Chapter 168 Wanted Order

According to Muichiro, the process of "resurrection" with Ichiro is very simple.

Just as the chromosomes of identical twins are 99.99% similar - the material their souls are made of is almost exactly the same.

Before Muichiro left the underworld, Ichiro suggested that his brother compress himself into the size of a rice ball and hide it in his mouth before taking him out.

Anyway, even if they were discovered while "smuggling", the people in the underworld would not do anything to them. So Muichiro really gave it a try, but to his surprise, there was no obstacle in the whole process.

Not to mention the clueless staff, even the door to another world couldn't find any abnormalities.

"..." On the back of the transport bird, Genya Immortal Kawa opened his mouth in disbelief, "The person who designed this set of rules must be too careless.".

You know, the fact that he can come here instead of Bei Mingyu Xingming is the result of all the staff in the underworld cheating together.

The underworld needed Mingyu Xingming, so he made this deal with him.

First, after communicating with Yiyong, Mingyu Xingmei discovered the fact that Onimusuji Mumei had a "jailbroken" heart, so he was unwilling to leave.

Secondly, it’s because Ubuyashiki Yoshiya foresees that in the continuous war in the next thirty years, many things more evil than Kibutsuji Mukai will come to this place, so everyone in the underworld also hopes to leave a person behind. The Buddhist Vajra comes to control the situation.

In the end, after hundreds of unremitting attempts and a lot of effort, they finally convinced the sect that "Xuanya Immortal Kawa" was the "Mailing Island Xingming" and successfully let him go.

"Isn't it lax?"

Muichiro thought for a while and explained: "Giyu said that in the ninja world, the soul is a special kind of chakra. When we pass through that door, the soul is transformed into something similar."

"As for two identical twins - such as Purgatory Anjuro and Uzumaki Naruto, you and Taketori Kimimaro, your chakras can flow through each other's bodies without any hindrance and are indistinguishable.

"So, it is completely reasonable for Ichiro and I to be recognized as having the chakra of only one person."

[Suddenly I started to understand. 】

Immortal Kawa Xuanya had a headache when he heard this: "Do you mean that you didn't pay any price for doing this?"

For example, although he successfully came to the ninja world, the gate finally discovered the problem, and as a warning and punishment——

After the resurrection, the deafness of the Purgatory Anjuro was corrected, and all the toxins in the body of the resurrected Butterfly Ninja were removed. Only the problem of the immortal Kawakawa Genya's inability to concentrate was directly preserved (cooperating with the corpse bone veins) Even strengthened).

In addition, Xuan Mi did not obtain the initial body of the other two who had practiced the corresponding breathing method Changzhong for one year.

As for the breath of the rock, he learned it under the guidance of Giyu after his resurrection. It can be said that Immortal Kawakawa Genya has the worst "innate conditions" among all the resurrected people.

"...It depends on how you define cost."

Muichiro Tokitoru sat at the front of the transport bird.

He stared closely at Ichiro, who was having a great time squeezed between Suigetsu and Shiro, his eyes reflecting the retreating clouds.

“Because it was judged that there was only one soul, Giyuu could only resurrect one body to carry two people.

"Although Giyuu is very pessimistic and thinks this is not a real 'resurrection', I really like this feeling of being with Ichiro forever..."

He turned his head and directly responded to Xuanya Fusukawa's indescribable expression: "I feel very warm and safe, just like when I was a child, as if nothing has ever changed."

At this moment, Ichiro Tokitou pulled off Suigetsu's data cable and shouted: "Hey! You have failed twice, it's my turn to help defeat this elite monster!"

"Why did you just pull out my line! You bastard!? Did you see that it was frozen?"

"Asshole" pointed at Muichiro across Xuanmi, and Guiteng Suigetsu bared his teeth and roared: "Hey, are you schizophrenic? Why is your clone completely different from your personality and more annoying than you? "

"Sorry for causing trouble to you."

Surprisingly, after Ichiro left the body, Muichiro's mean side seemed to disappear and he became more like a good boy. Even Bai couldn't help but look surprised.

As everyone knows, this is the true appearance of Muichiro Tokitoru - after all, if his brother is by his side, there is no need to live like his brother.

Seeing this reaction, Gui Deng Shuiyue immediately showed the look of an old man on the subway and a mobile phone: "I'm just talking, don't you really want to be divided?"

"It's a split personality, you incompletely evolved idiot."

Ichiro glanced at Suigetsu coldly. The contempt in his eyes and the meanness in his mouth made Uchiha resigned.

“Schizophrenia is the inability to distinguish between reality and imagination, and split personality is when a person cannot bear the misfortunes in life on his own, so he splits out a self to help him do things he normally cannot do.

