Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 787 Meet Ding Qing and Han Jiangzhi

Chapter 787 Meet Ding Qing and Han Jiangzhi

Min Eun-hyuk left.

Out of trust in Li Zaihua.

Min Eun-hyuk did not take the $2000 million in cash.

Li Zaihua easily put four bags of cash into the trunk and drove away.
At 22:13 that night.

Jongno District.

Pay cave.

Inside the study.

Sitting behind the desk, Li Zaihua took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Ding Qing's slightly drunken voice came out.


Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Third Brother, I want to see you at "New World Casino" at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Listening to the heavy tone of the man on the other side of the phone.

Ding Qing straightened his expression, and the little wine he drank at the banquet tonight dissipated in an instant.

"Okay boss, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"
The next day.

9:59 am.

An unassuming gray sedan pulled into the underground parking lot.

Ding Qing and several bodyguards have been waiting for a long time.

Li Zaihua wore a mask and pointed to the trunk at the rear of the car.

"Third brother, there is something behind, help me take it out!"

Ding Qing waved his hand when he heard the words.

Several bodyguards immediately came to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the four travel bags inside.


Li Zaihua strode towards the elevator in stride.

It didn't take a while.

A group of people came to "New World Casino".

Inside the President's Office.

Several bodyguards put the bag down.

Li Zaihua immediately said: "Okay, you guys go out!"

They are Ding Qing's confidantes, so they naturally know the background of the young minister.

Several people obediently left the room.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua pointed to the four travel bags on the ground and said, "Third brother, open it and have a look!"

Ding Qing frowned, but still unzipped the bag as his boss said.

It's just that when stacks of brand-new, green hundred-dollar bills exuding the smell of ink come into view.

He froze immediately and swallowed unconsciously.

Although as the manager of the New World Casino, he has a lot of money.

You can visually inspect the four bags in front of you, and each bag contains at least a few million dollars.

With tens of millions of dollars in cash here, how many people in the world are not tempted.

Ding Qing took a deep breath: "Boss, what is this money?"

face inquiries.

Li Jae-hwa told the truth: "This is Min Eun-hyuk, Chief of Zhongyang Police Department, the money to buy his son's life!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Ding Qing was dumbfounded, and spoke for a while.

After a long time.

He regained his composure, and said cautiously: "Boss, are you joking? This joke is not funny!"

No matter what Min Eunhyuk said, he was the chief of the Zhongyang Police Department. If he really wanted to kill the other party's son, the two parties would definitely die.

If you do that, the first unlucky person will be yourself.

Ding Qing never wants to see the foundation he created with great difficulty be ruined.

Seeing Ding Qing's frightened look.

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "Okay, I'm not joking with you, but this is indeed money for life"

"It's the way it is."

Crackling, he told how Min Eun-hyuk's son was scammed for $2000 million in Las Vegas.

Ding Qing frowned.

He did similar things when he was managing an underground casino.

But those people's methods are extremely clumsy, and I have long since stopped playing.

Las Vegas is not a good place, but the prosperity on the surface is secretly piled up one after another.

After thinking about it, Ding Qing tentatively said: "Boss, do you want to?"

Don't wait for him to finish.

Li Zaihua nodded straightly: "That's right, just as you thought, I need you to bring the money to Las Vegas!"

Ding Qing was startled.

"Boss, I"

Li Zaihua waved his hand: "Third brother, don't worry, you just send the money to Las Vegas, and you don't need to do anything else!"

Then, he took out a white note from his pocket.

"President Liang has already left for Las Vegas ahead of schedule, your task is to hand over the money to him"

Having said that, Li Zaihua paused for a while.

"Actually, I didn't need you to go, but Chief Min He called the name, so I can only trouble you to make a trip!"

Hear the explanation.

Ding Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

If you just send money, there is really no danger.

As for how to send money abroad, it's actually quite simple.

Just take a private jet, bribe the airport security personnel, and land at a private airport in the United States.

In an instant, he had already figured out how to transport the money to the United States.

"Okay boss, I know how to do it!"

Li Zaihua said again: "Those guys give Chief Min three days, and you have to leave every day at the latest!"

Ding Qing frowned lightly.

"Boss, time is a bit tight, but it's not a big problem"

"Don't worry, you should be able to leave for the United States tomorrow night at the latest!"

As the president of the largest underworld force in Seoul, it is not difficult for him to borrow a private jet and buy through the security check.

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Well, I'll put the money here, and leave the rest to you!"

Ding Qing was about to agree, when he seemed to think of something.

"Boss, you should take the money away!"

Li Zaihua frowned.


Ding Qing smiled bitterly: "Boss, this is 2000 million US dollars in cash. Not everyone can be as unmoved as you are."

"Just put it here, I'm afraid someone will take a risk!"

Li Zaihua licked his lips and had nothing to say, because it was the truth.

Even Bian Guanghao chose to go out in person regardless of the danger for the same reason.

