Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 853 Choi Jong-suk's invitation to the frightened Cao Bum-seok (joint chapter)

Chapter 853 Choi Jong-suk's invitation to the frightened Cao Bum-seok (joint chapter)
The next day.

9:12 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Luo Zhengzhu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

Originally, after talking with his uncle yesterday, he was going to come to see Li Zaihua.

However, something was delayed halfway, and it was already time to get off work after the solution, so I had to wait until today.

"Minister Li!"

Hear a familiar voice.

Li Zaihua raised his head.

"Zhengzhu, what can I do for you?"

Although he failed to take the initiative to invite Ying yesterday, it also gave Luo Zhengzhu a night to think seriously.

He thinks what his uncle Cui Zhongshuo said is right, and he should continue to suffer from it.

Things have come to this point, there is only one way to go to darkness, as long as you pass this hurdle, the road ahead will be bright.

Luo Zhengzhu looked serious, and said with a casual smile: "Minister Li, I want to be responsible for the arrest of Cui Zhuhan!"

Li Zaihua was a little surprised when he heard this, his old classmate was terrified to death.

He thought about it again, maybe it was the result of Luo Zhengzhu's wild imagination.

"Old classmate, don't worry, you have done a good job."

Without waiting for the young minister to finish speaking.

Luo Zhengzhu said solemnly: "Minister Li, I am serious!"

Li Zaihua frowned and looked his old classmate up and down.

"you sure?"

"You have to know that you will face the five-star faction in the future when you take over this case, you have to think clearly!"

"Minister Li, please rest assured!"

Luo Zhengzhu said categorically, "I am not in a moment of enthusiasm, but a decision that I have considered for a long time!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua took a deep look at his old classmate.

"Well, then I will send someone to protect you and your family 24 hours a day!"

Luo Zhengzhu bowed at ninety degrees and bowed.

"Thank you Minister Li!"

Li Zaihua bent down and pretended to open the drawer. With a thought, he took out an envelope from the space backpack.

Then, he straightened up and handed the envelope to his old classmate.

"This is a report letter, you know what to do!"

Luo Zhengzhu nodded.


Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Well, wait for my call, go back to work now!"

Luo Zhengzhu bowed again and turned around without turning his head away.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua pinched his chin thoughtfully.

Luo Zhengzhu's sudden change of attitude is very strange, and there is a high probability that he is inseparable from someone.

The young minister seemed to have thought of something, got up and went to the window, looking in a certain direction through the bright window.

"Are you? Judge Choi?"

At this time.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua came back to his senses, returned to his desk, picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID.

Really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

It was Cui Zhongshuo who called.

Li Zaihua pressed the call button.

"Hello, Judge Cui."

Choi Jong-suk's voice came out.

"Minister Li, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I don't know if I have time at noon today to have a light meal together."

Li Jae-hwa rolled his eyes and became more certain that Luo Zhengzhu's sudden change of attitude had something to do with Cui Jong-suk.

But generally speaking, Cui Zhongshuo is showing favor to himself on behalf of the Luo family.

"Judge Cui, I haven't congratulated you yet on being promoted to the chief judge of the first criminal division, why don't I be the host at noon."

"I just remembered that there was a soup restaurant near the Seoul Central District Court"

"The ginseng chicken soup there is pretty good, what do you think Judge Cui wants?"

Cui Zhongshuo smiled and said, "No problem, it's all up to Minister Li."

"Well, after get off work, I'll wait for Judge Cui at the soup restaurant!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua put down his cell phone with a smile on his face.

Don't underestimate Cui Zhongshuo, this guy is not simple at all.

It is enough to explain a lot of problems to serve as the president of the criminal department of the Seoul Central District Court when the head of the criminal department has not been transferred.
In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

11:43 noon.


The door of the soup restaurant was pushed open, and a copper bell rang on the door frame.

A busy waiter raised his head for a moment, and the person who came was wearing a mask like a star.

However, the moment he took off his mask.

