Chapter 820
(Too tired, send a saved manuscript, and fill in the missing ones tomorrow morning.)
The more Song Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was extremely high.

Time came to the second day with apprehension.

It's getting dark.

19:55 in the evening.

Yiyuan Cave.

Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant.

A black car drove into the courtyard.

The waiter stepped forward and opened the door respectfully.

"Minister Li, your guest has arrived!"

"Take me there!"

The waiter turned around and led the way.

Soon the two came to a box.

inside the room.

Zheng Xiqing and Song Zheng sat opposite each other, talking and laughing, showing a harmonious look.

There was a knock on the door.

The shoji door was pushed open.

Song Zheng, who was talking, paused, and turned his gaze to the door.


The door was pushed open.

Under Song Zheng's gaze, Li Zaihua took off his shoes and entered the house.

The waiter took advantage of the situation and closed the shoji door.

Li Zaihua bowed slightly.

"Uncle Zheng, Prosecutor Song, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Looking at the hot newcomer, Song Zheng recognized him at a glance.

"Are you Minister Li Zaihua?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly.

"Prosecutor Song, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me!"

Song Zheng turned his head and looked at Zheng Xiqing with doubtful eyes.

"Senior, is this?"

Zheng Xiqing smiled and said: "Procurator Song, you guessed it right, it is Minister Li who invited you here today!"

Song Zheng's expression darkened.

"Senior, you are going too far!"

It is true that Li Zaihua is a supernova, but Song Zhengye is not easy.

The background of the young minister alone can't scare himself.

Hear this.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Chief Prosecutor Song, don't worry, why don't we sit down and have a good talk!"

Song Zheng frowned.

"Minister Li, we don't seem to have anything to talk about, do we?"

Li Zaihua said unhurriedly: "Chief Prosecutor Song, you and I are both smart people, so why not open the skylight and speak brightly."

"Today's meeting, you should have guessed!"

Song Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately held his breath.

"Minister Li, what do you mean by that!"

Li Zaihua took a deep look at Song Zheng and sat down.

"Prosecutor Song, I'm here for the Busan matter!"


Song Zheng's eyes immediately became sharp.

"Minister Li, you understand your identity!"

Li Zaihua showed disdain, which was fleeting.

"Prosecutor Song, since I dare to invite you to meet, I naturally know what to do next."

Having said that, he asked a question.

"It's Chief Prosecutor Song, are you really not afraid of death?"

Hear this.

Song Zheng and Zheng Xiqing suddenly changed color.

Zheng Xiqing's complexion turned slightly pale.

"Zai Hua, what did you say? Apologize to Chief Prosecutor Song!"

Song Zheng was furious.

"Are you threatening me?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Procurator Song, I am not threatening you, but explaining the facts."

"You should be very clear about how many people were involved in the incident in Busan, and how many people's jobs have been ruined by your investigation."

"Even if I don't come to you today, how long do you think you can live?"

Song Zheng was startled.

"You dare to kill me?"

Zheng Xiqing is numb, and now regrets why he messed up.

Li Zaihua said unabashedly: "Chief Prosecutor Song, it's not that I want to kill you, but they want to kill you."

As he spoke, he pointed to himself.

"And I came today to save you!"

Never seen such a brazen person.

Song Zheng almost couldn't help spitting on the handsome face of the young minister.

It's obvious that you kid is threatening face to face.

He actually wanted to blame others, no wonder he was able to surpass his peers, as expected, he was invincible if he was shameless.

It's a pity that Song Zheng didn't have the guts to speak out.

He had to admit that he was indeed a little worried.

With the in-depth investigation of the Busan smuggling case, more and more evidence has surfaced.

The amount of smuggling detected by the Criminal Department of the Eastern Seoul District Prosecutor alone is as high as hundreds of billions of peninsular dollars.

If converted into U.S. dollars, it is a full billion U.S. dollars.

This sum is enough for countless people to take risks.

"Minister Li, don't scare me, I don't believe anyone dares to attack a chief prosecutor!"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"Prosecutor Song, it's not easy to make money these days, there are desperadoes everywhere."

"Especially in Busan where fish and dragons are mixed up and gangsters run rampant"

"I remember when I went to Busan for the first time, I heard the words from the Chief of the Busan Local Police Department."

"As long as the price is right for the desperadoes in Busan, not to mention congressmen, prosecutors, even the president is ignored."

"It only costs 1000 million peninsular dollars to kill a prosecutor general."

As he spoke, he stared straight at Song Zheng and asked every word.

"You said that the life of a prosecutor is worth 1000 million peninsular dollars, is there any reason?"

A blatant threat.

Song Zheng was in a trance for a while.

"Li Jae-hwa, you"

Don't wait for him to finish.

Li Zaihua said again: "Chief Prosecutor Song, if you ask me to say that 1000 million peninsula dollars is too little, it should be increased to [-] million peninsula dollars!"

