Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 619 The recording of the first episode of Douxiaoshe is over! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 619 The first recording of the Douxiao Club is over! 【Subscribe】

In a venue with almost no audience, the performances of Zhang Jiuling and Qin Xiaoxian continued.

During the performance, let alone Qin Xiaoxian was nervous, Zhang Jiuling was not nervous.

Because performing in front of the master is a certain test, which is different from ordinary performances.

So Rao is a time when he also has a mouthful.

For this reason, I added some horizontal bars in my name.

And when Qin Xiaoxian gave the last gist, he was drawn a line.

The tone of Guankou is really wrong, not to mention being aware of it as a master, even Yue Yunpeng can hear it immediately, so he drew such a one.

Seeing being crossed, I panicked.

However, Meng Hetang and Luan Yunping looked much more comfortable on stage than they did.

I don't even look at how long I have been with Master.

So the whole program of their program was told steadily, neither fast nor slow, very solid, and there was no accident between Zhang Jiuling and Qin Xiaoxian at all.

Even after the performance, his face is full of spring breeze, and he is very confident in his performance.

But after the performances of several pairs of actors are over, it's time for the audience to get busy.

In the second scene, Yu Qian got up and said to the audience who came today, "The four shows are finally over, and I would like to trouble you to vote for your favorite team.

Thanks, let's come in a row! "

The voice fell.

The audience started to get up one by one, and took chalk to draw the orthographic characters under the names of the actors.

The few who finished the painting went out first to be interviewed by the staff of the Douxiao Club, and had to express their views on the couples of cross talk actors.

Talk about your opinion.

I like Qi Yuncheng and Zhou Jiuliang's cross talks a lot.

Who is the most difficult to change careers, but it can be said that it is not bad at all.

But there are also people who like other teams, radish and green vegetables have their own preferences.

Waiting for the audience to be busy.

After receiving the news, Guo Degang continued to sit under the stage and said, "Next, we will invite all our actors to appear on stage!"

Put down the curtain.

Zhang Helun, who didn't have a coat, came out first, and then several people took the stage one after another.

Looking at Zhang Helun, Guo Degang asked in doubt, "Did you really lose your coat?"

"It was hidden by them, and I don't know where to hide it." Zhang Helun stood on the side of the stage, especially aggrieved.

"Then why are they all right? How did you hide yours?"

"Catch me, a good man, and bully me."

"You're not a good person." Guo Degang said casually, but he couldn't care less, and returned to the topic, "Okay, the performance is over, how do you feel? You didn't make a confession later, did you?"

Luan Yunping put her hands behind her back, and suddenly stretched out a hand to wave, "There is no collusion, mainly because we didn't applaud when Zhang Helun sang, so we can guess that there may be no audience."

"Okay! Very good!"

Guo Degang watched each child carefully, "It's not bad to feel it. In the earliest days, we often had one audience or two audiences.

Of course, Yuncheng has experienced it, so today's performance is not a matter for him, and because it is not a matter, I specially made a difficult "Changing Career" for him!
Balance each other. "

At this time, Zhou Jiuliang was about to cry when he heard what Master said, "Master, it's not a big deal for Senior Brother, but it's going crazy for me, I'm not balanced."


Guo Degang couldn't help being happy, and Qi Yuncheng was the same. Looking at his partner, he said, "It's really embarrassing to do this for a while. I put it down for a long time last night, and I'm actually very happy."

"Anyway, it's done. I like it very much, and you, Mr. Qian'er, like it even more. Then why make it so difficult? It's just to let you feel that it's not easy to do this job.

But still the same sentence, an audience is also our food and clothing parents, we should serve them well.

But I have to say that the enthusiastic audience you are looking for is not on the barrage, but on the other side, come to Yue Yunpeng, please everyone. "

"Okay!" At this moment, Yue Yunpeng was really like a little follower. When the master opened his mouth, he immediately sent the message loudly, "Everyone, please!"


The big red curtain at the back was opened, and the actors on the stage were very moved as Qian took the lead and dozens of spectators flocked in.

But in terms of being moved, Qi Yuncheng can feel it best when he looks at the audience.

The lack of audience during the performance means that Deyun didn't make money at all in the early days, and he couldn't reach a certain level, and he suffered all kinds of hardships.

At this moment, the audience poured in, which represented the current Deyun, who has endured all hardships and has gained his own glorious world.

Even he himself has come to this point.

And a wife and kids.

So even if I knew in advance that the audience was behind, the moment I showed up, I still had mixed feelings in my heart.

