Quickly Transmigrate: A Tsundere God Always Asks For A Hug

Chapter 126 The Demon Lord Is a Paranoid (28)

Chapter 126 The Demon Lord Is a Paranoid (28)

Hua Yuan's hair brushed across her face lightly, like the tip of a feather, soft and soft.

Fortunately, this didn't last long. After about half a minute, Hua Yuan withdrew his hand back.

"All right."

In fact, it's already ready.

Nan Xin moved her neck twice, it was very flexible, and the pain was no longer there.

"Thank you."

Hua Yuan: "It's okay."

The two sat on a fallen tree trunk, the fire in front of them was burning, the flames were crackling and dancing, and Qingluan was resting with closed eyes not far from them.

In the whole silent and dark forest, only the sound of burning branches came from the fire.

"Be careful a few days after the breakthrough, you will be weaker then." Hua Yuan said softly to Nan Xin.

The phoenix family is quite special. After each breakthrough, there will be a period of weakness for a few days. At this time, it is especially necessary to protect yourself.

Nan Xin nodded, "Yeah, I know."

After a while, she heard the person beside her speak softly, his voice seemed to be a little nervous unconsciously.

"Do you think I'm too wordy?"

Nan Xin was taken aback, and quickly replied, "Why? I didn't say that!"

Don't slander her!

Besides, Hua Yuan usually talks very little, and it is only when he is with Nan Xin that he talks more.

And most of the time he is the one who speaks on his own initiative.

Hua Yuan nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "That's good."

Late at night, forest, fire, two people.

It's really a...a good time to speak your mind.

Nan Xin looked up at the starry sky. In the dark night, the stars were very bright, sporadically covering the entire sky above his head.

The shadows of the trees are whirling, and the evening wind is gentle.

Even the huge figure of Qingluan, who was not far away, who was sleeping lightly, curled up to the side, was just right.

Nan Xin pursed her lips, and after a while of mental construction, she slowly opened her mouth: "Actually, you don't need to do this, what happened before—"

She paused, then continued: "It's already passed, I will forget it slowly, you also gave me Silver Feather Flower and Hanlian Pill, which can be offset, and you also took me to the breakthrough place, I am very grateful , so you don’t have to blame yourself or something else because of the previous incident.”

If this continues, she will be the one to feel guilty.

No, it should be said that she has already started to feel guilty.

After all...he was really kind to her.

After Nan Xin finished speaking, the atmosphere was silent for a long time, and she felt that the body of the person beside her was stiff.

After another half hour, she heard Hua Yuan's low and hoarse voice, saying in a deep voice:

"No, I just want to be nice to you."

Nan Xin's body froze, these simple but straightforward words were rampant in her heart, stirring up and down the calm lake in her heart.

Throat and eyes seemed to be blocked by a mass of thick cotton, dry, dull, difficult to speak.

Hua Yuan: "As I said before, I treat you well. I do it voluntarily. You don't have to feel burdened."

Nan Xin shook his head slightly: "But I can't take it for granted."

So every time he treats her well, she always wants to return it with something right away.

It's just that he doesn't lack anything, and what he wants most is probably her phoenix feather, but he can't give it to him yet.

The corners of Hua Yuan's mouth tightened, and the palms hanging by his sides slowly clenched into fists, suppressing his voice: "Why?"

Nan Xin opened her mouth nah, some didn't know how to say: "Because..."

It doesn't matter.

It's not good to be owed like this.

Looking at Nan Xin's silent appearance, Hua Yuan's eyes slowly dimmed, and his heart twitched slowly.

The long straight eyelashes drooped down, casting a small cyan shadow, suppressing the bitterness and soreness in the bottom of the eyes.

He understands.

He always understood.

Hua Yuan sighed silently, "Imagine me as...your friend, wouldn't it be better?"

He didn't even say "as if", but "imagined as", which shows how humble he put himself in.

Nan Xin was also stunned. Listening to his words... she felt uncomfortable.

She was silent for a moment, then whispered softly: "Maybe we... can be friends."

But only maybe.

As for whether it can be, it is another matter.

After all, his purpose for her is only the flower of the abyss.

However, when Hua Yuan heard the words, his eyes lit up.

As long as there is a relationship between them.

You can take your time in the future, at least it is not a stranger.

"Can you?" He whispered tentatively.

Nan Xin pursed her lips and nodded, "Yes, take your time."

Hua Yuan smiled, like a bright moon in the sky, dazzling beautifully, "Okay."


It's almost dawn.

Almost ready to go.

The two of them returned to Qingluan's back, and the atmosphere that was relatively unfamiliar and stiff was gradually getting better.

Afterwards, Hua Yuan used his status as a friend to treat Nan Xin extraordinarily well.

This kind of kindness has surpassed the boundaries of ordinary friends.

However, Nan Xin couldn't talk about him yet, every time he tentatively opened his mouth to say something, he fell silent, his eyelids drooping, a bit like a big dog that has been wronged.

It made Nan Xin feel like something was wrong with her every time.

Obviously she just wanted to remind him that he didn't need to do this!
After a few times, Nanxin simply didn't care about it, and he couldn't control it anymore, so he just let it go bad.

Every time Hua Yuan said something, she always said "OK", "Yes" and "As you wish".

Originally, I wanted him to "retire despite difficulties", but I didn't expect him to work harder.

Nan Xin: "..."


Front convenience is what Hua Yuan said.

A cave hidden in the deep mountains.

The cave is very large and not completely closed. There is a circular gap above the head, and the sky can be seen. There is also a dark river inside, and there is a slight sound of water flowing continuously.

The inside is very clean and tidy, it looks like someone has cleaned it up before.

Most importantly, there is an extremely abundant aura here.

As soon as he entered, Nan Xin felt that his whole body was wrapped in warm air, his muscles and veins were extremely comfortable, and the surface of his skin seemed to be stretched, and spiritual energy poured in wildly.

Hua Yuan said at the right time: "There is a lot of aura here, be careful not to absorb too much, it's not good."

Nan Xin nodded, "I see."

Then, she said: "I guess it will take some time, you go back first."

Hua Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded slightly, "Okay, you can practice."

Nan Xin: "Yeah."

Hua Yuan walked out of the cave and stood for a long time in front of the mountain that concealed the cave.

Afterwards, Qingluan was recruited.

One person, one bird, waited in front of this mountain for nearly half a month.

Of course, Qingluan got impatient for waiting a few days ago, and fluttered its big wings to express its dissatisfaction.

However, after receiving Hua Yuan's cold glance, it instantly became honest.

(End of this chapter)

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