Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 378 Expansion Spike Sends Out the Competition Invitation

Chapter 378 Expansion Spike Sends Out the Competition Invitation

The top floor of Yuexuan is a huge hall, which is elegantly and comfortably furnished, and there are four doors that lead to unknown places.

As soon as the door was opened, a lady who looked about 27 or [-] years old and wearing a long silver palace dress came into view of the three of them.

After a brief astonishment, Tang San's eyes flickered slightly, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Because this lady does not have a trace of soul power, that is to say, she is not a soul master!

Then, a scene that surprised Tang San even more appeared.

The lady who was still calm and elegant just now saw Tang Hao who had taken off his cloak and revealed a vicissitudes of life, her eyes were red, tears burst into tears, and she and Tang Sui staged a scene of reunion of brother and sister after a long absence.

After venting his emotions, Tang Yuehua took the silk handkerchief Tang Hao silently handed out under Tang San's dumbfounded and Tang Sui's calm gaze, gently wiped away the tears on his face, let them take a seat first, and turned around to give them a handkerchief. Made a new pot of tea.

The elegant and pleasant smell of tea rushed into the tip of his nose, Tang Sui showed a satisfied expression like a cat sucking catnip, calmed down, and it was the calm and elegant lady Tang Yuehua who looked at the two brothers and sisters kindly, and said in a warm voice:
"Good boy, what's your name?"

"My name is Tang San, and this is my younger sister Tang Sui."

Tang San, who inferred the relationship between the two just now from the few words his father and the lady in front of him had just let go of his guard.

"Hello, aunt, just call me Sui Sui." Tang Sui obediently called someone, and Tang Yuehua looked at them with softer eyes.

"Xiao San, you look like your father, but you also look like your mother. Sui Sui's eyes are very similar to your mother's, but the hair color is inherited from your father."

But it's not obvious at a glance that they are relatives.

Tang Sui frowned, listening to Tang Yuehua and Tang Hao start talking one by one.

Of course, when Tang Yuehua wanted Tang Hao to go back to Haotianzong to meet their eldest brother, her and her brother's uncle, Tang Hao lowered his eyes and whispered that it was not the time yet.

He told Tang Yuehua the situation of Tang Sui and Tang San in a few words, and after expressing his purpose, he stood up, put on the hood again, and under Tang Yuehua's stare, his figure disappeared in front of them in an instant.

Tang Yuehua's eyes were dim, and uncontrollable enthusiasm surged up, and two lines of tears fell silently.

I haven't seen my second brother for nearly 20 years, but now we meet again, and we only get together for a short time.
When Tang Yuehua was feeling sad, a small hand held a new silk handkerchief embroidered with orchids and handed it to her.

Looking up, it was Tang Sui.

"Auntie, you don't need to be sad. Since Dad said he would go back, he will definitely go back. We will always have a reunion in the future."

Tang Sui looked at Tang Yuehua with crooked eyebrows, but she didn't feel sad about leaving her father.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang Sui's blue eyes similar to Ah Yin's, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She took the silk handkerchief from Tang Sui, wiped the corners of her eyes, exhaled foul breath, and asked, "You should be 19 years old now, right?"

Tang Sui never had any concept of age, Tang San hesitated for a while when he heard this question, and then replied: "It's still a month or two."

Tang Yuehua nodded, and said with a gratified smile: "Your father came out of the Killing City when he was 28 years old, and you were almost ten years earlier than him. It seems that you have fully inherited the excellence of your parents."

In fact, Tang Sui, who could leave the capital of killing at any time, just smiled and said nothing.

He felt that the progress was still very slow, and Tang San, who was overtaken by his sister again, responded silently.

"Then, since your father has said that, in the next year, you will all learn various aristocratic etiquettes and music from me, and I will arrange your rooms, but do you still have questions to ask?"

Tang Yuehua looked at the siblings and said with a smile.

Tang San, who didn't expect the next assessment to be about this, was stunned.

He thought his father asked him to practice, how could he study etiquette and music?

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Tang San, who was born in a grassroots family, showed embarrassment.

Tang Yuehua looked at the two brothers and sisters with a smile, and said:

"If you don't meet my requirements and satisfy me after a year, I won't let you go to find your father."

She glanced at Tang San, implying something: "Don't think that these things are useless. Sometimes it's not enough to have great strength, you have to know how to move around without relying on strength. Between the forces and powers of all parties, you still have a lot to learn."

Tang Sui, who was quietly listening to the arrangement, asked abruptly: "Auntie, if I finish my training early, or if I finish and my brother hasn't finished, can I arrange the rest of the time myself?"

Tang San:?
He turned his head to look at his swearing sister, with disbelief in his eyes.

Sui what are you talking about Sui?

Tang Yuehua was a little surprised, but still nodded: "Of course, as long as you can pass my assessment perfectly."

Tang Sui raised a smile, turned his head to face his shocked and bewildered brother, and smiled maliciously: "Brother, do you want to compare and see who graduates first?"

Tang San:"."

I don't want to compare with you who have been a majestic little princess in the capital of killing for three years.

Thinking of falling behind in spirit power, Tang San ignited a flame of refusal to admit defeat, and accepted Tang Sui's invitation to the competition: "Okay."

He didn't believe that with his ability to comprehend the mind of the Tang Sect, he couldn't compare to his younger sister in learning knowledge!

You must know that he was the best when he was learning the general knowledge of the mainland and various martial arts knowledge under the teacher's door!
(End of this chapter)

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