Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 817 Propagation (joint chapter)

Chapter 817 Spreading the Word (Joint Chapter)
(I want to go to bed early today, and make up for the less tomorrow.)
the other side.

Park Haoyu returned to the office.

He sat in a chair and thought for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Li Zaihua had already said it clearly, how could he not be ignorant.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

A man's voice came out.

"Prosecutor Park, what's the matter?"

The person who spoke was Park Changhuan's assistant officer.

Park Haoyu said without hesitation: "Assistant Qian, does father have time now?"

Assistant Qian was silent for a while.

"Members are attending a meeting and cannot leave for a short time"

"I don't know what's wrong with Prosecutor Park, can I help?"

Park Haoyu said in a deep voice: "I have something urgent to see my father, please spare me some time at noon!"

Listen to the tone of the prosecutor on the other side of the phone.

Assistant Officer Qian hesitated for a moment.

"Prosecutor Park, after the meeting is over, I'll ask for you and try to spare time!"

Although it's not easy to say, the assistant officer is the servant of the councilor.

But the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

A good assistant officer is equivalent to an ancient master.

They make suggestions and are an indispensable right-hand man for the parliamentarians.

Even sometimes, the assistant officer can represent the will of the councilor.

This is why the assistant officer holds many employer's secrets.

Therefore, the position of the assistant officer should not be underestimated.

Park Haoyu did not dare to underestimate his father's assistant officer.

"Okay, please!"

"Where is Prosecutor Park, this is what I should do!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.
the other side.


House of Parliament.

A conference room.

More than a dozen congressmen gathered together, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

A group of people is divided into two factions, quarreling with each other, no one will let the other.

Assistant Officer Qian gently pushed the door open and entered, ignoring the surrounding environment.

He came to Park Changhuan's side, bowed his head and whispered.

"Member, Prosecutor Park called just now"

"He seems to be looking for you urgently. I hope that the congressman will spare some time at noon."

Pu Changhuan frowned, and swallowed the cursing words back into his stomach.

He turned his head and asked softly, "Did Haoyu say something?"

Assistant Qian shook his head.

"I didn't say anything, but his tone seemed to be in a hurry."

Park Changhuan thought about it.

"Call Haoyu later and ask him to go to the place where we have dinner!"

Assistant Officer Qian nodded, said nothing, and retreated to his seat.

Democracy is a joke to some people.

Today's meeting is nothing more than an ordinary motion discussion.

However, it is such an ordinary meeting. It has been discussed for half a month, but there has been no progress.

Twelve members of parliament kept arguing only for their own interests, and even opposed for the sake of opposition.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

One breaks the ice.

Park Changhuan said, "Okay, let's all be quiet for a while!"

"However we continue to discuss, there will still be no results."

"Why don't we all calm down first, go out to have some dinner, and come back in the afternoon to discuss it?"

Heard to eat.

The MPs' eyes lit up.

After arguing all morning, I was tired and thirsty, so I just took the opportunity to eat and rest.

Councilor A echoed: "Mr. Park is right, eat first, and it's not too late to discuss after dinner."

We are not fools.

Park Changhuan said again: "I have already booked a restaurant outside, today I will treat you!"

Partisanship is true.

It doesn't mean that MPs are enemies in private as well.

Everyone quarrels only for their own interests.

Members of Parliament are also human beings, so it is inevitable to ask others for help.

So don't watch MPs fight each other in Congress.

In fact, the relationship between most of the congressmen is not bad, and there are not a few people who drink and entertain together after work.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be photographed by reporters.

Members of Parliament did not reject Park Chang-hwan's proposal.

Councilor B smiled and said, "Thank you, Councilor Park, I'm sorry!"

Someone takes the lead.

Naturally, the others would not object, and one by one readily agreed.

MPs have to appear approachable.

It is the basic rule for members of parliament to eat in ordinary restaurants when gathering at noon.


A soup restaurant.

Members of Congress walk into the restaurant.

The boss who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward to greet him immediately.

Seeing this, Assistant Officer Qian said, "Boss, is the meal I ordered in advance ready?"

The boss nodded.

"It's ready, everyone, please follow me!"

