The other half of the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest also led two Contras, several Soul Sage level powerhouses. Yueguan had already finished patrolling the half of the forest area where he was responsible for clearing the field.

In the middle and center of the Star Dou Great Forest, two titled Douluo Elders and Bibi Dong from the Elder Hall are personally responsible for the detection.

The purpose of their trip is precisely for the 10-year-level spirit beasts that originally lived in the center of the Star Dou Great Forest, the forest emperor, the Azure Bull Python, and the forest king, the Titan Giant Ape.

While sitting on the battlefield to fight, Bibi Dong, who still has to search for two 10-year-level soul beasts, is in a very irritable mood.

Although Yueguan and Guimei's martial soul fusion skills are strong, but in terms of personal combat power, compared with the other elders of the Elder Hall at the Title Douluo level, it is more subtle.

They didn't dare to touch Bibi Dong's misfortune at this time. When Bibi Dong ordered them to lead a team to patrol the outer area of ​​the forest and be responsible for clearing the field, they felt a little dissatisfied that as a titled Douluo and an elder of the Spirit Hall, they actually wanted to personally lead the The team does this kind of logistical work, but they absolutely dare not show it on the surface.

You must know that the current Wuhun Palace, no, it is the Wuhun Empire, except for the worship hall that is even higher than the Pope's Palace and the Elder's Hall, the others are Bibi Dong's Yiyan Hall, and most of the elders in the Elder's Hall also acquiesce Bibi Dong took power.

Yueguan and the soul master team stopped at the place where they were separated after finishing the area they were in charge of.

However, after waiting for a long time, no ghost led the team back.

Yue Guan, who was leaning against the tree trunk, was a little uneasy.

Both he and the old ghost's soul power have broken through to level 95, stepping into the ranks of Super Douluo.

What's more, the old ghost is still a soul master of the agility attack department. With his speed, even if the rest of the soul master team didn't keep up, he shouldn't be slower than his control system soul master.

Could it be that he encountered a strong enemy or was ambushed?

Thinking of this, Yue Guan frowned, stood up straight, and said to the rest of his subordinates who were resting on the treetops or on the ground: "Everyone, immediately go to investigate the area that Elder Ghost is in charge of, and fire a signal flare if you find anything abnormal."


Several figures flashed out together, and Yueguan was one of them.

In the realm of twins—

After turning on the martial spirit avatar form for a long time, the ghosts who are still within the suppressing effect of the domain have begun to be unable to do what they want.

The 20% defense suppressed by the domain can be offset by soul skills and martial spirit avatar form, but the 2% mental power absorbed per minute cannot be avoided.

At first, the ghost didn't notice it, but after a long time, the ghost found the clue.

But by then it was too late.

Once again, the ghost that was hit by Tang Sui fell hard on the floating platform that appeared out of thin air, and was smashed hard.

Everything in the domain is controllable according to Tang Sui's change of mind.

As long as she thought about it, the ghosts and ghosts would only fall infinitely when they entered the field, instead of standing on the platform.

Arranging a floating platform for them is just to make them a better target for the domain.

Of course, now it is to make the ghost more painful.

Although the great hatred between them has not had time to forge, their positions are always hostile.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Tang Sui, who was suspended in the void, looked at the ghost who smashed the thick floating platform into a deep pit, and Zhi Leng coughed up a big mouthful of thick blood, even mixed with a few small pieces of internal organs. indifferent.

The ghost, who was forced to undo the form of his martial spirit avatar, coughed a few times, and looked at Tang Sui who was already condensing a new round of attacks, with bursts of despair in his heart.

Unexpectedly, as an agility attack system soul master who has stepped into the 95th level Title Douluo realm, he would be suppressed and beaten by an auxiliary system soul master who has just stepped into the title Douluo rank.

However, even if he died in battle today.
He also wants to die with dignity!

Thinking about it, Ghost stood up tenaciously. Even though he was dressed in black, he could still tell from the strong smell of blood on his body that he was seriously injured.

Tang Sui didn't know the despair in Gui Mei's heart, even if he knew, he would probably give him a reason.

The level is not enough, so the equipment comes together.

This theory is practical wherever it is placed.

Just like climbing the Seagod's Light on Seagod Island back then.

However, the moment Gui Mei raised his eyes to look at her, Tang Sui still saw the fearless determination in his eyes to die, and his mind was in a daze, somewhat touched.

But that's about it.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, and the sixth blood-red halo glowed dazzlingly. The majestic monster power and soul power were harmoniously blended together, and they all flew out from Tang Sui's side.

"The sixth soul skill, Forbidden Face."

As an enemy, the only thing she can soften her heart is to fight the opponent openly and give ghosts the respect as a warrior.

The seven dark-golden masks as thin as cicada's wings, which were full of auxiliary attributes on their own, rushed towards the ghost with a destructive momentum with a passive armor-piercing magic skill.

A black light flashed in the ghostly eyes of the awe-inspiring ghost, and the eighth soul ring buzzed, and also unleashed the strongest blow that could be used with his remaining soul power.

"The eighth soul skill, ghosts and monsters!"

Countless black and purple skulls appeared in the void, like the underworld of hell. Because of their obsession, twisted and resentful souls who could not cross the river safely, one after another squeezed together like grapes growing from a vine , facing the "stars" that fell from the sky one after another like meteorites from outside the sky.


The black and purple skulls are like on the battlefield, fearless of death, the cavalry rushing to the forefront of the troops, rushing forward to meet death, using their own corpses to pave a blood path for later teammates, amidst the hysterical roar of ghosts, black and purple skulls The skull broke through the offensive and defensive lines of the masks and exploded all the way to Tang Sui.


The deafening explosion sounded endlessly.

When a soul master enters the Title Douluo sequence at level 90, the difference between each level is a world of difference, and level 95 and above is a qualitative leap. Even if Tang Sui has "equipment" to make up for it, his soul power is still the same. It was a full 4 levels behind the ghost, and the figure was swallowed by the moving skulls.

"Ka Ka Ka,"

Suddenly, the exhausted ghost heard the sound of breaking glass.

He looked up, and the depressive and deep boundless black was like dissolved ink, slowly collapsing, revealing the replaced real world.

Because of Tang Sui's injury and the onslaught of attacks from both inside and outside, the field that was subjected to bombing and blasting couldn't be maintained in the end.

Throwing a second soul skill to himself, Tang Sui, who still couldn't help choking out a mouthful of blood, raised his head expressionlessly, sensing all the more than 20 tyrannical auras that he was afraid of.

Tsk, their reinforcements are here.

I felt that the chapped lips of the ghostly ghost moved, and the familiar chrysanthemum petals blending purple red and apricot yellow came into my eyes.

"Old ghost!"

Yue Guan with an anxious face flashed to Ghost's side, and a strong bloody smell wafted out of his nostrils.

Yueguan looked at Guimei's body as if it had been cut to the bone by some kind of sharp cold weapon, his eyes were stained with anger, and his eyes full of murderous intent looked at Tang Sui, who was closely watched by other subordinates.

"Tang, Sui!"

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