Song Zheng was stunned, and soon he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, complaining wildly in his heart.

What is the difference between 1000 million peninsula dollars and [-] million peninsula dollars? In the end, I still have to die.

Just when he was about to fight back.

Li Zaihua smiled.

"Chief Prosecutor Song, just kidding, who dares to kill the Chief Prosecutor these days, don't take it seriously!"

Song Zhenggang wanted to fight back.

At this moment, the young minister jumped out of the encirclement with a flash.

Song Zheng only felt that his heart was stuffy and he couldn't breathe.

Zheng Xiqing on the side suppressed a smile, feeling that Li Zaihua was too hurt.

Song Zheng took a deep breath.

"Minister Li, what exactly do you want to say!"

Li Zaihua smiled and said, "I've heard an old saying in China, those who know the current affairs are brilliant."

"Prosecutor Song, there are some things you can't grasp, why don't you leave the scene as soon as possible, so as not to be implicated!"


Li Zaihua reached into his pocket and took out a check.

"Chief Prosecutor Song, as long as you hold your hand high, I owe you a favor!"

He put the check on the table and pushed it forward slightly.

"This is a Swiss bank promissory note for US$ 100 million, please accept it!"

Big money.

One million U.S. dollars is equivalent to one billion peninsular dollars.

It would be a lie to say that Song Zheng was not moved.

He endured the temptation and pushed the promissory note back to Li Zaihua

"Minister Li, bribe the prosecutor, the crime of knowing the law will be added to the crime."

"Now I pretend I didn't see it, take it back!"

Li Zaihua narrowed his eyes slowly, and a stern look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"How do you say, Chief Prosecutor Song plans to investigate to the end?"

Song Zhengzheng snorted coldly.

"Minister Li, I originally thought you were an upright and righteous prosecutor of the new era."

"It's really not as good as being famous nowadays, you let me down too much"

"It's not speculative, half a sentence is too much, farewell!"

Say it.

Song Zheng got up and left.

However, Li Zaihua did not stop him.

Zheng Xiqing frowned.

"Aren't you going to stop him?"

Li Zaihua said indifferently: "You can't live by committing crimes. He is going to die. Do I want to stop him?"

Zheng Xiqing was startled.

"Zai Hua, don't mess around!"

He thought the young minister was going to kill someone to silence him.

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Uncle Zheng, don't worry, I will not choose this step unless it is absolutely necessary."

"It won't be long before Prosecutor Song will come back obediently!"
at the same time.

Song Zheng left the box angrily.

As he walked towards his car, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to dial a number.

Lee Jae-hwa's appearance was indeed unexpected.

Song Zheng wanted to hurry up and tell someone the news.

It's just that he hasn't had time to dial the number yet.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Song Zheng looked at the caller ID, and it was his subordinate, the head of the criminal department.

He presses the call button.

The anxious voice of the Minister of Criminal Affairs came out.

"Prosecutor, something happened!"

Upon hearing this, Song Zheng immediately asked, "Don't worry, just speak slowly, what's going on?"

But the situation is urgent.

The Minister of Criminal Affairs simply didn't have time to do the same.

"Prosecutor General, the personnel we dispatched to Busan were involved in a car accident while driving to downtown Busan."

"The life and death of the two prosecutors in the car and the three entourage are unknown."

Not finished yet.

Song Zheng's brain exploded with a bang.

It turned out that Li Zaihua was not joking.

Those guys in Busan really dared to do it.

The prosecutor who went to Busan today encountered a car accident, will it be his turn tomorrow?

"Procurator-General, Procurator-General, what's the matter with you, talk?"

Hear someone calling me.

Song Zheng came back to his senses: "I see, you take someone to drive to Busan immediately"

"If the injury is not serious, send it back to Seoul for treatment!"

Then, he exhorted again.

The two ended the call.

Looking at the extinguished screen, Song Zheng's expression was uncertain.

His finger that was originally on the screen retracted unconsciously.

Song Zheng admitted that he was afraid.

Even if the news about Lee Jae-hwa's smuggling in Busan was passed on to that person.

But he can't guarantee that he can survive.

Song Zheng has just leaped over the class and came to the road to the pinnacle of life.

How could he be willing to die like this.

thought here.

Song Zheng thought to himself.

"What a ruthless and merciless peninsula's youngest attorney general!"

He put the phone back into his pocket, turned around and returned to the box.
Inside the box.

Zheng Xiqing is chatting with Li Zaihua.


The shoji door was pulled open.

Song Zheng took off his shoes and walked into the room.

He strode across to the young minister and sat down.

"You won, I'm afraid of death!"

The corner of Li Zaihua's mouth raised slightly, and he pushed the Swiss bank note on the table to Song Zheng again.

This time Song Zheng didn't refuse, he picked up the check in his hand and flicked it lightly.

"100 million US dollars is really a big deal!"

Li Zaihua smiled lightly.

"One million dollars is a small thing."