Under the leadership of the boss.

A group of people came to a large table on the right side of the restaurant.

Lunch is not too rich, one serving of ginseng chicken soup, plus side dishes.

MPs are just seated.

Assistant Officer Qian leaned into his senator's ear and said, "Member, Prosecutor Park is here."

Park Chang-hwan nodded.

"Everyone, I'll make a call back, let's eat first."

The MPs nodded.

A bowl of ginseng chicken soup doesn't cost much, no one thinks that Park Changhuan is buying people's hearts.

"Well, Senator Park, go slowly!"


Members of Parliament began to chat in whispers again.

Get out of the soup restaurant.

Park Changhuan saw his son not far away.

Park Haoyu trotted away.

See the oncoming son.

Park Changhuan immediately said: "Let's talk in the car!"

It didn't take a while.

The two got into a black car.

Just sat down.

Park Haoyu couldn't wait to say: "Father, the thing is like this"


He relayed to his father exactly what Li Zaihua said to him this morning.

The voice fell.

Pu Changhuan frowned thoughtfully.

Most of those who can be members of Congress are the best of the best.

Park Changhuan is one of the best.

He knew very well that what Li Zaihua said was not for Park Haoyu, but for himself.

But there is something strange.

The New Party and Justice Democratic Party are bitter rivals.

Shouldn't Li Zaihua catch Quanzhenguo's handle to the death?

There is a son who is in the fourth department of special search, how can Park Changhuan be hidden from the wild dog gang.

Of course, he could guess that the two were related, and it was inseparable from the fact that Quan Zhenguo came to question him out of nowhere.

Obviously already stepped on the mouse's tail, but he didn't make a move.

For a moment, Park Changhuan couldn't figure out Li Zaihua's intention.

See father does not speak.

Park Haoyu asked cautiously: "Father, what do you think of?"

Park Changhuan came back to his senses and glared at his son.

"Why do you know so much!"

The truth is, he also failed to guess the young minister's true intentions.

Pu Haoyu curled his lips, and said nothing if he didn't say it, why are you so fierce!
"Father, I'll bring the minister's words. I'm so hungry, I'll go eat first."

Park Changhuan didn't ask his son to go in for dinner.

“A western restaurant just opened nearby”

Having said that, he looked at his assistant officer.

"Assistant Qian, you accompany Haoyu to dinner, and the money will be on my account!"

Assistant Qian nodded.

"Good congressman, I will take good care of Prosecutor Park."

Park Changhuan didn't stay any longer, pushed the door and stepped out of the car.

Soon he returned to the soup restaurant.

At this time, the MPs had already started eating.

Park Changhuan apologized while sitting cross-legged.

"Sorry, I was fascinated by the gossip just now!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Members could not help pricking up their ears.

Say what MPs like best.

Bear the brunt of the ubiquitous gossip and scandal.

Regardless of whether there is such a thing, it can always be used to attack the opponent.

Member A is interested.

"Mr. Park, what's the news, let's hear it!"

Park Changhuan deliberately looked left and right, and finally showed a mysterious expression.

"I told you, don't tell anyone else!"

Hear this.

The MPs put down their spoons and pricked up their ears attentively.

Park Chang-hwan cleared his throat: "Everyone must have watched the KBS Evening Gold News the night before yesterday."

"I don't know if you have any impressions of "Beast Hunting", which was specially searched by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office?"

Councilor A frowned.

He remembered that Park Chang-hwan's son seemed to be working in the Special Search Division [-] of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. Could there be an inside story?

The rest of the MPs were also aware of this.

Senator B licked his lips.

"Mr. Park, I remember that your son works in Tesou No. [-]. Did he tell you something inside?"

Park Changhuan pretended to be surprised.

"Don't talk nonsense, if this gets out, my son will be in trouble!"

Councilor B hurriedly patted his mouth.

"Mr. Park, I'm sorry, look at my mouth!"

Park Chang-hwan waved his hand.

"Forget it, pay attention later."

Councilor B smiled pretending to be sorry.

"Mr. Park, tell me what's going on?"

Park Changhuan waved to everyone.

The MPs stretched out their necks like turtles.

