Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 831 Meet Xuan Enzhen

Chapter 831 Meet Xuan Enzhen
Time goes by.

The next day.

9:25 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Upon hearing the sound, Liang Guohuan pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.


Li Zaihua, who was working, raised his head.

"Prosecutor Liang, what's the matter?"

Liang Guohuan handed over an envelope with a serious expression.

"Minister, I have received another report letter about Choi Jae-sung!"

Li Zaihua straightened his expression.

"Bring it to me to see!"

Liang Guohuan handed over the envelope while observing the expression of his minister.

Li Zaihua took the envelope calmly.

In fact, he was very clear about the content of the report.

This report letter was concocted by the young minister.

This report letter is richer and more authentic than the last one.

But this one is in a hurry, and I will get a more detailed one later when I have time.


Li Zaihua read the report letter pretendingly.

"Prosecutor Liang, besides this report letter, is there anything else?"

Liang Guohuan shook his head.

"No, I received this one this morning."

Li Zaihua pretended to think for a while.

Then he said solemnly: "I will personally arrest this case, and if I receive the same report letter in the future, bring it to me immediately, understand!"

Liang Guohuan himself didn't want to get involved.

He said without thinking: "Good minister, I know what to do!"

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Well, let's go to work!"

Liang Guohuan didn't stay any longer, bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

After people leave.

With a thought, Li Zaihua took out the previous report letter from the space backpack.

He put the two envelopes in his hands, with a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth.

bell bell bell.
The bell interrupted his thoughts.

Li Zaihua came back to his senses.

He picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, Xuan Enzhen's number, and hurriedly pressed the call button.

A strange woman's voice came out.

"Mr. Li, hello, I am the Secretary General of the President's Secretary Office."

"The president asked me to inform you that we will have lunch at the Myeongdong Royal Hotel at twelve noon today."

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua said in a deep voice: "I see, tell President Xuan for me, I promise to be there on time!"

"Okay Minister Li, I will inform the president for you. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first."
Time flies.



A black car was parked on the side of the road.

Li Zaihua wore a mask, opened the car door, and stepped down.

Soon he came to the Royal Hotel.

Go into the hall.

Li Zaihua took off his mask and was about to call the lobby manager to ask.

At this time.

A capable woman in her 30s greeted her.

"Hello, Minister Li, I am the Secretary of the Secretary Office of the Future Enterprise Group"

"The president is waiting for you in the restaurant, please follow me!"

To become Xuan Enzhen's secretary, he must be a close confidant.

Li Zaihua did not dare to underestimate the other party.

"I don't know the secretary's name?"

Hear this.

The woman replied politely: "My surname is Jin, you can call me Secretary Jin."

"Hi Secretary Jin, I'm Li Zaihua, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Secretary Jin hurriedly returned the gift.

"Minister Li is serious. I am just a small secretary. I ask you to take care of me."

It didn't take a while.

The two took the elevator to the top floor.

Under the leadership of Secretary Jin.

Li Zaihua came to a box.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Secretary Jin pushed the door open and entered, bowing and saluting.

"President, Minister Li is here."

Li Jae-hwa bypassed Secretary Kim and walked into the room, bowing slightly to Xuan Eun-jung.

"President Xuan, hello!"

Look at the extremely young Attorney General.

Xuan Enzhen couldn't help but see his son in his mind.

The two are equally young, even their own son is a few years older than the other.

But the achievements of the two are very different.

Li Zaihua was able to communicate with him face to face.

As the heir of the future enterprise group, he can only roll around within the group and cannot be alone.

Xuan Enzhen sighed secretly, and then said, "Minister Li, please sit down."

Li Zaihua sat down obediently.

Just sat down.

Xuan Enzhen smiled and said, "I heard that Minister Li doesn't like to talk about things during meals."

Not finished.

Li Zaihua quickly denied it.

"President Xuan, rumors are rumors after all, just listen to it, don't take it seriously."

Xuan Enzhen smiled.

"Whether it's true or not, I'm hungry too, why don't we talk after dinner."

Li Zaihua said calmly: "The guest does as he pleases."

Xuan Enzhen handed over a menu.

"Director Li, just order whatever you want, I'll treat you today!"

"Thank you, President Xuan, then I will be impolite."

Li Zaihua flipped through the menu.

The portion of western food is too small, not enough for him to eat at all.

What's more, time is tight and we can't waste it on eating.

"President Xuan, actually I don't know much about Western food, just give me a set menu A."

Xuan Enzhen glanced at the young minister.

"Secretary Jin, I'll have meal A too."

Secretary Jin nodded, turned and left.

After people leave.

Xuan Enzhen cut to the chase and said, "Minister Li, do you still remember what you told me the day before yesterday?"