The waiter was suddenly excited.

Fortunately, her basic qualities are still there.

"Welcome, how many are there?"

Li Zaihua looked around and saw Cui Zhongshuo who had arrived early.

"No, I'm looking for someone, he's there."

The waiter looked at Choi Jong-suk along his fingers.

"Minister Li, please follow me."

The two came to a dining table.

Li Zaihua just sat down.

The waiter could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Minister Li, can you sign for me?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Of course, where is the sign?"

The waiter handed over the note and ballpoint pen in his hand.

"Minister Li, just sign here."

Swish swish.
Li Zaihua frantically wrote his name on the sticky note.

"Okay, here it is."

The waiter bowed.Thrilled Results Sticky Notes and Ballpoint Pen.

"Thank you Minister Li, what do you want to eat today, I treat you."

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"How can this work? I'm a prosecutor and I can't take the people's stitches."

The waiter held his heart in both hands and thought to himself, he really is the justice envoy of the peninsula, so much love!
"Okay then, what would you like to eat?"

Li Zaihua replied: "Two servings of rice with ginseng chicken soup, thank you."

"OK, just a second."

The waiter bowed slightly, turned around and left quickly.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua turned his head and looked at Cui Zhongshuo.

I saw the playful look on the other side's face.

Cui Zhongshuo smiled and said, "Minister Li is indeed a national idol. With this face, it's a pity to be a prosecutor!"

In recent years, the peninsula's entertainment industry has rapidly expanded and swept the entire East and Southeast Asia.

There are a lot of boy and girl groups.

And Li Zaihua's face is definitely in the top echelon in the entertainment industry.

In this era of beauty.

Even Li Zaihua had to admit that his handsome appearance brought great convenience.

Just to hear it.

Li Zaihua sneered secretly, being an actor is a fart, and he is not a plaything of the rich and powerful.

Just like the popular girl group recently, the girl surnamed Pei and the girl surnamed Jiang in it have to try their best to please themselves with just one word.

"Judge Cui, I studied law, so I naturally want to apply it to the people."

As he spoke, he pointed out something.

"Otherwise, wouldn't it have failed everyone's expectations!"

Cui Zhongshuo was taken aback, realizing that he had said something wrong.

"Minister Li is right, people like you are born to be prosecutors, to advocate justice for the people!"

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

The corner of Li Zaihua's mouth raised slightly.

"Judge Cui has won the award."

Cui Zhongshuo shook his head: "It is an honor for the Korean people to meet a prosecutor like you."

Flower sedan chairs carry people.

Li Zaihua smiled lightly: "Judge Cui, Prosecutor Luo is not bad either, I believe the future is limitless."

There is something in the words.

Choi Jong Suk pushed his glasses.

"Compared to Minister Li, Zhengzhu is still far behind, and I need to ask you to take care of me."

Li Zaihua heard the subtext.

"Judge Cui, Zhengzhu and I are old classmates. If I don't take care of him, who else will I take care of?"

"By the way, Zheng Zhu suddenly came to me this morning and said that he had received a report letter."

"He can't make up his mind, come to ask my opinion."

Having said that, he stared straight at Cui Zhongshuo.

"Actually, I don't have any good suggestions."

"It's just that when I was studying, I remembered this sentence"

"The law cannot make everyone equal, but everyone is equal before the law. No matter who is involved, we must investigate to the end!"

Cui Zhongshuo remained calm.

clap clap clap.
While clapping his hands, he said, "Minister Li is right. Everyone is equal before the law. I believe Zhengzhu will keep this statement in mind!"

Li Zaihua smiled and didn't waste any more time.

"Judge Cui, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

Cui Zhongshuo's brief words were appalling.

"Please say."

Li Jae-hwa said bluntly: "I hope Judge Cui can win the trial rights of Cui Zhuhan, Cui Yixian, and Cui Jae-sung!"

The voice fell.

Cui Zhongshuo looked straight.

"Minister Li, are you sure you want to tear yourself apart with Chairman Wu?"

