Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 660 It's okay for Master Master to be abducted by human traffickers! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 660 It's okay for Master Master to be abducted by human traffickers! 【Subscribe】

"Is Dad back yet? Xixi has already opened her eyes."

In the early morning of the next day, Xixi climbed onto the bed and called out to her mother who was soundly asleep. Compared to her mother, the little girl woke up at seven o'clock.

"Ah? What? Don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while."

Song Yi didn't want to take care of the little girl, it was worrying day by day, as long as she woke up, she would make trouble for herself.

The disadvantage of having children is this, there is no time for purity.

"Father said he would come back as soon as he opened his eyes, but he hasn't come back yet."

Regarding this news, Song Yi knew that the couple had a brief chat when they got home last night, and found that the little girl had a dream about her father and wanted to make a video call with her father, she was so cute.

But now it's not cute at all.

It's still a little annoying.

"Oh, think about it carefully!"

Song Yi continued to sleep on one side, while Xixi was pulled aside and began to think and recall. Yesterday was too sleepwalking, and she was in a daze, so she remembered to make a video for her father.

Maybe I forgot what I said.

Of course, let Dad bring food, remember to die.

"Xixi forgot."

"Forget it, forget it, your father will come back sooner or later, it's okay."


Sitting next to her mother, Xixi was a little awkward, she clearly said she would come back with her eyes open.

But before she came back, her voice started to sob suddenly, she understood that mother should know when father will come back.

So I spoke.

"Mom told Xixi how soon father would be back, and Xixi gave mother the big jelly."

"That's what you said! Don't go back on your word, I really heard it."

Originally, she was still sleeping on her side on the pillow, and she didn't think about it at all. Suddenly, Song Yi suddenly stood up and looked at her daughter seriously.

Xixi tilted her head, feeling that she had been tricked by her mother, but she still nodded.

"Well, how long does it take for dad to come back? Dad said he would bring something delicious for Xixi."

"Are you confused? You said you would come back with your eyes open, but you opened your eyes twice, which means you came back after taking a nap."

"How long was that?"

"It's two o'clock, doesn't Xixi always sleep after one o'clock?"

"Okay, Xixi knows."

Xixi was obviously a little disappointed at the loss of a question asked by the big jelly, because the big jelly was saved for eating this morning, and now it is given to her mother.

I can only obediently get out of bed and prepare for today's breakfast.

But seeing that, Song Yi shook his head helplessly, "It's alright, alright, let's be half of each other, okay?"

"it is good."

In an instant, the little girl became happy, and jumped up happily. The happiness of a child is very simple, especially for a bite of delicious food.

So Song Yi scratched his head and started to get up. After going out to wash, he shared the big jelly he bought with his daughter.

As for giving it all to the little girl, it's not impossible, but even a mother wants to eat it.


Then the whole family stayed at home all morning, and at noon Xixi fell asleep after eating.

Even her younger brother followed her.

The relationship between the siblings is the best, and even the older sister is very proud to teach the younger brother to count the hairs that fall off the noodles. After all, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so there is no need to pull them out, but the count is definitely not more than ten.

So a handful of hairs can never be counted.

While falling asleep, from one o'clock to two o'clock, Xixi opened her eyes according to the habit in the kindergarten.

When I opened my eyes, I felt drowsy, and I still felt very drowsy, but I had to wake up to see if my father was there.

"What's wrong? Finally woke up?"

Suddenly, her father's face appeared in her line of sight, Xixi was so excited that she was about to reach out and hug her father's neck on the bed.

For a child, there is nothing like the surprise when mom and dad come back.

A child's world cannot be without the company of adults.

With Xixi hanging on her neck, Qi Yuncheng hugged her and straightened her up, using a lot of strength. She will be five years old in five months, and she is growing fast enough.

"Dad! Xixi dreamed about her father last night."

"Really? That means you really thought about it, so Dad bought jelly for Xixi, which is what you like to eat."

"Well, I like Dad the most."

When she snuggled up to her father, Jing Jing who was next to her was also woken up by the noise. She was also happy to see her father, so she hugged him too.

Hugging together at once is enough for two guys.

It will take a lot of effort to hold it up for another two or three years.

"Let's go, go out and have a look, your grandpa is here too, and your uncle Dalin."

Let the children simply put on the slippers, Qi Yuncheng took them out, and as soon as they went out.

Guo Degang couldn't love him enough, and Guo Qiling did the same. He hugged him and respected him. This is his nephew, and it's impossible not to kiss him.

