Chapter 875
13:10 PM.

Gyeongbu Line.

Seoul toll gate.

Entrance number three.

Five black cars came galloping.

Because there is a vehicle ahead.

The convoy slowed down.

The moment the next five cars stopped and waited for the payment.

beep beep beep beep
Sirens sounded.

Inside a black car.

Cui Yixian, who was resting with his eyes closed, woke up in an instant, and subconsciously looked back.

I saw a dozen police cars surrounding the toll booth.

Six MPVs blocked the front and back roads.

Seeing this, Cui Yixian's expression sank.

"what happened!"

The life secretary sitting next to him was at a loss.

At this time.

Someone knocked on the window.

Cui Yixian turned his head to look, his pupils constricted suddenly.

The visitor waved his palm down, signaling to lower the window.

Look at that extremely young face.

Cui Yixian pressed lightly with a blank face, and the car window lowered.

The person who knocked on the car window was Li Zaihua, the youngest prosecutor in the history of the peninsula.

Cui Yixian said in a deep voice: "Minister Li, isn't it a little too much to make such a big fight against the old man?"

Li Zaihua didn't answer the question.

"Hello, President Cui, is this the third time we have met?"

Cui Yixian frowned.

"Minister Li, what do you want to say?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"President Cui, do you remember what I said when we first met?"

Cui Yixian took a deep look at the young man in front of him.

"Minister Li, don't waste my time, I have to go home and rest."

Hear this.

Li Zaihua apologized: "President Cui, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back for the time being!"


He took out the arrest warrant signed by Choi Jong-suk from his pocket.

"Chairman Cui Yixian, I now suspect that you are engaged in underworld activities, murder, smuggling, illegal money laundering, financial fraud, and selling goods and smuggling arms."

Crackling, Li Zaihua said a lot of Cui Yixian's crimes, for fear that the other party would not die.

The voice fell.

No matter how deep Cui Yixian's palace was, his face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water would drip out.

"Minister Li, you are playing with fire!"

Li Zaihua pretended to be stupid on purpose.

"President Cui, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Cui Yixian sneered.

"Since Minister Li wants to play, I will accompany you to the end and lead the way!"

Li Zaihua didn't move, but opened the rear door and drove the life secretary out of the car.

The life secretary was about to resist.

Li Zaihua stared.

The cold and fierce look in his eyes made the life secretary tremble in fright, and finally obediently cooperated to get out of the car.

Cui Yixian gritted his teeth.

Li Zaihua bent down and got into the car, then took out the walkie-talkie.

"set off!"

In an instant.

There is a green channel at the toll booth ahead.

Cui Yixian also enjoyed a presidential treatment.

Police cars cleared the way, and dozens of policemen accompanied them for protection.

Cui Yixian is in the black car.

Looking at the young minister next to him.

Cui Yixian pretended to be calm and said: "Minister Li, do you know what you are doing?"

Li Zaihua smiled.

"President Cui, in fact, you don't need to beat around the bush."

Cui Yixian was slightly taken aback.

"Minister Li, since you understand, why do you want to get involved!"

Li Zaihua glanced at Cui Yixian lightly.

"President Cui, I should ask you this question!"

Cui Yixian frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

Li Zaihua smiled without saying a word.

After a long time.

He uttered a word of beating.

"President Cui, why don't you guess when you offended me?"

Cui Yixian was stunned on the spot.

I offended you?You think too highly of yourself!

"Minister Li, this joke is not funny!"

Li Zaihua pursed his lips tightly: "President Cui, why can't it be true?"

Look at the serious expression of the young minister.

Cui Yixian said solemnly: "Minister Li, just because of such a trivial matter, you arrested me and my son?"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"President Cui, you have misunderstood. There is no conclusion yet about prosecutor Cui Zhuhan."

"And counting the time, he should have returned home safely by now."

Cui Yixian's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?"

Li Zaihua made a gesture of please.

"President Cui doesn't believe it, you can call and ask."

Seeing the young minister is not like telling a lie.

Cui Yixian immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Cui Zhuhan's voice came out.


Don't wait for the person opposite to finish speaking.

Cui Yixian couldn't wait to say: "Zhu Han, are you okay?"

How could it be okay to be sedated for three days.

