Cross talk: There is no size on the stage, and a new grave is built under the stage

Chapter 450 Huo, Master is dead in the pool, right? 【Subscribe】

"What the old man said is right, let me ask you if you are in good spirits? Yoshi."

"How do you explain this sentence?" Luan Yunping quickly looked at her partner and asked.

"It's a local dialect." Qi Yuncheng patted himself, "The body is fine, I have a role to play!"

"What is a play?"

"Anyway, the old man is amazing. He worked in Yunnan when he was young. He is an expert in ancient Chinese."

"How did you go?"

Qi Yuncheng said eloquently, "The work arrangement is over there. It was in the 1s, and the old man Huaxia promoted Mandarin No. [-]!
Everyone knows Putonghua, the common language that came out on the basis of Yenching is called Putonghua. "

"That's right." Luan Yunping replied listening.

"During the Spring and Autumn Period, the sage Confucius spoke Putonghua at that time. At that time, Putonghua was called Yayan."

Raising his hand, Qi Yuncheng gestured and wrote on the palm of his hand, "Elegant and elegant, the language of language! According to historical records, the elegant dialect used at that time was the dialect of Luoyang. In the Jin Dynasty, the dialect of Nanjing was spoken, and the dialect of Yangzhou was spoken in the Sui Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the Chang'an dialect was the Shaanxi dialect, which was called Tang Yun at that time.

Dadu dialect was spoken in the Yuan Dynasty, Nanjing dialect was spoken in the Ming Dynasty, and Nanjing dialect was spoken in the early Qing Dynasty. Emperor Yongzheng began to speak Yanjing dialect from him.

In the next five or so years, the state proposed to promote Mandarin to facilitate communication.

So his father was the first experts. "

After talking for a long time, the actor was very serious, and the audience below even began to believe it a little bit, with a beginning and an end.

After a while, Qi Yuncheng stretched out a thumb and continued to boast, "It's his father's job to promote Mandarin, but to be honest, he has a disappointment in every industry.

As the old saying goes, good or bad is often eighty-nine, but it is no different from others. "

"That's right."

"In Yunnan, the old man is a scholar, and he was there with Luan Yunping's mother. But there are still some intrigues within the industry."

Luan Yunping nodded, feeling very emotional, "That's how their industry is."

"Later, the old man said forget it, don't stay there, and go back to Yanjing. This frightened the person in charge of the area, and the person in charge still has a very good relationship with the old man."

"is it?"

"Brothers with different fathers but half mothers."

After speaking, some laughter came from the audience below.

Luan Yunping frowned and turned around, "That's okay."

"He came forward to keep your father." Qi Yuncheng changed into a different person behind the microphone, with a bit of reluctance, "You can't leave, you are an expert in ancient Chinese. If you leave, our team may not be able to carry on down."

"Is it that serious?"

"There is a loss in performance! But your father's stubborn temper, you can't do it, you can't say anything! Here we want to thank your mother emphatically."

"What's up with her?"

"The old lady is supportive and firmly listens to the old man. If you want to go back to Yanjing, you can go back to Yanjing. No one can stop you. So from this point of view, your mother is really a man!"

"This is outrageous." Luan Yunping sighed, speechless.

Qi Yuncheng looked at him and changed his words, "Iron man tenderness?"

"That's not right either."

"The heroine?"

"this is OK."

"Yes, your father is a heroine!"

"Two girls? Is there still me?"

"The old man just said not to wait, and piled up all the research materials in a car, and your mother waved goodbye to the Yunnan area while sitting in the car!
Afterwards, I returned to Yanjing to take root in the folk, and studied ancient Chinese to promote Putonghua.

He even took the initiative to put his file in the public bathing pool in Xuanwu District. "

As soon as Luan Yunping imagined that place, she supported the cross talk table with both hands and complained, "Is that where the files are kept? Isn't it all damp?"

"It's just to keep a low profile and find the charm of language among ordinary people. Having said that, he is also depressed when he is free. Sometimes he has nothing to do and pours a glass of dull wine and sits there sighing."

Qi Yuncheng picked up the wine glass out of thin air, fixed his eyes on it, and shook his hand casually, "Hey! (Tangshan dialect) Don't ask where the hero comes from, and don't ask the age of the rascal."

"Let's not talk about this common saying first, is this accent an expert in studying ancient Chinese?"

"Promote Mandarin No.1."

"Still No.1, there will be no one behind."

"The old man is an expert in ancient Chinese, and he promotes Putonghua No. 1, but no matter how much he knows, he must study and learn. There are many things worth studying among the people.

For example, there are many things worth studying in the bathhouse. "

"There's nothing to study here."

"There are terminology. In the bathhouse, shaving your head is called master, pedicure is called master, and taking a bath is called pad! Your father studies and talks about these languages, especially at this station. It seems that he is an expert in ancient Chinese."