He is not a fool, he used the information in his hands to investigate the backgrounds of several people, and found that he had a deep connection with Wu Xianzhu, the chairman of the Future Automobile Group.

Li Zaihua didn't expect to be able to hide the truth from an old fox like Cui Zhongshuo.

"Judge Cui, it seems that Zhengzhu has told you everything!"

Cui Zhongshuo was surprised.

"Minister Li, don't get me wrong, I forced Zheng Zhu to say it!"

Li Zaihua smiled: "Judge Cui, don't be nervous, I don't mean to blame Zhengzhu."

"However, Zhengzhu doesn't know much about it, so it's my fault that I didn't make it clear."

"Besides President Xuan, I have other ways to appease President Wu's anger."

"So President Wu doesn't need to worry, just do what I say!"

Cui Zhongshuo frowned.

"Minister Li, how are you sure you can convince President Wu?"

face inquiries.

Lee Jae-hwa felt that Choi Jong-suk was starting to push his feet.

His expression darkened, and he said indifferently: "Judge Cui, the time has not come yet, and some things are not yet timed!"

Look at the young minister's expression.

Cui Zhongshuo's face changed slightly, and he secretly scolded himself for being careless, such words can also be asked.

"Minister Li, I'm sorry, I said something wrong."

Li Zaihua glanced at Cui Zhongshuo lightly.

"Judge Cui's words are serious, but the matter must be kept secret and cannot be disclosed for the time being."

Cui Zhongshuo breathed a sigh of relief, the young minister can be said to have given enough face.

"No matter what, Zhengzhu wants to ask Minister Li to take care of him, and just mention anything that may be useful to me in the future."

Li Zaihua is not polite either.

"Judge Cui, everyone should help each other."

Then, he changed the subject.

"By the way, I wonder if Judge Cui has heard of [TOP National Foundation]?"

Choi Jong-suk frowned.

"Minister Li, the famous [TOP National Foundation], how come I haven't heard of it."

Recently, there have been rumors that the Minister of the Grand Court, Kim Jung-jin, has joined the foundation.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"It's good to have heard that [TOP National Foundation] Chairman Hong Minzhen is my elder."

"If Judge Cui is interested, I can recommend you to join the club."

Cui Zhongshuo's eyes lit up.

"Minister Li, can you really recommend me to join the club?"

Li Zaihua immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After a few minutes.

Li Zaihua took out a pen and his business card from his pocket, and wrote a set of mobile phone numbers on it.

"Judge Cui, I have already negotiated, this is the other party's number!"

Cui Zhongshuo took the business card, looked at the handwritten mobile phone number, and once again refreshed his understanding of the young minister.

"Thank you Minister Li!"
13:22 PM.

Seoul Central District Court.

Office of the President.

Cui Zhongshuo held the business card in his hand.

With just a few words, the [TOP National Foundation], which needs to be reviewed layer by layer, can be settled.

It has to be said that Li Zaihua once again refreshed his cognition.

At the same time, he had a vague guess.

The young minister seems to have an unusual connection with [TOP National Foundation].

You must know that with the development, today's [TOP National Foundation] has become a behemoth, with its tentacles extending to many fields.

Even beyond the foundations created by many chaebols.

Choi Jong Suk also heard that [TOP National Foundation] is preparing to set up its own consortium.

This consortium is not that consortium.

The Peninsula Consortium specializes in cultural industries, as well as investing in schools and education industries. .

Therefore, it has a good influence.

It is for this reason that once [TOP National Foundation]'s own consortium is established, it will become one of the top foundations on the peninsula.

Choi Jong Suk licked his lips.

It is true that he has a background, but compared with the [TOP National Foundation], it is several levels behind.

It's a huge networking platform and the benefits of being a part of it are endless.

Cui Zhongshuo didn't hesitate anymore, and dialed the phone number on the business card.
Time flies.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

15:16 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, his eyes moved slightly, and he pressed the call button immediately.

Cao Fanxi's voice came out.

