Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 643 Teacher Yu, what a young old lady at first glance! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 643 Teacher Yu, what a young lady she looks at first glance! 【Subscribe】

"Stop talking, let's watch the show."

Shaobing really didn't want to mention this matter, so he took the initiative to raise the topic and went to watch the first four-person performance.

Originally there were only three of them, but Qin Xiaoxian was included in it.

And the four people stood behind the microphone and bowed respectively, and the scene seemed very lively.

Then Luan Yunping stood in the third position, which was also the place where he often stayed and said, "Today, the four of us talked together, and it was indeed very fresh, and coincidentally, Yunhe Jiuxiao was here."

"Represent it." Yang Jiulang subconsciously said as he leaned towards Dui Luan.

"Don't dare to say it represents, and we can't represent the four subjects of Yunhe Jiuxiao." Luan Yunping was as rigorous as ever, "We can only say that we represent different age groups!"

Zhang Helun: "Yes!"

"This time our unit has such a small project, we want to select who is a good man!"

"Yang Jiulang!!"

"Qin Xiaoxian!!"

"Zhang Helun!!"


After all, it was a female audience, everyone was very excited and liked it, shouting continuously, all shouting for the actors performing at this moment.

Hear the sound.

Luan Yunping smiled slightly, "The audience was very enthusiastic, and some even called Guo Degang!!!"

"Huh?" Qin Xiaoxian couldn't understand with the side, "Why didn't I hear it!!"

"No wonder you are said to be stupid, sophistication of the world is in it, extra points." Zhang Helun explained.

Luan Yunping didn't care, and continued: "Mr. Guo Degang is definitely a good man. He cares about society, family, our unit and apprentices.

But do not participate in the selection. "

"Yo!" Zhang Helun said, "That's too much exaggeration!!"


How to use these kinds of baggage and how to like it.

Luan Yunping looked at them, "The main thing is to select a good man from among us, so I'll ask you a few questions. Of course, we think this question is very sharp, maybe you don't think it is sharp, but we can only do it That's it.

Just to see how you guys respond. "


"The first question, for example, your daughter-in-law or your girlfriend's best friend patted you at one o'clock in the morning. What kind of response did you guys make?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."

Qin Xiaoxian was the first to respond, and Luan Yunping looked over, "You answer first, right? Then stand over!"

Take a step.

Two people stood behind the two microphones in the middle.

Luan Yunping repeated, "Your girlfriend's girlfriend patted you at one o'clock in the middle of the night, how do you respond?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"No, it's just a metaphor."

Qin Xiaoxian suddenly became serious. Looking at Team Luan, his voice became louder, "You can't compare me to having a girlfriend. This matter must be very strict. You have to tell me what your girlfriend's name is."

There was nothing Luan Yunping could do to deal with this fool, she was silent for a second or two before she spoke, "You can find a girlfriend at will."

"I can find any girlfriend now?"

"Just find one."

"No! No!!" Qin Xiaoxian showed his stupidity to the fullest, "You have to tell me her name, how old she is, what her zodiac sign is, and whether I get along with her, the two of us.

How about fat and thin?At least I have a request. "

"any request?"

"You can't be smarter than me, or I can't understand what she said."

"That's too hard to find." Luan Yunping looked at him and complained.

"Is this a problem?"

"It's a problem, but you have to let my problem exist and exist."



"What did you just ask?"

Luan Yunping sighed, raised her spirits and continued, "Your girlfriend's girlfriend..."

Qin Xiao hurriedly stopped, "I don't even have a girlfriend, where can I get a girlfriend?"

"Let her find a girlfriend."

Nodding, Qin Xiaoxian looked at Team Luan with his fingers and asked one by one, "What's the name of that girlfriend? How old is it?"


"What is the constellation? You have to tell me, we two are going to get together, and she is going to take pictures at night, and how did she take pictures of me? Have you ever considered this issue?"

"what is the problem?"

Qin Xiaoxian turned his gaze to the audience, and said with reason: "I was falling asleep on the bed, and suddenly a small hand came to pat you, how frightening it is!"

"It's because you think too much. She didn't pat you with her little hand, she patted you with her mobile phone." Luan Yunping explained.

"It hurts."

"There is a function on the phone called Pai Yi Pai You."

Chatting with a fool is too strenuous, even Yang Jiulang couldn't help but say, "Weixin, Weixin pats you inside and asks you what to do?"



