Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 898 Arrest 1 (There will be another chapter tomorrow morning)

Chapter 898 Arrest One (There will be another chapter tomorrow morning)
With the announcement of heavy news.

The reporters immediately exploded.

A reporter pushes away a colleague in front of him blocking the way.

He came to Zou Zhuhe first.

"Hello Director Zou, I'm a reporter from Chaocha Ilbo, may I ask if what you said just now proves that there are terrorists in Seoul?"

The voice just fell.

Another reporter put the microphone on Zou Zhuhe's mouth.

"Hello Director Zou, I'm a reporter from KBS TV station, when will the actual combat operation be held?"

"Hello Director Zou, I'm a reporter from Zhongyang Daily. You announced that there are terrorists in Seoul. Aren't you afraid of causing riots?"

"Director Zou."

A famous reporter seemed to have gone crazy, and kept asking loudly.

It sounds like tens of thousands of ducks chattering in your ears.

Zou Zhuhe finally couldn't help but let out a loud shout.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a moment, and I will pick and answer three questions right away!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Zou Zhuhe nodded in satisfaction.

"Now I answer the first question, I can be sure that there are no terrorists in Seoul."

"The reason for actual combat operations."

Crackling, he answered the three reporters most wanted to know the answer.

The Asahi Ilbo reporter asked again: "Since there are no terrorists in Seoul, why are there joint anti-terrorism exercises and actual combat operations?"

This question asked all the reporters' doubts.

Zou Zhuhe cleared his throat.

"Dear friends from the press, you seem to have not noticed that the external report we released when we held a press conference"

"The anti-terrorism exercise is just one of them, and it also includes the improvement of security in Seoul!"

Hear this.

The reporters frowned, recalling yesterday's press conference.

Zou Zhuhe seems to have announced the relevant content, but he seems to have mentioned it briefly and did not explain it in depth.

A reporter was about to ask questions.

Zou Zhuhe raised his hand to look at his watch, and then said: "Friends from the press, the actual combat operation is about to begin."

"If anyone is interested, I can arrange a follow-up interview."

Not finished.

Reporters immediately signed up enthusiastically.

Compared with a few questions, being able to capture live broadcasts is more attractive to the audience.

Zou Zhuhe looked around the audience, these reporters couldn't refuse the hot news at all.

And the on-site follow-up interview is definitely an explosive focus.

The KBS TV reporter said: "Director Zou, when do you plan to arrange for us to follow up and interview?"

Zou Zhuhe replied.

"The actual combat operation will be held at 0 o'clock in the morning, and I will arrange someone to send you to the designated place"

Speaking of this, he reminded: "Remember, during the interview, it is not allowed to interfere with the police and the National Intelligence Service"

"If someone does not obey the rules, the police have the power to ask everyone to leave"

"If the circumstances are serious, the police will not rule out filing a case for investigation and retaining prosecution!"

Face a stern warning.

The reporters looked upright, and they all promised.

"Don't worry, Director Zou, I will never interfere with the police handling the case!"

"Me too, Director Zou, don't worry!"

"Count me in"

Reporters unanimously made a commitment.

It's a pity that Zou Zhuhe is very aware of the virtues of this group of media, and it would be strange if he could abide by them.

"Well, please remember what you just said, now I will take you out!"

It didn't take a while.

outside the theater.

A police car starts.

A series of interview cars followed closely behind.
Copperbird District.

Shangdodong Police Station.

Hundreds of police officers gathered together.

There are a number of buses and a dozen police cars parked outside the gate at the moment.

It didn't take long.

A KBS TV live broadcast interview car parked outside the gate.

Behind them were news interview vehicles of many newspapers and periodicals.

A police car pulls into the police station.

A guard opened the door and stepped down.

He strode into the police station and took the elevator to the top floor.

Director's Office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, the guard pushed the door open and entered, and quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Hello, Director Shen, I'm Security Guard Zhao from the Propaganda Section of the Zhongyang Police Department. I'm here to inform you that the reporter is already in place."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Director Shen said coldly: "Guard Zhao, it's already this time, you have to tell me who is going to be arrested today!"

The Zhongyang Police Department and the National Intelligence Service did not inform each police station of the list of arrests in advance for the sake of confidentiality.

Guard Zhao said with a blank expression: "Director Shen, I'm sorry, I can't speak because the time is not up!"

Director Shen was furious.

You know, he is deeply involved with the gangs in this area, and he is often respected by them.

In case the Zhongyang police crack down on the underworld forces who bribed themselves, wouldn't it be the end.

"Guard Zhao, the action is at 0 o'clock in the morning, and now it's less than 10 minutes before twelve o'clock, don't you even give this little face?"

