Chapter 861

Countdown to the last day.

10:13 am.

Busan city.

The Five Star School Headquarters.

Inside the study.

Cui Yixian, who had quit smoking for a long time, lit a cigarette again.

The room was filled with smoke at the moment.

Cui Yixian followed one another, as if he was overdrawing his own life.

It wasn't until this morning that he realized that the two subordinates he had sent had disappeared.

With two men missing.

Cui Yixian realized the problem, and sent someone to get the surveillance video around Yihe Teahouse this morning.

Too bad it's still a step too late.

Cui Yixian just received a report from his subordinates.

Someone got there first and destroyed all the surveillance videos ahead of time, so that the people who sent them returned without success.

This weird situation made Cui Yixian even more convinced that someone was playing tricks behind his back.

The culprit is most likely the mastermind behind Tenglong Trading.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Cui Yixian crushed out the cigarette and took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Zheng Hanmin's voice came out.

"President Cui, what's the matter?"

Cui Yixian forced a smile and said: "Mayor Zheng, didn't we say that we would like to get together, you can arrange the time and place, why is there no news now?"

Zheng Hanmin pretended to slap his head when he heard this.

"Oh, a foreign investment delegation has arrived in Busan."

"I've been busy receiving them for the past two days, and I actually forgot the business."

Having said that, he changed the subject.

"President Choi, I'm really sorry"

"This investment investigation team will leave the day after tomorrow. If we have a party, we may have to wait another two days!"

This reason is very strong. As a mayor, of course, I must contribute to Busan.

However, Cui Yixian wanted to curse, but he couldn't offend Zheng Hanmin for the time being, so he could only hold it in his heart.

He suppressed his anger.

"Okay, we've made an agreement. When the inspection team leaves, we must get together!"

Two days can afford to wait, when Zheng Hanmin is looking for excuses, don't blame yourself for not showing face.

Zheng Hanmin said sincerely, "President Cui, don't worry, I'll call Representative Jin to make an appointment."

Cui Yixian nodded.

"Well, that's it, don't disturb Mayor Zheng's work."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

But Cui Yixian did not put down the phone, but dialed the number again.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Senator Song's voice came out.

"Hello, President Cui, what can I do for you?"

Cui Yixian said calmly: "Mr. Song, I wonder if you have time now, come out and meet."

Congressman Song didn't even think about it.

"Okay, where will I meet?"

Cui Yixian reported a place name.

Senator Song nodded.

"No problem, see you then."

hang up the phone.

Cui Yixian put down the phone and yelled.

"Come on!"


Soon the shoji door of the study was pushed open.

A gangster walked in.

"What is the president's order?"

Cui Yixian said without hesitation: "Prepare the car, I want to go out!"

"Okay President, please wait a moment!"


The gangster turned and left.

After people leave.

Cui Yixian lit a cigarette again,

He speculated that Jin Chengfan and Zheng Hanmin reached some kind of agreement secretly, so they would not meet each other for a long time.

Downtown Busan.

A high-end grocery store.

In a box.

Cui Yixian and Congressman Song sat opposite each other.

At this time, the table is full of all kinds of fresh seafood.

Cui Yixian picked up a piece of sashimi with chopsticks.

"Mr. Song, the seafood in this store is just caught today, and it tastes very good."

Congressman Song glanced at Cui Yixian.

While picking up the chopsticks, he casually asked: "President Cui, you are looking for me for more than just eating?"

Cui Yixian didn't answer, he spread the dipping sauce on the sashimi, put it in his mouth and chewed it lightly.

It looks like this piece of sashimi is the most delicious food in the world.

Seeing that Cui Yixian didn't speak.

Senator Song sensed something was wrong, and absent-mindedly swallowed the sashimi in one gulp.

A piece of sashimi.

Cui Yixian ate for a few minutes before swallowing it into his stomach.

"Mr. Song, I'm sorry, I'm old, and I can only eat things like sashimi slowly."

"President Cui is serious, I'm not in a hurry, I have time."

Cui Yixian smiled slightly, and finally said the purpose of inviting Mr. Song.

"Mr. Song, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Councilor Song paused with his hand holding the chopsticks, looking slightly embarrassed.

"President Cui, the people behind Tenglong Trade are not simple."

"Go Min Soo is Seo Jin Jae's man, Kang Jung Wook is Min Eun Hyuk's way"

"Seo Jin Jae and Min Eun Hyuk are not the same people"

"And the people behind Tenglong Trading were able to convince Gao Minzhu and Jiang Zhengxu at the same time."

