The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 325 Assault on the Black Gate Bridge

Chapter 325 Assault on the Black Gate Bridge
Although the consequences Li Mu said were appalling, the special police still did not intend to participate in the plan to seize the Umbrella Science and Technology Park.

After all, the end is only a possibility, and even if it does happen, they must do their best to prevent it.

So they planned to try to rush to Washington after escaping Raccoon City and report all this to the White House.

Jill and Payton naturally went forward and retreated with their old comrades in arms. Teri originally advocated exposing Umbrella, so she was videotaping along the way, so she also chose to follow Jill and the others.

Ajie also chose to follow the special police. What Li Mu and the others were going to do was not something he, a war scum, could get involved with, he was just cowardly.

Carlos and Nicola decided to follow Li Mu and others.

There is no other reason, they just don't trust the official anymore, from the moment they are abandoned by the company, they are already free, and they will only fight for themselves in the future.

Although Li Mu and the others are few in number, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the side with more people, so they are willing to follow Li Mu.

As for Angela, they will try to rescue Dr. Ashford.

If you are lucky enough to save someone, it is up to Dr. Ashford to decide where to go. If you fail to save someone, you can only let Angela follow Jill and the others.

After the discussion, everyone immediately drove to the Heimen Bridge.

Ajie sat on the bus, the car was driven by Zhang Jie, and Li Xiaoyi, Carlos, and Nicola were sitting in the car.

They go ahead, and they will be the first to attack when the Black Gate Bridge is raided.

Li Xiaoyi and Zhang Jie were wearing Zhenjin protective suits and Zhenjin helmets on their heads, and Zhan Lan was protecting them with his thoughts, so they were not in vain at all.

The bus followed the car and was driven by a special police officer, while Li Mu was driving a motorcycle alone, heading in the other direction, and he would go around under the Heimen Bridge from the side.

"Zhan Lan, destroy all the cameras in the city."


By destroying the cameras in the city, Umbrella would not be able to track their movements, and they would hide in the dark.

After more than 40 minutes, the vehicle arrived at the street 600 meters away from the Heimen Bridge.

Since the citizens who gathered here were all driven away, and the citizens were afraid of the infected people in the crowd, they tried to stay away from here as much as possible, so that there were almost no zombies here, and the street was quiet.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn in half an hour, so their time was running out.

The SWAT policeman and Zhang Jie let go of the accelerator at the same time, stepped on the clutch, and allowed the vehicle to slide forward in neutral.

Doing so kept the engine noise to a minimum, making it impossible for armed men on the Black Gate Bridge to detect their approach.

The car stopped behind the nearest building in front of the bridge, but did not turn off.

Zhao Yingkong, who moved the fastest, took the initiative to run to the stairwell on the fifth floor of a building, and watched the Heimen Bridge through the window of the stairwell with Carlos' military binoculars.

The bridge head of the Heimen Bridge is an upward slope, and the situation on the bridge cannot be seen from the bottom.

Zhao Yingkong quickly saw the situation on the fence, and Kane obviously strengthened the defense force on the fence.

At this time, there were hundreds of armed men guarding this section of the fence, and the high-power high-voltage short-arc xenon lamps illuminated the bridge brightly.

Any target on the bridge would be a target, so those headlights had to be taken out.

There is no need for her to remind her, I believe Li Mu will handle it.

She slowly moved the field of view of the telescope, and searched for the bridge under the bridge.

Relying on her professional level as a professional assassin, she quickly found Li Mu's figure in the shadow of the bridge.

At this time, like a spirit ape, he jumped between the steel pillars of the bridge and quickly approached the alloy gate, almost relying on the strength of his arms to move throughout the whole process.

After a while, Li Mu climbed in from the bridge next to the base of the wall. At this time, he was under the base of the wall, which belonged to the dark range under the lamp, so the armed personnel on the wall could not see him.

The surface of the wall is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no leverage at all, and near the upper end of the wall, there is a threaded exposed wire, which carries current.

Under normal circumstances, no one can go up from outside the wall, but to Li Mu, all these are equal to zero.

He opened the safety of his automatic rifle, walked to the wall with a small house above it, squatted down slightly with his legs, and then jumped up, jumping straight up to a height of eight meters, exceeding the height of the wall.

"Da da da da..."

When Li Mu fell to the top of the fence, a tongue of flame spewed out from the muzzle of the automatic rifle, and as the muzzle of his gun swept left and right, five or six people were shot and fell down on the spot.

The armed personnel on the city wall were completely in a state of confusion at this time, and did not react for a moment.

After Li Mu landed on the fence, he did not shoot at the crowd for the time being, but shot at the headlights one by one.

The headlights burst and went out one by one, and the Black Gate Bridge was quickly plunged into darkness.