But in order not to worry my father.

Cui Zhuhan said against his will: "Father, I'm fine."

Cui Yixian asked again.

"What about your injuries?"

Cui Zhuhan replied: "Father, I was not injured, it's just that Prosecutor Luo wanted me to live better, and specially arranged for me to go to the hospital."

I heard my son is fine.

Cui Yixian heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, I'm worried to death these days!"

Cui Zhuhan forced a smile on his face and said, "Dad, don't worry, I haven't done it. People from the Supervision Department can't sue me."

With that said, he asked back.

"By the way, are you still in Busan? When do you plan to come back?"

Cui Yixian glanced at Li Zaihua next to him.

"I have arrived in Seoul, but I have a little problem"

"You have a good rest at home, and go back to have dinner together at night."

Cui Zhuhan didn't seem to hear the abnormality in his father's tone.

"Well, I'll wait for you at home."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua smiled and said, "How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Cui Yixian did not answer, but the doubts in his heart deepened.

all of a sudden.

There was silence in the carriage.

I do not know how long it has been.

Cui Yixian asked coldly: "Minister Li, what tricks are you playing?"

Li Zaihua smiled but did not answer, playing charades.

"President Cui, when you arrive at the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, you will naturally know!"

Cui Yixian frowned.

"Can I make a phone call?"

Li Zaihua said indifferently: "Please do it!"

Cui Yixian picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

However, the microphone indicated that the other party had turned off the phone.

Cui Yixian understood that the man was avoiding him.

The reason is probably the young prosecutor next to him.

thought here.

Cui Yixian suddenly asked curiously: "Minister Li, do you know the agreement I made with Qingwatai back then?"

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Chairman Cui, it's all old calendars, new era and new style, are you right?"

Cui Yixian smiled and said: "Oh, what should I say, Minister Li thinks us old guys are outdated?"

It was clearly digging a hole.

How could Li Zaihua jump into the pit.

"President Cui, what you said is a bit biased."

"Old people like you, some choose to embrace the new era, while others still choose to keep the old, so we can't generalize."

Seeing that the young minister was not fooled.

Cui Yixian changed the topic.

"Huaxia has a saying that is good, it is easier to invite God than to send God away."

"Minister Li, you have to think clearly about the consequences of going against me!"
14:10 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

A mighty convoy is coming.

The vehicle has just been parked.

All the police officers got out of the car immediately and surrounded the five black cars.

This phenomenon has attracted public attention.

Passers-by stopped and looked around.

Followed by.

The door of a black car was pushed open.

Li Zaihua stepped down, and made a gesture of invitation with his tall and straight figure.

Cui Yixian looked up at the young minister and got out of the car without saying a word.

"President Cui, let's go!"

The words just came out.

Several reporters who had been squatting for a long time emerged from the crowd.

They desperately pressed the shutter.

The strong flash made Cui Yixian very dazzling, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his eyes.

A reporter shouted: "Hello, President Choi, I am a reporter from the Seoul Youth Daily. May I ask you?"

Halfway through.

The guard stepped forward to stop him.

Li Zaihua took a look and waved at the guard.

The guard understood and stepped aside.

The Youth Daily reporter continued to ask: "President Cui, may I ask why you are being investigated by the prosecutor?"

finished asking.

Several reporters next to him were not to be outdone, and raised their own questions one after another.

Cui Yixian turned his head to look at the young minister, as if to say, was this arranged by you?
Li Zaihua looked calm.

He even took the initiative to stop several reporters, as if protecting Cui Yixian's privacy.

"Reporters, I'm sorry, it's about the suspect's privacy, so it's not convenient for us to answer"

Hear the word 'suspect'.

Several reporters suddenly burst into unprecedented enthusiasm.

"President Cui, Minister Li said you are a suspect, what explanation do you have?"

"President Cui, may I ask what you have committed that requires the dispatch of the Strategic Special Investigation Department?"

"President Choi"

In Cui Yixian's view, the reporters' questions were purely provocative.

He stared: "Are you sure you want to know!"

Cui Yixian has been the godfather of high-ranking gangsters for decades, and he has killed countless people.

The reporters suddenly felt a burst of evil spirits rushing towards them.

