Shang Yang's words made Tang Sui seem to open the door to a new world.

Although he was still being beaten, Tang Sui was already adjusting his fighting style, attaching the force of the domain to himself.

Just like after the third test of tidal body training, the skin will produce ripples like waves when it is stressed, producing the effect of transforming energy.

When Shang Yang's attack hit her again, Shang Yang noticed the difference.

As if he had touched a large piece of absorbent sponge, he punched it, but the aura and strength brought by the wind of the fist were sucked away by an invisible layer.

Even the dragon claw, which is extremely destructive in itself, hit Tang Sui as if it had been dispelled. The strength was almost removed, leaving only the damage that could be resisted by pure physique, but the only damage force was destroyed by something. Things are isolated and cannot be touched.

A look of satisfaction flashed in Shang Yang's eyes, his men's attack did not stop, and they were still ruthless.

From hands-on to practice makes perfect, Tang Sui constantly adjusted his fighting rhythm in passive defense and weak attack, and finally even attached domain effects to the masks.

It wasn't until Tang Sui's demon power recovered that it couldn't keep up with consumption and fell into exhaustion, Shang Yang stopped his hands, looking at Tang Sui who was sunken in the extremely hot rock pit by him, the demon power shook away, adding a little bit of damage to the black man. The gown was restored.

Tang Sui, whose whole body was embedded in the pit, saw this scene, and there was a little lovelessness in his eyes.

What could be more embarrassing than when you scrape your opponent's fur with all your might, and the other party has a thought, and directly returns to full capacity in place?
Tang Sui didn't think so, and was glad that this was her Uncle Snake and not a real enemy.

The masks swayed up and down in the mental space, but compared to their activeness before the war, they are all stunned now, and even the black face has not made a sound.

Tang Sui, who couldn't even move a finger, opened his mouth feeling the scorching temperature around him that was about to melt her away, but before she could say anything, Shang Yang waved his hand, and the scarlet demon power condensed into a stick The long rope swooped down, crushing the coke-like ground forcefully, encircling Tang Sui's waist arbitrarily, pulling the man out of the pit like a carrot.

Tang Sui felt like his bones were about to be torn apart: "."

Her body honestly choked out blood, flowing down the corner of her mouth.

Shang Yang looked at the weak Tang Sui, and said with disgust in his eyes: "You have become a pure blood demon, why is your body still so fragile?"

Tang Sui: "."

Is there a possibility that her real body is just superficial, humanoid, but with a bit of a floating feeling.

But Uncle Snake, your body can easily crush a city, or even flatten an entire empire. The ten-headed blazing sun snake with ten heads is not human, but a beast?

She silently suppressed the surging reverse blood, closed her eyes in front of Shang Yang, and began to sort out the disordered blood.

Shang Yang looked at the little guy's hopeless look, raised his hand, and the space around him began to distort, like a projected mirage, disappearing with the changes in the refracted light of the sun.

The high temperature, which was so hot that the air was distorted, quickly turned cold, and the demon power rope that bound Tang Sui disappeared at the moment Shang Yang took back the domain.

Before becoming unconscious, Tang Sui felt as if he had fallen into a hot embrace.

As the name suggests piping hot.

The shoulders and knees touched by the arms of the other party around her, as if someone specially tied a branding iron to her body, the hot Tang Sui trembled subconsciously, and the words on his lips were blocked by the consciousness of returning to pitch black lips.

She just wanted to say—

"Let go of her."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the side hall.

Shang Yang's dark red snake eyes that hadn't changed back instantly locked on to the figure that appeared in front of him like a ghost, and stared with interest at the girl whose face was exactly the same as the junior in his arms.


The black face who appeared stood there wearing a black one-piece dress, with no skirt covering from the knees, and the exposed skin showed a kind of cold and dead paleness.

A cloud of black mist lingered from the ankle, making it hard to see whether she was wearing shoes or not.

Snakes are sensitive to both temperature and vital signs.

But even Shang Yang didn't detect any vital signs of the girl in front of him.

Not even a heartbeat could be detected.

Shang Yang pulled the corners of his lips, put away the surprise in his eyes, raised his brows slightly, and said, "It turns out that the rumors are not all false. The facial aura really has two forms. In other words, it is interdependent like a yin and yang fish." The presence?"

Hearing this, Hei Mian didn't show any surprise. He raised his hand after saying "um", and billowing black mist gushed out from his pale fingertips, attacking Tang Sui in Shang Yang's arms.

His hands were suddenly empty, and Shang Yang squinted his eyes, watching the black mist retracted by the black face slowly fade away, revealing the unconscious Tang Sui.

After the replacement, even though she was still in a coma, Tang Sui's frowning brows slightly loosened after staying away from the heat source that made her uncomfortable.

The cold facial features on the black face seemed to soften a little under the orange light.

Seeing this scene, Shang Yang asked again abruptly: "Does she know that you can come out alone?"

The black face looked up at him.

The same pure black pupils and the same appearance gave Shang Yang the feeling that it was like a pitch-black poisonous snake slowly slithering onto his body, and the slippery and cold snake scales rubbed against his skin, and there were also snake scales. The protecting Shang Yang also felt the bone-chilling chill, with an inhuman coldness, and a sense of cold-blooded cruelty that truly belonged to the monster clan.

"What if you know, what if you don't know."

The venomous snake revealed its letter of snake, and there was a little carelessness in its coquettish black eyes.

Shang Yang laughed, and the evoked smile was mixed with inexplicable joy and the meaning of watching a good show: "That will be more interesting."

No need to guess now, he can conclude that the little guy doesn't know about it.

Otherwise, in the battle just now, it would not have been unilaterally suppressed and beaten by him, or it would have been a messy defense and a clumsy attempt to attack.

"But I don't understand. Since you are here, why don't you personally guide and teach her, and let her figure it out from the beginning? It's better to have a guide than to be caught blind?" Shang Yang asked genuinely puzzled.

"The way the eagle teaches the chicks to learn to fly is to push the chicks directly from the nest on the cliff. Whether they live or die is entirely up to them." Heimian lowered his head, deep emotions emerged in his black eyes, " She still has a long way to go, and it may even be difficult."

"It's always good to gain some experience now."

Hearing this, Shang Yang stared closely at the black face of the Riddler.

The black face didn't care either, she turned around in front of Shang Yang who was holding him up, and walked towards the exit of the side hall.

Shang Yang looked at the translucent bare feet, raised his eyebrows slightly, and when the black face was about to reach the door of the side hall, he suddenly said:
"So, you let me be the villain?"

Hei Mian paused, then continued to walk forward without answering Shang Yang.

- off topic -

After going crazy with my friends in the middle of the night, I feel much better today, and the ink carp is that cute and strong carp again =v=
Happy Valentine's Day everyone~

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