu came in one after another. "Did Muichiro tell some jokes about me? Huh?"

Ichiro's threatening eyes were passed towards his innocent brother along with the protracted ending.

The crow Ginko was originally standing on Shiro's shoulder. After entering the room, he immediately flew to Muichiro to be fed. While eating, he sarcastically said to Ichiro: "Don't be narcissistic."

"By the way, didn't we agree to wait there? Why did we only see this stinky crow when we went there? Also, how did you two get a room when you have no money?"

"While Muichiro was waiting for me in the alleys around the fish market, he met a few hooligans, and I robbed them of their money."

Xuan Mi finally suppressed his laughter and sat up straight, "On the way back, Muichiro and I found that many hotels had signs showing they were fully occupied. We were afraid that there would be no place to sleep if it was too late, so we quickly found one. After staying at the hotel, I didn’t expect that there was only one room left in this hotel. Anyway, if everyone squeezes in, we should be able to sleep at night. "

"Ah?" Glancing at Shiro who nodded in understanding, Ichiro said shyly, "Isn't this bad?"

Before Kiden Suigetsu could ask "What's wrong?", Xuan Mi, who was afraid that Ichiro would see the truth, quickly interrupted and said, "Let's not talk about these things for now. What are the results of the investigation by the three of you?"

Then, the Tokito brothers looked at each other and said in unison: "Cado Shipping Company!"

"Sure enough!" Ichiro laughed and sat down opposite Muichiro, "Tell me, how did you find out?"

"Among the dock workers, only the crew members of this company are exceptionally strong."

Muichiro first shared his findings, "Although these people have no obvious traces of training, the ones in their cells..."

"Mitochondria." Xuanya, who had received compulsory butterfly nin education, reminded.

"Yes, the mitochondria are collecting and converting natural energy for their bodies. The efficiency is almost comparable to that of large wild animals in the forests of the Kingdom of Rain."

Muichiro said: "In other words, the physical fitness of these crew members is almost catching up with the students who practice the Breath of the Moon Bug in Yuyin Village."

"And we inquired about it," Xuan Mi added: "Several previous employees of this company were admitted to the hospital due to rabies. These crew members are new people who started working only two months ago."

"It seems the result is obvious."

Bai took out the previously copied data from the card and handed it to Muichiro: "This shipping company from the country of Waves is the source of contaminated seafood. Although they only sell frozen seafood, because of the unique taste of the product and the after-eating It brings many 'benefits' to the body. The cheapest sea shrimp sells for as high as 8000 yen per pound. Only high-income people-nobles, businessmen and ninjas can often buy and eat it. Those crew members probably only occupy their positions. Convenience.

"After comparing the transaction information and hospital cases, we found that the first person in the city who suffered serious mutations from consuming the company's products was this single wealthy businessman named Qingcang."

Bai pointed to the first line of the list, "Three months ago, he raided a servant at home in the middle of the night and bit off one of his ears. In the end, it took the combined efforts of seven bodyguards he hired to subdue him. In the end, this man and Like the former employees of Caddo Company, they were admitted for rabies and died of dehydration after not eating or drinking for seven days.”

"Where are the ears? Did you just bite them off?" Xuan Mi asked with a frown, "Or were they eaten by him?"

Bai Gang also felt that this question was a bit evil, and Gui Deng Shuiyue immediately added: "Yes, those evil believers in Tang Ninja Village would directly eat human organs! It's disgusting to look at!"

"...No." Bai shook his head. "At present, all similar medical records only mention attacks similar to rabies, not cannibalism. If it were the latter, Konoha ninjas must have already intervened in the investigation."

"It seems that there is no complete mutation. Essentially, he is still a human being."

Ichiro and Muichiro quickly browsed this record written in phonetic notation.

"In the transaction records, the amount and frequency of seafood purchased by his family are extremely exaggerated. According to his weight, unless he eats seafood for three meals a day, he cannot consume such a large amount. So this is a more extreme example..."

"That's not necessarily the case," Bai said. "There is also an old woman who purchases similar amounts and frequency to this person. She only showed slight aggressive tendencies a week ago and is still recovering in the hospital."

"From this point of view, the impact of these seafood on people is also related to the age and physique of these people. Just a cursory investigation can't draw any conclusions."

Ichiro touched his chin, "I think, why don't we find all the people who are still alive on the list, and then extract their blood and show it to Sister Shinobu. Isn't it more accurate than our blind analysis?"

"That's a way." Bai agreed. "In addition, according to the rules of cargo entry and exit at the port, one o'clock tomorrow morning will be the time when the next batch of seafood from Caddo Shipping Company will arrive."

"Then let's split up."

Ichiro immediately began to assign tasks: "Shark Tooth and Genya, you two go sink the ship, drag the cargo to the shore, burn it and blow it up, but you have to find a way to get the sailors ashore alive."

"No problem." Although Gui Deng Shui Yue didn't like the kid giving orders, this mission was indeed his type.

Xuan Mi also nodded. He was good at laborious tasks such as dragging things.

"Bai, you seem to know a lot about things in the hospital. I'll ask you to collect the blood samples of the patients who are locked up in the hospital."

Bai nodded, "No problem."

"As for those who frequently purchase seafood but have no mutations, Muichiro will draw their blood." Ichiro waved the list, "I will be responsible for destroying all the seafood they have stored."

"Are you sure..." Muichiro looked at his brother with deep eyes, "Aren't you going with Shiro this time?"

"I promised to protect you!" Ichiro touched Muichiro's head, "Besides, I also want to see what rich families are like. In the Rain Hidden Village, whether it's Shinobu-san or Xiaonan-san, There’s nothing interesting or interesting to see…”

"Pah." Muichiro slapped his brother's hand away.

[I knew your purpose was not pure. 】

"Anyway, let's eat first!"

Ichiro was not annoyed, and touched his belly, as if he could really feel hunger as a clone, "When we have eaten, drank, and rested enough, let's move quickly, right? No matter what, we can't let Muichiro Stay up late!”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and it was the hotel waiter: "Guest, it's already dinner time, do you want to order?"

"You're here just in time!" Ichiro invited people in and ordered a lot of food. Anyway, Xuan Mi was here, so he didn't worry about not being able to finish everything.

However, after the waiter handed the menu to the chef, he sneaked to the door of a guest room when no one was paying attention and whispered, "Guest, they had finished their talk when I went there. I only heard them say something like "move quickly" and "don't stay up late" at the end... I guess they are going out tonight."

"Want to go out? That's fine, um..."

"An open place is the perfect place for artists to show off their skills!"

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