Chapter 343 Fuzzy Light and Shadow
Someone's sobbing came to her ears along with the sudden wind. She wanted to turn her head, but found that she couldn't even move her head this time. There seemed to be something wrapped around the black cloth that covered her eyes. There was a tearing sound that made people's teeth sore.

There was a tearing pain from the scalp, and Tang Sui suddenly realized what was binding her.

It's plastic tape.

Things that should not appear on this continent.

Like a drop of water falling from a high place, falling into a deep pool that is as calm as stagnant water, it ripples on the surface of the water, breaking the original sluggishness.

Yaoli is like an angry little beast. After being provoked, it shows full aggressiveness. It grins its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs and claws. It is extremely majestic.

The plastic band that restrained her was cut into several sections by the turbulent demon power, mixed with sticky tight, hard-to-separate strands of hair that fell to the ground.

As if it was a signal, when the switch was pressed and clear vision was restored, what greeted her was not darkness, but bright colors rushing towards her like fragments of a document.

She remembered what those strange ornaments were in her hazy and fragmented memory.

One after another, vivid and ferocious faces flashed by, and the memory of the modern city came back, impacting her memory palace, knocking on the door arrogantly, calling for these residents to come in and go home.


The memory surrounding her three-dimensionally exploded crisply, breaking the infusion of memory.

Tang Sui opened his eyes, it was no longer clear blue, but deep black.

She remembered who she was.

She is indeed called Tang Sui. After taking care of the bunch of things that made her feel unhappy, she personally reshuffled the distribution of family power in the imperial capital, and pushed the "Tang family" represented by her to the top of the old Tang family. He reached the height, and then started to play bad fish.

In the process of fishing, she became obsessed with a mobile game called Onmyoji, and she was so passionate about it every day. During an event to attack the Super Ghost King, she stayed up late playing the game and wore a game-style shell with divine face and aura. here we go.

Ten Lieyang Snakes of the Tang Dynasty. Capital of Slaughter.
When I watched anime while playing games in my previous life, memories related to that anime came to my mind clearly.

The smell of blood that she was familiar with was carried in the wind.

The darkness in Tang Sui's eyes faded, and one second before the entire pitch-black dream was suddenly shattered, she suddenly looked towards the corner of the darkness as if feeling something.

Like a punctured black bag, the brilliant light cast from the outside passes through the hole, black and white are intertwined, shocking people's vision, as if there are only these two colors left in the world.

Standing on the edge of the light and shadow, she seemed to be covered with a layer of faint light. The obliquely long black shadow was stretched long, conspicuously stationed in the white light spot, completely covering the original white.

I don't know if it was Tang Sui's illusion, but she seemed to see a blurry figure at the end of the illusory light and shadow.


Tang Sui opened his eyes suddenly, and Tang Chen's deep voice sounded outside the door.

"Girl, today is the assessment day, don't you forget?"

Her drowsy brain was stunned for a few seconds. The memory of being brought back to Slaughter City by Tang Chen overlapped with the memory she recalled, causing her brain to feel a bit painful. She closed her eyes and integrated the chaotic memories.

Tang Sui didn't open his eyes until the knock on the door became a little quicker, and his blue pupils had regained their clarity.

"I haven't forgotten, just wait for me for a few minutes."

Tang Sui spoke, and raised his voice to reply to Tang Chen who was outside the door.

Tang Chen's knocking on the door stopped, and a few minutes later, the closed door opened. Tang Chen saw Tang Sui, who was neatly dressed and vigorously tied his long black hair into a high ponytail with a rubber band.

Tang Sui, who has had ample rest, has faded from the blue and black eyes. Compared with Tang Sui, who was an old god and looked like a little adult, this one in front of him seems to be more energetic, or in other words, a little more clear and casual. , is no longer a boring gourd.


Tang Sui looked up at Tang Chen who was as majestic as a mountain to her.

All Tang Chen's thoughtful eyes fell on Tang Sui, and he nodded slightly: "Let's go."

Tang Sui calmly raised his short hand towards Tang Chen, and Tang Chen also bent down very familiarly, picked up the man, and let the little cub sit on his arms.

Everything seems to be the same as before, with some subtle changes.

how to say?

It felt like a lost child finally found his way home, no longer circling in the fog, but purposefully rushing towards his destination.

After waiting for a few seconds before Tang Chen moved, Tang Sui couldn't help but looked at Tang Chen suspiciously, and happened to meet his probing eyes.

Tang Sui: 0v0
Tang Chen: Deep jpg.
One big and one small stared at each other in mid-air for a few seconds, Tang Chen was the first to break the silence: "Your memory, have you found it?"

He opened his mouth tentatively.

Tang Sui nodded: "Yeah. I remembered part of it."

But after coming to the Douluo Continent, his own strength and the number of masks are still a mystery.

Tang Chen was silent for a while, but still didn't move.

"Since you have remembered part of it, do you still want to take the assessment?"

He thought she would choose to leave and give up her naive and bold idea.

But what he didn't expect was that Tang Sui, who heard Tang Chen's question, smiled, with a flattering smile:
"When my memory comes back, is there any conflict with my purpose of turning the Slaughter City into what I like?"

—— Digression——

emmm The slow update of the ink carp is not to stop the update, but to say that once it is updated temporarily, it will be shorter (whispered)
(End of this chapter)

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