Zhao Jingwei smiled wryly: "Director Shen, I really can't say it!"

"Before I came, Director Zou explained that if the arrest of the target fails tonight, I will be the first person responsible, please forgive me!"

Looking at the guy in front of him, he doesn't like oil and salt.

Director Shen was anxious and angry.

"Guard Zhao, for the sake of my subordinates, I have to make some preparations in advance!"

How could Zhao Jingwei believe Director Shen's nonsense.

These days, even if the police in the jurisdiction have not colluded with the black and evil forces in the area, dogs will not believe it.

"Director Shen, please don't embarrass me. In a few minutes, you will know everything!"

"Now the reporter is waiting outside, please go down and preside over the situation!"
at the same time.

The police stations in various jurisdictions involved are basically the same.

There is no way, the collusion between police and robbers in the peninsula is rampant.
Time flies fast.

The hour hand comes to 0 o'clock.

A police car drove out of the police station.

The police car dispatched by the Zhongyang Police Department led the way.

Support vehicles from various police stations followed closely behind.
Jiangxi District.

Jiayang Cave.

Two buses and ten police cars stopped in front of a nightclub.

outside the gate

The two guards, seeing a large number of policemen coming, were so frightened that they crawled into the store.

The convoy just stopped.

The heavily armed police officers got out of the car immediately.

The on-site commander shouted: "Everyone listen, the first and second teams guard the back door, and everyone else comes in with me"

"Our goal today is Bai Jun, the leader of the Whitehead Gang"

As he spoke, he sent photos one by one to the team leaders.

"Bai Jun is the person in the photo, and no one from the Baitou Gang can be let go!"

In fact, as police officers of the Gayangdong Police Station, they know the Baitou Gang very well.

However, the on-site commander was sent by the Zhongyang Police Department.

What he did was he didn't want to give someone an excuse to pretend he didn't know him and let go of the target person.

The Whitehead Gang is one of the gangs supported by Cui Yixian in Seoul.

In the original Jiangxi District, there were a total of five major gangs.

However, with the strong support of Cui Yixian, the Whitehead Gang rose rapidly in just a few years and became the sixth largest gang in Jiangxi District.

At the same time, due to the vicious style of the Whitehead Gang, the other five gangs did not dare to offend too much, and even vaguely dominated one family.

So it doesn't matter that the Jiayangdong Police Station doesn't know the director, but you must remember the appearance of the leader of the White Head Gang.

Because the Whiteheads really dare to retaliate against the police.
the other side.

The third floor of the nightclub.

in an office.

Bai Jun is holding a dragon and playing a game of two phoenixes.

There was a quick knock on the door.

This interrupted Bai Jun's interest, and immediately got dressed angrily.


The words just came out.

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

A gangster rushed into the house and hurriedly said: "The president is not good, there are a large number of policemen surrounding us outside!"


Bai Jun turned pale with shock.

"You said, the police surrounded the nightclub?"

The gangster nodded desperately and asked anxiously.

"Yes, there are at least a hundred people! President, do you want to call the brothers to rush out?"

Bai Jun came back to his senses, and immediately cursed.

"Needless to say, hurry up and gather people to stop the police!"

The gangster nodded, turned and ran out of the office.

Bai Jun had something urgent to do, so he drove the two dressed women away.

After people leave.

Bai Jun quickly came to the safe in the corner, and bags of white powder came into view.

This is the product that just arrived yesterday, and it hasn't had time to distribute it to your subordinates yet.

Seeing the worth hundreds of millions of products, which could sell for at least 15 billion, Bai Jun showed a sinister look in his eyes.

He thought that someone leaked the news, and the police came rushing to his product.

In order not to get caught.

With a distressed expression on his face, Bai Jun hugged all the products in the sealed bag and walked towards the toilet. The evidence must be destroyed before the police arrived.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.
Inside the nightclub.

The on-site commander was wearing a Bluetooth headset, and orders came from inside.

Important members of the National Intelligence Service hid in the corner of the nightclub, constantly transmitting information and directing police operations.

with a clear purpose.

The on-site commander led a group of police officers straight to the third floor.

Solved a bunch of white-headed boys.

The on-site commander finally led several police officers to the office.

Without thinking, he kicked towards the door.

A loud bang.

The door knocked down.

The on-site commander waved his hand.


at this time.

Bai Jun, who was dumping the goods, got up and closed the door quickly after hearing the sound.

The office is just that big.

The on-site commander had an idea and pointed to the closed bathroom door.

"Go and knock the door open!"

Inside the bathroom.

Bai Jun looked at the three big bags of sacks left, gritted his teeth, and showed a fierce look on his face.

