Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 458 If You Want, I Let Guo Degang Call You Brother! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 458 If You Want, I Let Guo Degang Call You Brother! 【Subscribe】

"Next, please enjoy "Buying and Selling Theory"! Performers Shaobing, Cao Heyang!"

After taking a few sips of water and resting for a while, the host announced the name of the next program.

The two went up to assist the performance together.

Shaobing is not popular now, but they are all familiar and have their own style.

Especially when two broken-mouthed people are together, it is very suitable for a noisy big stage, because they will not let the big stage be quiet for a second.

when they are performing.

Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping returned backstage together. At the same time, the former brought back the nail on the stage. I don't know how it came about.

Although it will not stand up and stick, it is also a thing to step on and slide.

But he didn't say anything more.

Just take a good rest after the performance, there will be another show later.

Performing in a big venue is very tiring, because you speak confidently and rely on your pubic region throughout the whole process, how can it be easy, after all, the venue is too big, I am afraid that you will not be able to hear clearly from a distance.

Unlike a small theater, it can be much more relaxed.

"Big man! When we save up and return to the field later, come up and talk about it together, let Yuncheng take a rest."

"No problem." Xie Jing looked at the phone and suddenly raised his head to answer, as for calling him a big man, he didn't care at all.

People who are so familiar.

And just as Luan Yunping said, he was asked to come up to let his partner rest. How could he not be tired after talking for three consecutive games, especially since the real work with the bottom line is longer.

Then calling someone to come up after returning to the scene will reduce the degree of physical exertion, otherwise the audience will keep asking the actors to sing, which is enough.

Don't look at the big men in the background, but brothers and sisters should take care of each other, which is completely different from colleagues in ordinary companies.

Colleagues met by chance, and they have lived together for several years.


After hearing what they said, Qi Yuncheng sighed, "Team Luan, I may not be able to perform too much in December.

Originally, I wanted to go to the small theater on New Year's Day. "

Luan Yunping nodded, "I know, when it comes to your TV series, I don't know about other people, but my daughter-in-law watched it carefully, thinking that Mingtai and Yu Manli could be together.

It ended up gone.

It was hard for her at the time. "

"That's right. I watched it too. Senior brother and sister-in-law acted so well." Zhang Helun said while still eating melon seeds. "When I finished watching each episode, I wondered if Ming Tai in it was still my senior brother.

There is no sense of acting at all, it is all acting skills. "

Qi Yuncheng smiled at the two people's words, and didn't take it seriously, he didn't want to let himself swell up.Anyway, he himself quite liked that drama, but he didn't have much time to watch it because he was always busy.

But suddenly thought of something and asked.

"By the way, where is Xiaoyue performing recently? I haven't seen anyone since the Gangsi Festival."

It's impossible for Luan Yunping to know the person who arranged the show, "He's also busy, performing in both big and small venues. His popularity is also getting higher and higher. Recently, I heard that Xiaoyue bought a car, and he got the money from his wife."

"is it?"

It was nothing when my partner said it, just casually mentioned it, but Qi Yuncheng remembered it in his heart, which didn't fit Yue Yunpeng's character.

These brothers and sisters are indeed taken care of by their mistress, and they often buy things, but they all know what is good or bad, and they will not take the initiative to ask for it.

Xiaoyue is even more impossible.

So I'm a little confused.

You have to meet and ask clearly, don't look at it as a trivial matter.

But the mentality change is the most frightening.

He himself is because he has been a human being in two lifetimes, and he has never been able to remind himself once.

Otherwise, today's performance of 1 people would blow him to death.

1 people look at themselves, or Deyun's disciples were the first to do it, look at how amazing it is?As long as he thinks about it this way, the actor himself will feel high.

I feel that other people are inferior to me.

After all, he is not a saint, and it is impossible to be without waves.

What's more, saints also have emotions and desires, which cannot reach the level of gods.

"Brother, do you eat melon seeds?"

Suddenly Zhang Helun came over, and spread out his palms, which were full of peeled melon seeds. Suddenly, Qi Yuncheng frowned, and looked up at him.

"Are you feeling a little sick?"

"No, I peeled it by hand."

"To Team Luan."

"Here, Brother Luan!"

"Rest you."

"Brother Luan, don't believe me, do you want me to peel it in front of your eyes?"