"I searched all over Seoul and couldn't find this person"

Crackling, he explained the difficulty of this matter in detail.

Cui Yixian frowned.

Although I asked Congressman Song to inquire about the news, how could the eggs be put in only one basket.

Cui Yixian also asked other people to inquire.

The conclusion reached is similar to Mr. Song's.

He originally pinned his hopes on Congressman Song, but he didn't expect the same result.

all of a sudden.

Cui Yixian had an ominous premonition for no reason, as if a piece of dark cloud covered his heart, there was a feeling that the black cloud was overwhelming the city.

"Mr. Song, are you sure you can't find it?"

Congressman Song shook his head: "President Cui, what good is it for me to lie to you, I really can't find anyone."

"Don't talk about me, even Chief Cui has no clue!"

Congressman Song moved Cui Zaicheng out, and he couldn't tolerate Cui Yixian's disbelief.

Cui Yixian took a deep breath.

"Mr. Song, this is trouble!"

Congressman Song was taken aback, frowned and asked, "Chairman Cui, didn't Tenglong trade back down?"

Cui Yixian explained: "Mr. Song, the thing is like this."

The voice fell.

Congressman Song suddenly changed color.

"You mean it!"

Cui Yixian nodded solemnly.

"That's right, Jincheng pretended to be sick and didn't see me, and Zheng Hanmin organized an investment investigation team to perfuse me."

As he said that, he stared straight at Mr. Song with his eyes, and paused every word.

"If you say there's nothing wrong with it, Senator Song, would you believe me?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Councilor Song's head almost turned into a rattle.

"President Cui, what shall we do now?"

Cui Yixian sneered secretly.

The business in Busan is not my own. It's time for you guys to contribute.

"Member Song, I want you to tell Chief Cui that Jin Chengfan and Zheng Hanmin are not trustworthy, and we must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible!"

The sky is falling and there is a tall man on it.

Since we can't find the person behind Tenglong Trading, we can only push the trouble out.

Under Cui Yixian's various alarmist words.

Sure enough, Congressman Song was upset.

At this moment, he is not in the mood to eat, he just wants to go back and report the situation to Cui Zaicheng.

"President Cui, I just remembered that I still have something to do, you take your time, I'll take a step first."

Cui Yixian did not keep him, because this was the result he wanted.

"Mr. Song, I'll take you out."

Congressman Song waved his hand.

"No need, I can go by myself. Thank you President Cui for your hospitality today. When I arrive in Seoul another day, I will treat you to a drink."

Cui Yixian smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Song, this is what you said, so it's settled."

Congressman Song didn't stay any longer, and got up to leave.

Looking at the back of the departure.

Cui Yixian's face was full of disdain.

There are many smart people in Congress, but there are also many stupid people.

Most of these stupid people rely on their parents and family background to stand out, and their abilities are extremely poor.

Councilor Song is one of them.

This guy can become a member of Congress, thanks to the support of Cui Jae-sung, who made him Cui Jae-sung's brother-in-law.

Congressman Song returned to his office in Busan.

Peninsula MPs don’t just work in the Capitol.

In order to support the rate, in addition to Seoul, members of Congress in other cities have many permanent constituency cities.

Return to Seoul only when a meeting is held.

Congressman Song also has his own office in the Capitol.

He also doesn't want to stay in Busan, mainly because of Cui Jae's order, so he can only stay obediently.

inside the room.

Senator Song sat behind his desk and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

Not long after, the call was connected.

An old voice came out.

"Cheng Yu, what's the matter?"

Congressman Song's real name is 'Song Sung-woo', a second-election member of the National Assembly, and the brother-in-law of Choi Jae-sung, an evergreen tree in the altar.

Song Chengyu said anxiously: "Brother-in-law, something serious happened!"

Choi Jae-sung frowned.

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

Facing his brother-in-law's reassurance, Song Chengyu immediately calmed down.

"Brother-in-law, I met President Cui just now, and he told me something"

He carefully told about the meeting with Cui Yixian.

Say it.

Cui Zaicheng couldn't help cursing angrily: "You idiot, how old are you, and you still can't hold your breath!"

Song Chengyu was surprised.

"Brother-in-law, I."

Don't wait for him to finish speaking.

Cui Zaicheng said coldly: "I didn't know that I was sold by Cui Yixian, but he is using you as a pawn and dragging me into the water!"

Song Chengyu was stunned, and then refuted.

