Douluo: Dressed as Tang San's sister and Xiao Yan HE

Chapter 43 Embarrassed, I want to use my toes to dig out a Versailles Palace on the ground...

Chapter 43 Embarrassed, I want to dig out a Palace of Versailles with my toes...

! ! !Tang Ning's eyes widened and she was momentarily stunned.

After she realized it, she uneasily looked at the boy who was holding his forehead speechlessly: "I..."

Xiao Yan took a deep breath to suppress the emotions in his heart.

He silently rubbed his throbbing forehead, pulled up the little girl on his body, and patted the grass leaves on his body, his face was as usual: "Okay, let's go back?"

Tang Ning lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, her small face was as hot as a fire, and she wished she could find a place to drill down.

It took a long time to whisper with trembling lips: "Well, brother Xiao Yan, you don't hurt from the fall, do you? How about I rub it for you?"

rub?Xiao Yan smiled wryly, saying such things in that kind of place?

This girl really can't choose what to say!If he didn't know Tang Ning's character, he would have thought she was implying something!

"Don't say such things in front of men next time, you know?" Xiao Yan sighed and rubbed her head.

Tang Ning also realized the problem, and she was so embarrassed that she wished to use her feet to dig out a Palace of Versailles on the ground.

It's almost dead, but fortunately no one saw it, otherwise she would be famous for the rest of her life!

Xiao Yan:? ? ?It's clearly me who is being frivolous, okay?And what famous name does Tang Ning have?The big brother Yandi died speechless.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Tang Ning was slightly taken aback, and Tang Ning's tone was a little strange: "Don't say it in front of men? Are you a man? Don't you think of me as a younger sister or a daughter?"

Xiao Yan choked, always feeling that something was wrong.

He stretched out his hand and flicked her head. Seeing her whimpering in pain, he crossed his arms and said angrily, "Mysterious and messy nonsense? How could I not be a man?"

I always feel that continuing the topic will run wildly in a strange direction, and I can't hold the rein. Tang Ning wisely stopped the topic, kept silent and prepared to go back.

But within two steps, she felt an inexplicable resistance that tripped her. She was slightly taken aback, and sat on the ground looking at her toes with a dazed expression.

Tang Ning stared blankly at the big tail that appeared behind her who didn't know when, she was instantly dumbfounded.

Her tail was tightly wrapping around Xiao Yan's waist, and she was wagging the tip of her tail happily!

As we all know, the animal's tail is another creature, less controlled.

Tang Ning's face was flushed with embarrassment, and when she met Xiao Yan's playful gaze, she even wanted to hide her face and run away.

Xiao Yan looked at the embarrassed girl with a smile, and pointed to the fluffy tail on his waist: "This, how long will you keep pestering me? My waist is sore..."

Only then did Tang Ning come to her senses, and hurriedly withdrew her tail. The pair of pointed downy ears on her head wobbled uneasily, making it look like airplane ears.

She ran wildly as if her butt was on fire, and the girl ran away without saying a word, covering her face, the appearance of holding hands and feet together was very interesting.

Xiao Yan looked at it for a while, and laughed loudly. Tang Ning heard that she was running faster, and other students who didn't know what happened to her were very curious.

Tang Ning's whole body exploded, and she cried for several days afterwards.

Woohoo, I'm so ashamed, how can I hang out at Notting College in the future?Society died on the spot!She suddenly wanted to leave this planet!
It was another weekend, and Tang Ning was lying on the bed weakly, with a look of doubting life.

Xiao Wu on the other side was also bored, one tower did not talk to her, Xiao Yan and Tang San opened the door and came in while chatting.

Tang San fixed his eyes on the two girls lying side by side, he couldn't help laughing, he pushed and pulled, but sure enough he didn't.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something happy."

"What's the matter?" The two said in unison, and their eyes lit up instantly.

Out of the corner of Tang Ning's eyes, Xiao Yan hurriedly avoided his gaze, pretending to look at her brother seriously.

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows, didn't say anything, and looked at her with great interest.

"Since the elixir has been found, Xiao Yan and I decided to go out to have dinner together to celebrate." After saying this, everyone in the dormitory calmed down and looked at each other and no one spoke.

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter? Don't want to go out and have a good meal? I'll treat you!"