At this time, his position is a section of wall on the upper left of the gate, and there is a platform of about [-] square meters.

There is a small house built on the platform, which seems to be a duty room. Outside the platform, there is an iron staircase going up and down the wall.

"Da da da da..."

As the headlights went out one after another, the bewildered armed men finally came to their senses, and immediately formed a formation, lying down, squatting or standing, and focused their fire on Li Mu.

In an instant, bullets as dense as a rainstorm splashed towards Li Mu.

However, Li Mu didn't care at all. After emptying one magazine, he took the time to face the rain of bullets, quickly replaced a magazine, and continued to turn off the lights.

The armed men were almost scared to pee by this scene, what the hell kind of monster is this?

Even if he was wearing body armor and a bulletproof helmet, he would have been down long ago when dozens of automatic weapons were focused on him at such a close range.

Because the kinetic energy of the bullet was enough to break the bones in his chest and even injure his internal organs.

Besides, the body armor can only protect the upper body, but the bullets that hit his legs also failed to cause him any damage.

Not only did the opponent's bullets fail to enter, but a pile of bullets fell in front of him, and even the kinetic energy of the bullets seemed to disappear without a trace, and the opponent didn't even move at all.

The most important thing is that this guy jumped up from below, and even surpassed the wall by a large margin. The wall is six meters high, six meters!

At this time, Li Mu was wearing Zhenjin protective clothing and a Zhenjin helmet, and a layer of protective spiritual power had condensed on the surface of his skin.

In this way, even the last bit of remaining kinetic energy was blocked by the spiritual power of the body protection. At this time, he could be said to be truly invulnerable.

The Umbrella camp outside the city was in chaos. Under the guard of a group of armed men, Kane stood by a tent and observed Li Mu on the city wall with a telescope with night vision function.

Many armed men on the ground opened fire on him. When they found that they couldn't kill him, someone picked up a rocket launcher and opened fire on Li Mu.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth curled up, he saw the direction of the rocket, and slapped his backhand, like chasing flies, precisely on the side of the rocket.

The trigger device of the rocket is at the top of the warhead, as long as it does not touch that position, it will not explode.

The fired rockets flew towards the armed personnel on the fence, and finally exploded among the crowd, killing and injuring dozens of people on the spot.

"Wang Defa?"

"O'shett, what the hell kind of monster is this?"

Kane was not afraid of Li Mu, but was very interested in the protective equipment on him.

He naturally did not expect that Li Mu's defense relied not only on equipment.

Moreover, he believed that ordinary people would never be able to fly rockets with bare hands, and this guy was probably an evolutionary like Alice.

Even its degree of evolution is much higher than that of Alice who has just started to evolve, and this is a research object with higher value than Alice.

Kane immediately said to the assistant beside him: "Order the Delta unit to go up to support, don't use hot weapons, firearms are useless to him, try using cold weapons."

"In addition, order the armed helicopter to stand by and be ready to take off at any time. I would like to see if he can resist the Vulcan cannon."

"Yes sir."

The Umbrella Emergency Countermeasures Unit (UBCS) has four teams, Alpha, Delta, Bravo, and Charlie.

Carlos and Nicola once served in the Alpha Squad, and these four squads can be said to be Umbrella's most elite armed force.

On the fence, Li Mu blew out all the lights, and after completely plunged the Heimen Bridge into darkness, he immediately turned his gun and began to shoot at the armed men on the fence.

The armed men were so frightened that they immediately lay down on the ground, and Li Mu rushed out, only killing four or five people.

At this moment, Li Mu had only two magazines left. He no longer entangled with the armed men, but turned around and walked into the duty room on the platform.

There were still two people in the duty room, but they were already lying in a pool of blood and their bodies were covered with bullet holes.

The armed men set fire to Li Mu before, and the flying bullets smashed the side windows into pieces. The two people who got up subconsciously happened to be shot straight, and they were confused.

The setting in the room is very simple, a desk, two office chairs, and a water dispenser.

There are several notebooks on the table, which show the monitoring screen on the bridge.

On the wall facing the desk, there are two big buttons, one red and one green. The word ON is printed on the green button, and the word OFF is printed on the red button.

Li Mu stepped forward and slapped the green button.


There was a slight vibration on the wall, and the tightly closed alloy gate slowly opened.

At this time, the armed personnel on the right had rushed over to support him. Several armed personnel shot at Li Mu from the window, and the distance between the two sides was less than five meters.

They saw with their own eyes that the bullet hit Li Mu's body, and the bullet bounced around, but Li Mu acted like a normal person.

Li Mu slowly took off a grenade from his shoulder, pulled out the tab, and let the safety grip bounce off.

