Chapter 660 Run or Do?

"Thank you for your help!"

Taking advantage of the distance between the mask and the ice-scale armored dragon Chuangfei, the middle-aged man stepped back to the man in the fleece suit, cast a grateful glance at Tang Sui, and then extended his hand to the man in the fleece suit, urgently urging: "How long are you going to sit on the ground? Run now!"

The man in the fleece suit who was reprimanded by the second person shrank his neck, stretched out his hand guiltily, got up with another steady force, and was about to run away, but Tang Sui stretched out his hand to block him.

"Wait a moment."

The two looked at Tang Sui, the middle-aged man showed some doubts on his face, but there was also a hint of wariness hidden in his eyes.

As for the man in the fleece suit, although he was equally puzzled, he was more cautious.

"When I arrived just now, I happened to see your companion leave, but it seems that you should have been chasing this ice-scale ankylosaurus for a long time, right? Did you just give up like this?"

Tang Sui pretended not to notice the vigilance in the middle-aged man's eyes, and stared at the ice-scaled ankylosaurus, which shook its head from the dizziness and regained consciousness.


The opponent uttered a sky-shattering roar, the soundless sound wave seemed to be mixed with some kind of spiritual impact effect, which made people's eardrums hurt, as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer, causing the soul power and magic power in the three of them The man in the fleece suit with the lowest resistance twisted his face, hissed in pain and covered his ears, his already pale face from the cold turned even paler.

"This guy actually knows how to attack!"

The middle-aged man's momentum was as calm as a bell, and he only frowned on the interference attack of the ice-scale armored dragon, and there was no other abnormality.

This is also thanks to the effect of Tang Sui's second soul skill, otherwise he would also suffer internal injuries now.

Seeing that the ice-scaled ankylosaurus started to sprint deadly again, the faces of the middle-aged man and the man in the fleece suit changed drastically. After the former quickly said a word of impoliteness, he grabbed Tang Sui's wrist and started running quickly.

Restraining her urge to dodge, Tang Suixiu frowned slightly, and deftly let go of his rough palm, saying, "You don't have to take me to run, I can run by myself."

The middle-aged man didn't say anything. It's naturally best to save some energy and run more at this time.

As a result, the scene returned to the original scene for a while, with the ice scale armored dragon chasing after the shadow of the god of death, while Tang Sui and the three ran hard.

"It's not that we want to give up, but that this ice-scale armored dragon is very weird."

While running, the middle-aged man also answered Tang Sui's question just now, with bitterness in his eyes, "We are a temporary hunting team. Half a month ago, we discovered that this head was repaired six years ago. The left and right ice-scale armored dragons, we launched a general attack on it three days ago, and we had already beaten it to the last breath, but who knows, this ice-scale armored dragon seems to have a special skill!"

The man in the fleece suit hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes. At that time, our team members had just taken two steps and approached the fallen ice-scale ankylosaurus. Who knew it suddenly opened its eyes and recovered from a dying state to a full-blown state. The wound left on it during the battle healed in an instant, and launched a counterattack against us!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Tang Sui's eyes flickered slightly, and the masks of these two guys in the mental space were all silent.

The middle-aged man glanced at the ice-scale armored dragon that was more than 20 meters away from them, and said in a deep voice: "The strength of our hunting team is generally above the soul king level, and a 6-year-level ice dragon Scale armored dragon, it takes a little time, and it can be defeated naturally. But even if it can be defeated, it can't hold back the unique skills of this ice scale armored dragon."

Tang Sui was keenly aware of Huadian: "You mean, it has recovered more than once from the dying state to the peak in an instant?"

The two nodded in unison, and the man in the fleece suit said bitterly: "It is precisely because of this that we chose to give up running. After all, it can be recovered, but our hunting team does not have auxiliary soul masters at all, let alone healing soul masters. This is already the fourth time, the defensive power of the ice scale armored dragon is already proud, and our soul power has been consumed a lot in the battle, there is really no way."

Hearing this, Tang Sui was lost in thought.

Yuan Mian gave a "tsk", expressing Tang Sui's entanglement: "I thought it was such a coincidence that I hit the door directly when I arrived at the young girl's room."From what it sounds like, this ice-scaled ankylosaurus doesn't quite look like a young girl. '

Tang Sui agrees with Yuan Mian.

Although the complete Qingnvfang has the resurrection ability, no matter how it changes, she also said when communicating with Qingnvfang that the necessary condition for resurrection is that the subject who needs to be resurrected is dead, and it cannot be alive.

Recovering from the dying state to the peak countless times?

It made her a little excited.

Tang Sui glanced at the two of them, his eyelashes drooping slightly, and between the flickering eyes, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Forget it, sell favors.

"You two, I'm an auxiliary soul master. If I have a way to restrain this ice-scale armored dragon and expose its weakness, are you sure you can kill it?"

Tang Sui looked sideways at the middle-aged man.

As for why not ask another one.

Well, she's not blind, so she can't see clearly who is in charge.

"By the way, the cooling time of my second soul skill is 50 seconds, which doesn't consume much of my soul power."

"This..." The middle-aged man met Tang Sui's quiet gaze, thinking of Tang Sui's soul-healing skill that can be called a Jedi counterattack, he turned his head to look at the man in the fleece suit who was staring at this side eagerly.

The man in the fleece suit immediately stated his position: "Brother Haote, you saved my life. Without you, there would be no such person as Zhou Zhuo in this world. This ice-scale armored dragon is the most suitable soul beast for you. As long as you Think, I am willing to contribute my part!"

The middle-aged man, Hao Te looked at the light in Zhou Zhuo's eyes, turned his head to look at the ice-scale armored dragon behind him who looked like he was dying, his heart was hardened, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay! Then do it! This one"

"My name is Tang Sui." Tang Sui added his real name thoughtfully.

As for whether they will be interested in this name that was once wanted by the Wuhun Palace and now the Wuhun Empire?
She doesn't think so.

Firstly, she is not a titled Douluo, and secondly, she has never gained a reputation with her real name. In addition, the boundary here is remote, so the chance of being recognized is zero.

"My name is Haote. I am a level 69 Assault Soul Emperor, a spirit snow demon bear. He is Zhou Zhuo, a level 59 Battle Soul King, and a Polar Ice Leopard of the Wuhun Assault System."

Ice Leopard?

In Tang Sui's mind came the appearance of the spindle-shaped seal, the fat belly and fins slapping the belly, and the black eyes that seemed to contain "wisdom", and looked at the expectant Zhou Zhuo again. , slandering:
Well, this martial spirit is quite suitable for him.

Da Fei sneered: "That's not true, it looks silly." '

The God of Fortune said quietly: "Seals are obviously cute, right?" '


The ape face is the first one who can't help it: 'yue'

Da Fei said angrily: "Can you stop pointing your mouth at your own people!" '

Fushen was aggrieved: "I'm just telling the truth." '

Da Fei came out cursing.

Tang Sui's eyes flashed a faint smile at the lively scene, and the next second, the corners of her lips slightly raised:

"Tang Sui, level 89 auxiliary equipment Contra, Martial Soul, Spirit Face."

(End of this chapter)

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