"Speaking of which, have you really taken that beautiful sister's class? Even I, who only attended one class, know the difference. Is your brain really well developed? Is the number of folds not enough? , just as smooth as your skin.”

"So that's it..." Bai suddenly realized when he heard this, and his eyes wandered between the two brothers, "This can explain a lot of things."

Otherwise, this change of character would be too difficult to understand.

Then, the white tone changed and he asked: "So as Muichiro's split personality, you play the role of his 'protector', right? Generally, the first personality split from personality dissociation is Elderly and threatening types like father and brother..."

[If it is a protective mechanism, it explains the child's poisonous tongue to a certain extent. 】

"I am Muichiro's imaginary brother who he can rely on after losing his family."

Ichiro opened his mouth and began to shape his character in this world, "You can just call me Ichiro. My mission is to deal with and deal with those who hurt him and those who may hurt him on behalf of my innocent brother. His people also suppressed him from developing other personalities."

"I see, the human psychological structure is really wonderful."

Shiro smiled slightly and reached out to touch Tokiro Ichiro's head, "Then thank you for taking care of that child, and I will help you in the future."

"Of course, you don't need to tell me that I can do it! Protecting Muichiro, isn't that the purpose of my coming to this world?"

Tokiro Ichiro's face turned red like a warning light, and then he let out a weird laugh that his younger brother would never have: "Hehe..."

"No," Xuan Mi turned back speechlessly, as if he had seen something unclean, "It's too inconsistent. I really can't stand it anymore."

He was even a little nauseous.

It was like the feeling when Tanjiro met my wife Zenitsu for the second time.

"My brother was only eleven years old when he died in front of me. I had never seen such a handsome person before."

Muichiro's eyes were full of "understand", "Time flows very fast in the underworld, so his mind is only at the level of an eleven or twelve year old. He is a child who sees everything fresh."

[The same goes for you, only two years older than your physical age, not counting the year of amnesia...]

Suppressing the desire to complain, Xuanya pointed at Ichiro who was trying his best to show off in front of Shiro: "But what's going on? You should know that Shiro is a man, right? Why does Ichiro act like he doesn't know anything? ?”

Or is he just good at this?
"Ichiro may not know what I know. This is Giyuu's suggestion."

Muichiro pointed to his head, "The formation of personality depends largely on memory itself. If the two of us don't plan to fuse our souls and completely become one person, we need to keep our different memories and selectively, Sharing them on a limited basis. Also, I’m worried about Ichiro seeing Mugen City…”

"I understand this." Xuan Mi nodded fiercely. Muichiro understood this even if he didn't say it clearly.

The tragedies experienced by the swordsmen are enough to make ordinary people collapse and go crazy, especially Muichiro's painful memories of being cut in half by a bowstring.

If an untrained Ichiro knew this, the consequences would be difficult to predict.

"Yiyong also taught us how to share memories when necessary. He and the big turtle named Isofu demonstrated to us."

Muichiro raised his fist and bumped Xuanmi's fist, "Just like this, we can pass on each other's filtered memories. Of course, only Ichiro can receive it."

Genya suddenly understood: "So, Ichiro is equivalent to the tailed beast in your body to a certain extent? But he doesn't have so much chakra?"

"That's okay to understand."

"But even if his previous memories are not synchronized, then he should be able to see everything you see after your resurrection."

"The transparent world is my unique ability. Bai's gender was determined when I used the transparent world to learn ice escape. Ichiro cannot see the transparent image."

"It's really troublesome and convenient."

Xuan Mi has already begun to worry about the future life of the two brothers, "But he can't live in your body like this forever -"

Muichiro interrupted and emphasized: "It's not my body, it's our body."

"Yes, yes," Xuan Mi doesn't want to dwell on this, "But have you ever thought about it, if you two... fall in love... in the future...

"Well... it's like getting married, but you don't like the person he likes, or he doesn't like the person you like. Isn't this very inconvenient?"

"How come you are like Uncle Iwazhu..." Wuichiro tilted his head, stared at Xuanmi strangely, and revealed the essence in one sentence, "Pay special attention to this kind of thing."

"Anyway," Xuan Mi's face turned red, and he repeatedly clenched his fists manically and then released them, "this matter must be resolved."

"Giyu said he would find a way. Besides, the transparent world can control the chemicals in the body and brain," Muichiro didn't take it seriously at all. "Don't like it until I or Ichiro find a new carrier." It’s better if others don’t.”

