Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 476: The Drum Club Stage!Yue Yunpeng can't learn it! 【Subscribe】

"Eat, drink and sleep!"

After finishing things, Song Yi went to brush her teeth again. When she went, Qi Yuncheng couldn't help muttering, "I wanted to bring Lanlan today, but who would have thought that Lantern Festival is still on Monday, so I have to finish reading for a week."

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. You can take it with you when you're on holiday, and you have a car, which is very convenient."

"The meaning is different."

Qi Yuncheng didn't bother to say much, and he could arrange programs for his apprentices at the Guqu Club, but the gentlemen in the past few days after the opening were undoubtedly the most lively.

Following her husband, she can learn a lot.

Although there will be elders coming over from time to time in the future, they are definitely not as many as this time.

She is young, so she must be knowledgeable.

Those who do folk art, knowledge is the most important thing, even if she is learning drum music.

But there is no way, she is focusing on her studies now, so it is impossible to ask for leave.

I can only let her grind it down slowly.

For this apprentice, Qi Yuncheng didn't know what to do for a while, it would be much better if he was a boy.

Because girls, even if they follow the drums every day, they will learn well in the end, but they are relatively unstable.

She can only rely on her studies to support her life.

If you change to a boy, you can go directly to the Deyun Chuanxiu Institute to study, and you will be able to be a career for a lifetime after you learn it.

After all, the drum music business is much worse, even if you start a drum music club.

And thinking of this, Qi Yuncheng suddenly smiled, is the guy thinking the same as those old seniors?

They all prefer to let their children have a stable job in the future, drum music or less touch?
This is also one of the reasons why the Guqu Club is established, one more platform, one more place for professors, and one more place for employment!
"Sleep, husband, I'll warm your bed!"

After washing up, Song Yi yelled and went into the bed first. The moment she entered the bed, it was very cold, and she had to rely on her body to keep her warm, but her husband brought her delicious food, and she would rather rely on herself to keep warm.

A bit like a good wife and mother.

"Come on, come in!"

After patting the quilt, Song Yi lay on the bed in a state of invitation.

Qi Yuncheng went over to take a look at his sleeping daughter, then got into the bed, and then his daughter-in-law clung to him, wishing that every part of his body could be close to him.

"Is this necessary? How can I sleep?"

"Why is it unnecessary, you sleep in yours, I sleep in mine."


I can't control her, I was tired from a busy day, and fell asleep after being stuck by my wife for a while.

Woke up the next day.

I still have to go to the Guqu Club to worry about it, so I rested for a morning, and left after lunch.

A three-day opening event.

Naturally, it will be very lively.

And the evening show still has a strong lineup, all of them are actors from the drum music world, and there are also friends of the teacher's wife Wang Hui.

So after the performance, the whole audience was happy.

It's not just the activities for a few days after the opening, even in the past time period, the audience is full of people.

Because most of the Deyun actors performed by themselves.

Wang Hui, Qi Yuncheng, Tao Yang, Xiao Zhui'er and others, plus the old gentleman who would come over from time to time.

For example, Li Shusheng and others.

So the lineup is still not low.

After all, at the very beginning, the Guqu Club wanted to make a name for themselves so that people would know about it.

And this is what Deyun has achieved. Since the opening of the Guqu Club, it has been a hot spot on the meager level.

It even made a top ten hot search.

For example, the Deyun Drum Music Club opened and Qi Yuncheng was the manager.

But sometimes being on the hot search is not a good thing, as soon as it becomes popular, people will pay attention and find faults.

The point of view of finding fault and questioning is still that most audiences do not listen to drum music, but only to see famous actors such as Guo Degang and Qi Yuncheng.

There are even people who are worried about the future of the Guqu Club, saying that if young actors come on stage after they have finished their studies, they will attract a large group of wow-wah and boo-booers from the audience.

Security will be a problem in the future!

However, these remarks did not last long, because Young Master Ma posted a post, Li Shusheng posted a post, and even Tianjin officials also posted a post.

They almost disappeared.

No one dared to say a word.

On the contrary, the popularity has increased again, and it has become an official voice in support of Deyun.

This made Qi Yuncheng think what some people on the Internet were thinking, and instead let more people know about Guqu Society.

After each day passed.

It's a week.

Little apprentice Zhou Gulan finally had a holiday from a key high school, and was brought over by Qi Yuncheng at noon on Saturday.

He was not the only one brought here, but also Yue Yunpeng who came back from the cross talk scene.

Want him to sing an opening.

