Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 623 Tang 3: Secret Technique, Small Report

When Tang San regained consciousness, the moon was already hanging high in the sky.

In the warm orange-red bonfire, there was the sound of crackling firewood from time to time. The Shrek monsters, including Tang San who was lying down, sat around the bonfire together, each with a piece of sea fish skewered on the sharpened branches.

The skin of sea fish becomes crispy after being processed for a long time, and it emits an attractive aroma after being sprinkled with seasoning powder.

The eight monsters talked about their encounters in the domain. Although their faces were still haggard, the light in their eyes was brighter, and they were not extinguished by fear and nightmares at all.

Tang San woke up when everyone was talking about the excitement.

"Huh? Xiao San is awake!" Xiao Wu who was sitting on Tang San's left noticed something, turned her head, just in time to meet Tang San's slowly opening eyelids.

Xiao Wu returned the grilled fish skewers from the tree branch she picked up to the sand, stretched out her hand to help Tang San up, looked at Tang San with his right hand resting on his forehead, and sat up following Xiao Wu's strength, and asked softly: "Little San, what are you doing?" how do you feel?"

Tang Sui also came over, "Brother, you're awake."

When she fished Tang San out of the domain earlier, she had already given her brother a second spirit ability.Except that the mental power has not recovered, the soul power is definitely fine now.

Hearing Tang Sui's voice again, Tang San's right eyelid twitched heavily, and after a pause, he turned his head and met Tang Sui's eyes that were also full of concern.

It was the dark blue color he was familiar with, and there was no strange cold killing intent in it, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Tang Sui didn't understand, so, "Brother, does the domain have such a big impact on you?"

"Little San, it shouldn't be. You are the one with the highest spiritual power among us." The "we" Dai Mubai said only included the seven monsters who entered the domain.

Dai Mubai, Tang San grieved, first lowered his head to look at his arms, touched his waist, and finally his heart. After confirming that there was no wound, he said with a wry smile, "To tell you the truth, I was injured this time. It's in Sui Sui's domain. If this is not a trial, but an actual battle, I'm afraid everyone will be gone."

That guy, or the fox face, is really bad.

I thought his words were half-truths and half-false, but I didn't expect that both of his words were false.

Everyone: "???"

Ning Rongrong frowned, and said, "Third brother, what kind of illusion have you experienced?"

Before Tang San woke up, they took turns telling about the illusion they encountered.

Grandma is in charge of her illusion.

What Grandma showed her was that without the support of Tang Sui and the others, and without the advance notice that the Qibao Liulizong Wuhun Hall would launch a sneak attack, their Qibao Liulizong killed and injured more than two thousand disciples overnight. Bone Douluo was severely injured in this tragic battle, and Sword Douluo even lost his right arm, and the Zongmen base was directly turned into ruins.

Ning Rongrong was the one who felt the deepest.

It was obviously just an illusion, but when she was there and experienced the despair and tragedy of that night, she felt extremely real.

She knew that if Sui Sui and the others hadn't informed in advance and came to support that night, their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School might really suffer the catastrophe just like in the illusion.

At the end of the illusion, it was a sect disciple who used his life to block the attack for her in order to cover her escape, but her spirit was still strongly stimulated, and she fainted unbearably, and Tang Sui snatched her from the field. out.

During the time when she woke up without opening her eyes, the nightmare of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School being destroyed was constantly appearing in front of her eyes, and her waking reaction was no different from Tang San who subconsciously checked whether he was injured.

Her illusions were so tragic, unexpectedly Tang San's was not much better, and even fell into the illusion, which made Ning Rongrong even more curious about the content of Tang San's illusions.

Tang San looked at the equally curious Tang Sui, fell silent for a moment, and truthfully told the content of the illusion.

Tang Sui's expression changed from surprise to thoughtfulness, and finally to a gloomy expression.

In the pitch-black spiritual space, five masks were suspended in the void. Without exception, the eyes did not shine, lifeless, as if lifeless, just a decoration.

Tang Sui, who couldn't get any response from the masks, flashed a dark color in his eyes.

Everyone on the other side who was listening silently looked at Tang Sui in unison.

Under the stares of everyone, Tang Sui wanted to pull up the corners of his mouth and smile, but it seemed like he couldn't laugh anymore, and he couldn't laugh no matter what.

A warm touch suddenly came from the back of the hand.

Tang Sui was startled, and turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting beside him.

Zhu Zhuqing's cold face was full of worries at the moment.

"In front of us, if you don't want to smile, don't laugh."

The corners of Tang Sui's twitching mouth froze, and his pupils trembled slightly.


"I didn't expect them to be"

Tang Sui couldn't think of a suitable adjective for the latter words.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Tang Sui gently, "Everyone has things that they don't want to remember, and they don't want to face. It's like my illusion is back to the darkest and helpless period when I was in the Star Luo Empire. I can only be passive. It was the same as the days when I was beaten, and it was difficult for me to even escape.”

"Even so, I never thought of blaming you."

"Zhuqing is right, Suisui. I never thought of blaming you." Tang San's voice came from behind Tang Sui.

She turned her head and met Tang San's tolerant eyes.

"Yeah, Sui Sui, none of us thought of blaming you. After all, you are helping us overcome the fear in our hearts so as to surpass our current selves. You are not playing with us maliciously and wanting to hurt us."

Ning Rongrong also smiled.

Dai Mubai nodded, stretched out his hand and pulled out a bunch of grilled crispy, oily, burnt fish, and handed it to Tang Sui: "Sui Sui, don't underestimate us, we have a lot of experience these years. That's it Frustrations can always be overcome with a little time! Here, eat skewered fish, this one is already grilled!"

Looking at everyone's trusting and warm eyes, Tang Sui slowly closed his eyes, opened his lips slightly, and let out a soft breath.

"thank you all."

She opened her eyes again, raised her hand to take the grilled fish from Dai Mubai's hands, her eyes were clear: "I will have a good communication with them tonight about Fox Mian and the others."

Tang San looked at his younger sister whose mentality had been adjusted, and felt slightly relieved, thought of something, and said: "By the way, Sui Sui, about what I just said, replaced the 'Sui Sui' who you and I fought in the illusion. "

"Brother, are you sure that the 'I' inside is the same as the me in the soul state that you saw with the purple magic pupil in the soul master competition?"

Tang Sui interrupted Tang San's words and asked seriously.

Tang San nodded, eyes calm: "I'm sure, she and you are almost the same except for the difference in my feeling."

Tang Sui's eyes trembled, and the slender eyelashes drooped, and the shadows that fell covered the emotions brewing in her eyes.


".It's the same."

——Additional digression——

A brief explanation of the riddles in the last two chapters:

Originally all the characters were puppets created by Fox Face, but a certain mask quietly replaced them and fought Tang San.

The script that Fox Mian had drawn up suddenly became the script of a certain mask.

The bat wings are now integrated with the masks, and they heard the sound and came out to watch the show.

So only the script of the fox face is hurt (funny)

The most important foreshadowing lies in the relationship between this "a certain mask" and Sui Sui.

[I hereby declare: the post-supplement content will not be included in the fee, and the fineness will be gone! 】

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