"Hello, Minister Li."

"Hi Deputy Chief Cao, what can I do?"

Cao Fanxi said without hesitation: "Minister Li, I don't know if you are free tonight. I would like to treat you to a light meal."

Li Zaihua rubbed his fingers.

"Okay, where are we meeting tonight?"

Cao Fanxi reported the time and place of the meeting.

"Minister Li is a frequent customer of Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant, and the food there is delicious"

"At eight o'clock tonight, see you at the Jingluo Peninsula restaurant. What do you think, Minister Li?"

Li Zaihua said calmly, "Yes, see you tonight."

"see you tonight!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua just put down his phone, his expression sank.

Through the conversation just now, Cao Fanxi should have investigated himself, but Aomenpu did not respond.

Immediately, he had a thought, and took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack.

It's just the moment when the mobile phone appears out of thin air.

The young minister slapped his head violently. He had put his unregistered mobile phone into the space backpack before, how could he receive the signal.

Figured everything out.

Li Zaihua calmed down immediately and started dialing the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Omen Pu's voice came out.

"Boss, you finally answered the phone."

Li Zaihua said awkwardly: "I forgot to charge my phone for a while, and I only found out today."

Aomen Pu curled his lips, complaining frantically in his heart, but he dared not speak out.

"Boss, Cao Fanxi entrusted a private detective to investigate you two days ago"

"Just kept in touch with you, we didn't dare to act rashly"

"However, according to our understanding, the private investigator only found some basic information, so there should be no problem."

Crackling, he recounted what had happened in the past few days.

After listening.

Li Zaihua thought about it.

"Private detectives can't relax, arrest people and have them interrogated."

"Also, give me a copy of the surveillance video of the past few days, I'll use it tonight!"

Omen Park replied: "Good boss"

"The backup of the surveillance video takes a little time, about three hours."

"That private detective, I will arrange for Andrew to take someone to arrest him."

He briefly talked about the next plan.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"No problem, just leave it to me before eight o'clock in the evening."

"Private detective, I can rest assured that you will handle the matter."
Time goes by.


A black car drove into Yiyuan Cave.

The car then pulled over to the side of the road with the windows down.

At this time, a medium-sized truck drove slowly by.

When the truck leaves.

The windows of the black car were still up, the engine was started, and it headed towards the Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.


The black car drove into the courtyard.

Look at the familiar license plate.

The waiter secretly rejoiced that it was finally his turn.

After all, every time Li Zaihua gave a lot of tips.

The car just stopped.

The waiter hurried forward and opened the door.

"Welcome to Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant, Minister Li, your guests have arrived."

Li Zaihua nodded and handed out a tip as usual.

"Take me there."

"Okay, please come with me."


The waiter leads the way.

After a few minutes.

The two came to a box.

There was a knock on the door.

The waiter pushed open the shoji door.

inside the room.

Hear the sound.

Cao Fanxi turned his head to look, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Minister Li, you are here."

Li Zaihua took off his shoes and entered the box, pretending to be sorry.

"Deputy Chief Cao, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Cao Fanxi waved his hand.

"It's not long since I arrived, please sit down."

Li Zaihua nodded, strode forward and sat down.

Cao Fanxi followed closely behind.

The two just sat down.

Li Zaihua waved back the waiter.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua said directly: "Deputy Chief Cao, have you made a decision to invite me here today?"

In fact, all that should be said has been said, and there is no point in continuing to beat around the bush.

Cao Fanxi was taken aback, he didn't expect the young minister to be so direct.

But when he said it, he didn't hide it.

"Minister Li, it's okay if you want me to help you, but can you really handle Chairman Wu?"

Oh Hyun Soo is always an unstable factor.

There is no way to say that Jiaoren is a veteran chaebol with unfathomable background.

The revenge of the same veteran chaebol is definitely not a joke.

Although Hyun Eun Jung is said to be the future chairman of the company, he is far behind Oh Hyun Soo in terms of market value and net worth.