Yue Yunpeng refused to do it, because he really didn't know how to do it, what kind of drums did he know, wouldn't it take his life to let him go here?
However, the Guqu Club does not necessarily have to sing Jingyun Dagu and Plum Blossom Dagu.

Some ditties are also available.

In the end, he asked him to sing bamboo board script, and finally agreed.

He had no choice but to disagree, the senior brother had spoken, and he was also popular now, so there would be a certain audience wanting to watch a performance.

So Saturday afternoon.

The string master accompanied Yue Yunpeng to practice in the Guqu club all afternoon, and it was true that he hadn't sung seriously for a long time.

Practice and practice.

After dinner, it was finally time for the opening of the Guqu Club.

"Master, Uncle Yue has always said he can't, why do you let him go?"

Standing on the side curtain of the Drum Music Society stage, Zhou Gulan, who was wearing a single ponytail, asked curiously.

"Don't worry about adults' affairs, children! You have to start today, so think about the performance first."

Qi Yuncheng laughed from the side, why did he have to come here specifically, it is indeed an extra night show, and the other thing is how could the elder brother bully the younger brother, just let him come, he will not bully him.

It's about time!
The Guqu Club opened the red curtain at 07:30.

The invited host came to the stage to give a speech and report the program.

"Next, please enjoy "Meng Jiangnu"! Performing Zhou Gulan! Accompaniment: Yue Changle, Zhang Yuheng, Yan Ping, Shi Junping!"

The show is given.

Zhou Gulan took a few deep breaths. How could she not be nervous? It was the first time she performed on the most professional stage of the Drum Music Club. After several teachers went up, she hurriedly followed to the vicinity of the drum.

As for the current Zhou Gulan, his skill must be far behind.

But it also depends on knowing that this is Qi Yuncheng's apprentice, and the audience will listen to it. It is very rare for Deyun to have a female apprentice, although it is about drums.

After she finished singing, the big Xie Jing also had a single-chord "Gao Lao Zhuang".

In addition to the old man, Qi Yuncheng is looking for these actors in the current Guqu club, and they come anyway, because the Guqu club is very poor now.

Having a headache every day when arranging shows, I immediately understood Luan Yunping's hard work.

It may take several hours to simply write a few programs.

Because it is impossible to perfunctory the audience, and this is Tianjin, everyone is knowledgeable.

Wait for Xie Jing to finish singing.

Finally it was Yue Yunpeng's turn.

Yue Yunpeng stood at the curtain call and complained to his senior brother, "I said I wouldn't go, but you forced me to come. After practicing all afternoon, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get into the tune!"

"It's okay, go! How hot you are now!"

After a push, Yue Yunpeng staggered onto the stage amidst applause.

"Yue Yue!"


"I love you Yue Yue!

If he shows up, there will definitely be audiences who like it, the cheaper he is, the more he loves him.

But Yue Yunpeng was really helpless wearing a coat, and he was very uncertain in his heart.

"Thank you! Master Xie Jingxie sang a single string for everyone just now! It's very nice, we have been listening in the background, it's great! Today this is the performance of the Drum Music Club.

My senior brother is now a manager, so he called me over to perform one.

But I won't, let me come up and talk about a cross talk! "

As soon as he said that the audience looked at him, their faces were full of smiles.

It's not that there is something funny, mainly people who like him want to laugh even looking at him.

Yue Yunpeng sighed, "I also learned the Jingyun Dagu and Xihe Dagu at the earliest. Because when I first came to learn cross talk, I couldn't learn it no matter what.

My master said, what should I do?Let's learn Beijing rhyme!Hey, I'm going to learn Jingyun!Learn to learn, eh?Can't learn! !
I really can't learn it!Being scolded every day, I was really stupid at that time.

Later my master told me to learn the lyrics of Taiping.

At first I wanted to drive me away, but my master said that it was not suitable to go home and farm, so he was soft-hearted, so he kept me all the time, and then learned the lyrics of Taiping.

Learning to learn...! "

The audience looked at Yue Yunpeng at this moment and knew what to say, so they made up their minds below.

"Can't you learn?"

Hearing the sound, Yue Yunpeng's big face was almost twisted together, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Oh, I really can't learn it! Let's say what we have to say, I won't lie to you.

At that time, although my senior brother Yuncheng had lost his position, he had a pigtail, namely Zhang Yunlei.

You may be familiar with it.

He opened his mouth in a high voice and sang beautifully and tastefully.

I have low self-esteem and always hide in a corner, so I don't want to live there. "

After talking for a while, Yue Yunpeng said what was in his heart at that time, how could he survive being squeezed out every day, but it was not easy at the beginning, and now it has become a topic of conversation at the moment.