Xixi went to hug grandpa, and asked if there was any food as soon as she hugged her.

Although it's a bit impolite, but I'm used to it, and Guo De just went to see the two little guys, so why didn't he bring food.

So I picked up a jelly from the plastic bag, tore open the package and fed it to the two little guys.

"Do you like Grandpa?" Guo Degang asked as he looked at the little girl who was eating.

Xixi hugged the small box of jelly and nodded, "I like it. Grandpa would like it even more if he brought hamburgers for Xixi and younger brother."


Guo Qiling grinned from ear to ear, "Xixi has a talent for cross talk, she's so good at talking when her mouth is never idle."

"Whoever told her that a bunch of uncles are talking about cross talk, the belt can be broken, and it will definitely not be a fuel-efficient lamp in the future."

Qi Yuncheng complained, and then asked something serious, "Master, how long do you plan to set up Shanghai's branch, didn't you even say you would also set up the Qilin club before? There has been no trace."

"The branch is easy to handle. We have done it several times, so you don't need to worry about it."

Guo Degang hugged his little granddaughter and said, "The main Qilin club is a big problem, and now we haven't even chosen a venue. You should pay more attention when you go to Tianjin recently, and see if there is a good piece of land over there. If there is a good place, it will be easy to handle.

Other major issues can be discussed with everyone. "

Qi Yuncheng readily agreed, he has a lot of variety shows this year, but he doesn't have too many big shows, so he has time to do some things.

Don't even consider setting up some small sessions for Lan Lan.

To tell the truth, her popularity is about the same.

It can be held once when you find a time.

I'm really looking forward to it when the time comes.

Because since the establishment of Deyun Drum Music Society, my apprentice is the first to hold a special performance as a student or a child.

It means a lot.

Maybe laymen don’t understand what the meaning is, but old artists can understand it best, just like when my teacher Wang Hui held a special session.

So many old gentlemen were present, even the old lady Luo Yusheng was there, which shows that it is not easy to have a child come out to do this.

This was the case at that time, but it is even more valuable in the age of advanced information.

So it's a very important thing.

And Guo Degang, who is the master, can detect the child's thoughts at a glance, and looks around, "Where's Lan Lan? Didn't you hear that you came back yesterday? You even saved a lot."

Song Yi was eating jelly with the child, "Lan Lan went to play with her good friend after breakfast, that's Wu Lijuan, the one who plays the pipa."

"Really? It seems that the relationship is still very good, it is fate, and I have recruited another actor who can accompany De Yun."

If you don't play, you can't sing. Guo Degang knows it all too well, the key point is that the girl can also sing.

But Lanlan wasn't there, so he didn't bother to say anything, so the topic changed and he started talking about Douxiaoshe again.

Douxiaoshe is still gaining popularity recently, and the previous few episodes have dominated the top three on Youku platform for a long time. As long as you open the software, you can see the push of the show.

It's so popular that each episode is worth tens of millions on the day it is broadcast.

But the recording of the next issue has to go to Shanghai.

The branch address is not optimistic, and now it is nothing more than a rest.

If you go again, it may be to start negotiating a contract with others.

So a group of people chatted with the family for an afternoon relying on the latest programs or events.

After chatting, he stayed at home for dinner, and Qi Yuncheng spent another night in peace. On the second day, he vigorously took Master to see the location of Qilin Club first.

As a man in two lives, it is impossible for him not to know the location of the Qilin Club.

When he arrived at the place, Guo Degang was taken aback. Good guy, it’s not bad. The geographical location and scale are all in his mind, so he decided directly, and he didn’t know how good he was.

Although he talks about cross talk, his biggest hobby is Peking Opera.

So the address of the Kylin Club can be determined at once, can you not be happy?

However, it is more difficult to set up a Peking Opera club than to set up a small cross talk theater. No matter what, it will take several months to make certain arrangements.

This can not be sloppy.

But without the complicated and time-consuming site selection, the itinerary must be much faster than in the previous life.

In the next few days, Qi Yuncheng also had a lot of things to do at home besides being with the children.

I once performed with Uncle Yu in Beizhan. During the performance, because Uncle Yu was next to me, the effect of Mr. Yu's one-day works was better.

The audience rattled.

After the performance, I have to participate in some traditional folk art activities as a publicity ambassador, and even young artists have to go.

Keep busy.

After I finished my work, I watched Lanlan's performance once, and it was time for the next episode of Douxiaoshe.

But on the first day of leaving, Qi Yuncheng decided to hold a special show for Lanlan.

The time is set for Friday next week.