"Ouchet, Fire in the hole." The armed men at the window screamed and rushed to the corner of the duty room, while those on the wall fell back to the ground one after another.

Li Mu kept the grenade in his hand for two seconds before throwing it out of the window, which can prevent the opponent from picking up the grenade and throwing it back.


Sure enough, the grenade exploded as soon as it flew out of the window, and there was no time for people to react. Since it exploded in mid-air, even if you lie on the ground, you will not be injured by the shrapnel.

Li Mu didn't leave the room, he had to prevent someone from coming in and close the door again.

He fired the automatic rifle to the semi-automatic state, fired a few shots at the window here, knocked down a few people, fired a few shots at the window there, knocked down a few people, and one person suppressed hundreds of people.

The other party was also afraid that the door switch would be damaged and the door could no longer be closed, so they didn't dare to throw grenades inside.

Before the Delta squad arrived, the situation was temporarily deadlocked.


But on the other side of the Heimen Bridge, when Zhao Yingkong noticed that the alloy gate was slowly opening, without saying a word, she turned around and rushed downstairs. She ran through the five floors in less than eight seconds.

Back downstairs, she yelled, "The door is open, assault."

After she jumped onto the bus, the door of the bus did not close. Zhang Jie and the special police driving the car directly shifted into gear, kicked the accelerator, and the two cars started instantly. After turning the corner, they rushed towards the bridge.

At this moment, the bridge was in darkness, but there were still lights on the fence. Zhang Jie and the special police who were driving did not turn on the lights. After quickly entering fifth gear, they stepped on the accelerator and sprinted towards the gate at full speed.

The windows of the car were all opened. When they found that the armed men on the left and right sides of the fence were all shooting at a small house in the middle, they immediately leaned out of the car window and fired at the armed men on the wall.

"Da da da... bang bang bang..."

The SWAT policemen, Alice and others, either burst or single-shot, shot precisely at the fence, and the armed personnel on the fence fell down in a big way.

Kane received the news and immediately ordered the five armed helicopters in the camp to take off to kill all the opponents, and at the same time sent a large number of armed personnel to block the door.

Seeing this, Li Mu in the room knew that they had rushed over, so he stopped guarding the duty room.

He emptied all the magazines of the automatic rifle, then swung his back, pulled out the Xiuchun knife and rushed out.

At this moment, more than [-] people from the Delta team were rushing up the iron stairs, very close to Li Mu.

The armed men on the fence were afraid of accidentally injuring the Delta soldiers, so they could no longer fire on Li Mu, and the guns were useless against him at all.

They were suppressed by the firepower of the special police in the car, and they all lay down on the wall, not daring to show their heads.

Most of the soldiers of Delta Squad were holding alloy cudgels, and some were holding daggers and sabers. They collided with Li Mu who rushed out of the duty room.

It has to be said that these guys are worthy of the name of the elite, as soon as they met Li Mu, three people cooperated to attack him.

Two soldiers with swinging sticks smashed at Li Mu's neck, one left and one right, because he was wearing a helmet, and it was useless to hit his head.

The saber-wielding man in the middle rolled on the ground, immediately approached him, and stabbed him in the lower abdomen.

The Delta soldier's reaction was fast enough, but Li Mu's reaction was even more incomparable. He took a step back, avoided the throwing stick, and kicked the soldier with the knife on the wrist.


With a crisp sound, the wrist of the soldier who was kicked by Li Mu broke directly, and the saber in his hand came out.

The soldiers were horrified when they saw this, and a soldier behind threw a throwing knife at Li Mu through the gap in the middle.


The flying knife hit Li Mu's chest, and then fell to the ground, unable to penetrate even the bullet, the flying knife was a joke.

Li Mu ignored all the attacks, and slashed at the shoulder and neck of the soldier on the left side.

The soldier reflexively raised his swinging stick to block. This action was correct, and the position of the block was also very accurate, but in the end he couldn't hold it at all.

Because the Xiuchun knife cut off the alloy swing stick like a rotten wood, and then passed over his neck.


The main artery was severed, and blood spurted out immediately. Li Mu's saber continued to move. After killing the soldier, he flipped his wrist, and the blade swung back, cutting the soldier's throat on the right.

The description is complicated, but it is actually just a face-to-face meeting. The three soldiers who attacked Li Mu had already lost two lives and one injury.

This shocked the soldiers behind the three of them, especially the Xiuchun knife in his hand, which could cut even a metal swinging stick, made the soldiers extremely afraid.

So they rushed up and surrounded Li Mu in a fan shape, but they didn't dare to rush forward again.

Li Mu leaned his back against the wall of the duty room and danced with a saber, with the Xiuchun saber placed on his chest.


The armed helicopter took off, and the Chevrolet car and bus were less than 60 meters away from the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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