Taking a deep breath, Qin Xiaoxian was silent for a while, then suddenly patted Zhang Helun, "You answer!!"

Luan Yunping: "Did you give up the co-authorship?"

Qin Xiaoxian: "Yes, I give up."

"Alright, I have to give up if you don't give up!" Luan Yunping was speechless, and asked Zhang Helun to come over.

He came over and answered very seriously, without beating around the bush, and picked up the fan as a mobile phone, "You have to talk to her! For example, she took a picture, right?"

"Yes!" Luan Yunping nodded.

"Ask her: Why did you shoot me? Phew!" Zhang Helun approached the fan and made a voice.

"Why do you still have ventriloquism?"

"It's been sent, after a while——"

"This is?"

"Incoming message, vibration."

"Respond to the message and this is it."

"Are you asleep?"

After saying this, the girls below felt that there was a good show to watch.

But Luan Yunping immediately spoke again, looked at Zhang Helun and said, "Don't worry, it means that my best friend replied to sleep? Then what do you do?"

"Back to her! How can I give you back your prestige when you're asleep!! Come again in a while!"

"What did you get back??"

"Hate! I just replied with a hate."

"Then it's your turn."

"I asked her: your husband asleep? After a while she replied: My husband? He went to bed early, he is not like you, after all, he is the captain!"



There was a lot of information, and the girls below exclaimed.

And Qi Yuncheng and others also smiled while watching in the lounge, and said slowly, "This show is okay, it seems that the four of us really can live together better."

"What about you, Brother Cheng? You are alone!!"

Shaobing cares a word.

"It's the same for one person, but it's a little harder."

It is indeed a bit difficult for this, but there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and there is a saying for each person, so I continued to look at it.

After looking at it, Qi Yuncheng felt that this group cross talk was extremely exciting, with a good background and background.

You must know that this is a temporary program, even if the rhythm is accelerated a little bit, it can be put into the cross talk at the party.

Suffice it to say it's not bad.

But he also has to prepare, the next one is himself.

Yue Yunpeng took the stage and continued to report.

"I just showed you a wonderful piece of cross talk. It is indeed the first time I performed it, and it was created temporarily. I can't see the shadow of the original traditional cross talk, and I can't hear the feeling of traditional cross talk, right?"

"Yes!!" The girls below nodded.

"So the actors have worked very hard to bring you a new work with such a theme, and the next show will be even more exciting. It will be performed by one person. Please invite our senior brother! Qi Yuncheng!"


"Qi Yuncheng!!!"


Before Yue Yunpeng got off the stage, the girls' movement exploded completely. The moment the explosion exploded, Yue Yunpeng smiled wryly. Good guy, I don't know how many times warmer than Qin Xiaoxian's welcome just now.

Sure enough, all of them are great.

At the same time, in the auditorium, Xixi, who was wearing a beautiful dress, was also applauding vigorously. She wanted to stand up and look at her father, but she knew she couldn't stand up.

But still couldn't help it, and shouted with his tender voice.

"Dad! It's Dad!"

Song Yi looked at her excitement and joy, his heart was full of warmth, and he smiled and said, "Yes! It's Dad!"


Under the watchful eyes of the audience, his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, Qi Yuncheng stepped onto the stage. After bowing and thanking him, he saw his wife and daughter-in-law at first sight.

Not to mention dozens of girls in Hanfu, even in the crowd, you can tell them at first sight.

"Thank you everyone, it's not easy, it may be the first time to talk about stand-up comedy on the stage of Deyun Douxiao Club.

In particular, the audience is all women, which is the first time, and everyone is wearing beautiful Hanfu and makeup, and they turn heads wherever they go. "

"In fact, makeup is very necessary for women, and it should be like this. Not only do you come to wear makeup at your request today, but you can also put it on for whatever you do."

Qi Yuncheng immediately entered the topic of his work.

"When the salesperson goes to work, he has to wash his face, clean himself, wear some nice clothes, put on some powder, and put on some red lips.

Only in this way can the spirit look good and attract customers. "

"Then we are neither conductors nor waiters. For ordinary families, you also have to make up and dress up. Be happy.

Live happily and happily, which is considered a spiritual investment.What clothes are beautiful?To buy, what kind of clothes are in fashion?wear!
Powder, wipe!Perfume, wipe!
But don't overdo it, it will be marinated after pouring one bottle at a time! "


Today's cross talk is about women, so Qi Yuncheng is naturally talking about makeup. .

And the girls all looked at him seriously one by one. It is true that modern makeup is a very common thing.

