Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 658 Your master is not a normal person! 【Subscribe】

"I've got Jingjing, it's really not good, let's arrange a job for your daughter, and tell me what your daughter wants to be."

In Shanghai Deyun Company, Guo Degang arranged jobs for Yuncheng's daughter and son with great interest, and he became addicted as soon as he was arranged, and he was indeed a little imaginative about the future.

I hope that the two little guys will also be prosperous in the Deyun Club, or it would be best to do something with them.

That was the story of the new generation, and they, the old guys, depended on them.

"Hey." Qi Yuncheng sighed, "Arranging a job for Xixi? It's far better to let her do something than to let her watch the snack shop, and she can eat for herself in a few days.

When she was still a baby, she did not take less night milk, and often woke up after falling asleep, holding back to drink milk, and could not starve herself for half a minute. "

"Aren't all children like this? How do you know what?" Guo Degang said.

But Qi Yuncheng shook his head, "Jingjing will be much better, most of the time he will sleep through the night without taking night milk, even if he wakes up, he won't cry too much, and waits for his parents to wake up.

Taking care of him was easier than Xixi's time, but it was a little more uncomfortable when she was pregnant. "

Speaking of his two children, Qi Yuncheng, who is a father, must have a lot to talk about. These two children have their own characteristics, but regardless of their advantages and disadvantages, they are his favorites.

Rare not.

Guo Degang could also see how much his own children valued them. When he talked about them, his face was full of happiness. How lucky he was to get two such lovely children, but after a pause, the atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds back.

When the master speaks again.

"It's not a problem to rest here, let's play with Shang Hai together, and then look at the alternatives at night, and then go back to Yanjing tomorrow to see my granddaughter and grandson."

"Okay! Where to play!"

"It's good to take one step at a time, even if it presses the road."

It was rare for them to come out together, the master and apprentice were going to take a stroll, but at this time Luan Yunping came in, he was preparing tea just now, and just brought the tea set over, he saw this posture and asked curiously.

"Are you going out? I just prepared it. I brought the tea myself."

"Did you bring your own tea from such a long distance?" Qi Yuncheng asked in disbelief.

"Of course, it doesn't feel right to go outside without a drink."

"Okay, have a drink before going out."

The thought of going out can only be delayed for a while, and at the same time they said that cross talk is inseparable from these, even though Luan Yunping is young, she still loves drinking tea very much.

It seems to be infected by Master and Uncle.

However, hobbies like literature and entertainment cannot be contagious. There are not many brothers in their group who especially love this, like Qi Yuncheng, Yue Yunpeng, and Luan Yunping.

It can only be said that it is still a little older.

So they simply drank tea and chatted, even Teacher Gao called together, and then went shopping together.

Nothing to do, nothing more than good weather, walking around.

Whenever something delicious comes across, the master will ask the child to buy one for him and Lao Gao to taste something new.

Even if you go to a milk tea shop.

Qi Yuncheng ordered a cup of lemon tea for Master, and Guo Degang sat at the small table inside and drank it, smashing it, "Why do all those young girls like to drink this, this is not as good as drinking tea .

Only Xiao Luan's tea is good. "

"You don't like it, some people like it, drink it slowly, do you want some milkshake for you." Qi Yuncheng said while looking outside, there were already people watching outside.

But fortunately, there are not many people at this point.

Write a few autographs and they can drink their own.

And Guo Degang was helpless, "Then you really want me to tell you that I am here. I dare not drink a few more sips. Order a strawberry-flavored milkshake for your uncle Gao. He likes it so much that he loves it so much. Hurry up and drink it all day." Inseparable."

No matter how old you are, there are many patterns of brothers cheating on each other, Gao Feng sat next to him and yelled, "Oh, good guy, don't listen to your master talking nonsense, I don't even know what the milkshake tastes like.

Let me show you how many cups Master wants. Diabetes is not a problem. "

"You can try to harm me."

To put it bluntly, Guo Degang and Gao Feng talked a lot throughout the whole process, but even so, their faces were cheerful.

And while drinking, it seemed that word spread that they were here.

Someone came in quickly.

"Ms. Guo, I like you the most. Can I have an autograph?"

"Qi Yuncheng, I love you the most!!"

"Team Luan!!"

"Mr. Gao, can you sign here?"

Seven or eight people in a row entered this small milk tea shop, and all four of them were helping to sign. Especially when it was Gao Feng, they couldn't help but say, "There are still people who like me, it's not easy."


