Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 789 Planning the Wild Dog Gang (3)

Chapter 789 Planning the Wild Dog Gang ([-])

(I originally wanted to write a joint chapter, but my hands were frozen when I woke up in the morning.)
Two days have passed since the meeting with Zhu Yongshun.

18:35 in the evening.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua was clearing the table and preparing to leave work.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the anonymous mobile phone and pressed the call button.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.


Li Zaihua's eyes lit up: "How about it, did you succeed?"

"Boss, it's done!"

Liang Wuxing said with a relaxed face: "I'm afraid we made a mistake this time!"

Li Zaihua was startled.

"what's up?"

Liang Wuxing smiled and said, "Min Eun-hyuk's son was set up by someone, but it wasn't done by local gangsters in Las Vegas."

"It's about four low-level punks who rely on themselves to be in the United States and want to fish in troubled waters"

"Now that the money has been brought back, I have also made a video according to your instructions, and I will be able to return to the peninsula in about half a month."

Crackling, he briefly talked about his experience in the United States.

Li Zaihua was a little surprised, he didn't expect the plot to develop like this.

But just right, a false alarm.

Unless he had to, he didn't want to go head-to-head with the gangs in Las Vegas.

"Wu Xing, you've done a good job, stay safe and return to the peninsula as soon as possible!"

"Thank you boss for your concern, we will rush back as soon as possible!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua put down his phone, thoughtful.

Now that there is evidence of Min Eunhyuk's son's murder, it will be much easier to pinpoint this Zhongyang Police Chief in the future.

thought here.

Li Zaihua picked up the mobile phone on the desk and dialed the number.

He wanted to tell Min Eunhyuk the good news.
the other side.

Zhongyang Police Office.

top layer.

Chief's office.

Min Eunhyuk sat on the sofa with a haggard face.

In the past few days, he has been annoyed to death by the women at home.

At the same time, I worry about my son every day, for fear of accidents, but I am too embarrassed to call to ask about the situation.

There is no way, I personally ask others for help, and call every day, isn't it saying that I don't trust them.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Min Eunhyuk picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, and immediately pressed the call button with lightning speed.

Li Zaihua's beautiful voice came out.

"Mr. Min, wait for a long time!"

Min Eunhyuk's lips moved slightly, not knowing what to say, and finally turned it into one sentence.

"Minister Li, is there any news!"

"Yes, and good news"

Li Zaihua congratulated: "Congratulations to Mr. Min for fulfilling his wish. In half a month, your son will be able to return to the peninsula safe and sound!"

Min Eunhyuk first showed joy, then was surprised.

"Minister Li, why does it take half a month?"

Li Zaihua half-truthfully said: "I encountered a little trouble in Las Vegas, and your son accidentally exposed it, so I can only come back by sea."

As for Min Eunhyuk's belief or not, that's none of his business.

But that's it.

Min Eunhyuk had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

Although he has some doubts in his heart, it is good to know some things in his heart, and he must not say them out.

Min Eunhyuk pretended to be grateful and said: "Thank you, Minister Li, my son who is not up to date, please!"

"Don't worry, Chief Min, I promise you won't shed a single hair."


Min Eunhyuk seemed to have lifted a layer of shackles, the worries of many days dissipated, and his whole body was much more energetic.

"Minister Li, in order to express our gratitude, why don't we have dinner together tonight."

Li Zaihua has something to do.

"Mr. Min, I've been too busy these days, let's try another day!"

Min Eunhyuk didn't force it either.

"Well, why not just wait for my son to come back, and I'll take him to treat you to dinner, and thank you in person by the way."
the other side.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua put down his phone.

Min Eun Hyuk's matter is settled.

Now only the wild dog gang is left. I don't know how Zhu Yongshun is preparing.

Just when he was about to pick up the number he dialed on his anonymous phone.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua followed the trend and looked at the caller ID, which was Zhu Yongshun's phone.

He immediately pressed the call button.

Zhu Yongshun's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said calmly: "How is the matter going?"

Zhu Yongshun replied: "According to the boss's order, I contacted Yang Dongzhe through an intermediary."

"It's just that the guy was very cautious, the number of first trades was small, and Yang Dongzhe didn't show up in person"

Soon he will talk about the transaction with Yang Dongzhe in detail.

After listening.

Li Zaihua pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think you can do to attract Yang Dongzhe to make a deal in person?"

Zhu Yongshun thought about this problem early on.

"There are two ways"

"First, increase the quantity until Yang Dongxu can't resist."

"Second, I will personally go out and ask Yang Dongzhe to come out and talk. I believe that in my capacity, he will not doubt it."

"Other than that, I can't think of any other way for now!"

The voice fell.

Li Zaihua licked his lips.

"It's a consensus that the Jinmen faction doesn't do business in quilting products. If you come forward in person, it will be difficult to deal with it if it is exposed."

When he rolled his eyes, he suddenly had an idea.

"Yongshun, who is the scapegoat you are looking for?"

Zhu Yongshun didn't know why, but he still replied: "A drug addict with a little background."

Li Zaihua found a breakthrough.

"Yongshun, this is where you made a mistake. How could a mere junkie lure out the No. [-] member of the Wild Dog Gang?"

"You go to the leader of a first-class gang, and let him take the initiative to ask Yang Dongxu to come out for a deal through cooperation."

"After it's done, just keep silent and you won't be found."

Zhu Yongshun nodded frequently.

He thought to himself, no wonder his boss can get to where he is today, how does his brain grow.

At the same time, he secretly blamed himself for not thinking of such a simple solution.

"Thank you boss for your advice, I know what to do!"

On the other side of the phone, Zhu Yongshun seemed confident.

This discovery made Li Zaihua have to give a few words of advice.

"Yongshun, be careful what you do, try to keep this matter to the smallest extent, otherwise it will be extremely easy to be exposed."

"In addition, when you choose to replace the dead ghost, it is best to find the kind of widowed and lonely, and the gang status is very high."

"Only people who know this can win the trust of Yang Dongxu and make him come forward in person, understand!"

Say it.

Zhu Yongshun was excited, and said solemnly: "I understand the boss, I know what to do!"

Li Zaihua continued to exhort.

"Remember, this matter cannot be delayed, you must finish it as soon as possible."

"Now the wild dog gang is getting bigger and bigger, and I'm afraid that if it continues, it may alarm Qingwatai."

"At that time, the Wild Dog Gang will definitely die down, and I don't know how long it will take to find Yang Dongxu to get the goods."

"So you don't have much time, don't let me down!"

Zhu Yongshun's expression straightened.

"Boss, don't worry, within a week at the latest, I will definitely be able to ask Yang Dongzhe out!"

(End of this chapter)

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