Without further ado, Qi Yuncheng stood with his chest up and his head up, then raised his voice and shouted, "Please come inside!! No. [-]'s haircut!! Take off while you're at it!"

"Are you still taking off your side?" Luan Yunping repeated amusedly.

"An expert in the study of ancient Chinese."

"This is called a waiter."

"Don't talk nonsense, there is a lot of knowledge here. Especially to find someone, you have to be able to shout."

Qi Yuncheng continued the T-step with both legs, put one hand to his mouth and the other to his waist and shouted, "Is there Mr. Guo Degang in the pool~~
This call and that also agreed. "

"How do you agree?"

"Mr. Guo is drowning!"

"Huo, is it in the dead pool? Is there too much water?"

When the lover said it on the stage, he inexplicably hit the point of laughter, and there was a lot of laughter.

"Yu Qian in the pool, does Mr. Yu have any~~

Mr. Yu has been dead for two days. "

"Okay! It's changed to a funeral parlor! Will I have to be buried in a pond later?"

The audience laughed happily, and they talked ruthlessly. They really weren't as powerful as Qi Yuncheng.

But this paragraph is relatively stable.

Nothing too explosive.

Because of today's Gangsi Festival, his task is not only to talk about one scene, but also to support the next one. After all, the next one is the master and uncle holding Xiaoyue.

Now he has made the whole audience excited, and there are two elders below, not to mention that it is difficult to act, at least it is troublesome, and it will delay time to fill the stage.

However, apart from holding Xiaoyue, holding sesame seed cakes is also coming soon, and his mandarin jacket will probably be sealed this year, but unfortunately he is not popular, his master and uncle have told him several times in later generations.

The first time was when he was fatter, the second time was when he lost weight and said that he was a burning torofu driver, and the third time was when he clamored to be a teacher.

After all, he is a disciple, how could he not praise him.

However, his characteristic of stripping mandarin jackets is unique, but he is not popular, and the patriarch does not give him food, so his voice is bad.

This is what Qi Yuncheng watched him step by step back then.

The master also felt distressed and panicked, but there was really nothing he could do. Fortunately, it suited his bluffing personality and stage style.

Not much time.

Qi Yuncheng on the stage performed the second half of the joke under the eyes of many audiences at the Beijing Exhibition. The second half was that Luan Yunping's father, an expert in ancient Chinese, sang "Da Deng Dian" with a boss Wang who came to take a bath in the bathhouse.

The scene of Xue Pinggui sung by Da Deng Dian was aided by Princess Dai Zhan, who broke through Chang'an, appointed officials and titled titles, and liquidated the rest of his sins.


"Wait until you get on stage and do a T-step with your hips on your hips. Your father is more energetic than the others."

"Isn't he incapable? How can he be mental?"

"He can't sing, but T-step akimbo is like every day in the bathhouse."

"That's right." Luan Yunping nodded.

"The old man came out and sang the original board and returned to the seat, until this sentence, "Quickly declare Wang's Baochuan in the cold kiln!" After singing, they picked up the imperial decree and handed it to your father's playing motor!

But he was very happy when he stood up."

"what happened?"

"Uncle Wang sang really well. I listened to it in the audience that day. It's really good to hear the rhyme of Uncle Wang on stage." Qi Yuncheng muttered, suddenly changed his eyes and reminded him in a low voice, "Hey!!
Ok?Uncle Wang, what are you doing here?Want a pedicure? "

"Get a pedicure anywhere."

Qi Yuncheng said angrily: "Speak, I'll find someone.

Who is Uncle Wang looking for?
Find Wang Baochuan.

This sentence reminded him.That's right, I still have a few words to say. I took the imperial decree and stood up. With just this one sentence, everyone on and off the stage was amused. "

"Why did he shout?"

"There is a decree from the Holy Spirit, is there any Queen Wang Baochuan in the pool!!!"

"I'm still looking for someone."


Give the last sentence.

Qi Yuncheng and Luan Yunping bowed and stepped off the stage with smiles on their faces, and there was a lot of applause from below.

Sheng Teng, who is more familiar with him, said with emotion, "I feel that the performance of Yun in the theater is different, this is his home field.

Every word is very stable, no wonder it is so powerful.

It's all experience.

Don't say that I even want to try it on stage. When recording the show before, Yuncheng briefly told me a paragraph. "

"Really?" Mary turned her head suddenly, her eyes were a little curious.

"Of course, what relationship do I have with him! Handsome people are attracted to each other and cherish each other."


Mary sat next to him and kept nodding, she was already used to him.

At this time, Qi Yuncheng went behind the side screen and found that the daughter-in-law was also holding her. After pinching the girl's face a little, the little girl stretched out her hand to grab it, but she didn't have time to stop.