"How is it? Surprised or surprised?"

At this moment, Guo Degang also got up early and stood among a group of spectators looking at the children, "Come and bow to all the spectators, thank you for your support!"

"Thank you everyone!"

On the stage, Qi Yuncheng, Zhou Jiuliang, Zhang Helun, Wang Jiulong, Shaobing, Qin Xiaoxian, Zhang Jiuling, Luan Yunping, and Meng Hetang bowed and thanked them for coming.

At the same time, the audience's applause can still be small?
The stage is full of actors they like.

But after the applause fell, Guo Degang and Yu Qian led a group of children to move to a long blackboard with a red curtain.

"This is written on the audience's score, Yue Yunpeng, you open the curtain."


The curtain was completely lifted, and the scores of the nine people could be seen at a glance.

Qi Yuncheng: 11 votes!
Qin Xiaoxian: 10 votes!
Week nine volume: 7 votes!
Meng He Tang: 7 votes!
Luan Yunping: 6 votes!
Zhang Helun: 5 votes!
Biscuits: 3 votes!
Zhang Jiuling: 1 vote!
Wang Jiulong: 1 vote!
Guo Degang glanced around and guessed an answer, "Look at the highest scores here are Qi Yuncheng and Qin Xiaoxian, so it can be seen that our business has nothing to do with art, as long as we look good.

There are many little girls in the audience.

But there are so many little girls, so Wang Jiulong shouldn't have only one vote. Is he the melon who ate sesame seed cakes? "

Looking at the orthographic characters on the blackboard, some of the brothers in the back were happy and some were sad, because the high ones were high and the low ones were low.

Especially Qin Xiaoxian felt even more uncomfortable, he didn't want his score to be too high, that's what he was capable of.

"But this is not our final score. There are many surprises and surprises. Now let's go out and look at the last two small blackboards."

Guo Degang spoke again, and led a group of apprentices out of the theater to the open space outside.

On the open space is a covered blackboard again, but it is much smaller than what the audience scored.

"Come on, open the teacher's side."

Yue Yunpeng waved his hand, and Guo Degang was taken aback when he saw it, because everyone has good strokes, even Qin Xiaoxian has them, but he is considered rare.

Subconsciously looked at the senior brother over his shoulder and said something.

"Teacher Yu only voted for Qin Xiaoxian."

"Yeah!" Yu Qian looked at his board and nodded.

"This shows that the actor in the eyes of the little girl is different from the actor in the eyes of the old man."

After talking and having fun, Yu Qian smiled and explained the principle of his scoring, "As a whole, I observe their strengths on stage. They are still children, and they will improve through their efforts."

"Well, good!" Guo Degang nodded again and again, and then turned to look at the group of apprentices behind him, "Did you all hear what your uncle lied to you?"

All the brothers: "I heard it!"

"Come on, open the blackboard I drew just now. This is a joint creation between me and Yue Yunpeng."

The red curtain was lifted again, and the number of straight characters drawn was different again.

Qi Yuncheng looked at it, and the lover was indeed the lover. The others had painted, but he didn't. Even Zhang Jiuling, who had the most votes, had three votes.

The rest generally have two votes or one vote.

"I need to explain to you." Guo Degang pointed at the two signs with a fan, "Teacher Yu is giving you points, and I am giving you points.

Xiaoyue said why they lost. "

During the show, Yue Yunpeng acted like an assistant, holding the text recorded in his hand, came to the side of the sign, and began to talk one by one.

"Let's talk about the sesame seed first. A pig is a pig."

"That's right! The first sentence says a pig, and the second sentence says a pig, so your burden is no longer valid.

Wang Jiulong and Shaobing are the same thing. From a distance, it looks like a dog. If you beat it, it will not leave, if you scold it, it will leave.

Short sentence, don't look at the short sentence, the whole burden is very different, so points must be deducted for this. "

Listening to the master's words, Shaobing and Wang Jiulong stood behind and listened carefully. It was true that it was not done well at that time.

Seeing the master finished speaking, Yue Yunpeng continued, "Why did Zhang Helun lose his vote? It's very simple, like a burden."

Speaking of himself, Zhang Helun couldn't help laughing, "I think this is so embarrassing!"

Guo Degang turned his head to look at the child, "Your soybeans are really not a joke, and the audience can understand them, but it's a taboo to say it from the actor's mouth.

So a point is deducted for you. "

"I see, Master!"

"Then Qi Yuncheng and Zhou Jiuliang!" When it came to the two of them, Guo Degang had to talk seriously, especially looking at the latter, "Zhou Jiuliang was too serious in his performance today.

