Chapter 124
In just over half an hour, the official slave camp became dead silent, and everyone had been killed by Li Mu.

All the rosters of official slaves were taken out by Li Mu to control hundreds of generals with the soul transfer method, and handed them over to him.

After pointing the hundred generals to death, Li Mu took a pile of bamboo slips outside and threw them one by one into the brazier used by the Qin soldiers on duty to burn them all.

After all the bamboos were reduced to ashes, he poured true energy into the "Tinghui acupoint" in both ears, which greatly improved his hearing, and then walked around the entire official slave camp.

After confirming that there were no omissions, he took care of the large amount of copper coins obtained by touching the corpses after killing those Qin soldiers, and started to plunder the official slave camp with light work.

Coins in this era are divided into upper coins and lower coins. The upper coins are gold, and the unit is "镒 (yì)".

One yi equals 20 taels, and the standard is a gold cake, which is rarely seen by ordinary people, and is usually only circulated among the rich and powerful.

The lower coin is a copper plate, which is the "Brother Kong Fang" that has been used for 2000 years.

Because the specification is one penny and a half two weights, it is called "Qin half two".

In the Qin Dynasty, one tael was about 16 grams, so half a tael was only about 8 grams, not 25 grams in later generations.

Silver is not currently used as a currency in circulation. It is recorded in "Historical Records Ping Zhun Shu": Silver and tin belong to treasures of utensils, not coins.

Qin Banliang's purchasing power is quite strong. Thirty Wen can buy a dendrobium of corn, and three to five Wen can buy a good meal in a restaurant.

A dendrobium is a stone for later generations, about 120 catties.

When Liu Bang was in Peixian County, his family was so poor that he couldn't help but eat and drink everywhere, and he also relied on friends to support him.

When he was in the most difficult time, other friends only gave him three renminbi, and Xiao He gave him five renminbi, and Liu Bang remembered him for half his life.

When he conquered the world and established the Han Dynasty as a feudal lord, Xiao He sealed [-] more households than others because of this.

One penny, one thousand households of food, this can be regarded as the most successful investment in history.

Li Mu got five or six hundred coins from groping corpses in the official slave camp. On average, each Qin soldier only had a few coins, but it was enough for him to live well for two months.

If people live by the standards of ordinary people, this little money can last for more than a year.

But he doesn't need to wrong himself so much, with his ability, he will soon be able to live the life of the rich and powerful.

Li Mu felt that his most urgent task was to try to get Xiaoyue out of the palace first.

While she is still young, he can teach her to practice martial arts and train her to become a martial arts master beyond the cognition of the natives of this world.

In this way, she can not only protect herself in the future, but also become her own good helper.

However, Li Mu didn't plan to sneak into the palace directly, find Xiaoyue and take her away, because it would inevitably cause future troubles.

The safest way is to get her out of the palace in a fair and honest manner.

So he had to rely on his strength, and he had to be a person who could walk in the palace and speak in front of Shi Huang.

For now, the most suitable candidate is Fusu.

First of all, Fusu was very fond of Shihuang, and if he asked for a court lady, Shihuang probably wouldn't take it seriously.

Secondly, with Fusu's character, if Li Mu came to recommend himself, as long as he showed some means, he would definitely be able to get his favor.

At that time, if he asks Fusu to help get Xiaoyue out of the palace, he has no reason to refuse.

Besides, Li Mu also needs an opportunity to integrate into Daqin. For the time being, he has to solve the problem of settling down first before he can plan more.

In the Qin Dynasty, if there was no identity card similar to the identity card of later generations, they would all be regarded as refugees, and they would be arrested and used as official slaves, making it difficult to move a single step.

Although with his ability, no one can catch him, but it's troublesome, isn't it?

But for now, he still has to get some decent clothes first, and tidy up.

Otherwise, with this unkempt and ragged appearance, even if Fusu is thirsty for talents, he may not even be able to enter the door of the son's mansion, and he will be driven away by the concierge. How embarrassing.

This is not a big problem, he is very familiar with it, still the old way, find a rich family to draw a suit of clothes that fit, and then run to the Weihe River outside the city to take a bath.

Without soap and shampoo, he had to get some common plant ash and soap locust that people in this era used to make do.

