Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 422 The True Face of the Slaughter King

Wisps of blood mist rose into the field of vision.

Tang Sui's pupils shrank, and only then did he notice that bloody mist was continuously escaping from the body of the Slaughter King.

And as the blood mist overflowed, the strange bloody lines on his body became thinner and thinner, the bloody eyes of the Slaughter King also flickered, and the huge monster power gradually faded, as if it was slowly vaporizing away. .

"Hey, what's going on here?" Tang Sui looked at the blood mist overflowing from the Slaughter King's body a little helplessly, and wanted to reach out to touch it but didn't dare, fearing that the blood mist would be absorbed by her automatically.

The Slaughter King lowered his eyes, knowing full well the blood mist coming out of his body, he did not answer Tang Sui, but raised his hand, and his big palm fell on the top of Tang Sui's hair, pressing down the messy hair.

Obviously the body temperature of the monster race is cold, but Tang Sui felt the faint temperature above his head.

No, maybe it wasn't her illusion.

It wasn't until the distance was extremely close that Tang Sui felt that the blood mist emanating from the Slaughter King was actually warm.

Like a cup of warm fresh blood that has just been poured, it also melts into gas under the high temperature.

Tang Sui didn't know what kind of changes were happening in the Slaughter King's body at this moment, but the only thing she could do was to hold the opponent's wrist instead, and began to channel the monster power she had just filled.

"There's no need to waste your demon power, Sui."

He sighed and called out Tang Sui's real name.

Tang Sui's eyes were red, and he shook his head stubbornly, still sending demonic power towards the Slaughter King.

She didn't speak because she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would be overwhelmed by the fear and panic in her heart, and cry cowardly.

During the relationship in the city of killing, Tang Sui, who more or less understood that the other party didn't like her crying, took a deep breath secretly, covering her tears to prevent them from rolling down.

"Monster power is useless. This is the law."

【.is the law. 】

The last three words of the Slaughter King overlapped with the system's tired voice.

But the system said something more comprehensive than the Slaughter King.

【He helped you bear the punishment of changing your life. 】

system added.

Tang Sui, who immediately understood the cause and effect, looked at the King of Slaughter excitedly, and began to speak incoherently: " was obviously me who did it! You were restrained, still want to replace me?"

"Don't be sad, little guy. Maybe this isn't a bad thing for me." The Slaughter King's gaze was very calm, showing a bit of gentleness and relief for no reason.

Tang Sui looked helplessly at the King of Slaughter, whose aura belonging to the demon clan was gradually fading, his lips twitched, and he wanted to say something, but he saw the other party laughed, and the big hand placed on her head moved, Tousle her hair.

"I always knew where my end was."

The huge bat wings dissipated as spirit particles like flying data.

Tang Sui didn't dare to move his eyes, for fear that in the blink of an eye, the Slaughter King would disappear.

"My end, I have no strength to move forward."

The blood mist became thicker and thicker, and the twisted air was mixed with heat, which softened the cold and evil profile of the Slaughter King.

"But you are different."

His hand on Tang Sui's hair fell, and Tang Sui opened his eyes wide. In his pupils, a huge phantom of a three-headed bat appeared behind the human body that gradually transformed back to a normal human appearance.

"Maybe one day, you will really reach the legendary realm, break through the void, and bring me back to my real homeland, to... that person's side"

It sighed, visible to the naked eye, was returning to its original appearance.

Tang Sui stretched out his hand, trying to keep the beast shadow, but his voice was still trembling uncontrollably: "Well, since this is not your end point, you..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, because in the next second, countless blood mist overflowing from the human body concentrated on the three blood bats above the fallen man, and after it screamed, it condensed into a bloody mass. The radiant object slowly fell into Tang Sui's palm, and even the last words it hadn't finished speaking were conveyed to Tang Sui's heart——

"Perhaps one day, we will meet again in Heian-kyo, where we are very familiar with each other."

A husky female voice, completely different from the deep male voice, sounded in Tang Sui's mind.

This is the original sound of Batwing.

"Girl, don't feel sad for me. I've always been there, and I'll be waiting for the day when we meet again by his side in Heianjing."

The bat-wing Yuhun shining with blue brilliance lay in the palm of Tang Sui. On the surface of the Yuhun, the humanoid Bat Demon had a vivid expression, and on the evil and beautiful face, she watched her with a smile on her brows and eyes, as if she was looking at her. Like a junior, it was Tang Sui's familiar eyes.


Sadness flowed upstream like a tide, and the pressure that had been condensed since the defensive battle of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School finally crushed her.

Like a child who fell to the ground, she kept wiping the overflowing tears with her hands, but found that she couldn't wipe them clean.

All the thorns pretending to be strong were removed by her, and Tang Sui, who showed the most vulnerable side, choked up, and the authority of the space domain was released, and the huge figures of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape appeared in this empty and messy area, everywhere. Is the land of battle marks.

Xiao Wu and Tang San also greeted the light unexpectedly.

Before they had time to be surprised and ask why an unknown person fell on the ground, and what was going on with the strong smell of blood that hadn't dissipated around them, they were thrown away by Tang Sui, who was crying like a child. Attracts attention.

"Sui Sui?" Tang San looked at the sobbing Tang Sui in astonishment, "What happened?"

"Brother, me, I don't have a grandfather anymore." Tang Sui, holding bat wings in her palm, lowered her head and cried sadly. The mud and blood crushed her hair into balls, and her clothes were also damaged a lot. It looks miserable.

Tang San's eyes were fixed, and an incredible idea emerged in his heart—is it the Slaughter King who saved them? !
But the killing capital is hundreds of kilometers away, how is this possible?How did he find it? !
Although she didn't know what happened, Xiao Wu knew what Tang Sui needed now.

"Sui Sui."

Xiao Wu came to Tang Sui's side, stretched out her long arms, and hugged him, "I'm sorry and thank you."

Sorry for putting you all in danger and losing your 'grandpa'.

Thank you for coming to the Star Dou Great Forest and coming to rescue me from the deadly threat of countless powerful enemies.

This sentence seemed to trigger some switch, Tang Sui held the bat wing, turned around and threw herself into Xiao Wu's arms, crying loudly.

—— Digression——

The little cutie who guessed that the King of Slaughter is Yato God was wrong.In fact, from the very beginning, it was set to be the essence of the imperial soul (bushi).Every imperial soul is transformed into a big demon, harm.

PS: Bat Wing really has no dai, she is Yuhun, and Yuhun is her.

The National Day supplementary update is coming soon.

It doesn't matter if it's a little bit, after all, the social animal ink carp still has to work for the boss.

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