He may not like 2000 million US dollars, but others may not be sure.

"Well, what to do, call me before you leave tomorrow, and I will take the money to the airport!"

Ding Qing put forward another condition.

"Boss, it's not enough to just take it to the airport, you have to ask President Liang to pick me up!"

Li Zaihua rolled his eyes, and immediately understood what the other party was up to.

But his original intention was just to let Ding Qing send the money to the United States.

If it weren't for his lack of skills, it would be easier to simply put the money in the space backpack and take the trigger to go directly to the United States.

"Well, do as you say!"

ten minutes later.

Underground Parking Lot.

Several bodyguards returned the travel bag to the trunk.

Li Zaihua drove away.

Looking at the gray car in the distance.

Ding Qing turned around and went straight to the elevator without looking back.
11:21 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua sat on a chair, thinking about what just happened.

Through talking to Ding Qing.

He analyzed that the gangster who used to be desperate for his life actually started to cherish his life.

This matter is absolutely beneficial and harmless to the young minister.

The knock on the door interrupted Li Zaihua's thoughts.

"Come in!"

Wen Jinghao pushed the door open and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.


"Is there a problem?"

Wen Jinghao said bluntly: "There is new news from the Wild Dog Gang!"

Li Zaihua became interested.

"Oh, any good news?"

Wen Jinghao handed over the portfolio with both hands respectfully.

"Minister, this is given to you by Team Leader Huang, please have a look!"

Li Zaihua took the bag, unsealed it, and asked questions.

"Group leader Huang, did he say anything else?"

Wen Jinghao replied: "Group Leader Huang said that the wild dog gang has become more and more violent in recent days, and it is no longer limited to its own territory."

"Just last night, the Wild Dog Gang had the biggest gang conflict with the White Tiger Faction in the past five years."

"I heard that more than ten people were killed or injured that night, and there are many witnesses."

Team leader Huang took the initiative to investigate the task of the wild dog gang, and was preparing to find witnesses to record statements.

Once there is progress, the next step can be planned.

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

It seems that the matter of the Wild Dog Gang is coming to an end, and it's time for him to act.

Before that, Li Zicheng must first catch Yang Dongzhe and get Han Jiangzhi's handle.

Although Min Eunhyuk handed over the information of Han Jiangzhi in his ghost database.

But the young minister speculated that the so-called records in the ghost database would not record the real names of these people at all.

After all, the original intention of the ghost database was to protect itself, not to kill.

If you label your real name, you can imagine what the consequences will be, and 100% attack them together.

At that time, the position of Chief of the Zhongyang Police Department was not only not a favorite, but it seemed to be on fire, and there was a risk of being cooked at any time.

After listening to the report of the subordinates.

Li Zaihua waved his hand: "Well, I see, you go out!"

Wen Jinghao bowed again, turned and left.

Follow the subordinates out of the room.

Li Zaihua began to look through the documents in his hand.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Li Zaihua threw the document away, and he knew the situation of the Wild Dog Gang very clearly recently.

As expected.

With the addition of those small gangs, Jin Yingzhu's ambitions expanded rapidly.

He is no longer satisfied with the status quo that the Wild Dog Gang is only a second-rate helper, and plans to step on the White Tiger to send him to the top.

It's a pity that the White Tiger faction is also a veteran first-class gang in Seoul, otherwise how could it survive for more than 20 years.

Judging from the information sent by Huang Zhengmin, Li Zaihua felt that Kim Yingzhu seemed to have found a new backer.

the reason is simple.

Han Jiangzhi alone is not enough to make Jin Yingzhu so crazy, even reckless.

Then there is only one possibility left.

Jin Yingzhu found a stronger backer than Han Jiangzhi.

Think here.

Li Zaihua touched the tip of his nose, and couldn't help but think to himself, will he catch a big fish this time?
at the same time.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Office of the Second Chief.

Originally, Han Jiangzhi was already troubled enough because of the director of the Procuratorate Research Institute.

Who would have thought that that lunatic Jin Yingzhu would make such a big deal while he was not paying attention.

Han Jiangzhi gritted his teeth, took out an unregistered mobile phone from the drawer and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Jin Yingzhu's slightly hoarse voice came out.

"Deputy Chief Han, why are you calling me when you have time?"

Han Jiangzhi suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "President Jin, I am not calling, are you going to heaven!"

Jin Yingzhu pretended to be confused.

"Deputy Chief Han, I don't understand what you mean!"

Han Jiangzhi finally couldn't suppress his anger.

He has already noticed that behind the sudden rise of the Wild Dog Gang, there is an invisible behind-the-scenes manipulator.

A figure flashed in Han Jiangzhi's mind.

"Jin Yingzhu, you know what you do yourself."

"I'm calling today to warn you, you'd better stop quickly."

"Otherwise, even I can't keep you!"

(End of this chapter)

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