Chapter 865
(The remaining two chapters will be released before twelve o'clock.)
Baek Ki Woo left.

He couldn't afford to provoke Li Zaihua, so naturally someone could.

After a few minutes.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

top layer.

The third long office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Bai Jiyu pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"Senior Chief!"

Qiu Taiyuan looked at the angry subordinate, and immediately understood why the other party came.

The Second Supervision Department came to arrest people, and there was such a big commotion, how could he not know.

"sit down!"

Looking at the deputy chief who was not in a hurry, Bai Jiyu could only restrain himself, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Qiu Taiyuan followed closely behind.

The two just sat down.

Bai Jiyu couldn't wait to say: "Deputy Chief, Li Zaihua is too courageous, he dared to randomly arrest people!"

Hearing the word 'Li Zaihua', Qiu Taiyuan was taken aback.

"Jiyu, don't talk nonsense. What does this matter have to do with Minister Li?"

Bai Jiyu said indignantly: "Deputy Chief, the thing is like this"

He explained in detail what he had received from Li Zaihua just now.

Qiu Taiyuan frowned.

After a long time.

Bai Jiyu closed his mouth and looked at his deputy chief.

"Deputy Chief, do you think Li Zaihua is too arrogant to order me to do things!"

The voice fell.

Qiu Taiyuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking to himself.

Damn, you have to have the backbone, why didn't you refuse on the spot, I'm crying for a fart afterward, thinking that I can offend Li Zaihua,
Of course, this can't be said, otherwise he, the deputy chief, won't have to do it.

"Jiyu, everyone knows the origin of Cui Zhuhan."

"Li Zaihua sent the Second Supervision Department to do something, clearly targeting another person"

Halfway through.

Baek Ki-woo interrupted suddenly.

"Deputy Chief, what do you mean, it's Cui Yixian who Li Zaihua wants to touch, and Cui Zhuhan is just a bait?"

Just finished speaking.

He was surprised again: "How dare Li Zaihua, isn't he afraid of Cui Yixian's revenge?"

Qiu Taiyuan shook his head.

"Jiyu, listen to my advice, it's best not to worry about this matter, otherwise I won't be able to keep you!"

Choo Tae-won is not blind.

At the beginning, Cui Zhuhan's list was sent to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor.

Without even thinking about it, Bai Jiyu asked him to come over, and taught him personally.

Inside things speak for themselves.

Li Zaihua dared to send people to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office to arrest people in a fair and aboveboard manner. It was definitely not a whim.

Qiu Taiyuan speculated that a certain boss behind the young minister probably wanted to attack the five-star faction.

Cui Yixian wholeheartedly wanted his son to escape from the identity of the evil forces.

However, Cui Yixian saw things too simply.

Thinking that Cui Zhuhan can get rid of his original birth by becoming a prosecutor.

After all, it's just wishful thinking.

Really looking for trouble.

Don't talk about publishing the newspaper to dissolve the relationship between father and son, even if you die, you can dig it out and use it again.

So after Cui Zhuhan entered the Financial Investigation Department.

Qiu Taiyuan's attitude is that he neither supports nor opposes, and keeps a distance, just because he is afraid of today.

But Bai Jiyu was different, this guy definitely took advantage of Cui Yixian, so he took special care of Cui Zhuhan.

If Li Zaihua finds out, Bai Jiyu is 100% doomed.

After listening to the deputy chief.

Baek Ki Woo wasn't an idiot either, and immediately understood the subtext.

Nai He received Cui Yixian's money, if he really finds out, he must be finished.

He didn't dare to reject Qiu Taiyuan's kindness face to face.

"Thank you, Deputy Chief, I know how to do it!"

Choo Tae-won nodded.

"Let me give you another piece of advice, you just need to keep the status quo, maybe you still have a chance, go out!"

Bai Jiyu stood up, bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

He looked at the back of his subordinates.

Choo Tae-won sighed.

It was just a consolation just now, Bai Jiyu was deeply involved, and the chance of getting out smoothly was not high.

Followed by.

Qiu Taiyuan was lost in thought.

Cui Yixian is not an easy person. Many dignitaries in Seoul have connections with the Five Stars.

He originally thought that even if he wanted to disintegrate the Five Star Sect, he would have to wait until after Cui Yixian's death.

But Li Zaihua's actions exceeded everyone's expectations.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Li Zaihua did not act impulsively, and Seoul may be in chaos.

thought here.

Qiu Taiyuan stood up and went back to the desk, picked up the mobile phone and dialed the number with some hesitation.
the other side.

outside the office.

Bai Jiyu showed unwilling eyes.

For Cui Zhuhan, he still knows, he has never suffered setbacks.

Who knows if this guy can bear it, what if he confesses himself.

In an instant.

Two thoughts flashed through Bai Jiyu's mind.

He decided to try the first one first, and then implement the second plan if it didn't work.

It didn't take a while.

top layer.

