A chill exploded from the scalp, and the only one standing on the ground, the black-robed soul master's eyes, had yet to solidify the horror in his eyes, when the pitch-black ground under his feet suddenly opened a big mouth, and the whole person fell off unexpectedly. go down.


This time the voice was longer than that of the black-robed soul master on the roof.

Tang San, who was facing the last enemy, clearly saw the crack in the pitch-black ground, and the whole process of closing the crack after swallowing the person.

His gaze changed for a few moments, and in the quiet and terrifying air, Tang San's somewhat hoarse voice escaped from his chapped lips, the condensation and killing intent faded away, leaving only a glimmer of hope.

". Sui Sui, is that you?"


The sound of breaking through the air came from behind.

Tang San's pupils shrank, as if he had eyes behind him, he quickly avoided the white shadow flying out from the obliquely rear wall, staring vigilantly at the wall that just flew to attack the object, his heart rose An inexplicable anger and grievance.

A black figure appeared silently behind Tang San, the black hammer dancing with lightning was firmly held by the other small hand, and Mo De emotionally swung the hammer towards Tang San's shoulder.

The attack just now was just a feint to attract attention, but the real attack came from the moment when attention was attracted.


Two hammers with the same weight, one large and one small, collided together, and the dull sound was accompanied by the momentum of the two hammers colliding.

The extremely quick Tang San's blue eyes met with another pair of dark blue pupils.

The moment he saw the person clearly, Tang San's lips twitched slightly, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand lost its force as he retreated, and the small black hammer in Tang Sui's hand hit the air with the inertia of swung down, without any effort. Thinking that Tang San would actually choose to give in, Tang Sui was almost thrown into a tumble by the little hammer weighing five hundred catties.

Tang Sui: o(ヘ`)o
The monster power gathered in both hands as freely as breathing, stabilizing her and the mini Clear Sky Hammer at the same time.

Staring at Tang San with a somewhat forbearing expression, Tang Sui opened his small hand, quickly retracted his Clear Sky Hammer, and slowly raised his eyes to look at him:
"It seems that you really know me."

Tang San looked at Tang Sui's appearance of pretending nothing happened, the anger and grievance in his heart were diluted, replaced by a touch of helplessness.

After thinking about it, the blow just now did not have any killing intent against him, it was just a temptation, probably Sui Sui wanted to confirm.

"Yes. One of the reasons why I came to Slaughter Capital is because of you."

Tang San also put away his Clear Sky Hammer, staring at Tang Sui steadfastly.

because I?
Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for two seconds, he took the initiative to take the first social step: "Look for a quiet place?"

"If you mind, you can go to the place where I live temporarily." Tang San also took the initiative to reveal the location of his foothold.

Tang Sui nodded reservedly: "Yes."

After all, the Slaughter City is now their territory, and she doesn't think that if she really fights, she will lose to Tang San.

The two abducted into Tang San's temporary residence one after the other.

Tang San led the way, and Tang Sui silently followed behind.

The remote and simple small room is only half the size of Tang Sui's bedroom.

Then she watched Tang San fiddle with the lock before entering the door, besides the sound of the lock, he seemed to have heard some subtle "click".

Withdrawing the mechanism he set up, Tang San raised his head and met Tang Sui with curious eyes.

He smiled and said frankly: "This is a small mechanism I set up myself. If someone picks the lock and enters my room, it will be loose, and I can also know that someone has come, or someone is lying in ambush in my room." in the room."

Tang Sui looked at Tang San's smiling eyes, fell silent for a while, and said crisply: "Why did you tell me this? Aren't you afraid that I will find someone to ambush you?"

Tang San shook his head, and said with a certainty that made Tang Sui inexplicable, "You won't."

Even if he doesn't recognize his elder brother now, he believes in the bond of blood and the warmth of his relatives.

Tang Sui didn't say anything, and followed Tang San into the room.

The furnishings in the room were simpler than she had imagined. There was only a hard-looking wooden bed, a worn wooden table with uneven edges, and even blackened edges, and a wall lamp. , there is nothing else.

In such a comparison, Tang Sui felt that his room was simply a luxurious presidential suite.

"sit down."

Tang San moved the only wooden chair in the room, even took out a silk handkerchief from his soul guide, stared at Tang Sui's subtle eyes, wiped the chair with familiar movements, and then put the chair on its original position. He pushed himself away and sat on the bed.

Tang Sui stared at the chair cleaned by Tang San, struggled for a while, and sat down anyway.

As soon as he sat down, Tang San's voice sounded.

"Suisui, is your current memory complete?"

Opening your mouth is king bombing.

The scorched Tang Sui paused, sat down calmly, and just looked at Tang San with open blue eyes, neither acknowledging nor denying.

Tang San, who thought he knew Tang Sui fairly well, was silent for two seconds. Under Tang Sui's innocent stare, with him as the center, a layer of silver-blue light suddenly swung around him, enveloping the two of them. Inside.

The close and familiar atmosphere rippling in this small enchantment, Tang Sui's eyes rippled a little bit, a little stunned.

This breath is so familiar.
It even made her want to get closer than the feeling Tang San gave her.
"This is the Blue Silver Domain I got from my mother. Within the range covered by the domain, our conversations will not be heard by others." Tang San took the initiative to break the stagnation in the air, his azure eyes looked apologetic. Tang Sui, "Originally, you should also undergo the second awakening, and then have the opportunity to become the Blue Silver Emperor. But now, even if you are going to awaken, Sui Sui, I am afraid that the position of the Blue Silver Emperor cannot be changed."

Why is he so close?
Why was she able to carry out the second awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor?Isn't this the protagonist's treatment?
Tang San's words made Tang Sui, who came back to his senses, feel a strange feeling in her heart, something flashed through her mind, but she didn't catch it.

Looking at Tang San's apologetic expression, the feeling of misfortune in her heart became more and more intense, and the composure she pretended on her face was a little unstable.

"...such an important thing, why are you telling me this?"

Tang San stared at Tang Sui, and his mouth exploded continuously, tearing the layer of window paper:

"Because you are my younger sister, we are considered twins, and the birth time is not much different. My mother is also your mother, Sui Sui, I am your brother."

Tang Sui: 0.0
Tang Sui:! ! !
—— Digression——

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival and also Teacher's Day~ Moli will work hard, update it early tomorrow, and then go to a beautiful festival by myself~
See you tomorrow!

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