The huge stone building is firmly rooted on the snow peak like a fortress.

The main entrance is five meters high. Although it cannot be compared with the Pope's Palace, this all-stone building is extraordinarily solid.

Above the main entrance, the three big characters carved on the stone are vigorous and powerful, with a majestic grandeur enough to confront the surrounding mountains - Haotianzong.

In front of the main entrance, two young men also dressed in gray hurriedly bowed to salute after seeing the five people. After saluting, they reached out their hands as usual to temporarily block the way of the brothers and sisters.

"Please show us your token."

"Token?" Tang San was stunned for a moment, of course he didn't know what the so-called token was, so he couldn't help looking at Tang Long with some doubts.

Tang Sui knew, but it was a little strange to know at this time, so she didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Tang Long smiled and said: "It's the Clear Sky Hammer! Is there anything else that can prove the identity of the direct descendants of our sect better than the Clear Sky Hammer? They only want you to show it because of your eyes. Rules. Just show them, after all, only the direct descendants of our sect can enter here. The subordinate and outer disciples of the sect are all in the village outside."

Speaking of this, his mood was a little depressed, and he looked at Tang San and Tang Sui a little more.

Because from the size of the village outside, it can be seen that there are only a few hundred people at most, and there are so few subordinates attached to the Clear Sky School, which shows that the current situation of the school is difficult.

Tang Sui stood there with that deceptively harmless expression, as if he didn't see Tang Long's eyes, without squinting, he just raised his hand and released the miniature hammer in his palm.

Tang San's eyes dimmed slightly, of course he understood the reason why the brothers looked at him and Sui Sui's eyes.

Haotianzong became what it is today, although it cannot be said that it is all the father's responsibility, but the father is also duty-bound.

Thinking of this, Tang San let out a long breath, flipped his left hand, black light surged, the normal sized Clear Sky Hammer was already in his hands.

The three Tang Long brothers already knew from Tang Yuehua that Tang San had twin spirits, and now his major is not the Clear Sky Hammer, so that's fine.

But the two direct children who guarded the gate didn't see it that way.They originally thought that Tang San and Tang Sui, who came with Tang Long and the other three, must have almost the same strength, but when they saw that the Clear Sky Hammer of the brothers and sisters didn't even have a soul ring, their originally respectful eyes suddenly became a little indifferent.

In the world of soul masters, especially the sect of soul masters, strength often represents many things.

Although they didn't say anything, their eyes had become strange and uncomfortable.

If it was Tang Sui from before, he might have already threatened and warned him.But the current Tang Sui's attitude towards Haotianzong still needs to be studied. Before deciding how to treat them, these contempt are just floating clouds to her.

Anyway, she and her brother will not stay in Haotianzong for a long time.

Tang Sui thought carelessly, and put away his miniature hammer as if nothing had happened.

Tang Long, who also caught a glimpse of the eyes of the two, slapped one of them angrily, "I've shown you all the tokens, so I won't let you go now."


The two disciples put away their weird eyes, lowered their heads, and their eyes fell on the cold ground.

Entering the gate, there is a bright and bright yard first, and the tall stone building is behind it.

Tang Long introduced to Tang San and Tang Sui:
"Now there are four generations of direct descendants in the sect, and there are more than 200 people in total. We are the third generation, and we also account for the largest number of people, almost a hundred people."

"This is the front yard, which is usually used when the suzerain asks everyone to gather. The back yard is even bigger, and that's where we practice. The sect pays attention to actual combat. Conduct actual combat drills under supervision, so as to rank by strength."

Hearing this, Tang Yu, who was a little younger, smiled and said, "The boss has been the chief of our three generations for several years. He was afraid that you would steal his position, so he showed you face before!"

Tang Long laughed, and patted Tang San's shoulder vigorously, "To tell you the truth, I really have this idea. Brother, let's discuss and learn later."

Tang San smiled modestly, with just the right step back, and said: "How can I be the opponent of big brother? It's better not to compare."

He knew that these three generations of chiefs must have a lot to do with the succession of the suzerain in the future.

But neither he nor Suisui had any idea about the position of the suzerain of the Haotian sect, and they had discussed the suzerain's issue on the way here.

Sui Sui didn't know why, but his attitude towards Haotianzong was a bit subtle as he, the elder brother, thought to finish the work quickly and go back.

Although he didn't have much affection for the Clear Sky School, but they came here to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan, and to pay respects to their grandfather on behalf of their father, not to compete for strength.

Some people might feel comfortable listening to Tang San's words outside, but Tang Long's expression changed, and he said seriously: "Brother, sister, you can't be polite! But, you will understand later. Walk around, Let's hurry to see the suzerain now, they probably have been waiting for a long time."

"By the way, Tang Yu, go and tell Uncle Fourth, don't delay the matter of the chain bridge outside."


Tang Yu turned around and said, Tang Long and Tang Tian brought Tang San and Tang Sui into the main building of Haotian School.

The architecture of Haotianzong doesn't feel half luxurious, but it can't be called simple either. The biggest feature of the whole is the word thick and heavy.

Enter the main building of the sect, which is where the castle is, pass through the wide hall, and climb up to the second floor from the inner stairs.

On the way, I saw many Haotianzong disciples, all dressed in gray clothes. Brother Tang Long brought Tang San and Tang Sui to the innermost arch on the second floor and stopped.

Tang Long raised his hand and patted on the door twice, "Sovereign, we brought Tang San and Tang Sui here."

"come in."

A deep and deep voice sounded from the room, and Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, knowing that it belonged to their father's brother Tang Xiao.

Tang Long pushed open the door, winked at Tang San and Tang Sui with encouragement, and then walked in first.

But this time, Tang Tian didn't follow, but stood at the door.

Tang Sui glanced at Tang Tian who was standing at the door like a door god without squinting his eyes. Thoughtful, he turned his eyes and fell into the room.

This is a room with more than a hundred square meters.

The furnishings inside are very simple, with a wide desk, bookcases covering two walls, and two long sofas.

Tang Yuehua sat gracefully on a sofa. When she saw the two nephews she was thinking about coming in with Tang Long, the smile on her face suddenly deepened.

Tang Sui, who noticed Tang Yuehua's gaze, blinked at him, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but laugh.

This girl.

—— Digression——

Happy face slapping starts from the next chapter hehe~

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