"Especially the older ones. Some old ladies are in their 70s and [-]s. Some people say, what are you doing at such an advanced age? Still getting a perm? Let's not perm, so don't waste money."

"Don't be so brainy. It should be beautiful, it should be hot, isn't it hot for the teacher, what a young lady at first glance!!"


The audience was very happy when they laughed again, Yu Qian from the second studio was even more so, and turned around to ask Liu Xiao to stop painting.

"Okay! This stand-up is just like chatting. It's not fast or urgent. It's very steady. Add a little money."

"it is good!"

After Liu Xiaoting agreed to complete the painting, she continued to watch the performance.

"Dye your hair, dress up beautifully, look in the mirror and be happy, eat anything that tastes good, and don't be angry if you should be angry.

It's mental health, physical health, and mental health all in one.

If you have freckles and acne on your face, you can treat them. Isn’t there medicine now?After wiping, freckles, acne, and dark spots are all gone.

If you look happy, others will look good too.

As for beauty parlors, I have actually visited them, and they can treat freckles, acne, acne, and black hair, even poutiness.

Open lips, Tianjin called the old seam. "

Qi Yuncheng waved his hand and explained in detail, "I don't blame her, it was carried in the womb when I was born. When I was born, I lost a piece of flesh on my lips.

She is quite a beautiful girl, you said about her height, shape, figure, face, eyebrows, eyes and skin, if you want to look at it from the back, you didn’t pick it up, but it was delayed when you looked at it from the front.

what to do?Treatments go, beauty parlors sew on!
You can't see it after sewing, how nice it is. "

"There are also artificial dimples, I want to be beautiful. The dimples of Yi Le and the two women are so beautiful, what should I do if I don't have them?
pull!Artificial dimples, I will make two dimples for you, I also visited this, I saw it. "

On the stage, Qi Yuncheng rolled his eyes and looked at the patient, "The chair lying there is like a barbershop chair, he can lie down and be pulled.

It's not pulling outside, it's pulling inside, and he spins inside, that's a technique.

If you can't pull it well, it won't work. If you don't pull it well, it will become two bulges, as if there are two pieces of candy here. "

"And a flat nose can also change the bridge of the nose, a pretty girl with a big nose. He can make you stand up, make your nose bridge bigger and your eyes bigger.

How does it bulge? A bone is placed inside, and the tip of the nose cannot rest on a bone. This is fleshy and soft.

It can be placed in the middle, but the tip of the nose must also be raised, and it must be bulged.Overpass this is! ! "

As soon as he said that, some girls below let out some laughter.

Qi Yuncheng looked at them and smiled, and changed the subject again.

"In addition to the nose and the eyes, the single eyelid may be considered unattractive, so artificially pull it for you, and make a double eyelid.

But stretching the double eyelids also counts for any face shape, you are willing to stretch your face.

Round face is not good, sesame seed face?That won't work! "

"Long face, eyes have to be big and long, small round eyes can't do it, diliu round? That's absolutely not possible.

As for the backstage actor Shaobing, Shaobing is like his cousin, she has round eyes, small round eyes.

In your 30s, if you want to pull your double eyelids, I say you can’t do it, you can’t make your eyes round, and it won’t look good if you stretch them, so don’t do it.

She doesn't listen: You don't care, I'm happy to pull, you don't care! ! "

"Oh??" Qi Yuncheng seemed a little angry at this time, and smiled slightly, "Okay!! I don't care, you pull you, I don't care! Did you go after that? If you go, it should be bad luck for her.

I caught up with the doctor as an intern, and also caught up with the busy day and was not in a good mood.

Cousin Shaobing lay there and stretched her eyelids. Pull it, but it was broken, and it was pulled in the wrong place. "

Stretching out his hand to touch the underside of his eyes, Qi Yuncheng said, "The double eyelids are pulled down. Cousin Shaobing gets angry when she gets up: What's the matter? You pull it down for me, you pay me, pay me."

Then how to pay?There is no way to compensate.But this is our problem, we recognize it, and we don't charge for it.

Is it okay to not charge money?You pull it up, pull it up.

After talking about the biscuits, my cousin lay down again, so if she insisted on pulling it up, pull it again.

Both upper and lower eyelids.

Get up and look in the mirror! ! "

Picking up the fan and half opening it, Qi Yuncheng looked at his appearance seriously, and then complained, "Huo, belly button!!"

(End of this chapter)

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