And started promoting it on Weibo that night.

He doesn't want to make too much noise in his propaganda, but he is the master, so he wants to talk about it briefly.

But a group of uncles joined in the fun, and Luan Yunping, Yang Hetong, Meng Hetang, Zhou Jiuliang, Shaobing and others all reposted it.

This is even more true for Master and Mistress.

For this reason, Qi Yuncheng didn't care how many people would come to sell the tickets.

It's just that the master is a little worried whether such praise is a good thing.

Humans expand, and no one is an exception.

Especially as his own apprentice, as long as it is completely revealed, the outside world will pay special attention to it.

"Forget it, look at her own. Didn't she say she wants to be a character? It's an experience to act well or not."

With a word of exclamation, Qi Yuncheng continued to go to Shanghai, while Zhou Gulan prepared for the performance immediately, each had its own things to do.

When they arrived at the location, the brothers took their luggage and entered the hotel lobby to check in.

The formalities are completed.

Qi Yuncheng put aside some thoughts and lived in the same room with Luan Yunping to record the show, but before he rested for a long time, a message came from everyone's mobile phone.

"Look, I knew it had already started, otherwise why are the cameramen at the door so busy."

Luan Yunping took out her mobile phone and told her partner.

Qi Yuncheng himself also looked at the text message.

[Urgent notice, this competition will start at 17:00, please prepare to arrive at the scene immediately, if you are late, 10 point will be deducted every 1 minutes every night]

"Sure enough, it's another moth."

"Then what should I do? There's still an hour left, let alone ironing the coat for the performance, even the partner doesn't know who it is, it can't be the original partner, right?"

Luan Yunping was also quite speechless. She originally wanted to rest for a while, make tea and then eat something, but now she has nothing.

In a hurry.

But when they were about to take their coats from their luggage to be ironed, a man came outside suddenly.

Little four!

There was an elimination in the last period, and after the elimination, he will fill in the seat.

It can be regarded as looking forward to him, the master told him from the beginning that Douxiao Club has him, but the filming period was more than half, and finally showed up.

"Brother! I have a mission, don't be in a hurry, when will you leave?"

Xiao Si came in and asked the two senior brothers who had the closest room to them.

But when he came in and saw that two people were holding their coats and preparing to iron them, they turned around and hurried down the corridor without waiting for anyone to reply.

"Hurry up, Brother Cake! Let's go quickly, they are about to start, we can't be slow, we have to get ahead of them."

Hearing Xiao Si's voice, Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping looked at each other in blank dismay, they really deserved to be a pair of broken mouths.

There is no time to stop.

But on the contrary, it was this voice that completely urged everyone to move.

Everyone left the hotel and went on the road.

When we arrived at the venue, a group of brothers and sisters were stunned.

I thought the performance venue was in full swing, and it was even a little too late, but I went.

Nothing, just an empty scene inside.

No microphone.

So Xiao Si, who arrived first, made some inquiries, and then stood at the door and talked to a group of fellow apprentices.

"Now there is a problem. The show starts at five o'clock, and it's already past five o'clock, but no one is there."

"Is there really no one?"

"Go in and see if you don't believe me."

As soon as they took a step, several brothers who didn't believe it went in for the first time, and when they went in, it was indeed like this, it was very empty.

However, just entered.

Shang Xiaoju's hurried voice came from the second floor.

"Uncle, are you still hanging out here? Something happened, so hurry up and have a look.

Master and Teacher Yu disappeared. "

Sure enough, it was a big moth, Luan Yunping looked to the second floor and responded, "Yo, it's gone?"

"Yeah, the chair is still warm."

"oh, I see."

"That's weird enough."

"Where do you think they can go? Leave us alone."

The following people spoke very calmly, without any panic, and looked around like they were walking in the street, but Gao Xiaobai, who was next to Shang Xiaoju on the second floor, was holding on to the guardrail and said, "Why are they not in a hurry?"

Shang Xiaoju looked at Gao Xiaobai, with the expression of you asking me who to go to, so she could only rush over to welcome him to the second floor.

"Why are you not in a hurry? Master and Teacher Yu are all lost!!"

Shaobing stepped up the stairs, looked at the relatively small Shang Xiaoju and let out a laugh, "Is this your first time recording this show?"

"Yes!" Shang Xiaoju nodded simply.

Qi Yuncheng smiled at his innocence, "You are too business-like, don't say that master and uncle are lost. Even if you are abducted by human traffickers, it will be fine. They will guarantee that the human traffickers will be limped the next day."

(End of this chapter)

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