Li Zaihua's memory is very good, how could he forget.

"President Xuan, of course I remember."

Having said that, he pretended to hesitate for a moment.

"But before I come to see you again, I received another report letter about Chief Cui this morning!"

Xuan Enzhen frowned.

"Oh, received another report letter?"

Li Zaihua nodded, and then took out two report letters from his pocket.

"This is the report letter I received, please read it!"

Seeing that the young minister handed over the report letter so easily, Xuan Enzhen was a little surprised.

However, she still took the envelope, quickly opened the seal, and took out the report letter inside.

The first one that Xuan Enzhen read was the first one.

The photos of the old dragon and the three phoenixes did not move him.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Xuan Enzhen finally read the two report letters.

She was about to speak.

There was a knock on the door.

Secretary Jin pushed the door open and entered.

A waiter and a chef wheeled a dining cart into the room.

Xuan Enzhen shut her mouth.

After a juggling performance.

The chef put two plates of flaming steaks on the table.

"The flame steak is ready, please take it slowly, both of you."

Xuan Enzhen waited for the flames to go out, raised her knife and fork to eat, and seemed to have forgotten what she was going to say just now.

Li Zaihua also didn't mention this matter, quietly cut a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth.

Since the two had their own affairs in mind, they unconsciously speeded up their meals.

Li Jae-hwa and Xuan Eun-jung finished their lunch in a hurry.

Xuan Enzhen picked up the napkin and wiped her mouth.

Then she winked at her secretary.

Secretary Jin understood, turned and left the room.

See people go.

Li Zaihua put down the knife and fork, and wiped the oil stains around his mouth with a napkin.

Xuan Enzhen said: "Let's continue talking about the topic just now!"

Li Zaihua remained silent.

Xuan Enzhen took a deep look at the young minister.

"Minister Li, I'm curious, why didn't you go to Wu Xianzhu, and why did you come to me instead?"

Li Zaihua opened his mouth and was about to answer.

Xuan Enzhen immediately said again: "Don't tell me, you don't know that Cui Jae-sung belongs to Oh Hyun-soo!"

After answering the phone the day before yesterday, she didn't notice anything unusual at first.

Until later, Xuan Enzhen suddenly realized.

There is no doubt about Li Zaihua's ability, it is impossible not to find out that Cui Jae-sung is his husband's elder brother.

Then the young minister's call must have been done on purpose.

Although being calculated by others made Xuan Enzhen very unhappy.

But at the same time, this incident aroused her curiosity, wanting to see what tricks the other party was playing.

See Xuan Enzhen unceremoniously expose herself.

Li Zaihua stopped pretending.

"Since President Xuan wants to know, I can only tell the truth."

"Cui Jae-sung took a liking to my small business, bullied the small with the big, and troubled me all day long"

"I have no choice but to ask President Xuan for help, and I hope you can help me match it up."

Xuan Enzhen sneered, clearly not believing the words of the young minister.

"Minister Li, it's already this time, why don't you tell the truth?"

Li Zaihua gritted his teeth pretendingly.

"President Xuan, I didn't lie to you in the first half, Cui Zaicheng is indeed looking for trouble for me because of business."

"The reason why you didn't go to President Wu is because the two of you are wearing the same pair of pants, so it's useless even if you meet them!"

Xuan Enzhen curled her lips, thinking to herself, so you know it!

"Minister Li, why do you think I will help you?"

Li Zaihua speaks boldly.

"President Xuan, I believe that the construction of the 2018 Winter Olympic Stadium will make your life in finding a future enterprise group much easier."

"In this case, why not take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

"Choi Jae-sung is Oh Hyun-soo's right-hand man"

"Once something happens to Choi Jae Sung, I believe Oh Hyun Soo will be caught off guard."

"At that time, you may have an opportunity to join the Future Auto Group!"

It sounds nice.

Xuan Enzhen admitted that she was moved.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is good to think about.

Xuan Enzhen is very clear that the future automobile group has long been run by Wu Xianzhu, which is as airtight as the Railcom.

How difficult it is to get involved in the Future Auto Group.

Naturally, she would not deal with Cui Zaicheng for no reason just because of Li Zaihua's mere words.

"Minister Li, what you said sounds nice, but do you believe it yourself?"

Li Zaihua was speechless.

Today's Future Auto Group, relying on the Chinese market, is like a raging fire cooking oil, and its sales are gradually climbing to the peak.

It is a dream to join the Future Auto Group.

"President Hyun, I admit that it is true that we can't shake the future cars, but that doesn't mean we can't do something."

Having said that, he told a terrible truth.

"If Oh Hyun-soo is allowed to continue to grow bigger, it is impossible to say that Future Auto will acquire Future Enterprise in turn."