There is another wave, seeing this posture, Guo Degang sensed something was wrong, and said, "Old Gao, hurry up, finish your milk tea soon, we are going to move our position.

Otherwise it will fall. "

"It's the same as fighting a war, but you can't always stay in one place."

Being a star is like this, as long as you go out, you can easily be watched.

In particular, milk tea shops are places where there are many young people, and there are almost no young people who don't know Deyun Club.

After going out, the four of them continued to press the road, and went back to rest at five or six o'clock.

Then at dinner time, a group of people gathered together to eat hot pot.

When it comes to hot pot, Guo Qiling is so happy, there is nothing he doesn't understand about eating this thing, sitting at the table watching the steaming hot pot, busy with work.

Today I definitely want to eat freely. I haven't eaten for a long time, and I can finally let go.

And brother agrees.

But my father and Teacher Gao didn't come at all, they didn't like this, otherwise they had to take care of them.

"I'm so beautiful today, I'm looking forward to it. Brother, I'll get you some dipping sauce, just sit down."

Holding the small bowl, Dalin hurried to go.

When I came back from work, I decided to eat with a group of people.

Yue Yunpeng, Luan Yunping, and Shaobing are also together. After all, Yunzike has the longest history and the best relationship.

As for Zhang Helun and Meng Hetang, they found other restaurants to eat out by themselves, and they may not all love hot pot.

"Come on, let's eat."

Everyone started to move their chopsticks, drinking some wine from time to time, only Qi Yuncheng looked at Dalin's enthusiasm leisurely, and asked curiously, "Do you love this thing so much?"


"What kind of hot pot do you like?"

"Of course, this is the treasure of Chinese culture." Guo Qiling scalded a few pieces of tripe, dipped it in the dipping sauce, and stuffed it into his mouth decisively, then moved his chopsticks again without stopping for a second.

The same goes for the mouth.

"There is not even a hot pot that I don't like. I have talked about it before. Hong Kong-style hot pot, stewed goose in iron pot, old Yanjing mutton, sour soup beef hot pot, and sukiyaki are all delicious."

Seeing Dalin like this, Shaobing said, "Brother Cheng, he was so fat when he was young, how could he not like eating these?
Especially in the small theater before, we often took it with us and ate almost everything.

It’s just that you don’t go there often, and even after the performance, you go home immediately, and we go for supper. "

"Yeah, how could I have turned you into two 'bastards' at that time? Dalin weighed 190 catties at his heaviest. Now I don't dare to think about it. But let's eat well today, and you can order anything, anyway. I give money."

"Brother, I love you so much."

Guo Qiling couldn't stop eating while working.

Looking at them, Qi Yuncheng moved his chopsticks casually, and then looked at the menu.

Several of them have to eat a lot of old men, and they must eat a lot, and the first order may not be enough.

Especially even he thought the tripe was delicious and wanted to have some more.

But no matter how much he eats, he is not as scary as his wife. She wants to save a little appetite, and she can eat as much as two people.

It is more edible than what they say about cross talk.

It is estimated that she should have finished eating by now.




At the same time, the same night fell, on the other side of the Tianjin Drum Music Club, Song Yi sneezed suddenly on the side curtain of the stage.

You don't need to guess to know that it is the husband who is talking about yourself. Sometimes there will be such a little telepathy between husband and wife.

But why she appeared here now is for Lanlan.

Lan Lan's performance in the Guqu Club is improving day by day and is still loved by people. Her talent can be said to be fully displayed on this platform.

Although it is not popular on the Internet, the Tianjin audience who came to the Guqu Club have already recognized her appearance.

Has a little popularity.

At the same time, today is her earnest savings in the youth team, relying on herself to sell a ticket.

You must know that except when the youth team was founded, there was very little for her to save the bottom line. Almost every week, a well-known actor was invited to perform at the end of the youth team.

It belongs to those who bring the youth team to sell tickets. Logically speaking, the youth team of cross talk is not like this.

Who is the cross talk market? Even if you don't know anyone, you will buy a low-priced ticket to watch the excitement and stay for an afternoon.

Crosstalk is easy to understand, and it's fun to play.

Even after watching a few more scenes, you may still remember that actor.

Drum music is different, it is too difficult to get started, and there are no mature actors to lead the ticket sales, sometimes not many people come on Friday.

I tried it, so I invited some of De Yun's own actors to come.

People like Xie Jing, Zhang Yunlei, and Tao Yang were sometimes called by Wang Hui.