They all shivered in fright, and their voices softened involuntarily.

Looking at the appearance of several people.

Li Zaihua secretly cursed 'trash' in his heart.

But the purpose has been achieved.

He winked at Wen Jinghao.

Wen Jinghao hurried forward to stop the reporters.

"I'm sorry, for the privacy of the suspect, Chairman Cui is temporarily inconvenient to be interviewed"

"If you have any questions, please be patient and wait for the official notification"

"Okay, everyone, please make room and don't get in the way."

With the help of guards and police.

A group of people walked into the Great Prosecutor's Office.

Of course, the prosecutor is indispensable among the onlookers, and someone recognized Cui Yixian's origin.

They took out their mobile phones and dialed numbers one after another, wanting to tell their friends or backers the news.

The effort of taking the elevator.

Almost the entire prosecutor's office was shrouded in news of the explosion.

It is no secret that Lee Jae-hwa instructed Na Jung-soo to arrest Choi Joo-han.

I just let my son go, and now I'm being arrested again.

The prosecutors who heard the news couldn't turn their heads for a while.

Who is Cui Yixian? It is considered a taboo in the judicial circle.

After all, he is the godfather of the gang who can reach an agreement with Qingwatai and the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

Except for that president, only Choi Ik-hyun remained.

Now that Cui Yixian was arrested by people who searched the Fourth Department, it stunned countless people who got the news.
the other side.

Just when Li Zaihua brought Cui Yixian to Tesou No. [-].

The three deputy chiefs of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office also received tip-offs from their subordinates.

The three of them walked out of the office without thinking.

Then they unexpectedly met in front of the chief's office.

The three looked at each other.

Jin Shanjun is the number two figure in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

"Is the boss here?"

The secretary replied: "The chief is waiting for three."


The three of them frowned in unison.

Jin Shanjun was full of doubts.

He hadn't heard of it before.

At this time Li Zaihua suddenly caught Cui Yixian, it can be said that he was caught off guard.

Think here.

Jin Shanjun no longer hesitated.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The three of them pushed the door open and entered, stepped forward and bowed in salute.




Seo Jin Jae, who was working, raised his head.

"You guys are here, sit down!"

Then, he said to the secretary: "Go and make some coffee."

The secretary nodded.

"OK, just a second."

After people leave.

Xu Zhenzai stood up, picked up the folder at hand, came to the sofa, and sat down.

Jin Shanjun and others followed closely behind.

The four of them just sat down.

Jin Shanjun said bluntly: "Chief, are you clear about Minister Li's arrest?"

Liang Jae-hyo and Ahn Jung-hwan looked at Seo Jin-jae with the same eyes.

See the expressions of the three of them.

Xu Zhenzai said nothing, and threw the document in his hand on the table.

"Minister Li gave it to me, let's take a look!"

Jin Shanjun was the closest, and took the lead to pick up the file folder and browse through it.

After a few minutes.

He closed the folder and handed it to An Zhenghuan next to him.

It didn't take a while.

After reading the information provided by Li Zaihua, the three deputy ministers fell silent for a while.

Xu Zhenzai said, "What do you think?"

An Zhenghuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

The Supreme Prosecutor's Office is not without evidence of Cui Yixian's crime.

It was because of the existence of the five-star faction that they turned a blind eye.

If you really want to arrest someone, you don't need Li Zaihua at all.

But the words could not be said.

Because it's a scandal and a taboo at the Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Jin Shanjun said in a deep voice: "Chief, the man has been arrested, but what should we do?"

The voice just fell.

Xu Zhenzai said indifferently: "The Son of Heaven committed the same crime as the common people when he broke the law."

As he spoke, his tone suddenly became serious.

"We even dare to investigate the president. Could it be that Cui Yixian is older than the president?"

"Besides, the original agreement was unavoidable. I didn't move Cui Yixian before because I took the overall situation into consideration."

"The times are different now, everything is different, and it's time for the agreement to end!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The faces of Jin Shanjun and the others changed drastically.

Xu Zhenzai wants to tear up the agreement, isn't he afraid of revenge from the Five Stars?

But on second thought.

Xu Zhenzai dared to tear up the agreement, and there may be support behind it.