Outside the Attorney General's office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Bai Jiyu pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed in salute.


Hear the sound.

Cui Zhizhong raised his head: "Minister Bai, what's the matter?"

Baek Ki Woo doesn't talk nonsense either.

"Prosecutor, have you heard about Prosecutor Cui Zhuhan?"

Cui Zhizhong looked at Bai Jiyu coldly.

"Minister Bai, what do you want to say!"

Seeing the chief prosecutor's cold eyes, Bai Jiyu was shocked.

"Attorney General, I"

Don't wait for him to finish.

Cui Zhizhong sternly shouted: "Minister Bai, what is the responsibility of the Supervision Department, repeat it to me now!"

Bai Jiyu panicked when he went to the doctor in a hurry.

face questioning.

Bai Jiyu woke up instantly, and secretly scolded himself for being an idiot.

"Prosecutor, I'm sorry, I crossed the line!"

Cui Zhizhong sneered.

"Minister Bai, Cui Zhuhan is a member of your financial investigation department. Why did the supervision department take him away? You shouldn't have to review it!"

"You can't even manage your subordinates well. You seem to be incompetent as a minister. Just resign!"

This is a strong statement.

Bai Jiyu's forehead was suddenly densely covered with cold sweat, and he kept bowing and apologizing.

Looking at the unbearable Bai Jiyu, Cui Zhizhong shook his head secretly.

If you are an idiot who still wants to fight Li Zaihua, live another 100 years!
Cui Zhizhong waved his hand.

"Okay, don't waste my time, go back and reflect on yourself!"

Say it.

Bai Jiyu seemed to be ten years older, turned around and left without looking back.

After people leave.

Cui Zhicheng picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed the number.
the other side.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and immediately pressed the call button.

Cui Zhizhong's voice came out.

"Zaihua, you have to thank me this time!"

Li Zaihua understood, it should be Bai Jiyu who asked Cui Zhicheng to complain.

"Thank you Brother Zhizhong, I'll treat you to tea another day."

Cui Zhizhong smiled and said, "That's it."


Cui Zhizhong was slightly worried and said again: "Cui Yixian is not easy to mess with, what are you really going to do?"

Li Zaihua said calmly:
"Brother Zhizhong, I never fight uncertain battles. I owe you a favor for Bai Jiyu."

Having said that, he changed the subject.

"By the way, I believe that the Financial Investigation Department will be replaced soon. Is Brother Zhizhong interested?"

After a few minutes.

Hang up Cui Zhizhong's phone call.

The bell rang again.

Li Zaihua didn't even look at it, and pressed the call button.

Luo Zhengzhu's voice came out.

"Minister Li, it's done. I'm about to take Cui Zhuhan back to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office."

"Well, I see!"
the other side.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Financial Investigations Department.

Office of the Minister.

Bai Jiyu returned to his room, and the anger in his heart finally broke out.


He swept away all the documents on the table, grabbed the water glass and smashed it against the wall without hesitation.

all of a sudden.

The water glass broke, and countless fragments flew around.

However, Baek Ki Woo didn't even look at it.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone dies together, Li Zaihua, you forced me to do this!"

Then he took out his phone and dialed the number.
the other side.

Busan city.

The Five Star School Headquarters.

Inside the study.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Cui Yixian picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, couldn't help frowning slightly, and then pressed the call button.

Bai Jiyu's anxious voice came out.

"President Cui, something happened!"

Cui Yixian frowned.

"Minister Bai, don't rush, take your time"

The words just came out.

Bai Jiyu said bluntly: "Chairman Cui, Prosecutor Cui was taken away by the Supervision Department!"

The voice fell.

Cui Yixian's pupils constricted suddenly, and he stood up on the spot.

"What did you say!"

Bai Jiyu repeated: "Prosecutor Cui was arrested by the Ministry of Supervision!"

The family can be said to be Cui Yixian's weakness.

But the more this time comes, the more you can't rush.

Cui Yixian took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Minister Bai, what's going on, tell me in detail!"

Bai Jiyu heard the words and immediately said: "President Cui, the thing is like this."

Crackling, he told the whole story in detail.

Speaking of the end.

Bai Jiyu said with a gloomy face: "President Cui, in fact, the Ministry of Supervision is just a pawn, not worth mentioning."

"And the real behind-the-scenes man in this matter is Li Zaihua from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, Special Search Division [-]!"

Cui Yixian is no stranger to the name 'Lee Jae Hwa'.

At the beginning, this kid caused a big disturbance in Busan.

But Cui Yixian didn't take it seriously.

In his view, Li Zaihua is a scapegoat introduced by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

It's just that what everyone didn't expect was that this kid was actually a blessing in disguise.

Zhao Shulan didn't know what kind of crazy she was, and suddenly came up with a nondescript new policy.

So far, the only beneficiary is Li Zaihua.

Of course, Cui Yixian Yongyang is one of the vested interests.