But the Guqu youth team cannot go on like this forever, the youth team always has to rely on themselves.

So now no matter who it is, they will cultivate Lan Lan intentionally or unintentionally, and Lan Lan saves her money, and Song Yi, who is the teacher's wife, must come and see her.

But not only saving up for her, but also for her state, even she can find that there is something wrong with Lanlan's state recently.

"It's really not full of people today."

At this moment, the Guqu Club had already opened, and the host went up to give the opening remarks, but there were still some latecomers, who kept looking for their seats below.

"It's very good. I heard from your master that even if Deyun has been popular for so long, the ticket sales of some small cross talk theaters are not good. Only a dozen people can come in a day."

Looking at the girl who was about the same height as him, Song Yi comforted her.

There are about [-] people here today, so it must be very good.

At the same time, Wu Lijuan also followed Lan Lan, and said softly, "Let me accompany you today, my pipa has grown."


Zhou Gulan nodded, showing a good-looking smile. Now the relationship between the two of them is the best, and they often eat together, go shopping and chat at school, and they are the two people who talk the most.

And the voice fell.

Suddenly there was a burst of applause on the stage. It was the first female student who came on stage to perform after the host announced the curtain. The female student wore a beautiful long dress and began to sing the first program.

Looking at her, Zhou Gulan started to stare blankly at the side screen, his eyes reflected the lights of the stage and the figures of actors performing.

She is completely different now from the past, her performance level can completely abuse her back then, but the more different she is, the weirder she feels.

I always feel that something is missing in my heart, and it is still very important to be missing.

It is this emotion that has made her feel a little bit wrong recently.

Or a little anxious and irritable.

"Master, I'm going down to rest for a while."

Saying that, Zhou Gulan turned around and went backstage. The actors in the backstage were almost all students, and the majority were only the teacher Yang Hetong, who was also managing the Drum Music Club.

Find a place to sit down, and then look at the performance costumes I carefully put on the table, feeling even weirder in my heart.

But not long after sitting down, Song Yi, who was the teacher's wife, took a stool and sat on the child, and at the same time turned around and brought two more apples.


"I don't want to eat right now."

"Then I'll eat." One was placed on the table, and Song Yi took a bite of the other, "What's the matter? What's on your mind? Or did you miss your master? Don't worry, he's only gone for a long time."

Zhou Gulan showed a wry smile, and said bluntly, "I think so a little bit."

"I see more than a little."

"Mainly because lately I feel like I don't know what to do anymore."

All of a sudden Zhou Gulan's face drooped, and his heart began to feel depressed. At the beginning, he always wanted to learn drum music, and he kept moving forward for it. Qushe performed in a down-to-earth manner, logically speaking, he was very happy.

But it really made her confused, because she didn't know what to do next, and what was her goal?
Is it just a simple performance like this?It's good, and it's good to be welcomed by the audience. There is a sense of pride, but it doesn't feel right.

If it has been like this, it will be too boring, just like this is boring, how do those old artists persist.

Just by love?
She also likes drum music, but it's impossible to love it to that extent.

"Can't find the direction, can you?" Song Yi is someone who has experienced it, and he can see the child's confusion at once.

"Almost." Zhou Gulan nodded his head.

"Actually, I was also confused. When I first graduated, I didn't know what to do, let alone what kind of actor I wanted to be.

So I simply thought about taking a test. I heard that Renyi is recruiting actors, and if you get in, you can also enter the student class.

So during that period of time, I have been preparing, and the preparation was exhausted, but when I look back, I found that it was very fulfilling.

So why don't you simply set a small goal for yourself? "


Zhou Gulan turned to look at her mistress, "I don't even know what my goal is now, what is the goal of being an actor? Is it because of the fire? I never thought about it. I used to think that I was standing on the stage It succeeded, but now that it is standing, it has a completely different attitude.”

"Don't worry about those messy things. According to your master's plan, it should be to let you hold a small special session first, so you should aim for that."

"Special show?"

After chanting these two words, Zhou Gulan began to understand, and her dull eyes suddenly became brighter, "Okay, I will attract more popularity first, and then hold a small special show to impress Master.

But Mistress, what do you think Master's goal is? "

"What about him?"

Song Yi ate the apple, his eyes began to rise, as if he was remembering something, then he shook his head, "Don't follow him, your master is a genius in folk art, but he is not a normal person.

If it wasn't for me being together with him by accident, his goal would be to live with Quyi with peace of mind.

Get married and have children?Go dreaming! "

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