"As long as Prosecutor Song is willing, he can get 100 million US dollars every year!"

Song Zheng froze in place.

After a long time.

He said, "Minister Li, are you going to recruit me?"

Li Zaihua nodded solemnly.

"The money we earn together!"

When dealing with people like Song Zheng, you can't just be submissive.

The result of being soft will only make it look down upon.

If it hadn't been for Li Zaihua to make a decisive decision and send someone to bribe the investigator of the head of the Criminal Department of the Eastern District Prosecutor in Seoul.

From this, I learned that today the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutor sent additional personnel to Busan to create a car accident and threaten Song Zheng.

Maybe after meeting tonight, they will really attack Song Zheng.

no way.

In case the identity is exposed, there will be countless troubles that will come one after another.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

At that time, only Song Zheng's death can deter some people who are hiding behind the scenes.

But the murder of a chief prosecutor is absolutely earth-shattering on the peninsula.

There will be troubles in the future as well.

It's just that compared to the smuggling business in Busan, the trouble of killing a chief prosecutor is still within the acceptable range.

Song Zheng glanced at Li Zaihua.

"Minister Li, 100 million US dollars per year, this money seems a bit hot!"

Li Zaihua did not answer the question.

"Prosecutor Song, there is something I've been curious about, can you help me out?"

Song Zheng frowned lightly.

"Minister Li, please speak!"

Li Zaihua opened his mouth and asked, "Did the representative of Jin Chengfan cooperate with you?"

Song Zheng froze and opened his mouth slightly.

"How did you know?"

Li Zaihua showed an expression that was exactly as I expected.

"Looks to be true"

Immediately afterwards, he asked another question.

"Representative of Jinchengfan, has he contacted you yet?"

Song Zheng is very smart, otherwise he would not have succeeded Luo Zhenyu as the Chief Prosecutor of the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutor's Office.

No wonder Jin Chengfan suddenly changed his attitude, the original root lies here.

"You convinced Representative Kim?"

Li Zaihua smiled without saying a word, and pointed to the Swiss bank cashier's note in Song Zheng's hand.

Song Zheng suddenly realized.

Money is not everything, but without money nothing is impossible.

"Minister Li, you paid a lot of money to convince Representative Jin, right?"

Li Zaihua reminded: "Procurator Song, knowing too much about some things is not good for you."

Speaking of this, he made another condition that Song Zheng could not refuse.

"Prosecutor Song, as long as you are willing to join"

"I guarantee that after you retire, I will fully support your campaign in Busan!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Song Zheng stood up abruptly, staring closely at the young minister in front of him.

"Are you serious?"

Li Zaihua said decisively: "Prosecutor Song, the business in Busan needs an umbrella, and supporting you is protecting yourself!"

Song Zheng swallowed.

Member of Congress is his dream position.

The reason why he does so much is to become a member of Congress after retirement.

"Minister Li, since you are so sincere, how can I not be ignorant?"

Song Zheng folded the Swiss bank check and put it in his pocket.

"As long as I ensure my election success, I am willing to join you!"

Li Zaihua smiled and said, "Prosecutor Song, believe me, you will not regret today's decision!"

The voice fell.

Zheng Xiqing had a strange expression on his face, the young minister seemed to have said this to himself.

Listen to Lee Jae-hwa's promise.

Song Zheng's attitude became gentle.

At the same time, you have to do things after you have received the money.

"Minister Li, after talking for so long, you really want to know who is dealing with you behind your back?"

Li Zaihua didn't hide it either.

"That's right!"

Song Zheng simply betrayed the mastermind behind the whole incident.

"Minister of Finance and Economy, Choi Jae-sung!"

The word 'Cui Jae-sung' comes out.

Zheng Xiqing immediately widened his eyes.

Li Zaihua seemed to have expected it a long time ago and was not surprised.

"Prosecutor Song, I still want to know when Cui Zaicheng noticed Busan?"

Song Zheng replied: "Minister Li, you think of Busan smuggling business too simply."

"How could the smuggling business in Busan be done without the participation of big names in Seoul, apart from the local dignitaries and the five-star faction?"

"Before you made a fuss, someone protected you, but no one paid attention to it for the time being."

"But then the business grew bigger and bigger."

"Today it has accounted for one-fifth of the smuggling business in Busan"

"Would you have given away the money in your wallet to others?"

Li Zaihua continued to ask thoughtfully, "Besides Cui Jae-sung, who else?"

Song Zheng thought about it.

"I don't know much, I can write my name to you!"

See the other party cooperate so much.

Lee Jae-hwa shows his sincerity.

"Thank you Chief Prosecutor Song. Before the whole matter is resolved, you can use the car accident to temporarily suspend the investigation!"

Song Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He has already made plans to turn his face against Cui Jaecheng.

Listening to the young minister's words now, the whole person immediately felt much more relaxed, and he couldn't help feeling grateful.

"Thank you Minister Li, come to me if you need anything in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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