It seems that he has to get those things out of Tianlong World as soon as possible, one by one, otherwise it will be really inconvenient in life.

Soap requires caustic soda, which is not difficult to obtain. Mix shell ash and plant ash to produce caustic soda, and add lard suet to make soap.

This one thing alone is a profitable industry, not to mention that he also knows the technologies of salt making, paper making, and steel making, which are enough to change an era.

After cleaning, Li Mu steamed his hair dry with internal force. His tangled, messy and smelly long hair finally became a little smoother.

Putting on a dark gray dress that is not luxurious but not ordinary, Gao Yao tied his hair in a Qin Dynasty bun and tied it with a hair tie according to the way Gao Yao remembered the Qin people's hairstyle.

A purse was tied around the waist, and dozens of coins were put in it, and the rest was wrapped in a bag and carried on the shoulder.

A few hundred coins is seven or eight catties, and here we are talking about city catties, not Qin catties.

Qin Chao only weighed 258 grams per catty. According to Qin Jin's calculations, his several hundred Wen would be fifteen or six catties.

After some tidying up, he finally has some appearance, at least he will no longer be regarded as a refugee and beggar.

It was already late at night after taking a bath, he didn't return to Xianyang immediately, but planned to hang around outside the city for a while before going to Fusu's son's mansion to serve.

Because the incident in the official slave camp will definitely happen tomorrow, he happened to be serving today, and he showed extraordinary force, maybe someone would think of him.

So he planned to wait for a few days and wait for the news to spread before going there.

He went to the villages and towns outside the city of Xianyang and found a farmer to live in at the price of five Wen a day.

Because he needs to show his ID card to stay in an inn and hotel, he can't get it out at all, so he can only choose to borrow from a farmer's house.

Three days later, Li Mucai returned to Xianyang City with his burden on his shoulders. At this time, the strange deaths of the Qin army in the official slave camp and the official slaves had already spread widely.

The case was handed over to Ting Wei for investigation, but after three days, there was no news of any progress in the case, and rumors of ghosts and plague outbreaks began to spread among the people.

Ting Wei, who handled the case, was sure that the people in the official slave camp definitely did not die from the plague, otherwise they would not have died so silently.

It wasn't poisoning either. There was no poison in the body of the deceased, and there was no sign of poisoning on the outside.

Everyone was lying on the bed, and they should have died suddenly while sleeping.

No matter how much they searched, they couldn't figure out the cause of these people's deaths. In the end, even Ting Wei had some doubts whether it was really ghosts.

After all, over one night, more than 400 people suddenly died suddenly in their deep sleep, with no signs of struggle at all, and no wounds could be found on their bodies.

Even the "Lingshi" of this era, that is, the posthumous Zuo of later generations, did not find any abnormalities after dissecting the corpse.

It stands to reason that there is no reason for them to die, but they are dead, so no one has to be suspicious.

There is a high probability that this case will become an unsolved case, so Li Mu didn't pay much attention to it.

After he found out where Fusu's son's mansion was, he went straight to the door.

Fusu lived in Xianyang Palace before he was an adult, and he established a mansion outside the palace when he was an adult. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Li Mu would not find a way to join Fusu.

Fusu's son's mansion is not far from Xianyang Palace, and it covers a large area. From Li Mu's knowledge, this mansion can build several football fields.

In this day and age, it is not popular to put stone lions in front of the gate, but there are only two stone lampposts on the left and right for lighting.

And beside the lamp post, there is a big bluestone staircase with only two steps, which is the Shangma Stone.

Because stirrups had not been invented in this era, cavalry often leaped up, but for the powerful, it was not suitable to mount a horse like this, so there would always be horse-mounting stones at the door of the rich and powerful.

The middle door of the Young Master's Mansion is closed, only the side doors on both sides are open. In front of the door are four guards armed with spears, and another soldier with a sword stands by his sword.

Seeing Li Mu walking towards the gate of the mansion, the armored swordsman said, "Stop those who come, this is Mr. Fusu's mansion, please don't intrude."

Li Mu walked down the steps calmly, and said to the armored officer: "The people of Handan are very noble, and they are here to serve Mr. Fusu, and please pass on the news to the military master."