【It’s not you I’m worried about. 】

"..." Xuan Mi glanced at the tail of the giant bird with concern, "So, when are you going to tell him that Bai is a boy?"

However, the next moment, Xuan Mi felt a chill all over his body.

He was horrified to see a terrifying smile on Muichiro's lips that only Yuhu was "lucky" to see.

"Wait until one day when I was surrounded by people I knew, Ichiro said something stupid to Shiro, and it happened to make me angry."

Immortal Kawagenya: "!!!"

He just fantasized about that day, and his toes had already dug out a castle tower on the soles of his shoes.

For this reason, for the entire next day, Genya did not dare to talk to Muichiro. Instead, he chanted sutras alone and tried to concentrate without the help of Sharingan.

Muichiro controlled the giant bird to fly eastward. Whenever he saw a city or village, the giant bird would use updrafts to save chakra.

But even so, by five o'clock in the afternoon, Muichiro's chakra had bottomed out, but they were still about half a day away from the East China Sea.

"Can't you just dismantle this clone and take back the remaining chakra?"

Gui Deng Shui Yue said dissatisfiedly, "Anyway, this guy has no use except being annoying."

"Then my role is similar to yours, isn't it?"

Ichiro didn't even need to think when he was yelling at someone, "It was so noisy along the way that I wanted to blow myself up on the spot, you incompletely evolved guy!"

"Why am I not fully evolved!"

As everyone watched helplessly, the two little creatures had their eleventh fight of the day as expected, "Don't think that just because you occasionally took a class from that woman, you abused words! Do you know what evolution means? ?Illiterate who can’t even write!”

"Since you asked sincerely, I will explain it to you mercifully."

Ichiro wrapped his arms around his chest, "If I remember correctly, you only ate jelly-based food all day today, right?"

"So what? That's a specialty of the Iron Country that the teacher bought for me. I'm the only one who has it." Suigetsu emphasized proudly.

"Then your relatives and tribesmen must also eat jelly to survive."

"Nonsense." Gui Deng Shuiyue said matter-of-factly: "The Gui Deng clan has been practicing the art of hydration for hundreds of years, so they can only eat this. Otherwise, it wouldn't be very unsightly to have solid feces floating in the body."

"Don't you understand?" Ichiro pointed to his big white teeth, "Since your family has not eaten solid food for hundreds of years, then aren't these fangs completely redundant..."

When Shiro, Genmi, and Muichiro heard this, they all nodded in enlightenment. Even Gui Deng Suiyue was stunned for a long time, not knowing how to respond.

Finally, Tokitou Ichiro handed out the last knife: "Since these fangs have no effect on your survival, then what's wrong with me saying that you are not fully evolved?"

After a moment of silence, Gui Deng Shui Yue suddenly opened his mouth and pounced forward: "You bastard, I will bite you to death!"

"If you're not afraid of freezing your rotten teeth, come here. It's useless anyway!" Ichiro turned into translucent white ice, showing no fear. In this way, the two people said they wanted to fight but had no intention of fighting. They argued intermittently for more than ten minutes, and finally ended in a losing streak.

"Why didn't I learn the essence of what the teacher said..."

He knelt on the spot and hit his head painfully, "The ability to make people speechless with just one sentence turns out to be so important!"

"That's almost it." Xuan Mi kicked Shui Yue's heel.

[I thought I could see rivers of blood...]

"Since Muichiro's chakra is insufficient, let's find a place to rest first."

Bai unfolded the map of the Kingdom of Fire, browsed around and pointed to one of the landmarks and said: "There is a lake near the village we just passed, so it is probably at this location. Seventy kilometers north of here is Sunspear City. The second largest inland city in the Country of Fire; sixty-eight kilometers to the southeast is Izakura City, which should be an important town judging by its size..."

He looked up at the driver Muichiro: "In Izakura Castle, it's closer to the seaside."

Before Muichiro made a decision, Ichiro took the lead and asked: "Which city has a big river? The kind that facilitates transportation?"

Bai glanced at the map: "They are all there. Large cities in the Fire Country are all dependent on water."

Ichiro: "Is it the same outlet?"

Bai: "No, Sunspear's outlet to the sea is in the north."

Ichiro: "Both the Land of Waves and the Land of Water are in the Northeast, right?"

Bai: "Yes."

Ichiro: "Are there coastal cities or villages south of Izakura Castle? How does the number compare to the north?"

Bai: "A lot more than in the north."

"Then go to Sunspear."

Ichiro looked at his younger brother, "If it is true, as Sister Shinobu said, that the seafood from the Land of Waves and the Land of Water is contaminated and flows inland through trade, then Sunspear City should have a greater chance of possessing such seafood. .

