The crow-black long hair fluttered wantonly in the sudden strong wind, and the rich black-red demonic power exploded outwards, and the strands of black-red light were like extremely sticky cobwebs, instantly entangled the spiritual power All living organisms within the coverage area.

One after another, pitch-black vortexes swayed synchronously, and even Ghost Douluo and ghosts had no time to escape, being entangled in the intertwined fine threads of light in the air, only had time to widen their eyes, and the body was justifiably pulled by the powerful suction force Drag and drop in, the whole process takes less than two seconds.

"Hee hee hee--"

The poured thick ink covered other colors. The moment they entered the field, countless sharp laughter penetrated into their brains like a drill, stimulating their nerves.

The oppressive and deep darkness spread in the field of vision, only the occasional wisps of blood light from the dense black tide embellished the bright colors.

But just staring at the darkness for a few seconds, the brain began to appear dizzy.

The ghost that fell on a raised platform also felt the suppression from the domain and the strangeness of its body.

"Let me be sober! This is a mental attack!"

The hoarse voice mixed with soul power and mental power swayed, and the drowsy brains of the several soul saints shuddered, the trance in their eyes disappeared, and they formed a circle vigilantly, and they spoke out in unison, leaving their backs to the others. People, but in fact, he secretly raised his vigilance, just in case someone came from behind and got his heart out by a black tiger.

"This is the Shadow Realm? No, it's not right, it's just similar." But why... After entering this realm, his martial spirit felt a little out of control.

It's like encountering the strict grading by blood, and the subordinate's unconscious surrender to the superior, so that he has the urge to kneel down on the spot from the bottom of his heart?
The ghost with a tall and thin ghost floating behind it looked at this weird domain space in surprise.

He found that this realm seemed to be somewhat similar to the Shadow World that he usually likes to walk through, but compared to the other dead and dark Shadow World, this place made him feel even more depressing!
Anyone who has fought against Ghost Douluo knows that Ghost Douluo's fighting characteristic is that he only sees ghosts, but not soul rings.

That's because Ghost Douluo's martial soul is an extremely peculiar martial soul.

He died once when he was young, but by chance, his soul returned to his body, and he awakened a soul-like martial soul—Ghost, which had the same name as him.

In a sense, his soul is his martial soul, and this powerful body walking in reality is a container.And he himself became a living dead when he awakened his martial soul, and the power of his soul was beyond human reach, not to mention that his cultivation base had reached the realm of Titled Douluo, and he was extremely strong.

It was also because of this that he quickly noticed the spiritual pollution mixed in the field.


A chuckle that was quite different from the other sharp laughter wafted into the ear.

The ghost's expression changed, and with a wave of his hand, a huge ghost hand appeared out of thin air, and he quickly and accurately grabbed the source of the sound, but it was like grabbing wet mud. Time to flow down, falling back into the deep black tide.


A shrill scream suddenly sounded.

The ghost turned his head, only to see his subordinates being entangled by the black strips that suddenly rushed out from the Kuroshio, and as the dark golden afterimage passed by, the protective energy on their bodies shattered like ceramics .

Even though he was still in the form of the spirit avatar, he couldn't even hold on to the struggle. All the tricks and struggles were surrounded by black strips swarming up, and sharp black thorns suddenly swelled from the slender and winding strips. , piercing their bodies with their terrified expressions, regardless of the deadly part, just stabbing to death, and being impaled into a hedgehog under the eyes of ghosts and ghosts.

"Hee hee hee--"

A mocking sneer came from the black tide, and then more black strips stretched out, swallowing the impaled corpse of the soul saint into the depths of the domain.

- off topic -

Be lazy today, and finish the big battle at once tomorrow, and then return to Haotianzong's face-slapping plot, which should also be finished.

Tomorrow's update will start dropping at noon~

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