Chapter 517 There is something
The two military trucks set off in a mighty manner under the order of Lieutenant General Modi.

Tang Sui sat in the first car, next to Lieutenant General Modi and the driver.

Nine fighters are in the big carriage at the back, ready to fight at any time.

The second car is also a 3+7 combination.

After screening the passable road sections in real time, in the finalized plan, it would take five days to travel from the army base in city B to the army base in city W, and there were no accidents on the road.

If the bridge there is destroyed, it needs to be detoured.

An atmosphere of silence spread in the big car, and the driving warrior kept his eyes on him, raised his vigilance to the highest level, and drove the car with all his attention.

As long as he is focused enough, embarrassment will not be contagious to him!

Two gray-green military trucks passed the smooth road and were about to drive into the dangerous area where the battle was going on.

Lieutenant General Modi picked up the radio communication in his hand, adjusted to the channel of the whole team, and told the soldiers to be vigilant, and the following is about to enter the combat zone.

As soon as he got in the car, he leaned his back against the back of the chair, closed his eyes and meditated. Tang Sui also opened his eyes, a pair of dark blue eyes flickered with a faint black light, making Mo Di, who noticed that Tang Sui woke up, looked over subconsciously. Will almost doubt his own eyes.

Because it was just a dazed effort, Tang Sui's eyes had returned to their previous clarity, and he couldn't see any turbid and dull colors. The black light he saw just now was like his illusion.

A bit wicked.

Lieutenant General Mo Di, who does not believe in God, frowned, and was about to keep silent and continue to be vigilant, when Tang Sui suddenly said:
"There's something ahead. Do you want to detour or give it a go?"

Ahead is a more important fork in the road.

If you want to make a detour, you have to turn back the original road for a while, turn from the previous intersection, and make a big circle, which will delay a lot of time.

Lieutenant General Modi glanced at Tang Sui suspiciously, but immediately opened the channel of the whole team and said briefly to stop.

Two large military trucks stopped at the same time.

"I have read your information and heard about your special ability. But please forgive me for being rude, I still don't believe it. If you said that there is something in front of you, can you give some specific basis?" Modi said Will speak rationally.

Tang Sui, who was directly questioned, was not angry, but asked in confirmation: "If I give the basis, do you choose to continue going straight through the side road, or turn around?"

Lieutenant General Modi's face remained unchanged: "Of course we will continue to implement. Our time is tight, and every minute of delay will make the survival of human beings serious by one minute. Our task is to escort you to the city of W as quickly as possible." 'Door'."

The number and race of monsters that appeared together with the white fog were increasing. When he got this report the night before he set off, his heart sank.

So even if there is danger, they must rush over.

Every soldier on this mission, including him, was ready to die.

Tang Sui looked at the determination in Lieutenant General Modi's eyes and was silent for a moment, exhaled, and said, "I can't give a specific basis, because you don't have any special talents at present. Let's exchange trust, Mr. Lieutenant General. You and I will go to the roof of the car, and at the same time keep in touch with the other fighters, and issue orders in time, is that okay?"

Lieutenant General Modi paused. Under the worried eyes of the driving soldiers, he nodded and said coldly: "Yes."

After speaking, he turned his head, opened the small sliding window connected to the rear compartment, and called another subordinate to fill his seat. He and Tang Sui went to the roof of the car.

Although it is a military card, it is not very soundproof, and they can clearly hear the conversation between Tang Sui and Lieutenant General Mo Di.

But obeying orders is their bounden duty.

Now that Lieutenant General Modi has made a decision, they just have to obey.

Lieutenant General Modi opened the sunroof above the middle passenger seat, and with two climbs, he climbed onto the roof of the military truck neatly, and stretched out his hand towards Tang Sui below, trying to pull him up.

Tang Sui thought for a few tenths of a second, then stretched out his hand, and followed the opponent's force to leave the ground with both feet from the car door.

Lieutenant General Mo Di, who was pulling Tang Sui, almost staggered and fell backwards.

When Tang Sui stood firmly on the roof of the car, he looked at Tang Sui with a strange look in his eyes, and he couldn't help rubbing his fingertips after retracting his calloused big hand.

The reason why he almost fell down just now was because he felt as if he was pinching a ball of weightless cotton, but he was almost brought down by his own excessive force because he was accumulating strength.

Thinking of Tang Sui's materials handed over by the scientific research department, Lieutenant General Mo Di's firm three views were shaken.

Two military trucks resumed driving.

Even the light of the searchlights could not penetrate through the dense fog, and only the scene within five meters could be seen clearly.

The "sizzling" sound of the radio was amplified in the quiet thick fog, which upset the soldiers who were already extremely nervous along with the thick fog.

Tang Sui has always activated his mental power, just in case.

Although her current detection range of mental power is still three meters, but when she was more than 20 meters away from the most dense fork in the fog, even if she didn't need to activate her mental power, she could still feel another bad breath blowing towards her face.

It's like a wild beast that has marked its territory with its own breath. Before the enemy approaches, it has already smelled the warning breath left by the owner of the territory from the wind.

In summary, something.

The painted wooden road sign was broken by something brutally, and fell there, staring at the passing vehicles or people.

Lieutenant General Modi also felt a little weird.

He has also cultivated an intuition for danger after years of cruising on the edge of life and death.

Just as Tang Sui said, as the big truck drove, the alarm in his mind kept going off.

"call out--!"

When the sound of people's breathing became shallower, a piercing sound suddenly fell from the upper right towards the front of the military truck.

Lieutenant General Modi only had time to lift the gun in his hand upwards, and a tentacles as thick as a bucket with countless barbs like tentacles came into view.

When the crisis of death struck, Lieutenant General Modi's mind went blank.

"Boom bang—!"

It was like hitting a piece of meat with a hard hammer handle, trying to mash it into a puree.

Smelly black blood gushed out from the broken tentacles like a fountain. The sticky black was actually extremely rich red blood.

A seafood-specific fishy smell mixed with some kind of putrid blood poured over Lieutenant General Modi's body.

Fortunately, they were all fully armed and wearing protective clothing, which prevented another tragedy.

Lieutenant General Modi kept raising his gun and watched dully as the severed tentacles retracted into the dense fog as if scalded, replaced by another terrifying roar.


It was a cry of pain and an angry roar.

The breath blown by the colossal monster hidden in the fog stirred up the fog and turned it into a torrent of water, chilling everyone's hearts.

—— Digression——

At the latest, the day after tomorrow, this book will be over.

The main purpose of writing this book is to let Sui Sui see clearly what she really wants, find her own path, and stop being blind.

(End of this chapter)

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