"Firstly, the distance is closer, which makes transportation easier; secondly, there are fewer competitors selling seafood."

"..." Bai glanced at Ichiro in surprise: "Did you think of so much in just a few seconds?"

He just wanted to find a place nearby to rest.

But Ichiro wanted to do it along with the investigation from the beginning.

"Humph, when I went to sell firewood in the towns down the mountain, I was the one...with my personality. Of course I know how to take shortcuts and avoid competitors."

Ichiro puffed up his chest proudly, "If it is Muichiro, he will only end up being deceived."

【This kid is also very smart. 】

Compared with Muichiro's intelligence that he can learn anything from just looking at it, Ichiro's intelligence is of a different kind.

[But in the end, they are the same person. 】

Bai couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"What are you so proud of? I can think of such a thing." Gui Deng Shuiyue blew the hair in front of his forehead.

Muichiro thought for a moment: "That's it, investigate first, then rest."

So, he changed direction and controlled the giant bird to fly towards the north. Within half an hour, he saw the outline of a huge city.

The huge sunset dyed the entire city golden red, and a tall tower shot straight into the sky like a halberd. Viewed horizontally, the tower seemed to split the sunset into two halves. This is probably where the name Sunspear came from.

Seeing that Muichiro wanted to drive the giant bird directly into the city, Shiro quickly stopped him: "In these big cities, there are old chakra cannons that have been eliminated from the Kumo Ninja Village, and their power is equivalent to nearly a hundred detonating charms exploding at the same time.

"Although we are not afraid of this level of attack, there is no need to conflict with the ninjas of the Fire Country. If it is inconvenient to operate secretly, we should just walk in through the city gate."

"it is good."

The gate was guarded by one Konoha chuunin, three genin, and more than a dozen ordinary soldiers equipped with spears or bows and arrows.

The guards asked Muichiro and others about their purpose, and lost interest after receiving the answer "travel".

The genin responsible for the inspection found that they did not have any weapons on them, and when they were about to let them go, the leader of the Konoha chunin took a deep look at Genya Immortal Kawakawa.

This ninja looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. He stared at the Immortal River and said in a warning tone: "You are not allowed to cause trouble after entering the city; you are not allowed to move on the rooftops; and finally, you are absolutely not allowed to engage in human trafficking in the city. Listen, do you understand?"

Fusukawa Genya suddenly understood - he was regarded as a human trafficker because he looked too vicious!
When he glanced at Ichiro, the clothes under the boy's black robe were even made of paper, and he was even barefoot!

The clothes of the remaining people have to adapt to the hot and humid weather of the Rain Country, so they need to be as cool as possible. Compared with the clothes of the Fire Country people, they are too simple.

In addition, the luggage of the five people is packed in cards, and there are no storage scrolls on them. This does not fit the image of a "tourist" at all. Instead, it looks more like Genya Immortal Kawa who is coming to the city with a few "goods". It's like he ran away after just one vote.

Especially when, except for Gui Deng and Shui Yue, the other three look prettier than the last.

"Why are you so red in the face? Why do you still want to take action here?"

Seeing that Genya Fusugawa seemed to be angry, the chuunin bent forward threateningly: "I don't know which dignitary in the city you are delivering goods to, and I don't bother to care about their bad affairs, but You must have heard about what happened in the Fire Capital last year, right?"

"What's going on?" Xuan Mi recited the scriptures silently in his mind, suppressing his anger, but his curiosity was aroused.

"You do not know?"

This chuunin had a weird look on his face, as if he didn't know he was still involved in this circle. "More than two years ago, Lord Ashina Shumo, the former Lord of Tibet, the nephew of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, and the grandnephew of the Third Hokage, for a little shady personal Hobby, sent his men to kidnap a pair of twins from a small town in the Country of Grass, about the same age as these two..."

He pointed at Brother Muichiro.

"Then what?" Xuan Mi and the others wanted to know the result.

"Anyway, there is nothing more for this lord to do."

The chuunin spread his hands and said, "The next morning, our Lord Daimyo got up and found that there was no servant to serve him, so he angrily opened the door to the palace by himself. Just as he was about to curse, he saw a young man holding Lord Ashina's hand. The head was sitting on the steps without saying a word, and the four guardian ninjas on duty that night were lying on the ground. "

"Gudong." Although he had already guessed, when he thought of that scene, Bai couldn't help but feel scared for the daimyo's situation at that time.

"The young man forced Ashina-sama's head into His Highness's arms, showed him the frightened expression of the deceased, and then said——"

The chuunin cleared his throat and deliberately imitated with a cold face, "Next time, I will kill everyone who protects this guy, no matter who it is, there will be no exceptions. ”

Then, the chuunin returned to his previous appearance, seeming very satisfied with the shock (or numbness) on several people's faces.