Now that the audience's applause has not subsided, he has to make a small comeback.

So he went up with his partner again, this time he went up like a soaring thought, when Yun Cheng saw him in the front row, he directly invited him up to make a statement and say something casually.

Now Shengteng who doesn't know that they have participated in so many Spring Festival Gala, and variety shows have helped them improve their reputation a lot.

So the audience applauded very enthusiastically.

As for the length of time, Qi Yuncheng has been acting for so many years, so he can easily decide.

The small encore of the three chatting is over.

It was the turn of Yue Yunpeng, Guo Degang, and Yu Qian to come on stage and talk about "Training Apprentice"!
when they perform.

Without further ado, Qi Yuncheng took off his coat in the background, and after taking it off, he went to embrace his daughter behind the curtain.

After hugging her, she bit her shirt without saying a word, leaving a small trail of saliva, thanks to the fact that she took off her coat.

Song Yi wiped it with a paper, "Why is this? Do you think your father tastes better? Your father will have to go on stage later."

Xixi can't understand words, it's purely habitual, she wants to put everything in her mouth at this age, and there is a high probability that she has inherited her mother's gluttony.

At this time, Qi Yuncheng happened to think of the lollipop that Lord Hou had given him, and asked his daughter-in-law to take off the candy wrapper, and licked it for her daughter.

I fell in love with this lick, and stretched out my two little hands to grab it, but the father quickly took it away.

How could it be possible for her to eat by herself? It is very easy to have diarrhea after eating a few sticks, and she doesn't like to drink milk anymore. At most, let her taste the taste from time to time.

"Want to eat? I won't give it to you."

Snatching the lollipop from her husband, Song Yi smiled and waved it in front of her daughter. Xixi wanted to go and get it again, but suddenly the mother took it away, as if she wanted to eat it herself.

That is to say, seeing that the lollipop was going to be eaten in one bite, the girl's small expression and small mouth were exactly the same as when Song Yi was wronged, and her big eyes were full of complaints.

It was about to cry and fuss.

Qi Yuncheng hurriedly said, "Okay, grab something from the child, you must bully your daughter, right? Although you can't eat more, one should not be a big problem, just don't let her get tired of it."

"You know how to be pampered, then have you ever thought that I want to eat too?"

"Isn't there any more!"

With a helpless sigh, Qi Yuncheng returned the child to his wife, and then watched Beizhan's performance while peeling off the candy wrapper at the entrance.

Obviously today's task is to talk about cross talk, and I have to bring the children here, but now I have to take care of two.

And "Training Apprentice" on the stage is not considered a bottom line. After the performance, there will be two cross talks.

But time is also fast.

Teacher Gao Feng was second, and the master and uncle's classic program was finished at the end, and it was time for everyone to go on stage again.

Although a performance is long, it is not very long in reality.

From 07:30 to 10:30 at most three hours, three hours is really short, if I watch one or two movies at home, it will pass.

Not to mention the cross talk of Le Yi Wan.

Even if the performance lasts past eleven o'clock.

But when a group of people are on stage.

Qi Yuncheng saw that Master Hou's pile of food had been eaten, it was really scary, and he, Xiaoyue, and biscuits were all used to wipe it out. Guo Qiling was fine, he knew he was going to lose weight.

"All come up?"

Near the crosstalk table, Guo Degang looked at the crowd and muttered, and at the same time waved his hands to call out Tao Yang, who was a little invisible in the crowd.

Tao Yang is not tall, and Dalin and Shaobing are next to him. His figure is easy to miss.

After Tao Yang came over, Guo Degang smiled happily, "Little Tao Yang, I don't know if you remember anything.

grown up now.I remember he drew a bar backstage to measure his height, but now the bar reaches his chest.

time flies.

And there was not much movement before, because the child was out of stock and had to protect his throat.

Otherwise, if there are two biscuits in Deyun Club, we will be in trouble.

Fortunately, it's okay to lose positions recently, and she showed up on Yuncheng's comedian stage.

I remember that there was a group of people in the backstage, and he was just a child, but even though he was young, he could also be a group of people.

So Huo Huo made a few good friends.

The first one is Yuncheng who hurt me, you all have seen this, bad ones are not good.If I hadn't found a chance, I would have blocked him.

Besides, Qi Ling and Qi Ling also grew up together and have a good relationship.

Now that it's back, let's restore it first.

Anyway, look forward to it. "

It is obvious to the naked eye that he likes Tao Yang, Guo Degang can't help being willing to introduce more, and there are more happy things at the same time.

"Today, Yuncheng brought you a little surprise, do you want to take a look?"


Although the audience didn't know what it was, they knew what was wrong when they saw Mr. Guo's expression.

"That's fine!" Guo Degang turned his head to look at the side curtain, "Come on, girl! Hug me here!"

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