"When the demon blood becomes pure, it will become relatively weaker as a human bloodline, so the blood relationship to the human bloodline will also be weakened, right?" Tang Sui was as clever as Tang Sui, and he instantly figured out the middle connection.

But she had new doubts.

"Is it because I have been practicing demon power recently?"

Should she bring up her soul power as well?
As if seeing Tang Sui's wishful thinking, Tang Chen lightly poured a basin of cold water on it.

"The enhancement of demon power is part of it. Otherwise, why do you think the differences between half-demons and pure-blooded monsters in the demon clan are so serious. Even if you pick up your soul power and cultivate it, it won't change it."

Tang Sui frowned: "You mean, even balancing the blood of the two can't stop the erosion of the demon blood?"

"The reason why the pure-blooded monsters are powerful is because their blood is pure, their demon nature is stronger, and they are able to display the stronger talent of the monster race. This has never changed." Tang Chen said, "you can teach me Also" expression, continued to elaborate:

"You are different from a half-demon, but you have a lot of non-human blood in your body. In addition, the current belief in the killing capital is 'god', which is also a non-human thing. One day, you will be a human being or a human being." It's not a choice between humans."

Tang Sui's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and the heart lake blown by the wind made huge ripples again.

Eggs can't be put in one basket, which is the same as people can't generalize. Of course Tang Sui understands, but she didn't rush to get rid of those moths that rotted from the root. Instead, she used them as bait to make other qualities excellent. The seedlings of believers clean up these heresies with impure beliefs by themselves.

People must have a common interest goal and enemy in order to be better "unified".

This is Tang Sui's style of doing things.

After that day, she didn't let Tang San also dream, planting the seeds of faith in his heart, but set her target on other people besides him.

Although the rules of the hell killing field were changed by her, she did not change the overall survival rules of the killing city.

Even if they won the victory in the killing field of hell, people can still surround and kill them off the field. Whoever wins depends on personal strength and luck.

Under her deliberate guidance, those guys who were full of selfishness and greed like a bald man who wanted to rely on the name of "God" to make up for themselves were eliminated by angry fanatics.

One after another, people die every day, seemingly on track.

But what made Tang Sui feel sad was that she found that Destiny's Child seemed to be eyeing her.

Apart from being in his room every day, and dealing with some guys who are eyeing him with malicious intentions, he just collects information about her on the sidelines.

The two seemed to be playing hide-and-seek, Tang Sui had just appeared on the front foot, Tang San must be quietly lurking in the melon-eating crowd watching her on the back foot.

Tang Sui was extremely distressed, but he didn't tell Tang Chen.

She was afraid that Tang Chen would directly kill Destiny's Child, and then he would really be "enemy against the world".

She didn't know how to face Tang San who was somewhat blood related to her visually, but seemed to be a bad visitor.

Because Tang San seemed to have a lot of opinions on the Slaughter City, this was also mentioned in the memory of the previous life, and even before Tang San left through Hell Road later, he still poisoned the energy core pool of the Slaughter City.


Tang Sui sat on his chair and propped his face bitterly.

A black light flashed, and a new form appeared on the wooden table in front of her.

Tang Sui's gaze landed on the new form inadvertently, and his gaze was fixed on the name.

"Huh? Hu Liena?"

Tang Sui blinked, picked up the form and looked at the handwriting on it carefully. After matching some information in his memory, Tang Sui frowned slightly.

Sure enough, it was Hu Liena from Spirit Hall, but how could she come later than Tang San?

Thinking about her reforms to the Killing City, Tang Sui thinks it might be because of her little butterfly.

If this can be changed, then should she try digging a corner of the Wuhun Hall?

This bold idea came to mind, Tang Sui looked at the document firmly, and tapped lightly on the wooden table with pinky fingertips.

Outside the window, the blood moon hanging in the sky sprinkled its brilliance on this city full of crimes. The moonlight tonight seemed to be mixed with a little purple.

All kinds of people live in this city where everyone is accompanied by blood.

But in just a few days, Tang San discovered that in this killing city, he didn't need to deliberately control it at all, and the killing intent would keep rushing up.

It seemed that only by seeing blood could he release the hostility accumulated in his heart.

But not everyone is like that.

Because he also found that some people in the city were very strange. When the murderous aura around them was a little out of control, they did not kill people in the street, but chose to take out a wooden sculpture that could not be seen, and held a dim light in the other hand. The dull stone carving ornaments, and then praying to the wood carving gods, whispering disorderly whispers.

Then he found that the disordered murderous aura and upward aura of those people were slowly calming down, and even under the vision of his Purple Demon Eye, their soul power was being merged into the gray stone sculpture.

Tang San wasn't stupid, he immediately understood the special ability of that stone sculpture to absorb spirit power.

He also has one in his hand, which was accidentally obtained from the people who intercepted him, and it is considered a trophy.

He also tried to inject his own soul power, but the strange thing was that the stone carving rejected his soul power. Unwilling to give up, he specially found someone who also had the stone carving, let him inject soul power, and it succeeded.

Tang San couldn't help falling into silence.

Why doesn't Dudu accept his soul power?
While thinking, there was a noisy voice in front of him.

More than a dozen people gathered in one place, and screams continued to be heard from the center of the crowd.

A stream of blood splashed into the air, making the smell of rust and iron in the air even stronger.

The onlookers gave way to a straight path, and a familiar figure slowly walked out from inside.

—— Digression——

PS: It is privately assumed that Hu Liena arrived at the Killing Capital a few days later than Tang San.

Today can be regarded as the end of the report, and the ink carp has a headache. Rest today, and tomorrow is the second recovery day. The countdown to the Mid-Autumn Festival is 2 days~
see you tomorrow~

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