Park Changhuan lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the wild dog gang seems to be the black gloves of some congressmen!"

This is huge gossip.

Councilor A hurriedly asked: "How is it? Did Tesou No. [-] find out who it was?"

Park Changhuan shook his head.

MP Katon was disappointed.

However, the twists and turns.

Park Changhuan said again: "Although I don't know who that person is"

"However, the fourth special search department has already grasped the whereabouts of Jin Yingzhu, the leader of the wild dog gang."

"I believe it won't be long before we know who it is!"

The look of schadenfreude in the eyes of the congressmen was fleeting.

After all, if a member of Congress has an accident, it is always a shame for everyone.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Park Changhuan instantly returned to normal.

"Okay, that's all for the gossip, everyone, don't tell it!"

The MPs looked at each other.

Councilor A said: "President Park, don't worry, we won't talk nonsense!"

A look of disdain flashed in Pu Changhuan's eyes, and he thought to himself.

If you guys can control your mouths, I will pee upside down.

"Of course I trust everyone, come and eat, otherwise it will be cold later!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

After dinner.

The lawmakers returned to the Capitol in a limousine and waited until the lunch break was over before continuing the meeting.

in one of the offices.

Councilor A and Councilor B get together.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

A staff member came into the room with two cups of tea.

"Members, please use your tea slowly."

Congressman A nodded: "Okay, you go out!"

The staff turned and left.

After people leave.

Councilor A took a sip of tea, and immediately said, "What do you think of what Park Changhuan just said?"

Councilor B sneered.

"What do you think, I just want to use you and me!"

Councilor A agreed and said: "That's right, that old boy Pu Changhuan is uneasy and kind!"

Say it.

He took a deep look at Member B.

"But, this thing is fun!"

Member B came to the spirit.

"Tell me!"

Congressman A pointed out: "Do you still remember who is the Minister of the Fourth Department of Special Search?"

Member B was taken aback.

"You mean Park Chang-hwan and Lee Jae-hwa got mixed up?"

Councilor A snapped his fingers.


"You should understand now why Park Changhuan told us!"

Member B was a little surprised.

"It seems that Li Zaihua wants to pass the news to someone!"

Councilor A smiled: "That's right, and this person is not simple, otherwise you don't need to spend a lot of trouble!"

Councilor B rolled his eyes.

"Then tell me, should we help?"

Member A thinks about it for a while.

"Li Zaihua is also our party's super star of tomorrow, so it's only natural to help him!"

Councilor B smiled.

"Stop bragging, I think you want to sell Li Zaihua a favor!"

Congressman A and Congressman B are members of the Justice Democratic Party.

Councilor A calmly said: "You still talk about me, you probably think the same as me!"

Member B smiled and said nothing, which was enough to express his answer.

It has to be said that Li Zaihua is so dazzling that he almost covers up the light of his peers.

Once such a person resigns and enters the altar, he will surely soar into the sky.

And Li Jae-hwa is too young.

They may not be able to use the favor of the young minister, but it does not mean that future generations will not be able to use it either.

thought here.

Councilor A and Councilor B smiled at each other, and took out their phones at the same time.
18:10 PM.

House of Parliament.

The door to a meeting room is open.

As expected, Park Chang-hwan and others failed to reach an agreement.
at the same time.

In another MP's office.

Quan Zhenguo sat on the sofa, listening to the report of his assistant officer.

Shortly after.

Dense cold sweat oozed from Quan Zhenguo's forehead.

"What do people outside really say?"

The assistant officer said bluntly: "Member, I have confirmed it again and again!"

Quan Zhenguo stood up abruptly and paced back and forth in the room.

After a few minutes.

He stopped.

"Where did the news come from?"

The assistant officer replied: "I don't know for the time being, it suddenly appeared in the afternoon!"

The person behind the scenes could not be found, and the news spread throughout the Capitol in a very short period of time.

Anyone who saw it knew there was a conspiracy.

"Check it out for me!"

Quanzhenguo's face was cloudy and uncertain.

"No matter what method you use, you must find this person out for me!"

Members of Parliament and Assistant Officers are both prosperous and detrimental.

The assistant official said solemnly: "Please rest assured, please give me three days, and I will definitely find him!"