Gao Ruo was a native of Handan, Hebei Province in later generations, so after coming to the Qin Dynasty, he also regarded himself as a native of Handan.

Because Handan was the old capital of Zhao State, Gao Yao was later given the surname Zhao by the first emperor because of his meritorious service, so he became Zhao Gao.

Although Gao Yao was ordinary in appearance, Li Mu had been in a high position for two consecutive worlds and was respected by the world.

Moreover, Fusu is tolerant and benevolent, so the character of his family will naturally not be too bad.

After the soldier looked Li Mu up and down, he asked gently: "May I ask what skills you have?"

Li Mu smiled slightly, and said: "It's easy to say, in the following text, I know a thing or two about martial arts, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, medicine, divination and astrology, strange obscene skills, riding and archery martial arts."


Several Qin soldiers couldn't help laughing, and the swordsman said with a smile: "It sounds like Your Excellency has the talents of the world."

"It's just empty talk. I'm afraid I'll be laughed at if I report it to the young master. We don't know anything else. How about you show off your martial arts skills?"

Li Mu said without changing his face: "It should be so."

After speaking, he looked around, and immediately walked towards the stone lamp post on the left. The soldiers and the four Qin soldiers watched his movements with great interest.

The stone lamppost was as tall as a person, thick and heavy, and it usually took four of them to lift it.

If this person can move it with one person's strength, his bravery is also extremely extraordinary.

However, the next moment, the smiles on the five people's faces disappeared and turned into horror.

I saw Li Mu grasping the stone lamp post with both hands, and lightly shouted "get up", the stone lamp post actually flew up.

Then Li Mu kicked his feet on the ground, and jumped straight for a distance of two feet. In the blink of an eye, he reached the right side. He did the same thing, and this stone lamppost flew higher than the one on the left.

When the right stone lamppost flew to the left, the left stone lamppost just fell down. Li Mu put his hands together, caught it steadily, and quickly put it on the right stone lamppost.

Then he rushed back to the left side in another step, just in time to catch the stone lamppost flying over from the right side, and put it down lightly.

With such a shocking method, Li Mu adjusted the positions of the stone lampposts on both sides.

After finishing this, Li Mu clapped his hands, walked back to the door, and smiled at the soldier, "You're making a fool of yourself."

The dumbfounded five people came back to their senses, and the swordsman hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed and said, "The villain admires the master's magical skills. Please wait a moment, sir. The villain will report it inside."

Li Mu cupped his fists in return and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jun."

The soldier quickly ran in from the side door. Li Mu waited outside for a cup of tea. A young man dressed in black robes, with a gentle demeanor and an extraordinary handsome appearance walked out of the mansion, followed by the soldier .

After the two came out, the soldier said to Li Mu: "Mr. Gao, this is my son."

Li Mu clasped his fists at Fusu upon hearing this, and said: "The Handan native is a high-ranking man, I have met Mr. Fusu."

Fu Su walked down the steps, reached out to support Li Mu's clenched hand, helped him up, and said gently: "Mr. Gao, please get up quickly."

In just a few short steps down the steps, he had already seen clearly that the stone lamp post had indeed been moved, because there were marks on the edge of the bottom of the post.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, not to mention the other abilities mentioned by the corporal commander, with this bravery alone, he has at least won the talent of a fierce general.

After Li Mu got up, he said to Fusu Zhengse: "I have heard that the young master is fortitude and brave, trusts others and fights hard, is generous and kind, and is approachable. He is a rare enlightened master. Gao Yao came to vote for his name, and is willing to work for the young master."

Anyone who listens to these words will be overjoyed, and from a person's conversation, one can often see a person's knowledge.

Li Mu's words were quite level, Fusu couldn't hold back his joy, his face was full of smiles.

"Sir, Mister praises, assisting Mr. Su, it's like adding wings to a tiger. Please come to the mansion to explain."

"Sir, please."

Li Mu followed Fusu into the mansion, and the two walked slowly side by side, Fusu said, "I don't know what your views are on the current world situation, sir?"

Li Mu immediately understood in his heart that this was the school exam.