"So you see, someone dares to threaten even the daimyo for two children from a place like the Land of Grass..."

The chuunin's index finger tapped Shiro, Muichiro and Ichiro in turn, "You brought three of them."

Apparently Shuiyue was regarded as an accomplice of the human trafficker because of the shark teeth.

"Gee, I can't even imagine what's going to happen tomorrow morning."

He glanced at Immortal Kawagenya: "So I advise you to quickly send it back to where you brought it from, otherwise you can wait for me to collect the body for you tomorrow."

After that, he turned back and continued to check other pedestrians, unwilling to pay attention to Xuan Mi and his party.

Several people were carried into the city gate by the crowd, still sighing at someone's audacity.

"He's talking about righteousness..." Bai sighed with emotion, "I didn't expect him to do this."

For the sake of a few foreign missing people, he dared to splash blood at the door of the daimyo's palace.

You know, back then, Kirigakure Village was in such a terrible state due to Yagura's disaster, and no one thought about doing anything to the daimyo...

There is no distinction between high and low in human life. In Yiyong's mouth, it is by no means a simple slogan.

"No wonder Nobu and Tayuya said yesterday that the Land of Fire is the country with the fewest missing people. I thought it was because Konoha was the strongest."

Xuan Mi couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "It turns out that something like this happened... I've never heard of Senior Giyu mentioning it. Muichiro, did you write it in your travel diary?"

Muichiro shook his head: "Judging from the date, the travel notes only cover the past six months."


After the three people passed through the city gate, they saw Yiyong's face at the top of the five rows of wanted posters on the wall.

The other wanted criminals were all labeled as "S" or "A" level traitors, but Giyuu Uchiha had only one name on his nine-digit bounty——

Crime: Blank. Origin: Blank. Abilities: Blank.

"Speaking of rewards," Xuan Mi suddenly remembered something: "Do you have money?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally all focused their attention on Gui Deng Shui Yue.

None of them had left Yuyin Village for several years, and only Gui Deng and Shui Yue had gone out.

Gui Deng Shui Yue was speechless: "What do you think I'm going to do?! I don't accept employment, and the teacher doesn't allow me to steal. I can only kill a few bandits on the road and inherit their inheritance. I only have that little money." It’s been spent long ago.”

"Then we can only sell the detonating talisman." Muichiro took out a card and looked around, "Where can I exchange the detonating talisman for money?"

Bai and Gui Deng Shui Yue looked at each other: "Underground gold exchange!"

It seems that these two are old acquaintances there.

"Underground?" Muichiro repeated, his voice sounding uncertain, "It's not an aboveboard place, right?"

"Who will exchange the detonating talisman with you in a regular place? The only one who can take this thing away." Gui Deng Shuiyue leaned over and asked, "How much do you want to exchange for?"

"Replace everything in this card." Wuichiro shook his head, "Xiaonan... Sister Xiaonan has given me too much, and I can't use it no matter how much I think about it. If it's not enough by then, I'll learn Fire Escape and then do it myself Just make it.”

"Okay, Bai and I will go find the underground money exchange in this city, and you two will go to the fish market to investigate. Anyway, you are the only one with eyes like that."

Suigetsu took Muichiro's card and tossed it around.

It was a small card, but the contents inside were worth at least ten digits.

"With such a large amount of money, the money exchange will definitely take a long time to prepare. We will gather here at eight o'clock in the evening."

Then, everyone looked at Ichiro: "What about you? Where are you going?"

Ichiro stood next to Shiro without hesitation, with a sly smile on his face: "Of course I chose this side, what's so good about fish?"

"Didn't you say that you were born to protect Muichiro?" Xuanya repeated what Ichiro said about the transport bird.

"What dangers can there be in a fish market? An underground gold exchange sounds much darker, okay?"

Ichiro was already prepared, "Besides, protecting Muichiro's friends is indirectly protecting Muichiro, isn't it?"

Muichiro was stunned for a moment, then immediately corrected: "They are not mine..."

"Go quickly." Ichiro quickly stepped forward and pushed Muichiro towards Xuanmi, "After we get the money, we will buy some fun and delicious food for you."

After saying that, he turned around and followed Bai and Shuiyue, and disappeared into the crowd after taking a few breaths.

After a long time, Xuan Mi said silently: "You are right, telling him the truth now is simply rewarding him..."

"So..." Muichiro nodded slowly, "We must wait until a grand and public occasion."

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