Quanzhenguo's expression sank.

"Three days? The day lily is cold for three days!"

"What if Jin Yingzhu is arrested by the Tesou Fourth Department in these three days?"

It is impossible for him to pin his hopes on the person who spread the news.

Quan Zhengguo's mind was spinning at high speed.

"By the way, I remember Li Jae-hwa from Tesou No. [-]. He used to be Han Jiangzhi's subordinate, right?"

The assistant officer thought for a moment.

"Yes, I have read Li Zaihua's information."

"The young minister was in the criminal department at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office."

"And the Minister of Criminal Affairs at that time happened to be Han Jiangzhi, the second chief of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office!"

The whole country cannot let the news spread.

He gritted his teeth, treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

no way.

Who is Li Zaihua is the super star of the Justice Democratic Party.

If it were someone else from the Justice Democratic Party, the whole country wouldn't need to be in such a mess.

"Call Han Jiangzhi!"

The assistant officer guessed what his congressman was thinking, and took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

Then he handed the phone to Quan Zhenguo.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Han Jiangzhi's voice came out.

"Member Quan, what can I do for you?"

Quan Zhengguo said shyly, "Deputy Chief Han, I'm sorry for what happened last time."

"I wonder if you have time tonight, let's sit down and talk!"

Han Jiangzhi was taken aback, unexpectedly, in just one day, Li Zaihua's strategy had already worked.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a deep fear of this former subordinate.

Han Jiangzhi still remembered the young minister's instructions.

"Member Quan, I'm sorry, I've been very busy these days and I don't have time for now. Let's make an appointment another day!"

Quan Zhenguo asked: "Deputy Chief Han, don't, what is the next day?"

Han Jiangzhi sneered secretly.

You also have today in Quanzhenguo.

"Member Quan, I really don't have time recently, how about calling you when I am free?"

Quan Zhenguo frowned, and was about to speak.

A voice came from the phone.

"Member Quan, I'm sorry, the Attorney General has something to do with me, so I hang up first, that's all!"

Looking at the blacked out phone screen.

The whole country was burning with anger, but there was nothing they could do, only incompetent and furious, and uttered harsh words.

"Han Jiangzhi, you wait for me!"

The assistant officer on the side saw that his congressman was angry, and quickly appeased him.

"Member, please calm down, now is not the time to act impulsively!"

Quanzhenguo is not an idiot, otherwise how would it be possible to get to where it is today.

Through the conversation just now, he thinks Han Jiangzhi should know something.

Or, Han Jiangzhi asked someone to release this news?

Think about it.

Quan Zhenguo told his assistant to his guess.

After listening.

The assistant officer combined with some previous things, and instantly figured everything out.

"Member Quan, I can 100% guarantee that the whole thing was definitely caused by Han Jiangzhi!"

“How come you see?”

The assistant officer replied: "You forgot, Han Jiangzhi has the handle to deal with you and the wild dog gang!"

Quan Zhenguo suddenly realized why he had forgotten such an important matter.

The assistant officer said again: "Member, even if we know that Han Jiangzhi did it, we have no choice but to sit and wait!"

Killing is easy.

But killing a deputy head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office is another matter.

Quan Zhenguo sighed: "What should we do?"

The assistant officer secretly rolled his eyes, knowing why he should have done it today.

When Han Jiangzhi presented evidence for the first time, he persuaded the whole country to put the overall situation first.

It's a pity that Quanzhenguo didn't listen, and now it's causing big trouble.

The assistant officer took a deep breath.

"Member, at this time, we can't be in a hurry, just say 'wait'!"

Quan Zhenguo was about to curse.

After thinking about it, what the assistant officer said was very correct.

He slumped on the sofa and said weakly:

"Do as you say!"

Seeing Quanzhenguo's distressed appearance like a bereaved dog.

The assistant counseled: "Member, things are not as bad as we imagined."

"Han Jiangzhi's game is nothing more than asking for something"

"At the worst, we will do whatever Han Jiangzhi says."

"He can't really investigate you!"

This was a wake-up call for Quanzhenguo.

there is always a solution to a problem.

"You're right, that's all I have to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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