After pondering for a while, Li Mu slowly opened his mouth and said, "It has been more than two thousand years since the Three Emperors ruled the world and the Five Emperors established the relationship."

"All countries in the world attacked each other and disputes continued, and the people hardly lived a stable life for a few years."

"Until His Majesty was born, swept away the world, leveled the Liuhe, unified the world, the same book, the same track, unified weights and measures, so that there is no barrier in the world, and finally ended the chaos of 2000 years."

"But the Great Qin has not long ruled the world. There are both internal and external troubles. The country is not yet stable. Your Majesty and Young Master may not be able to relax."

Fusu nodded secretly, with a more modest attitude, and asked: "Sir, where do you think Daqin's current internal and external troubles come from?"

Li Mu talked eloquently: "Let's talk about internal worries first. The Great Qin destroyed the six countries and unified the world. For the people of the world, it is a great blessing."

"But for the survivors of the aristocrats of the six countries, the Great Qin has hatred for destroying the country and destroying their families. Now they are only intimidated by the prestige of my great Qin sharp fighters, and they dare not act rashly."

"Once something goes wrong with Daqin, they will definitely take advantage of the situation and rebel against Daqin to restore the country. If so, the world will be in chaos again."

"As for foreign aggressions, the Qiang, Yuezhi, Wusun and other Rongdi in the northwest, the Xiongnu in the north, the Donghu in the northeast, and the Baiyue in the south are all external aggressions from the Great Qin."

Although Fusu was a little worried because of what Li Mu said, he was also very happy that he could see the general situation of the world so clearly, and he was sure in his heart that he really had the talent of latitude and longitude.

Immediately, he said with a humble attitude: "Everything you said is reasonable, but I don't know how Daqin should get rid of this situation of internal and external troubles. Please teach me, sir."

Li Mudao: "Don't dare, I only have a few superficial opinions, if what I say is wrong, I hope you will forgive me."

Fusu said: "Sir, please just speak out, Fusu will listen attentively."

Li Mudao: "For external troubles, there is nothing else, but internal cultivation of culture and virtue, external military preparations, and continuous strengthening of the country and army, can sweep the barbarians and bring peace to the world."

"Regarding this point, I have some amazing skills that can improve the combat effectiveness of the Great Qin army. I will elaborate on this matter later."

"Let's talk about internal worries first. I believe that to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home. Compared with foreign troubles, internal troubles are actually more deadly to the country."

Fusu couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "Sir, you are a great talent, what a 'to fight against the outside world, you must first settle the inside', this statement is really a pearl."

"If you are uneasy internally and unable to be united as one, it will be difficult to do your best in the face of external aggression, and you will even be troubled internally and externally, leading to a complete collapse."

"On the contrary, if the interior is safe, the whole country will be united. With the strength of the Great Qin, why worry about the barbarians not subduing?"

Li Mu nodded with a smile and said: "That's exactly the case. Now that the barbarians are all around, if you want to make peace in the country, you must not resort to reckless violence against the survivors of the six kingdoms, but you must also not let it go, otherwise it will cause serious trouble."

"Young master, you might as well try to resolve the hatred of the remaining families of the Six Kingdoms towards Da Qin, so that they never dare to rebel and become unwilling to rebel, just like Dayu's control of the flood, blocking is worse than sparse."

"As long as the survivors of the Six Kingdoms gradually return to their hearts, the barbarians will no longer be troubled. Even if something happens to the Great Qin, they will only help, not internal worries."

Fu Su stopped excitedly, grabbed Li Mu's hand, and said overjoyedly: "What Mr. said coincides with Fu Su's. Mr. is really Fu Su's confidant."

Li Mu secretly laughed, what he said was what Fusu himself would do in the future.

Fusu has actually done a good job. Many survivors of the Six Kingdoms are impressed by him, including Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's uncle and nephew, and they are willing to work in the Juxian Hall he founded.

Li Mu doesn't know about other worlds, but if it's only about this world, if Fusu hadn't been killed by Gao Yao and Li Si, the uncle and nephew might not have turned against Qin, let alone that rascal Liu Bang.

In the official history, the Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising was in the name of Fusu.

It can be seen that in this world, how much influence Fusu had on the survivors of the six countries.

(End of this chapter)

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