But they couldn't figure out, what was the support behind Xu Zhenzai?
The three subordinates did not speak.

Xu Zhenzai said again: "Okay, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more."

"In addition, I warn you three, the agreement between Cui Yixian, Qingwatai, and the Supreme Prosecutor's Office should never happen from now on, understand!"

Jin Shanjun, An Zhenghuan and Liang Zaixiao, the three of them looked at each other and spoke in unison.


Xu Zhenzai nodded in satisfaction.

"Also, about Cui Yixian, keep your mouths shut and don't ask me casually."

"At the same time, you can't intervene in the case handling of the Special Search Division [-]"

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I'll never stop talking!"

Hear the chief's warning.

The three of them were upset, but there was nothing they could do.

Jin Shanjun had something on his mind, he opened his mouth and said, "Chief, since that's the case, then I'll go back to work first."

Xu Zhenzai nodded.


An Zhenghuan and Liang Zaixiao didn't stay any longer, and got up to leave.

Jin Shanjun returned to the office.

He sat in a chair lost in thought.

Li Zaihua's behavior is too weird.

Jin Shanjun couldn't figure out the plan of the youngest prosecutor in the history of the peninsula.

Well known.

As one of Li Zaihua's backers in the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, if something goes wrong, no one can escape.

This put a lot of pressure on him.

Think about it.

Jin Shanjun hesitated for a while, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Li Zhengzhi's voice came out.

"Shanjun, what's the matter?"

Jin Shanjun cut to the chase and said, "Brother Zhengzhi, do you know what you did in China today?"

Li Zhengzhi was confused.

"Shanjun, what are you talking about, I don't understand?"

Jin Shanjun frowned lightly.

"Brother Zhengzhi, Cui Yixian was arrested in China today, you don't know about it?"

Li Zhengzhi stood up when he heard the words.

"What did you say, who was arrested in China?"

Jin Shanjun repeated it.

"Cui Yixian!"

Li Zhengzhi gasped.

It is true that the chaebols are powerful in the peninsula.

But they are also afraid of death.

A gang godfather like Cui Yixian.

The plutocrats have only two attitudes.

The first is to make friends, and the second is to stay away from each other.

But without exception, very few people turned against each other, including Li Zhengzhi.

He knew that Li Zaihua was going to do something, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Jin Shanjun noticed Li Zhengzhi's attitude.

"Brother Zhengzhi, did you already know about this?"

Li Zhengzhi thought about it.

After all, Jin Shanjun is his representative in the prosecution system.

If some things are concealed, it is easy to cause grudges.

"Shanjun, it's inconvenient not to mention it on the phone. I have time tonight. Let's have dinner together."

"Okay then, let's meet tonight."
the other side.

Hanzhou Group Headquarters.

top layer.

President's Office.

Li Zhengzhi finished dealing with Jin Shanjun and dialed the number with his mobile phone.

Not long after the call came through.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Uncle Li!"

Li Zhengzhi went straight to the point.

"Zaihua, let me ask you again, do you really want to do that?"

"If it's too late for you to regret it now, I can help you settle this matter!"

Even though he didn't want to have a bad relationship with Cui Yixian, it didn't mean he was afraid.

Li Zhengzhi only needs to pay a certain price, and convincing Cui Yixian will not be a problem.

It's a pity that Li Zaihua has already made up his mind.

"Uncle Li, you don't need to say any more, there is no turning back when you shoot the bow."

"There are too many people involved in this matter, if I give up"

Not finished.

But the subtext is self-evident.

Li Zhengzhi sighed secretly.

"Since this is the case, you have to be careful, kid, the Five-Star Pie is not easy to mess with!"

Li Zaihua can feel the care of his future son-in-law.

"Uncle Li, as I said before, people from the Five-Star faction cannot leave Busan."

"It's you, I'm afraid that Cui Yixian will not be able to retaliate against me, so I turned around and dealt with you and Shangxi."

This sentence reminded Li Zhengzhi.

"Zaihua, you're right, I need to arrange a few more bodyguards when I go out recently."

"As for Shangxi currently in Huaxia, I will send someone there, so you don't have to worry."

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Hello, I'm relieved."

"As long as you are all right, Cui Yixian can't do any tricks!"

(End of this chapter)

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