Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 881 Huang Changshuo's Reply

Chapter 881 Huang Changshuo's Reply
22:45 in the evening.

Seocho District.

Neigu Cave.

National Intelligence Service Headquarters.

International Crime Center.

top layer.

vice headmaster's office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Cha Minxiu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

"Dean, I'm back!"

Huang Changshuo pointed to the sofa.

"Sit down and talk!"

Cha Minxiu nodded and sat down obediently.

Just sat down.

Huang Changshuo immediately asked: "How is it, what did Minister Li say?"


Cha Minxiu put the file bag in his hand on the table and gently pushed it forward.

"Dean, Minister Li gave this to me, please have a look!"

Huang Changshuo picked up the file bag and unsealed it, took out the list inside, and looked at it at a glance.


Cha Minxiu opened his mouth and said, "Dean, tonight's dinner will not only include Minister Li, but also Chief Min from the Zhongyang Police Department."

As he spoke, he suddenly thought of Min Eun-hyuk's attitude towards Li Jae-hwa, and instantly hesitated whether to tell Huang Changshuo.

See subordinates suddenly not speaking.

Huang Changshuo frowned.

"Why are not you talking?"

Cha Minxiu came back to his senses and apologized quickly.

"President, I'm sorry, I just remembered something."

"Minister Li hopes that we will carry out a joint anti-terrorism operation with the Zhongyang Police Department."

"The document in your hand is the strike list for this operation."

"The people on the list are all members of the gang supported by Cui Yixian in Seoul."

"A total of fifteen black forces are involved, including the White Tiger faction, the White Wolf faction, and the Quan Zhou faction."

Crackling, Cha Minxiu briefly mentioned the gangsters involved in the list.

But when he talked about the last gangster, he looked at Huang Changshuo who was not far away.

"In addition, the Xincun faction in Chengdong District is also included!"

Huang Changshuo's hand froze while looking through the list, and then returned to normal.

"Besides, what else did Minister Li say?"

Cha Minsu took a deep breath.

"Minister Li asked me to send a message. I wonder if you are interested in GX Group."

"Finally, Minister Li asks you to give an answer before five o'clock tomorrow afternoon!"

As soon as this word comes out.

A loud bang.

Huang Changshuo slammed the list on the table.

He just didn't want to offend Li Zaihua, it didn't mean he was afraid.

"Who does Li Zaihua think he is, give an answer before [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon, dreaming!"

Cha Min-soo bit his lip.

"Dean, we don't have the right to refuse, don't forget, Nam Sung Joon!"

Hear the word 'Nam Sung Joon'.

Huang Changshuo's expression sank.

Because Cha Min-soo was right.

Even if the other party has no evidence that he betrayed Nam Sung Joon.

However, it is endorsed by forces such as the Hanju Group, Kim Soo-seung, and the Justice Democratic Party.

Li Zaihua's name can now be regarded as a guarantee of credibility in the upper class.

And he is the ultimate vested interest in this matter.

Nan Chengjun had suspected it for a long time, but he couldn't grasp the reason for it for the time being.

In case Li Zaihua said it, it would be equivalent to giving Nam Sung Joon an excuse.

Nam Sung Joon also climbed step by step from the first-line department to the position of director of the NIS.

Therefore, it can be said that it is deeply ingrained in the National Conditions Institute. If you really want to make trouble, don't think about it.

thought here.

Huang Changshuo gritted his teeth.

"Damn Li Zaihua, dare to threaten me!"

Look at the way the boss is burning with anger.

Cha Minxiu lowered his head and played with his fingers.


Huang Changshuo calmed down.

"Director Che, do we have no choice?"

Cha Minxiu pouted.

This is not nonsense, they are ultimatums, and there is no choice at all.

"Dean, in fact, Minister Li didn't treat you and me badly, GX Group is a big piece of fat."

As he spoke, he hesitated to speak.

Huang Changshuo frowned.

"Why are not you talking?"

Cha Minxiu opened his mouth.

"If the GX Group is a show of favor, then the Xincun faction is a warning!"

As Huang Changshuo's confidant.

He had a vague idea of ​​the relationship between the new vice president of the National Intelligence Service and the Xincun faction in Chengdong District.

After listening to the subordinates.

Huang Changshuo's face seemed so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

"Director Cha, do you think Minister Li knows about my relationship with the Xincun faction?"

Cha Minxiu thought about it.

"I don't know whether Minister Li is aware of your relationship with the Xincun faction"

"But my intuition tells me that Minister Li knows it!"

Cha Min-soo guessed right.

The intelligence provider is An Xingzhu who is far away in Busan.

Ever since Ahn Heung-soo became the director of the Five-Star faction, he has been worried that the National Intelligence Service will kill the donkey.

He didn't want to lose his hard-earned wealth and the opportunity to become a master.

So Ahn Heung-soo began to secretly collect black information from the top officials of the NIS.

As the boss of Ahn Heung-soo's former boss, Huang Changshuo is the top priority.

Cha Minxiu's words made Huang Changshuo fall into deep thought.

After a long time.

Huang Changshuo said in a deep voice, "Director Cha, I trust your intuition!"

Cha Minxiu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to confront Li Zaihua.

"Dean, to put it bluntly, what we did will cause a lot of trouble in the future."

"With Minister Li's support, at least we don't have to worry about the prosecutor's office."

"Besides, Minister Li will also compensate you, there is no need to think too much about some things!"

Hear this.

Huang Changshuo was thoughtful.

The anger just now was purely the result of her sudden rise to a high position and her growing ambition.

Now that I have calmed down, I have realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Director Che, what you said is right, we and Minister Li can only be friends!"


Huang Changshuo took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the other side to speak.

He said first: "Minister Li, there is no problem with the joint anti-terrorism operation. I will communicate with the dean in person after work tomorrow!"
the other side.

Seocho District.

Zheng Caiying's home.

Li Zaihua was enjoying the massage while holding his mobile phone.

"Thank you Dean Huang"

"Since it has been decided, it is not too late"

"I will call Chief Min later and ask him to go to the National Intelligence Service tomorrow morning to discuss the matter."

"At that time, I have to ask Dean Huang to help me a lot!"

Huang Changshuo said with a smile: "Minister Li, we are friends, and it is right to help each other."

Then, he pointed it out.

"What's more, I'm not helping in vain!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"President Huang, don't worry, what should be yours will always be yours"

Having said that, he changed the subject.

"By the way, this joint operation, you have to pay special attention to one person, Jin Donghu"

"During the previous investigation, we discovered that Jin Donghu was conducting arms transactions with overseas illegal organizations."

"Therefore, we deduce that Jin Donghu is likely to be a potential terrorist."

"Dean Huang must remind Chief Min and Chief Che to avoid casualties!"

There is something in the words, and the subtext is self-evident.

Huang Changshuo's face was so frightened that he was speechless for a while.

Although he knew that Li Zaihua knew some inside information, he did not expect to investigate this far.

"I see, thank you Minister Li for reminding me!"

 This afternoon, I accidentally fell to the ground while sitting on empty space. I suffered from severe sciatica. I can’t straighten my back up until now. I managed to write a chapter with my mobile phone. I will take a day off tomorrow to go to the hospital for an examination. How many chapters can I write when I come back? But it will never stop updating, everyone can rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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