"To put it bluntly, Future Enterprise was bought by your husband at the cost of his life."

"Don't you want to watch others seize the future enterprise?"

As soon as this word comes out.

An angry look appeared on Xuan Enzhen's face.

The death of her husband was the pain of her life.

Since becoming the chairman of the future enterprise group, no one has dared to expose her scars.

"Shut up, you are so brave, you dare to sow discord!"

Facing Xuan Enzhen's anger.

Li Zaihua was unmoved.

"President Xuan, what I said is the truth, you don't need to be angry"

"Choi Jae-sung, as the Minister of Finance and Economy, is obvious to all about the policy inclination towards the Future Automobile Group"

"But he just turned a blind eye to the future enterprise group, and if things go on like this"

"One goes up and down the other, do you think Oh Hyun Soo will sit obediently and let your son inherit the future business?"


Li Zaihua stared at Xuan Enzhen without squinting, and added another sentence.

"Yes, if you are here, Wu Xianzhu dare not act rashly, but you are not here?"

Hear this.

It was as if a touch of cold water was poured on the head, extinguishing Xuan Enzhen's anger.

She understands her son's virtues very well.

Although the husband's uncle has temporarily kept the future enterprise group, Wu Xianzhu is still eyeing him.

After all, in the eyes of the world, the future enterprise group is the orthodoxy of the Wu family.

Today's most high-quality assets, Future Automobile and Future Heavy Industry, have long been independent.

The remaining dozen or so companies are big and big, but most of them are heavily in debt

Xuan Enzhen was able to maintain the future enterprise group until now, and she was already exhausted, mentally and physically exhausted.

If it were not for the continuation of the construction of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

The council may have to re-propose the return of future cars.

At that time, whether Xuan Enzhen, the president, can continue to be the president is a question.

Not to mention the son inheriting the future conglomerate.

Moreover, the Future Auto Group led by Oh Hyun-soo two years ago successfully acquired the "parent company" Future Construction Company from the creditors.

This made Xuan Enzhen's life even more difficult.

Therefore, this lineage struggle is far from over, and it can even be said that it has just begun.

And in the acquisition of Future Construction two years ago, Cui Jae-sung made great efforts.

It would be a lie to say that Hyun Eun Jung does not hate Choi Jae Sung.

Li Zaihua's words successfully aroused Xuan Enzhen's memories.

Moments from the past flashed through my mind.

Her husband treated Choi Jae-sung well while he was alive.

However, after her husband died, Cui Zaicheng turned his gun to bully orphans and widows.

Coupled with the gradual weakening of the future enterprise group over the years, even members of the Wu family dare to bully their mother and son.

thought here.

Xuan Enzhen's anger rose from her heart.

"Minister Li, are you sure you can win Choi Jae-sung?"

Li Zaihua said confidently: "President Xuan, the report letter in your hand is not a fake, 80.00% of the content in it has no problems"

"As long as you can block Oh Hyun-soo, I guarantee that Choi Jae-sung will never get out of prison again!"

Look at the confident young minister.

Xuan Enzhen thought for a moment.

"How do you want me to help you?"

Li Jae-hwa said fiercely: "I want Oh Hyun-soo to give up Choi Jae-sung personally!"

Xuan Enzhen was stunned.

"What did you say? You want Oh Hyun Soo to give up Choi Jae Sung by himself?"

Li Zaihua resolutely said: "Yes, only in this way, Wu Xianzhu will not doubt me!"

He doesn't want to confront Wu Hyun-soo just yet.

Xuan Enzhen frowned.

"Minister Li, are you going to be too whimsical!"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "As long as President Xuan does what I say, I guarantee that Cui Zaicheng won't even know how he died!"

Xuan Enzhen's brain was spinning at high speed.

"Minister Li, you want to use me as a scapegoat!"

Li Zaihua said lightly: "President Xuan, we all take what we need!"

"If you have the heart, you may not be able to push someone of your own to be the Minister of Finance and Economy"

"At that time, you can learn from the Future Automobile Group and use government policies as much as possible to help future companies out of the predicament!"

These words are very tempting.

But Xuan Enzhen needs to consider gains and losses, and it is impossible to agree easily.

"Minister Lee"

Don't wait for her to finish speaking.

There was a knock on the door.

Secretary Jin pushed the door open and walked in.

"President, the time is up, if you don't start, you will be late."

Xuan Enzhen retracted the words in her mouth and stood up.

"Minister Li, I will consider what you said, and I will contact you when I think about it. Goodbye!"

Say it.

She left without looking back.

Looking at the background of Xuan Enzhen, Li Zaihua's eyes were deep, and he muttered to himself.

"You will definitely find me!"

(End of this chapter)

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