At this time, Lang Heyan came over, poohing the melon seeds and said, "Yes, Brother Luan, I testify that he peeled them with his hands. Bah, these melon seeds are delicious. Bah!"

This way, who would believe that the one who made Zhang Helun angry was indeed peeled off by hand, and said directly: "I didn't lie, I just wanted to curry favor with you two, so that I can give me more performances in the future.

The more performances, the more money you can make. "

"No." Qi Yun became happy in an instant, "Are you using this to test the cadres?"

"There are still peanuts over there, I'll peel them for you as much as you want."

"Come on, rest." Luan Yunping couldn't help but speak.

Sometimes their brothers and sisters are really a group of naive elders, after all, men are still teenagers until they die.

But take a rest for a while.

Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping will continue to perform again.

When the former was waiting on the side screen to look at the tens of thousands of people below, he found that he couldn't see the whole picture of the tens of thousands of spectators at a glance, and had to turn his head slightly to get a panoramic view of everyone.

He has acted in thousands of places before, and several times, but every time he performs, he feels amazing.

The fact that cross talk is so capable is indeed because De Yun is popular.

The key point is that he didn't bloat, and he thought it was unbelievable.

It's also very likely that he fell in love with his daughter-in-law and had a child after he became angry, so he didn't think about it.

"Next, please enjoy the cross talk "La Yang Movie"! Performers Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping!"


quack quack quack quack.

Another round of arena restlessness.

The two came to the familiar stage.

"It can be seen that everyone is very happy! I am also very happy. A show we performed before was called "The Big Trial and Confession"! This one just hosted "Layang Movie"!
Today's protagonist is Luan Yunping. "

"Yes, I was just beaten."

"I very much hope that the Zandi show will be replaced by Wu Zhuizi! After today's performance, heh, I'm so happy."

"You're happy, I have to die here. I'm talking about cross talk, not here to be beaten."

Once said, the audience was happy.

He was kicked just now, and then he was beaten on the head in this program, and then Wu Zhuizi was picked up, Luan Yunping really died on stage.

They haven't seen one before, and they were all beaten.

Of course, this is just a pretext, and after talking for fun, I have to get into the business of pulling foreign movies.

Today's work is not small.

Two people are really selling kung fu.

After the performance, Xie Jing and Li Hedong were replaced.

Now their style is very stable, and they haven't changed to Zhazizi yet. The reason why they have become Zhazizi is because there are newcomers in cross talk.

I don’t know that recording a variety show awakened that style.

Fortunately, more people will remember them.

After their performance, they bowed and left the stage, and Qi Yuncheng and the others entered the stage again.

"Is everything ready?"

Luan Yunping: "What?"

"It's the last round of changing the weapon! I'm going to go, wait a minute, don't worry, I remember there is a steel pipe coming from the back."

"Huo! Stop the steel pipe, I'll just bury it on the spot, so you won't have to do it."

The Nanjing stadium was full of laughter, and this is the job of their actors.

Seeing that Qi Yuncheng was about to leave the stage at the end, Luan Yunping used the fastest speed in her life to drag her back before starting the show.

As soon as the 10-minute live show was over, the two returned to the show and called Xie Jing up to chat.

When they were chatting, Qi Yuncheng stood by and took a break, just looking at them, at most making a few remarks from time to time.

Luan Yunping: "This guy may not be familiar to everyone, his name is Xie Jing. Although he is young, he is our master in terms of seniority.

Please come up and chat more. "

Xie Jing stood in the middle, wearing a white coat, "Please come up and chat more."

"But don't look at her seniority is so much older than us."

Xie Jing: "But don't look at how seniority is so much older than us."


When she first came up, Luan Yunping felt something was wrong, "Like me?"

Xie Jing: "Learn from me?"

Luan Yunping: "It's bad luck to imitate others."

Xie Jing: "It's bad luck to learn how to speak."

Nodding, Luan Yunping thought for a while before speaking, "I'm not good."

Xie Jing: "I'm not good."

Luan Yunping: "I'm banned from acting!"


Xie Jing choked on a single sentence, and quickly wiped his cold sweat with a white handkerchief, "I was so scared that my back was wet, I couldn't do without the show, Deyun's performance is almost under your control, if you want I asked Guo Degang to call you brother."

"What a mess."

After this sentence, everyone was overjoyed, including Qi Yuncheng.

After all, it is a cross talk family, and the foundation is not weak, so I said, "Please introduce yourself well."


