Chapter 330 Picking up Corpse +1
"Your Highness, the rest of Shrek Academy."

The others looked at Bibi Dong with ugly expressions.

"Don't chase after it, it's useless."

Holding the scepter, Bibi Dong's voice was more depressed, and his face was solemn.

For these years, she has been training desperately, and finally reached the level of Title Douluo.

The biggest imaginary enemy in her heart is Tang Hao.But facing Tang Hao today, she found that even though she had exactly the same soul ring as the other party.In terms of momentum, it is far inferior to the opponent.

"Tang Hao is still Tang Hao after all."

Her eyes were slightly deep, and Haotian Douluo was fine, but what she didn't expect was that besides Tang Sui who was in a strange situation, another little girl in Shrek Academy was actually the incarnation of a 10-year-old soul beast!

That was another 10-year soul ring alive!

A gleam of coldness flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, "Send an order to issue a warrant for Tang Sui's arrest. Anyone who sees and provides valid information will be rewarded."

"Then what about the rest of Shrek Academy?"

Thinking of Flender and the others who were missing, Ghost frowned.

The expression on Bibi Dong's face was a bit cold: "Even with my mental power, I can't perceive and scan the positions of everyone in Shrek now. It must be that Tang Sui used some special skills to teleport them away. Now let's Going after it is just nonsense."

"They don't need to worry about it. The top priority now is to capture Tang Sui, and there is another one. If I remember correctly, the name of that evil animal is Xiao Wu?"

Yueguan nodded, "Yes, His Majesty the Pope."

"Okay, let's do it then."

Bibi Dong turned around lightly, the tail of the skirt embroidered with dark patterns swayed gracefully in the air, and walked away.

Sooner or later, they will know that Wuhundian is not a place where they can come and go freely!

Watching Bibi Dong's back disappear into the messy Pope's Palace, the other elders enshrined in the Spirit Hall looked at each other and disappeared in place in a few beams of light.

The other surviving cardinals and the few Templar Knights stood up together with pale faces, and went down to work on the arrest warrant.

On the plain hundreds of miles away, in a place hundreds of meters away, a black film of light appeared out of thin air, like a smashed egg, the egg white and egg yolk exuding the essence.

Including Tang Hao, Ning Fengzhi, Dugu Bo, Chen Xin and Gu Rong were also present in Shrek's party.

The shielded vision and spiritual perception of the surrounding environment became clearer. Tang Hao's pale face, looking at the endless plain, his expression changed suddenly, "Yes. Sui Sui sent us all out of Wuhun City."

Within the range of his spiritual perception, there is no trace of people living within a few hundred meters, and there are no towns.

"Where is Sui Sui?! Didn't Sui Sui teleport away with us?!" Tang Hao hurriedly scanned the faces, there was his eldest son, but no youngest daughter
Tang Hao's heart sank suddenly.

Chen Xin raised his head and looked around. With his eyesight, he could tell that they were probably far away from Wuhun City.
What about Tang Sui?

Tang Sui sent them away, where is she?

The master looked at the familiar faces in the team with a pale face, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see the most.

Dark lights whizzed across the bright blue sky.

The white clouds were scattered by the galloping black light, and after a while they surged with the aura of the wind.

Feeling the residual energy in the body gradually evaporating in the sunlight like water vapor, "Tang Sui" flew rapidly in the direction of the most intense energy that he felt instinctively.

After passing by countless hills and lands where spirit beasts were stationed, she stumbled and landed on a mountain range.

The energy source that most attracted her seemed to be nearby, but when she looked around, there was nothing but the lush forest.


Her eyes began to turn black, and the last bit of energy was exhausted. Among the seven thin dark gold masks, seven black gold eyeballs slowly closed, turning into golden spirits and scatter in the air. "The same dark vision disappeared together.


There was a dull sound of falling to the ground.

The sound of birds in the forest, which was silenced by the terrifying aura of "Tang Sui", resounded again after an unknown period of time.

However, they just let out a round of their throats, and the animal's precise intuition of the crisis sounded again.

The birdsong stopped abruptly, and a pair of black boots fell silently on the wet ground.

The shadow covered the unconscious girl, even if someone approached, she did not respond.

"Oh? Look what I found."

The deep male voice rang out with a bit of playfulness.

The tall man stood against the light, his red eyes filled with a strong blood breath were like the eyes of beasts, wrapped in cold scrutiny, watching condescendingly the gurgling blood began to flow out from the girl's seven orifices on the ground whose breathing became weaker.

"An unlucky soul master."

The smell of blood spread, and the man's slightly dark lips curled up in a cruel arc, and he raised his hand, intending to give this unlucky bastard who unfortunately fell into his territory a good time.

Feng'er sent the scorching bloody smell into his nostrils, he paused with his raised hands, and a look of surprise and uncertainty appeared on his handsome and evil face.

The condensed soul power dispersed, he condescended to squat down, and raised his hand to wipe the girl's muddy face, the warm blood overflowing from the corner of his eyes cooled down quickly after touching his fingertips.

He lowered his eyes, put the bit of blood on the tip of his nose and sniffed, a strange look flashed across his eyes: "Soul beast. No, this breath is clearly..."

I don't know what he thought of, the man's eyes suddenly burst into light, and the color of surprise flashed across his face.

The cold and bloody aura on his body was tinged with pleasure visibly with the naked eye.

He reached out and picked up the dying girl on the ground, like carrying a kitten, and brought it into his arms without being too dirty. His figure twisted slightly in the air, and disappeared together with Tang Sui.

—— Digression——

NO hero!It's our new baby daddy!

On the first day of work, I'm so tired, I just want to sleep orz will do an update today.

(End of this chapter)

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