Chapter 504

As soon as the voice fell, sharp sirens sounded from the loudspeakers built in various places in the town.

The alarm representing the coming of disaster is like a fuse, completely igniting the suppressed fear and anxiety in people's hearts.

Everyone moved closer to the glass panel and looked out.

On the other side of the parking lot lined with many vehicles, an old man in a khaki coat, about 70 years old, with gray hair, was running towards the convenience store with a terrified expression, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. , and the front placket was also stained a dark red color by blood.

As he ran staggeringly, he looked back from time to time, as if something terrible was chasing him.

"omg, that's Dan." The female cashier who walked near the glass panel covered her mouth with a look of frustration.

The crowd let out a sigh, and some people retreated into the store anxiously.

Tang Sui stood in a corner, with a transparent glass baffle wall in front of him, and the scenery outside the parking lot was unobstructed.

The old man in the convenience store, Dan, was terrified and shouted incoherently: "There is something in the fog! There is something in the fog!"

Oli, the manager of the convenience store, supported the panicked Dan, trying to calm him down: "Dan, calm down, and explain clearly what happened to you."

Dan's pupils were a little dizzy, and he was terrified. He held Ollie's arm tightly, his hand trembling, "In the fog, something dragged John Lee away in the fog, I can hear him The screams are right, close the door! Close the door! Otherwise, that thing may come in!"

He shouted emotionally, another cashier near the store door subconsciously obeyed Dan's words, and closed the door, while Dan at the other end kept repeating that passage.

People looked out of the glass panel anxiously, and the parents with their children pulled their children behind them, trying to hide them.

Tang Sui frowned slightly and looked at the middle-aged man in a trance, and his eyes fell on a middle-aged man who was out of step with the retreating people and wanted to squeeze out to get to his car.

Seeing him impatiently open the closed store door, he took out the car keys in his pocket and ran towards the parked car.

The God of Fortune, who shared a common vision, looked at the gray mist that swept over the sky like a wave, and said softly: "This human being will die." '

The gray-white mist was like a torrent, engulfing the people who were running outside, including the man who managed to get to his vehicle, took out the key, and was facing the keyhole of the driver's door.

In the next second, shrill screams rose and fell in the thick fog that covered his vision, as if he had been attacked by something terrible, he let out a heart-piercing cry, and then fell into a dead silence.

Including Tang Suinei, none of them could clearly see what happened in the fog, because the scenery outside the convenience store was instantly covered by thick fog, and the observation target was lost, leaving people looking around anxiously inside.

But fortunately, someone had the brains to quickly close the store door that was previously opened by another middle-aged man who had gg, and locked it tightly.

Humian said "huh", a little surprised: "This fragile door can really block the fog?" '

Tang Sui's eyes fell on the crack of the shop door not far away, because of this sudden change, there is now a large area in front of the glass panel full of people, just convenient for her observation.


The ground shook violently, the shelves in the supermarket were shaken and rattled, and several shelves fell to the ground.

People squatted down in this violent shaking, some put their hands on their heads to protect the most fatal weak point, some hugged their children tightly, trying to use their bodies to block the electric lights falling from the ceiling in the violent shaking Pipes and fan blades, and some fell to the ground without standing still, and were stepped on by people who staggered around with the earthquake, or were directly pressed down, which hurts at first sight.

The earthquake stopped, and the store was in a mess.

Tang Sui patted the dust on the skirt, looked at the large group asking each other if anyone was injured, his dark blue eyes were indifferent.

'You said, what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd? '

The people in the midst of the disaster did not give up on themselves, but a scene of helping each other. Even though it was touching, it had nothing to do with her.

The ape face smiled strangely, and said with a strange yin and yang: "Maybe I really want you to experience the warmth of a big human family." '

Humian's tone was equally indifferent: "I don't know whether they are real life forms or not.Maybe it's just a boring drama.Just like the ape face said. '

'After all, you testify with an inhuman body. '

Grandma said slowly, "The small town isolated by gray fog and unknown dangers are like a game program, and everything is proceeding according to the planned development." '

Tang Sui looked at the gray mist outside the convenience store again, his brain spinning rapidly.

'So, by singing this, is it for me to choose a side? '

Da Fei let out a "chi" sound, and said in a low voice: "Even if the monster power and soul power can't be aroused, but our current damage power is a real Contra level."You don't need to be afraid to be wronged with these human beings. '

The fox face grinned: "Wronged?"Don't there also be humans who cast goodwill?And now it seems that most humans are good people.Does the little master want to stay? '

Tang Sui glanced at the people who were still in shock, and looked at the supervisor who unwrapped the new bandages and medicinal wine in the store to treat wounds and bandages for those who had just been injured by falling fan blades or lamp tubes in the earthquake, and was not far away from him. Ms. Irene, who was also helping everywhere, paused and exhaled.


"No, I can't stay here, I have to go home and take care of my kids."

Tang Sui turned his head and saw that it was a woman with an inch-shaved hair and beautiful features.

The atmosphere in the convenience store was stagnant, and most people's eyes were focused on the woman who had already witnessed the danger but still wanted to go out.

"No, you can't go out."

The one who broke the silence after the woman was another woman with long brown hair tied loosely behind her head, wearing a khaki cardigan sweater, wrapped in a beige silk scarf, and wearing heavy makeup.

She pointed to the dense fog where she could no longer see anything, her tone was unexpectedly calm, but it also brought Tang Sui a strange, familiar sense of disobedience.

She said firmly: "No one is allowed to go out now. The god of death is outside, this is the end of the world!"

Tang Sui: "."

She stared at this woman who was full of "divine punishment" and tried to preach, as if she saw a dry, twisted fanatical soul through this human skin.

The dying stench filled every corner of her soul, but her eyeballs embedded in the sunken eye sockets were full of deep faith, and every word exuded madness from the inside out, like a virus , Wrapped around the feet of the people present like maggots attached to the bones, trying to invade and pollute people.

Tang Sui was no stranger to this woman's crazy and confident attitude.

—Because there's another one, fanatic.

(End of this chapter)

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