"Brother-in-law, I feel that President Cui is not lying. What if Jin Chengfan and Zheng Hanmin really betray us?"

Cui Zaicheng hates iron but not steel.

"Idiot, it's been decades, and he still doesn't use his brain"

"Don't forget that Cui Yixian is the subject, the old guy should be the most worried."

"Someone just said a few words, but you really believed me, a stick."

"If he really wants to use all his strength to dig out the people behind Tenglong Trade, he may not be able to do it!"

Song Chengyu was dumbfounded.

After a long time.

He asked: "Brother-in-law, Cui Yixian wants to use me, so should we stand still?"

Choi Jae-sung thought about it.

"No, since Cui Yixian has spoken out, it means that the threat of Tenglong Trade cannot be underestimated."

"I'm also curious, who is behind Tenglong Trading, even I can't find out!"

Song Chengyu frowned.

"Brother-in-law, you can't even find out, so what else can we do?"

Choi Jae Sung sighed, it was really hard to talk to idiots.

But Song Chengyu has one advantage, that is, loyalty.

"I used official methods at the beginning. The other party deliberately hid it, so it's normal not to find out."

Having said that, Cui Zaicheng's expression darkened.

"Nowadays ordinary methods are useless, so we can only use unconventional methods!"

Song Chengyu swallowed.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to?"

Cui Zaicheng said indifferently: "Don't worry about this matter, I will call Cui Yixian myself!"

Song Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief, tired of dealing with these people.

"Okay, brother-in-law, please."

Cui Zaicheng gave a few more instructions and hung up the phone.
the other side.


Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Chief's office.

Cui Zaicheng squeezed the phone, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

From Song Chengyu's narration, he noticed that Cui Yixian seemed to be planning to quit.

However, Cui Zaicheng didn't believe a word.

I have known Cui Yixian for almost 30 years.

Back then, Cui Yixian was able to successfully escape from the wave of crackdown on gangsters, it was his handwriting.

When this old fox saw Song Chengyu today, he was just conveying a message.

Cui Yixian is indeed in big trouble.

This made Cui Zaicheng aware of the danger and had to take Tenglong trade seriously.

Think here.

Cui Zaicheng thought for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.
the other side.

Seoul Western District Prosecutors Office.

First long office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Cao Fanxi picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He was shocked and quickly pressed the call button.

He respectfully said: "Mr. Cui!"

Cui Zaicheng's voice came out.

"Deputy Chief Cao, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

Cao Fanxi smiled apologetically, "Thanks to Chief Cui, I'm doing well."

Choi Jae-sung smiled slightly.

"That's good, I have something to ask you."

Cao Fanxi's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed what the other party wanted to ask.

"You speak!"

Cui Zaicheng said bluntly: "You have a good relationship with Cui Yixian, what's going on in Busan, can you tell me about it?"

Cao Fanxi's face changed slightly, but his voice remained calm.

"Mr. Cui, what do you want to know?"

"Talk about Tenglong trade!"

Cao Fanxi rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Cui, I'm actually not very clear about Tenglong trade."

"So far, apart from Gao Minzhu and Jiang Zhengxu, it is impossible to find out who is behind the scenes."

"I also contacted President Cui before, but it was not ideal."

He simply stated what he knew.

Cui Zaicheng compared and analyzed what he knew, and decided that Cui Fanxi was not lying.

"How can I say that the person behind Tenglong Trading is really so mysterious?"

Cao Fanxi pretended to smile bitterly.

"Mr. Cui, Tenglong trade is not easy, I think we have met our opponent!"

Because it is the truth.

Thinking of what Lee Jae-hwa has done recently, it is almost impossible for Choi Jae-sung and Cui Yi-hyun to come back.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

He will never be buried with him.

Not getting the answers he needed, Choi Jae-sung wasted no more time.

"Deputy Chief Cao, I have to ask you to continue to investigate the matter of Tenglong Trading."

"Don't worry, Chief Cui, I don't need you to tell me, I will continue to investigate until I find the person behind the scenes!"

Choi Jae-sung nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, then please, Deputy Chief Cao, let's have dinner together some other day when you are free."

"Officer Cui is serious, this is what I should do."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.
13:37 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and pressed the call button.

Cao Fanxi's voice came out.

"Minister Li, I just received a call from Cui Zaicheng. He must have noticed something!"

After meeting Kim Sung Bum and Jung Han Min in Busan two days ago.

Li Zaihua had already expected this scene today.

"Thank you, Deputy Chief Cao, I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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