Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 872 Luo Zhengzhu was attacked (4 more words tomorrow morning)

Chapter 872 Luo Zhengzhu Was Attacked ([-] Words Tomorrow Morning)

23:15 in the evening.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II.

in an office.

Luo Zhengzhu stretched his waist.

Because of Cui Zhuhan's matter, people called from time to time to inquire about the situation.

So the last two days have been very busy.

In the irritability, I finally finished today's case.

Luo Zhengzhu moved his body and prepared to go home and rest.
Outside the Great Prosecutor's Office.

not far away.

Two black sedans were parked in the shadows.

Sitting in the car was Zhou Quan, the president of the Quan Zhou faction, and several trusted younger brothers.

Others can't be trusted to do something like this with a prosecutor.

He can only lead the team himself, lest someone leak the news from time to time.

Otherwise, if the matter gets out, I'm afraid there will be no place to stand.
at the same time.

Zhou Quan was tens of meters away.

Also parked an SUV.

There were four people in the car.

They are employees of the security and defense company sent by Li Zaihua to protect Luo Zhengzhu.

Employee A keenly noticed the abnormality of the two black cars.
23:30 in the evening.

Luo Zhengzhu drove away from the Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Two black cars followed closely behind.

The SUV followed.

inside the car.

Employee A in the passenger seat looked at the two black cars in front of him, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.

"Is there a problem?"

Employee A doesn't think twice.

"President, I found a suspicious vehicle following Prosecutor Luo, what should I do now?"

Hear this.

Liang Wuxing said bluntly: "Try not to disturb Prosecutor Luo, deal with them all!"

Employee A nodded.

Suburbs of Seoul.

Inside the base office.

Liang Wuxing did not let go of his men, but dialed the number.
Seocho District.

Inside an apartment.

Li Zaihua was lying on the sofa, enjoying Zheng Caiying's massage.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Zheng Caiying glanced at the two mobile phones on the table, and prepared to leave with interest.

"Husband, I'm a little tired, go to the bedroom and have a rest."

Li Zaihua said without raising his head, "Pass me the phone."

Zheng Caiying heard the words and picked up the phone and handed it to the young minister.

Li Zaihua took the phone and pressed the call button.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.

"Boss, someone is following Prosecutor Luo, it should be from Cui Yixian!"

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua's expression didn't change, and he wasn't surprised at all.

It was rumored that Cui Zhuhan was injured. As an old man, Cui Yixian didn't do anything, wouldn't it make people look down on him.

At the same time, Zhouquan's appearance also confirmed that Cui Yixian will return to Seoul soon.

the reason is simple.

Cui Yixian was using Luo Zhengzhu to create momentum, and planned to step on the face of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to make a strong comeback.

It's a pity that there is no intention to calculate.

Cui Yixian may not see the result he wants.

thought here.

He said calmly: "As long as it is safe, you can deal with it as you like, and you don't need to ask me again."

Say it.

Li Zaihua threw the phone aside, turned over and hugged Zheng Caiying.

When he thought that Cui Yixian would finally fall into his hands, he was extremely excited inside.

Zheng Caiying snorted softly.


Li Zaihua chuckled.
the other side.

Luo Zhengzhu was on his way home.

As the drive to the wealthy area, the traffic flow gradually decreased.

A little further ahead, there will be a monitoring blind spot, which is a good place to start.

However, just when the two black cars planned to speed up and force the vehicle in front to stop.

An SUV burst out and crashed into the rear of a black car.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed unable to stop the car, and hit the left side of another car.

Two black cars braked suddenly.

Naturally, Luo Zhengzhu heard the sound of a car crashing behind him, stepped on the brakes instinctively, and looked back.

Three cars were seen colliding.

Luo Zhengzhu turned around immediately, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

It's just that the phone was just taken out.

Someone knocked on the glass.

Luo Zhengzhu turned his head and saw a man wearing a mask staring at him.

all of a sudden.

Luo Zhengzhu was taken aback.

The masked man said through the car window: "Prosecutor Luo, don't be nervous, you just drive away, and we'll take care of the rest."

Although not explained.

But Luo Zhengzhu was not an idiot, he instantly guessed the origin of the two black cars, and his face turned pale.

He didn't care about asking, and stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly.

With the vehicle away.

The man in the mask returns to the SUV.

At this moment, there was no sound in the two black cars.

Including Zhou Quan, all the Quanzhou faction members leaned on their seats with their eyes closed.

Two employees of the safe house company drove away calmly.
Luo Zhengzhu hurried home.

He curled up on the sofa like a weak and helpless cub.

I do not know how long it has been.

Luo Zhengzhu finally calmed down, took out his mobile phone and prepared to dial a number.

But the finger just touched the screen and retracted it.

After repeating it several times, Luo Zhengzhu took a deep breath and put down the phone.

At this time.

bell bell bell.
Luo Zhengzhu shuddered from the sound of the bell.

He picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and immediately pressed the call button.

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Zhengzhu, I'm sorry to surprise you."

Hear this.

Luo Zhengzhu hurriedly said: "Thank you Minister Li for your concern, I'm fine."

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"Zhengzhu, I caused this incident, I should apologize to you"

"But don't worry, the people who protect you are all special veterans."

"As long as they are there, Cui Yixian can't touch a single hair of your hair."

"Also, I presume that Choi Ik Hyun will return to Seoul tomorrow"

Crackling, he said a lot of soothing words.

Luo Zhengzhu's tense nerves relaxed slightly.

"Thank you Minister Li."

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"You're welcome, I promised you to send someone for 24-hour protection. This is what I should do."
Just as the two prosecutors were talking on the phone.

The employees of the safe housing company drove to a remote and uninhabited place in the suburbs.

Employee A took gasoline from the trunk and distributed it to three companions.

The four worked together to pour gasoline on two black cars.

Everyone backed away.

Employee A wore gloves, lit a cigarette and flung it forward chicly.

In an instant.

A fire dragon spread out.

A moment of effort.

With two loud bangs, flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

Watch the exploding vehicle.

Employee A smiled and said, "It's done, let's go!"

The four quickly returned to the car and drove away.

The passenger seat.

Employee A took off his gloves, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The call will be connected soon.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.

"How are things?"

Employee Jiahui reported: "Don't worry, the president, just a few hooligans, all of them were burned down."

"No tail left?"

Employee A said confidently: "President, we are professional, don't worry."

Liang Wuxing smiled slightly.

"Good job, return to the base immediately, and I will send another person to take over your mission."

Employee A understood what the president meant.

You just killed someone, so you have to be careful, after all, the police in the peninsula are not just for nothing.

"Okay, we will return to the base immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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