Chapter 236
Everyone went very smoothly on the return journey without any obstruction.

Upon returning to Shrek Academy, the master first gave everyone a day to rest, and early the next morning, he called Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San, and Tang Sui to an open lawn on the mountain behind the academy.

The four present were all capable of performing martial soul fusion skills. They looked at each other and knew the reason why the master called them here this time.

"Have you recovered your soul power and mental power?" The master looked at the four of them with his hands behind his back.

The four nodded in unison, Tang San understood and said: "Teacher, you specifically called us out because you wanted to."

"That's right, I want all of you to use the martial soul fusion technique, and then we'll discuss each other." The master admitted frankly, his eyes fell on Tang Sui, and he said in a solemn voice: "Sui Sui, with your current physique, you can't compete with Xiao San's soul power." With about [-]% to [-]% remaining, how long do you think you can maintain the martial soul fusion state?"

"In the state of martial soul fusion skills, I can only manipulate my mask and cannot use soul skills. If the second soul skill is not counted, with the strength of my brother and I, it is currently about 5 minutes." Tang Sui thought I want to say.

"5 minutes?! So short!" Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were shocked, because their martial soul fusion skills lasted much longer than Tang Sui and Tang San.

The master was also taken aback, and murmured: "Why is it only 5 minutes? It shouldn't be."

Tang San was silent for a moment, before Hao Ran said: "Teacher, this is actually not to blame Sui Sui. Sui Sui's physique has been improved a lot under the effect of Tiancai Dibao's medicine planting, the reason why the maintenance time is short is because Sui Sui and I The difference in spirit power levels is still too large."

After obtaining the fourth soul ring, his soul power level didn't make a big breakthrough, it only increased by one level, and now he is at level 41, which is a full 6 soul power levels behind Tang Sui.

Even with the blessing of Xuantian Kungfu, it still cannot withstand such consumption.

But what is gratifying is that although this cross-level absorption has only increased by one level, it has been "blackened".

"The martial soul fusion skills of Sui Sui and I must satisfy that I am in the state of 'blackening', and Sui Sui is in a state controlled by another personality, so that we can perform martial soul fusion." This is what he noticed at the time essential factor.

Hearing this, the master frowned, "Although the battlefield changes rapidly in five minutes, once you use your martial soul fusion skills, if you want to maintain the subsequent battlefield situation, you must have about 5% of the soul power left in Sui Sui to cancel the fusion." , and then she puts a second soul skill on herself, and then waits for the opportunity to restore your soul power."

"But it takes too long to accumulate energy, the enemy won't be so stupid as to wait for Sui Sui's second soul skill cooling time to end." Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but said.

The master frowned and said nothing, as if he agreed with Zhu Zhuqing's statement.

Tang San and Dai Mubai also fell into deep thought.

After a little calculation, Tang Sui broke the silence: "3 minutes."


The others looked at Tang Sui, who counted the time seriously and analyzed:

"If I have 3% of my soul power left and my brother's [-]% of his soul power remains, we can only maintain the martial soul fusion form for [-] minutes."

Tang San closed his eyes, moved his fingers hanging by his side, and exhaled a long breath of foul air: "Sui Sui and I's martial soul fusion skills must only be used as the last trump card and cannot be used like Dai Boss and Zhu Qing. As a daily fighting form."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai patted his brother's shoulder reassuringly, "It's okay, of course I, the boss, should be the first to take the lead. You mean Zhuqing?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, "Mubai is right. We are teammates, and you don't have to carry all the burdens on your shoulders. Mubai, I, and Rongrong can also cooperate with you and share the burden together. .”

"Sure enough. There are very few human-shaped martial soul fusion forms on the mainland, almost none. Presumably this form itself must be very powerful, but all power has limitations." The master sighed, because the two siblings The excitement of the martial soul fusion form turned out to be a human form has faded a lot, leaving only full of sorrow.

"Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. After all, my brother is growing very fast. My brother and I are not familiar with the current martial arts fusion skills. Maybe I made a wrong estimate." Tang Sui adjusted the atmosphere, wearing Mubai nodded cooperatively.

"That's right. Only practice can reveal the truth. Come on, Xiao San, Sui Sui, let me see your fighting power."

As he spoke, he stepped aside first, posing in a fighting posture.

The master nodded slightly, stepped back, walked to a safer place, looked at them, and gave an order: "Then, start the timer now!"

"Zhuqing, the Nether White Tiger!" Dai Mubai instantly possessed his spirit, the four halos on his body burst into light, overlapping with the two yellow and two purple soul rings on Zhu Zhuqing's body, and a powerful Nether White Tiger appeared on the grass .


The deafening roar of the tiger was washed away with a trace of mental shock.

The master looked at the gigantic Nether White Tiger standing on the lawn, who just raised his head slightly, and the majestic spirit power and momentum came towards him. He nodded in satisfaction: "That's right. Zhuqing has been promoted to the level of Soul Spirit!" Empress Zong, the Nether White Tiger's strength has also made a further breakthrough."

"Suisui, shall we start too?"

After sighing the majesty of the Nether White Tiger in his heart, Tang San turned his head to look at Tang Sui, circles of halos floated under his feet.

"it is good."

—— Digression——

There is only one QAQ update today
In addition, the cute watermarked gift of the first leader of this article "Super Sweet Bread" has been placed in the Q reading comment area~
Other cuties can watch and watch, too! Chirp!It's a super cute adult version of Sui Sui, the fairy Rolls is real!

 General meeting of shareholders:
(End of this chapter)

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