Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 70 Let's Sing! 【New book asks for everything】

Chapter 70 Let's Sing! 【New book asks for everything】

"Are you still coming? Don't bring such a thing! Hey, quickly let Xiaoyue and the others come up, or I really can't stay here."

Yu Qian couldn't listen anymore, so he quickly found out what to say, otherwise they would have to play on the stage for a while.

At the side curtain, Xiaoyue and the others are also ready at any time.

After knowing this letter, they came to the stage together.

After all came up, the stage of the Beizhan Theater became lively.

A bunch of actors play on it.

At the same time, there are more programs.

Needless to say, Yue Yunpeng sang a song about giving away a lover, and the movement of the widow's voice will never get tired of listening.

As for Meng He Tang.

He is indeed relatively young now, and he can only open or perform the second program in small theaters.

But he also came for a certain time.

So when it was his turn to sing the lyrics of Taiping, Guo Degang and Yu Qian watched silently from behind, especially Yu Qian.

This is his son.

The business side has been watching.

After singing, I felt that it was all right, and I made great progress.

But there is still a problem, that is, there is no fixed partner. If we really want to talk about cross talk in Deyun Club stably, a partner is indispensable.

Not to mention, they were still talking about this topic just now.

There are coincidences, some people match, and some rush to the stage.

But no matter what, it takes time for the two people to get in and develop a tacit understanding, so that the audience will not be an eyesore.

However, there was no need to rush this matter, so Yu Qian watched the children talking, chatting and performing on the stage.

I also talk to them from time to time.

And Guo Degang went down to rest with his husband for the time being.

It's just that after they went down, no matter how lively the venue was, it had to end when it was time to end.

Because if the time is exceeded, the organizer will be fined.

So after ten o'clock, almost eleven o'clock.

All the actors bowed together, ending the North Exhibition commercial performance.

This ends.

Thousands of audience members burst into applause and cheers instantly.

Everyone has vanity, and Qi Yuncheng is no exception, standing on the stage and thanking him constantly.

But what really makes him happy now is not the final applause, but his first commercial performance, which came to a successful conclusion.

Nothing happened and the audience was happy, which is very satisfying for him personally.



"This time, the performance is considered a success."


When Shi Fukuan heard the commotion on the stage, he looked at Guo Degang and said such a sentence.

Guo Degang nodded again and again, "Yes, the child's performance is over."

"That's good! This commercial performance is over, and I guess there will be no place this kid can't go to in the future."


These words reminded Guo Degang that he could handle that situation when he saved the field before.

Not to mention other places.

The key is that his progress is not small.

But at this time, Yu Qian walked over from the stage quickly, and said, "Actually, the children have made a lot of progress at this stage recently.

Yuncheng is not the only man.

Just now Xiaomeng sang well, I think we can consider finding an actor to cooperate with.

How often do we think about it? "

"Yes, let's find a time." Guo Degang nodded after listening to his senior brother. Xiaomeng really wanted to find a permanent one now.

Otherwise it is not a thing.

While they were talking, Shi Fukuan's eyes suddenly changed, he looked at the children on the other side who had just stepped off the stage and took off their coats, and then he also noticed the apprentice named Xiao Meng mentioned by his apprentice.

After thinking about it just now, there is indeed a little foundation.

But when he thought of singing, he was a little curious, so he asked, "Degang, how is this kid Yun Cheng's singing skills?
I've never seen him sing alone.

Learn to sing very little. "

Guo Degang naturally knew his apprentice well, but he also told the truth, "It's not bad, I studied hard and was smart when I was young.

There are levels to come to power.

Just don't act much. "


Speaking of which.

Guo Degang is also willing to chat with his husband more, because he has a lot of apprentices, and he can do everything, and the singers are naturally good at it.

So the chatterbox was opened for a while.

"I have an apprentice who is also my godson, named Tao Yang, whose stage name is Tao Yunsheng, not too old.

But when I was a few years old, I was learning opera, so my voice and singing skills are good.

Known as a Peking Opera prodigy.

At that time, when he sang, almost everyone in the backstage didn't argue with him, so as time went on, I didn't see Yun Cheng sing much.

Now Tao Yang usually follows me on the show, and then goes to record some local operas. "

Heard such a thing.

Shi Fukuan suddenly realized that he really didn't expect Deyun to have such a disciple, and he didn't blame him for not knowing, because Tao Yang only came here in 07.

It was really small back then.

Mistress Wang Hui often sleeps in her arms, so it can be imagined.

Of course, he has grown up a lot now, but he is still about the same size.

After knowing this, the master really wanted to know about that child, but Qi Yuncheng was still curious about it, so he asked again.

"Then sing, let him come to me to listen to a few words."

"Dad! This is just right!!"

Speaking of this, Yu Qian immediately turned up the volume as if he had beaten chicken blood.

This sentence made Shi Fukuan tremble in fright, turned his head to stare at Yu Qian and frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

"No, Dad, I happened to see him watching operas and other things before, and he was often asking me and Degang.

Just don't know what's going on.

It happened to be called over to understand, this is indeed a matter. "

When mentioning this, Guo Degang was not unclear, so he replied, "It's okay, anyway, I'm full of interest just after the scene."

"Okay, let the child come, I'll just listen to a sentence or two."

Three people agreed on this matter.

The other side got off the stage, and Qi Yuncheng, who was drinking water, didn't know it at all.

Wait until the coat has just been taken off and is neatly stacked.

I heard my master calling me to go over.

He didn't dare to delay, so he hurried over, and then called the three of them.

Guo Degang was also curious at this time, put his hand on the child's arm, and explained.

"Your grandfather wants to hear you sing, just because he is interested? You learn to sing and listen to it.

What to come here is up to you. "

Finish this sentence.

The eyes of the three people were all on Qi Yuncheng, but they were not the only ones.

Xiaoyue and Sun Yue in the backstage were lively and bustling, but after vaguely knowing this, they all turned their heads to look at the past one after another.

Not to mention Hou Zhen, he didn't even look at his phone, and immediately joined in the fun.

"What? Do you want to make a Beijing opera? I can do it, why don't I sing it. I know a lot, how about Xiaofan?
Seeing the princess stealing the arrow~"

Shi Fukuan didn't know what his voice was, so he immediately waved his hands and said with a little disgust, "Don't get involved! This is serious."

(End of this chapter)

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