Xie Jing stood in the middle, and said calmly, "My name is Xie Jing, and I performed a show just now. My level is limited, and I am a primary school student. Then some friends who come up may ask.

All the actors performing today have words, but I am the only one?As I said just now, seniority is different.

Besides, Guo Degang didn't want to accept me either. "

"Why?" Luan Yunping asked.

Xie Jing glanced at the two people left and right, "How do you think he gave me the word? Give me the word cloud like you! Yun Jin? He must hate me."

Audience: "Woo~~"

mention this.

Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping, as well as the audience below, all understood, and there was a lot of restlessness.

However, the former suddenly wanted to leave, and muttered, "I kind of miss that steel pipe in my backstage, you guys wait a little while, go and come."

"Hey, it's still confiscated." Xie Jing was taken aback, but also puzzled, "How did you bring this here?"

"Your partner, He Dong!"

"Yes, I also know him." Xie Jing helplessly spread his hands.

Because of the society, there is no one in Deyun who doesn't know.

It's also just right, borrowing the topic, Qi Yuncheng called this one up, he is now watching the fun with Zhang Helun, Shaobing and the others, and when he hears himself, he quickly walks over.

His style is much better now, the moment he was brought into Deyun by his brother, he smelled very heavy.

But it's not the anger that matters.

Ruffian, people like Zhang Helun and Li Hebiao can act out, but there is more of a kind of real ruthlessness in him, which belongs to the kind of unwillingness to accept softness without a knife on the neck.

But who would have thought that after entering Deyun, people in the society would become a laborer, and the amount was not bad.

In the end, Deyun is a place where talents are produced. They can do anything, and they can keep anything.

It's just that as soon as he comes up, today's time is fast.

The minimum return time is set at 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the chat with each person is gone, and then another 15 minutes for the curtain call.

The time is very tight. If this kind of big field exceeds the time limit, the organizer will be fined.

As actors, they also have to go around a bit.

So even if the scene is over.

Qi Yuncheng and others couldn't take too long to sign autographs for the surrounding audience, and could only leave some photos as souvenirs.

It's more tiring than when performing a show.

When he returned to the backstage, Qi Yuncheng had to sigh, but when he saw the picture of his daughter-in-law hugging and smiling on his mobile phone screen, he felt much better.

Then ask slowly.

"Team Luan, today's performance is over, shall we go to the small theater tomorrow?"

"Yes! Let's go and see together."

"The small theater is so much easier. I'll call Master first!"

At the end of a big game, Qi Yuncheng will definitely report. It has been a habit for many years, even now.

Guo Degang was naturally very happy when he received the call.

But during the time he was performing in Yuncheng, he was even happier.

There are two children in the family, it's so much fun, especially Xixi is about to be one year old, and she is still thinking about what to give again.

"Okay, I get it. You guys perform well outside, I don't worry about you." Guo Degang spoke while holding the phone, and said again at the same time.

"Didn't you say you want to set up a drum music club? I have a fancy theater in Tianjing, and I want to sell it in a while.

What to do after the plate is down, this year is enough, next year will be almost the same. "

Qi Yuncheng was a little surprised, "Are you still interested?"

"What did you say? Do you think I don't care about the Guqu Club? Your mistress has been busy for so many years, so she should have her own time to make something she likes.

I thought about waiting for Baitang and Fenyang to grow up a bit.If you have to do it, then do it.

Anyway, whatever you say, your mistress agrees to everything, and there is nothing I can do about it.

But I don't care about the listing and busy work next year. If you don't get tired, you don't know what's good once. "

Listening to the master with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, Qi Yuncheng felt very comfortable listening in the background. He said so, and when the time comes to ask him for help, he will definitely "curse" and find time to come over.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll take care of it.

In addition, this time I came back and took Xixi to Grandpa Jin's side. I went there once before. "

"Go, I'll go with you. The old man will be happy when we live together for four generations. Hey, your children are born, gentlemen should be old.

Never mind sir, we are all old. "

"How can you be old?" Qi Yuncheng smiled happily, "My master is the youngest, with a pinch of water on his face."

"Don't be silly, go get busy with yourselves first. I have to get some milk powder. These two little ones should go to bed after drinking it. Oh, I didn't take care of Qilin when he was young. Now I'm going back to these two little ones." body."

(End of this chapter)

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