In the red palace, Tang Sui stepped on the floor made of special spar with a stern face, with a menacing look of "I'm here to settle accounts with you", staring at the killer sitting lazily on the bat throne. s King.

"Are you lying to me? I went around the city several times and didn't find anything unusual about what you said."

The light in the hall was a bit cloudy, and Tang Sui's blue eyes, which were as clear as jewels, were also covered with a layer of gray light, and the pupil color seemed to turn dark blue.

Hearing the little cub's questioning, Tang Chen made a "tsk" sound in his heart, thinking with disgust that of course you can't find that "abnormality", because he has already swaggered into the killing capital.

Thinking of the trace of blood relationship with this body he felt from that Haotianzong disciple, and the reported news from the tavern on the ground, Tang Chen looked at the angry little cub in front of him, showing a deep expression. expression.

"When did I lie to you? You didn't realize it yourself. You were walking around and still speaking for others foolishly."

Tang Chen said with disgust, Tang Sui's small face showed a hint of hesitation, and he caught the key words in Tang Chen's words: "Another person? Is that abnormality a person?"

"Didn't you feel it yourself? In the Slaughter City, besides me, there is a strange aura." The corners of Tang Chen's lips curled up indifferently, with the appearance of "you should take care of yourself".

Tang Sui felt that the other party's tone was a bit yin and yang: "."

One big and one small stared at each other for a few seconds, Tang Sui, who looked at the other party as a riddle, puffed up his face, the suspicion in his eyes dissipated, and turned into a trace of thought, "It is the person related to my missing memory who came in. ?”

Tang Chen: "Who knows."

The other party has already stepped into the range of the Slaughter City. With the breath similar to the blood of the other half of the little cub and the hammer, he almost already knows the identity of the person who came, but he just doesn't say who it is. Let the little cub The girl fiddled with it by herself.

While Tang Sui was slowly handling the government affairs and various miscellaneous things in the capital of killing, Tang Chen had already enjoyed the fun of playing bad, and expressed his approval for the behavior of some old monsters who like to drink sake under the cherry tree to enjoy the cherry blossoms .

It's one thing to be warlike, but he would get tired of endless killing even if he was bloodthirsty by nature.

Now, of course, he experienced the joy of raising cubs and enslaving little ones.

According to the little cub, it is Bababa who is going to leave here in the future, but the cornerstone of the killing capital must be managed by one of their people, and this manager is perfect for Tang Sui.

He was letting the cub adapt to the new king's life ahead of time, not fishing.

With the old god present, Tang Chen watched the little cub's expression change from thoughtful to enlightened, and then turned around to leave.

"where to?"

Tang Sui paused, then glanced back at Mr. Xiao, "Xuncheng."

After speaking, Tang Sui flew up from the spot and left the Hell Hall.

Tang Chen looked at the back of the little cub leaving in a hurry, the corner of his mouth was slightly curved, with a bit of meaning.

On the other side, finally entering the city, the first thing Tang San saw was a blue-purple world.

The lights hanging on both sides of the street emit blue-purple light, which sprinkles on people's bodies, adding a sense of ferocity and distortion to them, as if those are not human beings, but evil spirits in human skin.

What surprised him even more was that there were not many people here. It was completely different from the dead silence and gloomyness he had imagined, but full of the breath of life?
People didn't pay attention to him as an outsider. They seemed to be immersed in their own world. They were very used to the strong smell of blood in the city, but they were like friendly neighbors. When they met each other on the street, some would stop and communicate with each other.

Tang San glanced at those people who were lingering with the lingering bloody smell, took a panoramic view of the almost paranoid fanaticism that appeared in their eyes when they communicated on their faces, and the strange feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

Very strange.

Tang San put a label on the City of Slaughter in his heart.

It stands to reason that the people who came in through such a cruel assessment method are definitely not good, not to mention that my father also said before entering the killing capital that there is no need to show mercy, just kill anyone who hinders him.

It's not like my father would say bloodthirsty words, it only shows that the people here are murderers with countless blood on their hands.

Tang San looked around, except everything looked so dark, at first glance, it seemed no different from ordinary cities.

Tang San was silent for a second, then suddenly said: "What kind of place is the capital of killing?"

The messenger looked at the "clean" scenery that was completely different from a year ago, and said with a little emotion: "This is a paradise. It used to be a fallen paradise, but now it is a lost paradise."

Riddler's answer.

Tang San frowned, and asked again: "Then how did the City of Slaughter come into being?"

Once you step in, you can't use the soul skills, and the soul power is also suppressed.
There is also such an empty and huge underground, everything is full of weirdness.

The envoy glanced at this young man who was somewhat similar to their little princess. The question was the same as that on the form, and he directly checked the population meter, and replied: "The capital of killing has been formed for thousands of years. According to legend, it is a powerful soul master who breaks through hundreds of years. The land left after the level. Here, all soul master skills cannot be used, and people can only rely on instinct and their own strength to survive. Of course, although they are suppressed, soul power can still be used as a source of strength."

So that's the case, the land of the domain, is this the reason why the soul skills cannot be used?

Tang San was thoughtful, and asked the envoy some other questions, and the envoy answered them patiently.

The two walked towards the city all the way, and before they knew it, they had already reached the gate of the killing field of hell.

Two ferocious bronze beast statues act as door gods, one on the left and one on the right. The entrance in the middle is like a big mouth, greedily sucking in all the people who come, and devouring their innocence and cleanliness.

—— Digression——

PS: Regarding the supplementary update, it will start from October. There are no holidays in this month except for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Bear with me, cuties~ You will be happy from October~

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