The most important thing for a good actor is to do as the Romans do, know how to say cross talk under what circumstances, observe the audience's expressions and dress through your eyes.

In two sentences, you have to ask what you want to hear and what I will tell you.

This is the basic quality of a professional cross talk actor.

Including me sitting below, you can also ease the relationship and ease the embarrassment.

Slowly create enough atmosphere.

It would be wrong to be serious for the sake of seriousness."

Zhou Jiuliang listened to the master's lesson with a low figure the whole time.

But after talking about him, Guo Degang had a very serious expression when he came to Qi Yuncheng.

"Why Yuncheng's ticket was deducted, do you know?"

Qi Yuncheng shook his head, "I don't know."

"What are you calling us on stage?"

"Xiao Guo is less than!"

"That's not the end."

Speaking of this episode, although the other senior brothers didn't know what the senior brother was performing, it was enough to imagine the scene.

Especially Luan Yunping, secretly happy, as expected he had to say so.

"The words of Jiuquan are also assigned by you, right?" Yu Qian asked at this moment.


"Okay, then it should be deducted." Guo Degang said, "Otherwise, there will be no way to deduct it, and at the same time, it will also let you and your brothers understand a truth, don't make fun of the audience.

Although I know what you mean by it, but at that moment I was an audience, and I had to distinguish my identity. I heard you say me, and I would be unhappy if I didn't keep it.

So buckle one. "

Qi Yuncheng blinked, and didn't think there was any objection. Master was right. Although he didn't have the heart to make fun of the audience, he just slapped his own master. As a master, he would not care about it, but the master is the audience at the moment, and the audience must come first. one.

Yue Yunpeng: "Next to it is Jiuling, who has lost three votes."

Guo Degang: "Jiuling and Qin Xiaoxian lost the votes because of Guankou, because Xiaoyue whispered to me next to me when I was reciting, saying that it must not be taught by you, and the tone was wrong.

Of course it is not right, it has rhythm, rhythm, light and heavy sounds, no matter how hard you have to learn, it is not as simple as I just saw it.

That Zhang Jiuling has two more votes? "

"I just made a joke, and my mouth is full, and the last thing is to play tricks."

"It's not important to hang out."

"Then erase it." Yue Yunpeng quickly raised his hand to wipe a blackboard eraser.

"Where's Meng He Tang?"

"I forgot, I didn't write."

Xiaoyue forgot, but Guo Degang knew that it was not easy to be a master, so he remembered all their mistakes today, so he made a simple evaluation, and after the evaluation came to Luan Yunping, he was very happy.

He was in good condition today, he kept praising him, he was very willing, and even added a vote to him, and after the addition, he remembered something and looked at Yun Cheng again.

"Yun Cheng's vote was deducted by me as an audience member, but at this moment, as a master, I have to give him one point.

The entire cross talk performance today is very rare, with excellent foundation, state, and skills.

The evaluation of the audience is also very high, so give one point. "

"Then I'll give you another point too!" Suddenly Yu Qian added enthusiastically.

Just like that, Guo Degang looked at the child with a smile on his face, "I can see that your uncle is true love, let's live together."

Qi Yuncheng and the side were also happy, but they didn't say anything, and then they waited for the prize distribution.

From low to high are porcelain bowl, iron fist, silver bowl, and gold bowl.

At the end of the post, the master obviously had fun, so he said aloud.

"Qi Yuncheng is number one in Deyun Fighting Laughter Club this issue!"


"Brother is the best!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Amidst the applause of his fellow apprentices, a huge golden bowl suddenly came into Qi Yuncheng's hands, it was so heavy that he had to hold it with both hands.

"Why give a bowl, no matter what kind of bowl, its purpose is to let you have food to eat, talk about cross talk well, do a good job, be worthy of the audience, and be worthy of the bowl in your hand.

Then the time is almost up.

The first phase of the Deyun Douxiao Club has come to a successful conclusion today! ! ! "

With Master's words, the recording of the first program of Douxiaoshe was completely over.

A group of people rejoiced, and at the same time, those who should record advertisements should record advertisements, and those who should record words should record words.

Even Qi Yuncheng accepted the sponsor's advertisement, so he had to work for an hour as required.

But he is very willing, because he has money for recording advertisements, and with a sum of money, he can have a reason to buy a lot of things for Niang San.

Besides, I agreed to buy something for the girl today, otherwise I will see that aggrieved little face again in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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