Cao Fanxi didn't think that Xuan Enzhen could keep pestering Wu Xianzhu.

If he is allowed to free up his hand to end in person, the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Zaihua could hear Cao Fanxi's concerns.

He said confidently: "As long as you help me with peace of mind, I will naturally have a solution for President Wu!"

Cao Fanxi heard the sound and carefully looked at the young minister in front of him.

"Minister Li, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Deputy Chief Cao, I know President Wu's horror better than you. Don't you think I'm not prepared at all?"

Looking at the confident young minister.

Cao Fanxi gritted his teeth.

"What Minister Li said, of course I will stand in the middle of the winner's team. What do you want me to do?"

Li Zaihua cut to the chase.

"It's very simple. After I do something to Cui Zhuhan, I will give you a list."

"You just need to help me convince the people on the list and appease the congressmen behind Cui Yixian!"

Cao Fanxi pondered for a while.

Whether this task is difficult or not, it depends on how far Li Zaihua can go.

However, the young minister dared to make a move, which showed that he was confident enough.

As long as Li Zaihua has a certain advantage, the next thing will be much easier.

"No problem, I promise to do it properly!"
22:10 in the evening.

Yiyuan Cave.

Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

Inside the courtyard.

Li Zaihua got into his car drunk.

Before leaving.

He lowered the window and said something inexplicable.

"Deputy Chief Cao, you are very smart, keep going!"

Say it.

Li Zaihua threw a U disk to Cao Fanxi.

Cao Fanxi caught it with both hands, and was about to open his mouth to ask.

The black car has already left the courtyard.

Cao Fanxi looked at the USB flash drive in his hand in confusion.
23:35 in the evening.

a villa.

Inside the study.

Cao Fanxi inserted the USB flash drive into the USB port of the laptop.

A folder pops up.

He manipulated the mouse to open the folder, and there were dozens of video files in it.

Click on one of the videos at will, and a picture immediately comes into view.

Looking at the environment in the video, Cao Fanxi felt more and more familiar with it.

A moment of effort.

Cao Fanxi was terrified, his hairs rose suddenly, and his whole body shuddered.

He hurriedly clicked on other videos.

Drops of sweat flowed down his fat face, and at the same time his face was full of horror.

Cao Fanxi sat slumped on a chair, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Terrible, really terrible.

I do not know how long it has been.

Cao Fanxi got up suddenly and went to the bookcase, and saw a tiny camera in the corner.

He pinched the camera with an uncertain expression.

If he had called Cui Yixian to inform him after he left that day, he might have been lying in a cold coffin now.

Thinking of this, Cao Fanxi had the illusion of narrow escape for a moment.

The second choice that Li Zaihua said was completely deceiving, and there was obviously only a dead end.

Think about it.

The sweat that Cao Fanxi had just stopped was oozing densely again.

this moment.

He finally understood why Li Zaihua could reach this step at such a young age.

Being ruthless and not giving the enemy a way out is only second.

It is the real trump card of the young minister to be exhaustive.

At this moment.

Cao Fanxi seemed to see the end of Cui Yixian and Cui Zhuhan's father and son.

Since Li Zaihua said that there is a way to calm Wu Hyun-soo's anger, it should be true.

Cao Fanxi gritted his teeth, the heart that was originally at both ends of the rat, finally made up his mind under the threat of death.

If you have the Tao, you will die if you are a Taoist friend.

I can only wrong the Cui family father and son, at worst, wait for Cui Yixian's death day next year, and pay more tribute.

Cao Fanxi took a deep breath, got up and walked out of the study.

Soon he came to the cloakroom, opened his clothes, and took out a file bag from the safe in the hidden compartment.

And the thing in the bag was the nomination certificate handed over to Li Zaihua.

Cao Fanxi unsealed the seal, took out the documents inside, read through them, and stuffed them back into the file bag after confirming that there was no problem.

I believe that with these documents, Li Zaihua should no longer doubt himself.

After all, the feeling of facing death is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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