Chapter 495 Seagod's Light 1
"Little San!"


Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing stepped beside them with worried faces.

"Are you okay?"

Meeting Zhu Zhuqing's concerned gaze, Dai Mubai shook his head, and said what he felt just now: "I'm fine, it just feels like I've bumped into a wall that's full of elasticity, as much as my momentum is, it's just bounced back How much will you return?"

Tang San followed Xiao Wu's strength and stood up straight: "I'm the same as Boss Dai. It seems that starting from the position of the stairs is the range that the Seagod's Light really covers."

"If the momentum will be rebounded, what about the attack power?" Tang Sui looked at the clear stairs, raised his hand, and condensed a demonic force mixed with a little soul power from his fingertips, rushing towards the stairs on the upper island.

The result was the same as Tang San and the others' rushing forward, they also bounced back all the attacks, even stronger and faster than Tang Sui's casual swing.


At the moment when the demon power ball that shot out from her hand was bounced back and was about to touch her, a dark shadow vortex opened in front of Tang Sui, devouring the returning energy.

It's all your own energy, don't let it go to waste.

Seeing this scene, Tang San showed such an expression as expected: "It seems that I guessed right, the Seagod's Light is a domineering shield, able to bounce back any attack, and only bounce back to the person who launched the attack."

The energy ball that Tang Sui just swung was directed in any direction, not a straight ball, but the rebounded attack passed Oscar who was directly facing it, and went towards Tang Sui who was standing on the farthest side.

Others also think it makes sense, because this position is clear at a glance.

Oscar showed a bitter face: "In that case, don't we have to rely on our own physical fitness to be tough and not be able to use any skills?"

120 steps!Not to mention that Rongrong is level 136 and Xiaosan is level 333!
It's just that the first-level mistress and Dai Boss were bounced back, wouldn't it be even worse if they were replaced?

As a flying soul master, Ma Hongjun also wailed: "Then this assessment is too difficult!" Isn't this clearly aimed at flying soul masters like them? !

"Come again!" Dai Mubai took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and stood in front of the stairs to the island again.

Tang San also stood up again, standing parallel to Dai Mubai in front of the stairs to the island.

The two of them stared at each other, and at the same time, they stepped forward with one foot towards the first step.

When they reached the top of the first floor, they suddenly felt an invisible wall of air, as if someone turned on more than a dozen powerful blowers to blow at them at the same time. The strong resistance almost didn't knock their feet. Shock back.

"This is much more difficult than Mr. Zhao's gravity domain." Dai Mubai, who took the first step firmly, exhaled, feeling the multiple pushing resistances not only from the feet, but also from the front and side, etc., all without exception They all wanted to push him off the steps.

But the first time they were unprepared, now that they knew the layout of the steps, it was naturally impossible for them to be pushed out unprepared.

"Little San, shall we compete?" Dai Mubai turned his head to look at Tang San, his eyes flashed with a warlike intent.

Tang San smiled, Xuantian Kungfu was running faster, "Okay!"

In the face of the overwhelming pressure, the two of them walked forward in suspense.

Second stage, third stage.
When reaching the fifth step, Tang San calculated the rapidly consumed spirit power in his heart, and was surprised to find that the fifth step required a soul master of the soul master level to do it with all his strength!

And from the fifth to the tenth level, when he stepped into the No.11 level, he quickly felt the pressure go up to a higher level.

It is somewhat similar to the pressure test of the three elders of the education committee in the Tiandou Imperial Academy, the pressure is increased layer by layer.

Both Dai Mubai and Tang San's temples were wet with sweat, and cold sweat kept pouring out from their foreheads.

But they have only reached the No. 20 step now!
Looking at Dai Mubai who paused temporarily on the No. 20 step panting for breath, Tang Sui's eyes moved, and he looked at the steps shimmering with hazy golden light. After thinking for a while, he walked to the first step.

"Sui Sui?" Xiao Wu was the first to notice Tang Sui's actions.

Tang San, who had already climbed the No. 20 third step, turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw his sister standing in front of the steps to the island, trying to step out of jiojio.

"Sui Sui, don't rush to try!"

Tang San's mind tightened, and he hurriedly called out to stop Tang Sui.

Tang Sui chose to ignore it, but he had a good rest, and took another step, Dai Mubai, who had climbed the 25th step in one go, stood on that step and slowed down, turned his head and said loudly: "Little San, let Suiu try it." .At present, apart from the huge pressure, there is no danger. If it’s really impossible, let’s walk in front of her, and try these steps first, can’t it be enough?”

Dai Mubai, who was raised by his family in a free-range way since he was a child, is very calm.

Tang San, who understood what Dai Mubai meant, showed helplessness, but also agreed with Dai Mubai's proposal, turned around, refocused on the stairs in front of him, and continued to walk up.

As long as he and Boss Dai have more ranks than Sui Sui, it is impossible for Sui Sui to face the danger without their notice!
Looking down, Tang Sui has already raised his right foot and stepped onto the first step.

It was as if a stormy sea suddenly surged on the calm sea, and huge pressure roared from all directions like a tide to push her out.

But Tang Sui just frowned, and in the next second, he put his weight on his right foot, stepped on the second step with his left foot.

Personal experience and hearing from others are two different concepts.

When she raised her left foot, she clearly felt that the resistance to retreat had increased a lot.

Third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade.
Facing Xiao Wu and the others' worried eyes, Tang Sui felt as if her body and limbs were being chained by heavy shackles, being dragged backwards, or another boulder was being dragged uphill with difficulty by her who was wearing shackles on her hands and feet. .

This kind of boiling frogs in warm water is more tormenting than fierce and swift fighting.

Stepping on the sixth step, Tang Sui's expression didn't change, and he didn't even break out in a thin sweat. Compared with Tang San and Dai Mubai who stepped on the sixth step before, Tang Sui's steps can be said to be brisk.

But Dai Mubai and Tang San, who climbed up to No. 30 steps above, didn't have such a good time.

From the time they passed the thirty steps, each subsequent step will leave slightly darker watermarks on the steps.

It was the sweat that evaporated and fell from the golden mist that surrounded their bodies, and it also came from the moist mist.

The faces of the two were flushed, and the veins on their necks were bulging. It could be seen that they used all their strength to climb up every step.

When he reached the sixth step of No.30, Dai Mubai's panting became more and more intense, under the majestic pressure that could knock him flying every second, six soul rings floated under his feet, the fifth of which was pitch black His soul ring flickered, and accompanied by a roar of a tiger, a strong golden light surrounded him, making his weak aura instantly rise, and golden tiger stripes also appeared on his face.

It is his fifth soul skill, White Tiger Demon Transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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