Wang Sheng was dying and waved his hands: "Forget it, I lost my appetite after what happened last time. I don't think I will be able to get rid of this psychological shadow for several years, and I won't be able to eat outside."

The other students also had lingering fears. Tang Ning and Xiao Wu looked at each other and didn't speak, obviously also afraid.

"It's not the restaurant from last time."

"That's not going either."

"Okay, if you don't want to go, don't go!" Xiao Yan spread his hands helplessly, Xiao Wu was a little lost, and was afraid to go out to eat, um, how about...

"Hey, I have a proposal, let's buy the ingredients and cook in the back kitchen of the school?" She jumped up excitedly.

Everyone was stunned, and the atmosphere in Qishe became quiet. After a long time, the boys tremblingly raised their hands: "Well, none of us know how to cook."

This is awkward.

Xiao Wu: "...I will do it a little bit."

Tang Ning raised her hand: "Well, I also know some dishes, only a few dishes, and I do pretty well."

Tang San covered his face: "I only know how to cook side dishes and porridge."

Xiao Yan was silent: "Well, I can barbecue?"

Barbecuing is the easiest thing, as long as you master the heat, the grill is just right without burning, and then sprinkle some seasonings to make it delicious.

After all, he is Emperor Yan, the ancestor of playing with fire, his ability to control fire is as good as fire, and he is just a barbecue.That is, if Yao Lao knew that his apprentice was using his fire control ability on barbecue, he would probably die of anger.

Xiao Wu tentatively said: "Each of us knows a little bit, and together we can cook a table of delicious food."

Wang Sheng and the others thought for a while: "Okay, then let's go shopping."

Xiao Wu is a very cute and delicate girl. The aunts and aunts in the cafeteria like her and Tang Ning very much.

Coupled with the fact that several of them are among the best geniuses in the academy, they are willing to make such a trivial matter easier.

"Okay, let's get started!" Xiao Wu rubbed her hands excitedly, and poured down a large plate of washed radishes that she bought directly.

She looked at the glowing red radish skin and was eager to try it, picked up the spatula and was ready to go...

A quarter of an hour later, Tang Ning, who was watching on the sidelines, rushed out, and anxiously pulled Xiao Yan who was sitting leisurely: "Hurry up, hurry up! We need you!"

Crowd: ? ? ?
Before Xiao Yan could react, he was dragged in with a confused face. Tang Ning pointed at the burning iron pot seriously: "Quick, put out the fire!" As for why she didn't put out the fire?Oh, I'm too lazy to move, anyway, Xiao Yan is fine, isn't he?
Xiao Yan: "..." Good guy, Xiao Wu is really good. A simple fried carrot can set the kitchen on fire. I guess the cafeteria lady will die of anger when she comes back?

He held his forehead speechlessly, swept Xiao Wu with a black and gray face, and summoned a ball of imperial flames, sucking the flames in.

After such a fuss, Xiao Yan didn't dare to go out at all, and directly moved a bench to sit beside him.

Tang Ning said to Xiao Wu: "Well, do you want to continue cooking? Or..."

"No, just let me do it, I said I want to show my talents, Miss Xiao Wu promises everything!"

Seeing that she couldn't hold her back, Tang Ning sighed and didn't continue to stop her, she stood aside and was ready to attack at any time.

If she hadn't reacted in time just now, half of Xiao Wu's face would have been scorched, and the flames almost shot up to the roof!
As for the results of Xiao Wu's cooking... Let's sum it up in four words - very "touching".Please imagine for yourself?

Many years later, Soft Bone Douluo published a book: "The Autobiography of Soft Bone Douluo: Those Years When I Fry the Kitchen and My Three Resentful Companions"

The matter of the pharmacy was settled, the atmosphere is really relaxed now, a group of people looked at Xiao Wu amused and curious, who would dare to eat this kind of thing?A dish that can only be tried once in a lifetime is really scary.

However, the people in the laughter did not know that a pair of gloomy eyes in the corner saw all this.

Somewhere at an unknown distance, the girl shrouded in black veil gritted her teeth: "Damn bitch, always hindering my affairs, I want to use her skull as a decoration!"

The ice spirit stone is hers, and so is the elixir, let her wait and see, she will kill anyone who spoils her good deeds!

(End of this chapter)

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