To be caught at this time, based on the weight of these products alone, you will have to sit in prison for at least ten years.

Bai Jun took a deep breath, stepped on the toilet and pushed it up, lifted the ceiling, reached out and fumbled, and quickly found what he wanted.

Bai Jun took the thing down, and it turned out to be a black pistol.

Followed by.

With both hands, Bai Jun climbed up to the ceiling.

At this time.

Another bang.

The bathroom door was knocked open.

A policeman with sharp eyes and quick hands swooped and hugged Bai Jun's right foot.

Bai Jun roared angrily, "Release me!"

It's a pity that Police Officer A just didn't let go.

Bai Jun was furious.

"If you don't let go, I'll kill you with one shot!"

Policeman A was startled and subconsciously let go of his hands.

Bai Jun took the opportunity to retract his right leg.

The Field Commander enters the bathroom.

Police officer A immediately reported: "I'm sorry, sir, Bai Jun has a gun on his body, and I couldn't stop him!"

Shooting to death is human nature.

The field commander did not blame the other side.

"It's okay, this place is already heavily surrounded, Bai Jun can't escape!"


The field commander raised the walkie-talkie.

"Attention all groups, Bai Jun, the leader of the Whitehead Gang, is carrying a weapon. Please be careful, and kill him on the spot if necessary!"

Hear the word 'killed'.

The police officers surrounding the nightclub breathed a sigh of relief.

If he is caught alive, in case Bai Jun resists in a corner, there may be hope for the police.

Of course they don't want to be the one who sacrificed.

Listen to the reminder from the field commander.

The group leaders responded one after another.

It didn't take a while.

A white-headed gangster took it to the bathroom.

The on-site commander gave the other party a cold look.

"Say, where does the ceiling lead to?"

The gangster sneered: "If you want me to betray the president, it's a dream!"

The voice fell.

The field commander slowly narrowed his eyes.

"You really don't say it?"

The gangster showed disdain: "I would rather go to jail than betray the president!"

Don't think that gangsters don't understand the law. They know what they are doing, obstructing official duties, attacking the police, and going to study for a few years. After coming out, they will be good men again.

At that time, maybe, the president will arrange for a small leader to be a leader for the sake of his loyalty.

However, the on-site commander this time is the Criminal Division.

He has plenty of ways to deal with this hob meat.

The on-site commander put on his gloves, picked up a bag of goods on the ground and threw it at the gangster.

Seeing a large bag of products being thrown over, the gangster instinctively caught it with both hands.

The on-site commander smiled slightly.

"Very good, for obstructing official duties, assaulting the police, and selling goods, you kid is ready to sit in jail!"

The gangster was so frightened that he froze on the spot, and hurriedly threw the product on the ground.

Then he pointed at the on-site commander and roared in horror.

"You, you, you wronged me, the product is not mine."

As he spoke, he looked at the surrounding police officers with pleading eyes.

"You have all seen it, and you have to testify for me!"

However, the police officers had long been unhappy with the gangsters, and each of them raised their heads and deliberately pretended not to see them.

The gangster said desperately: "No, I don't want to go to jail, you let me go!"

The on-site commander snorted coldly.

"Now I know I'm scared, as long as you tell me where Bai Jun is hiding, I'll pretend I didn't see it!"

The bastard opened his mouth wide, he had never seen such a brazen person, obviously you were the one who threw the product at me.

See the other party does not speak.

The on-site commander picked up another bag of goods from the ground and put it in the gangster's hand.

"Counting this package, your [-]th birthday will be spent in prison!"

Hear this.

The gangster shivered in fright.

"Don't. I said, I said, the ceiling leads to the roof of the nightclub, and there is a high probability that it will be hidden in the water tank!"

The field commander nodded in satisfaction.

"Take him away!"

10 minute later.

The on-site commander led more than a dozen police officers to the roof.

At this time, the nightclub has already been surrounded heavily, and even a fly can't even think about running out.

The on-site commander stood in front of the huge water tank and suddenly snapped his fingers.

A police officer quickly opened the water storage pipe.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Bang bang bang.
Continuous knocking sounds sounded.

"Help, I don't want to die, someone help me!"

It's almost the same, if you continue to play, you will die.

The on-site commander pointed forward.

Four policemen climbed up to the water tank, opened the lid and dragged out Bai Jun who was about to drown.

The on-site commander stepped forward and gave Bai Jun a slap in the stomach.

Bai Jun only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, a large amount of water spewed out of his mouth, and his breathing gradually became smoother.

See people are fine.

The on-site commander waved his hand.

"take away!"

(End of this chapter)

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