Cui Jiongpei died inexplicably, and the internal traitor was dug out.

Cui Yixian's big purge brought the Five-Star faction back under his control.

To be precise, Cui Yixian should be grateful to Lee Jae-hwa.

But Cui Yixian didn't think about it at all, and didn't even bother to pay attention.

Now that he heard Baek Ki Woo's informant, Cui Yixian was thoughtful.

"I don't seem to have provoked him?"

Bai Jiyu rolled his eyes, you ask me, who should I ask?
"President Cui, is it useful to ask now?"

Cui Yixian came back to his senses.

Baek Ki Woo is right.

My son was arrested, so what's the use of asking.

"Thank you, Minister Bai, for telling me that when I return to Seoul, there will be a gift for me."

The eye drops were successfully applied.

Baek Ki Woo seemed to see the scene of Lee Jae Hwa kneeling down begging for mercy in the future, with a happy smile on his face.

"President Cui is polite, see you in Seoul then!"

"See you in Seoul!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Cui Yixian put down his cell phone, his expression darkened.

He is not worried about his son's safety.

Because Cui Yixian is confident that no one in the peninsula would dare to torture Cui Zhuhan to extract a confession.

What Cui Yixian was most worried about was why Li Zaihua shot him for no reason.

He couldn't figure out why.

Similarly, Cui Yixian didn't connect Li Jae-hwa, Kim Sung-bum, and Jung Han-min's weirdness at all.

After all, in Cui Yixian's eyes, Li Zaihua belongs to the junior generation, and he is not at the same level as Jin Chengfan and Zheng Hanmin.

Cui Yixian pondered for a moment, picked up the phone and dialed the number.
the other side.


Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Office of the Chief.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Xu Zhenzai picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, frowning.

He didn't want to answer the call unless it was necessary.

The reason is simple, the owner of the number represents trouble.

Xu Zhenzai reluctantly pressed the call button.

"President Cui, what can I do for you?"

Cui Yixian's voice came out, and at the same time Xingshi questioned the crime.

"President Xu, I should ask this question!"

Xu Zhenzai frowned.

"President Cui, I don't understand what you mean!"

"Mr. Xu, are you pretending to be stupid, or do you really not understand?"

Xu Zhenzai said impatiently: "Chairman Cui, if you have something to say, you don't need to beat around the bush!"

Hear this.

Cui Yixian sneered and said, "Mr. Xu, you don't know what you did, but blamed me instead. There is such a reason in the world!"

Xu Zhenzai was angry, and felt that the old guy was inexplicable.

"President Cui, I don't want to listen to your nonsense, say, what do you want me for?"

Cui Yixian thought that Xu Zhenzai was deliberately pretending to be confused, and asked questions knowingly.

"President Xu, since you want to deal with me, Cui Yixian, then come with sharp swords and sharp guns. What's the use of arresting my son!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Xu Zhenzai was stunned on the spot.

"What did you say? I arrested your son, did you make a mistake!"

Cui Yixian mocked: "As we all know, Minister Lee Jae-hwa is your man"

"He asked people from the Ministry of Supervision to take my son away. You said you didn't know?"

Xu Zhenzai was startled, and immediately realized.

"President Cui, I really don't know that the Ministry of Supervision has arrested your son."

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll call and ask, how about I reply to you later?"

Cui Yixian frowned lightly, the guy opposite seemed to be really kept in the dark.

"President Xu, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"What good does it do for me to lie to you!"

Cui Yixian thought about it.

"No matter what, Li Zaihua's arrest of my son can't just be left alone, you have to give me an explanation!"

Xu Zhenzai said bluntly: "President Cui, pay attention to your own identity."

"The Ministry of Supervision's arrest is based on factual evidence. Maybe your son has a clue to fall into the hands of the Ministry of Supervision!"

He didn't mention 'Lee Jae-hwa' at all, as if he wanted to pick out the young minister.

It's a pity that Cui Yixian is old and cunning, how could he not guess Xu Zhenzai's plan.

"President Xu, you haven't forgotten the agreement I made with the Supreme Prosecutor's Office back then!"

Xu Zhenzai's eyes turned cold.

"President Cui, are you threatening me?"

The corner of Cui Yixian's mouth raised slightly.

"President Xu misunderstood, how dare I threaten you?"

"But a promise is a promise."

"As long as my son is sitting upright, you can't treat him differently based on my identity!"

Hear this.

Xu Zhenzai said calmly: "President Cui, if you only want to talk about this, I'm sorry, I'm very busy!"

Cui Yixian smiled, his goal has been achieved.

"Well, I won't disturb Chief Xu's work, but I still have to ask you to give me an answer as soon as possible!"

Xu Zhenzai snorted coldly.

"Understood, that's it, hang up!"

Cui Yixian smiled slightly.

"Okay, bye!"

Say it.

End the call.

Xu Zhenzai looked at the extinguished screen with a gloomy expression, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

"Li Zaihua, what are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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