"My master said that there is no way. You should go back to your hometown and learn Henan opera! People from Henan, go learn Henan opera.

I said, Master... I really can't learn it! "


There was another burst of joy.

Yue Yunpeng looked at the expression with difficulty, "I really can't learn it! My master said that you are a waste. During the meal, the good guy got excited and his eyes widened.

It's delicious to eat!There is really no way, eh?One day, my master sang a piece of bamboo board script.

It was on stage, I forgot what performance was on that day.

When I heard it, this is so wow, it sounds so good! "

Audience: "I can't learn!!"

Waving his hand, Yue Yunpeng's expression turned sharply, "Everyone, don't tell can't learn it!"

"You can't learn it!" Yue Yunpeng's expression instantly returned to the previous grim state, "It's killing me, but it sounds good. I remember it very clearly, the phone recorded it!
What a coincidence, the whole episode was recorded.I go home and listen to it every day. My phone only plays it outside, no earphones, and the speakers are terrible.

After that, I listened to it every day and hummed it every day.The third elder brother Kong Yunlong lives next door to me and listens to my singing every day. I wonder where the third elder brother lives.

What are you singing?What are you singing?

I said I don't know what kind of song it is, but I like it very much.

The third brother said you can't learn it?

But I want to learn. "

"Shaobing at that time!" Yue Yunpeng pointed slightly at his hand, smiling very happily on his face, as if he had found a brother in trouble, "He is also with us, and Shaobing is like me, who can't learn anything!
The two of us can't do anything every day, so let's say that we both committed suicide.

Bing said that I had this idea a long time ago and wanted to die, why can't I learn anything.

Fortunately, the cake can be made on the board, I said I fell in love with the bamboo board book, let's try it!
OK, let's both try.So the two of us practiced singing every day in the small courtyard.

Once I caught up with a performance, and the biscuits were playing the board there, and I sang there.

As for this coincidence, it gave me a chance to be on stage. Before that, I had never talked about cross talk, nor had I learned the lyrics of Taiping.

Of course you can't learn it. "

"How could it be such a coincidence, my wife was in that corner at that time." Yue Yunpeng looked at his two o'clock direction, and continued, "When my wife heard it, she came down and told me about the child..."

Audience: "Give up!"


The audience quarreled, and the audience was overjoyed. Yue Yunpeng didn't hear it at first, but then he was speechless when he asked, "If you give up, why am I here today.

But at that time, Master rapped and sang well, with a little meaning.

My master never praised me, and I almost burst into tears.So from then on I started to learn bamboo board writing.

Everyone, I have been in Deyun Club for 12 years. It has been 12 years, everyone, this is what I have learned!

It turns out that I also learned a section called Shuiman Jinshan Temple!Master also recorded it for me at home, and sang it only once, and my master never sang it on stage.

Because that is too long, I really can't learn it! "

Speaking of this, Yue Yunpeng suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned his head to look at the three stringers next to him who had been sitting with their instruments for a long time and were bored, "Why don't you go down and rest for a while? I see Teacher Hu Ziyi listening Looks like he wants to get off work and leave!"

A word came out again.

The group of people standing under the stage and on the side curtain were all overjoyed, including Zhou Gulan who was following Qi Yuncheng.

Outsiders say that Yue Yunpeng's ability is not good enough.

But when he came to the stage, his words were very tasteful, and it was very good to turn three times and four times. If he really didn't have any characteristics and abilities of his own, he would not be popular even if he was praised.

Yue Yunpeng couldn't hold back his laughter on the stage, he turned his head and looked at the side screen, "Brother, you should prepare quickly, I don't know when I will fall.

Because I rehearsed for a long time in the afternoon with several string masters, and I officially sang this passage for everyone on stage. I don’t know if it’s good or not.

Anyway, if I forget the words, I will die directly!Let's get started, teachers! "


Sanxian, pipa, and erhu finally sounded on the stage, and a board player was also invited.

A few seconds after the accompaniment sounded, Yue Yunpeng listened carefully with the fan in his hand, ready to enter.

"Yingying is bored~~"

Suddenly, Yue Yunpeng looked at the teachers again, "I made a mistake, didn't I?"


Hearing the sound, Yue Yunpeng held a fan behind the microphone like a woman swearing, "Look, I said I can't learn it!! I can't learn it! Senior brother wants me to come up! Who is to blame!
I still study all afternoon, I die!Not as stupid as me! "

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