Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 326 Move My Tang Hao's Daughter?roll!

Chapter 326 Move My Tang Hao's Daughter?roll!
The Owl Martial Soul instantly possessed him, and Flender looked cold, and his voice seemed to be mixed with icy slag, and he was so cold that he said, "I, Flender, will never just stand by and watch my students be taken away!"

"That's right! If you want to take people away from us Shrek, then pass our level first!"

Liu Erlong also released his martial spirit, his beautiful and dignified face was full of determination.

Even though the soul power is only at the level of the soul emperor, Qin Ming also released his own martial soul, standing firmly in front of them, showing his position.

Dai Mubai also released their martial spirits again, even though they had consumed a lot in the battle just now, leaving less than half of their spirit power, they still stood firmly around Tang Sui, guarding her middle.

Even Xiao Wu cast her martial spirit without hesitation to protect Tang Sui.

"Eight monsters in one, as the big brother, how could I stand by and watch my sister get caught!"

Dai Mubai's loud voice turned into a heavy hammer, knocking on Tang Sui's heart.

She stared blankly at her companions and teachers standing in front of her, and the surging mist engulfed her, blurring her clear vision.

At this moment, the faces of the seven people showed the same firmness and persistence.

They are like a twisted rope, without any strand, it will not work.

Flender, who stood at the front and listened to Dai Mubai's words, suddenly laughed.

He, Liu Erlong, and Grandmaster looked at each other, and the golden iron triangle raised his right hand to seal at the same time.

The majestic soul power swayed, and in an instant, a dazzling golden light like a sun disc rose out of thin air, and the brilliant light rose up, outlining an extremely dazzling golden triangle pattern in the air.

The master's mutated martial soul transformed layer by layer in the center of the golden pattern, turning into a five-clawed golden dragon.

In the center of the solid iron triangle beam of light, Flender's relieved and hearty voice sounded, without a trace of the haze of death.

"Our old ones are not dead yet, and it's not your turn to stand in front of the young ones."

"The money I've earned over the past few decades has been stored in the secret room of the principal's study. If you can still go back alive, remember to hand it over to Zhao Wuji and let him run our Shrek Academy well!"

Flender is Airy, but he is more emotional.

He never denied that death is a terrible thing, but if he chooses to retreat at this moment, for him, remorse will become an even more terrifying torture of death.

Bibi Dong looked at the master with gloomy eyes, strands of complexities flashed in her eyes, and finally all of them became stern.

She stared deeply at the master, and uttered a few words from her lips:

"Take it."

"Those who block, kill without mercy."

The last sound fell, and the ghost and the moon gate moved at the same time.

Although the golden iron triangle is a true three-in-one martial soul fusion technique, but facing the real Title Douluo, the three of Flanders who are not high enough level are not enough to prove it, let alone they are facing the two Title Douluo !

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and at the moment Yueguan and Guimei charged, Dugu Bo also moved.

But he didn't go facing the moon pass and ghosts, but rushed straight to Tang San and Tang Sui.

Even if Wuhundian only targets Tang Sui this time, there is no guarantee that if he only takes away Tang Sui, the little monster will not be angered by Wuhundian.

Only by taking these two children away from here, the rest of Shrek Academy will not be in danger.

However, the moment Dugu Bo left, a cold snort exploded in his ear like a thunderbolt, blanking Dugu Bo's mind for a few seconds, and even his forward movement froze for a moment.

Dugu Bo let out a muffled snort, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his lips, his body turned halfway in the air without stopping, and the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor instantly possessed him.

"court death."

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, a huge golden light quietly rose from behind her, and nine brilliant spirit rings instantly rose up, among which, the color of the ninth spirit ring was blood-red dripping with blood.

——10 year soul ring!

The expressions of the onlookers all changed.

The huge coercion pressed on Dugu Bo's body like a mountain, making him unable to move.

Dugu Bo's heart stirred up turbulent waves. Although he had already guessed that the Pope should have cultivated to the level of Titled Douluo, he never thought that the Pope would be so powerful.

They were both Titled Douluo, but one side completely suppressed the other side by virtue of its own coercion.This is almost impossible to exist in the world of Titled Douluo, but the Pope just did it.

With just one meeting, Flender's trinity martial soul fusion technique was cracked.

The face of the three of them, the master who suffered a huge backlash, was painful at the same time. With a fierce cough, blood clots mixed with internal organs were coughed out from their mouths, and their straight backs suddenly bent. It seemed that they were injured by the shock. light.

"Not enough to be afraid of."

The corners of Yue Guan and Gui Mei's mouths curled up in disdain, and their figures were as fast as lightning, wrapping up the aura of the storm layer by layer towards Tang Sui who was stunned under Bibi Dong's pressure.


Tang Sui looked at the curved backs of the three and the bleeding from the corners of the mouths of her partners, with painful expressions on her face. Her blue pupils were filled with blood, her shoulders were trembling, and the demonic power in her body was running wildly, trying to overthrow the coercion on her body .

Seeing Yueguan and Guimei's outstretched hands enlarged in her eyes at the same time, and the distance was getting closer, Tang Sui's blood-colored vision suddenly burst into darkness.

"A chrysanthemum, a little ghost, want to touch my Tang Hao's daughter? Get lost!"

As the jet-black sledgehammer slammed down half a meter away from her and Tang San, who was standing in front of her, there was a deep male voice full of fury.

That male voice, familiar with Tang Sui and Tang San, almost wanted to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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