Chapter 763
It doesn't matter whether Jin Zhenzhen has worked hard or not.

Now it is no longer important to Lee Jae-hwa.

He picked up the handset and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Wu Zhangxun's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Zhang Xun, come to my office."

"Alright minister, I'll be right there!"

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Wu Zhangxun pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed quickly.

"Minister, are you looking for me?"

Li Zaihua pointed to the sofa.

"Sit down and talk."

Wu Zhangxun sat on the sofa obediently.

Li Zaihua followed closely behind and sat down.

The two just sat down.

Li Zaihua said with a serious face: "Zhang Xun, I called you, I have something to tell you!"

Wu Zhangxun's heart tightened.

"Minister, is it my transfer?"

Li Zaihua didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "That's right, I had a meal with Minister Jin at noon today, and we talked about you."

"There are two choices in front of you at the moment"

"Either wait another year, when someone will be transferred from the Seoul Central District Court, you can directly fill the seat."

"Either go to the Grand Court to work for one year, wait for that person to transfer after one year, and make up for it"

Crackling, he briefly introduced the matter.

Then Li Zaihua closed his mouth and quietly waited for the other party's reply.

Wu Zhangxun fell into deep thought.

Personally, he feels that there is not much difference between the two options.

If it is the kind that has worked in the court for more than ten years and sees no hope, transferring to the Grand Court is undoubtedly the best choice.

Normally, a year is not a long time.

But for a judge or a prosecutor, every year counts.

What Wu Zhangxun is most afraid of is that the Supreme Court may not have a suitable position for him.

If so, going to the Grand Court will have to endure the comments in the annual assessment.

No one is happy to waste a year in exchange for an ordinary comment.

Wu Zhangxun licked his lips, and said cautiously: "Minister, what position can I take if I go to the Grand Court?"

Faced with the temptation of his subordinates, Li Zaihua didn't take it seriously.

He said bluntly: "Zhang Xun, I know what you are worried about. You are afraid of wasting a year in the Grand Court."

"Actually, you can rest assured that if I come forward, I will definitely not fool you with messy jobs."

"You have three choices, Deputy Director of the Planning Office, Deputy Director of the Judicial Policy Research Office, and Deputy Director of the Personnel Management Office!"

Wu Zhangxun slightly opened his mouth wide.

He was a little shocked. The planning room and the personnel management room are definitely the real power departments in the Grand Court.

The Judicial Policy Research Office is also not to be underestimated.

The staff here are more than ten times more likely to see the justice than other people, or even more.

As long as the operation is obtained, it is absolutely possible to gain favor with any justice, including the chief justice.

However, there is a saying that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

"Minister, what about the referee researcher?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zaihua almost laughed angrily.

It has to be said that Wu Zhangxun didn't have any self-knowledge, and the referee researcher dared to think about it.

Li Zaihua stared at his subordinates with indifferent eyes.

Wu Zhangxun seemed to realize his slip of the tongue, and his cheeks lost all color instantly.

He suddenly stood up on the spot, bent at ninety degrees and bowed in salute.

"Minister, I'm sorry!"

However, Li Zaihua didn't say a word, and looked at Wu Zhangxun coldly.

Seeing this, Wu Zhangxun trembled with fright and kept swallowing. Drops of cold sweat oozed from his forehead and soaked his collar along his temples.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Wu Zhangxun bent over without moving for 5 minutes.

Just when he was about to lose his hold.

Li Zaihua finally said: "Wu Zhangxun, this time, let's not set an example!"

Wu Zhangxun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Minister, don't worry, there will never be a next time!"

"Okay, sit down!"

At this time, Wu Zhangxun was no longer as casual as before, only half of his butt was leaning against the sofa.

In order to please Li Zaihua, he didn't care too much.

"Minister, there is no need to choose, I will go to the personnel management room!"

Li Zaihua heard the words and immediately guessed the other party's thoughts.

"Okay, you don't need to look at my face."

"Your first priority now is how to gain a firm foothold in the Grand Court. The Personnel Management Office is not suitable for you!"

Hear this.

Wu Zhangxun couldn't help being stunned, but at the same time he was moved.

He chose the personnel management office because he really wanted to curry favor with Li Zaihua.

Now that the young minister rejected his proposal and gave an explanation, Wu Zhangxun was somewhat moved.

"Minister, I."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Li Zaihua raised his hand to stop: "Don't say any more, you choose your own path, don't worry about my feelings"

"I'll give you three days. If you still haven't made a choice, I'll assume that you'll wait another year."

"That's all for today's conversation, go back to work!"

Wu Zhangxun's lips moved slightly, he hesitated to speak, and finally stood up and bowed in salute.

"Good minister, I know what to do!"


He turned and left the office.

But the moment you walk out of the room.

Wu Zhangxun's body softened and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Although Li Zaihua didn't get angry on the surface, the invisible and intangible oppression did exist.

At this moment, his shirt was already soaked in dense cold sweat.

A moment of effort.

Wu Zhangxun returned to his office.

Although the prosecutor's status in the peninsula is very high.

However, among the suspects who could not stand the summons, there were reckless characters, and scenes of clothes being torn often appeared.

As a prosecutor, image is very important.

So most people will keep a spare set of clothes in the office or changing room.

After Wu Zhangxun changed his clothes, he sat quietly on the chair, his brain recalling the scenes that happened just now.

At this moment, he wished he could slap himself.

To be honest, the position arranged by Li Zaihua is already a good choice for him.

Wu Zhangxun took a deep breath, calmed down slowly, and immediately began to think.

Regardless of the planning office, judicial policy research office, or personnel management office, these three departments are all very good choices.

The planning room and personnel management room are conducive to expanding your network.

Of course, the contacts in the planning room and the personnel management room are not the same.

Since the planning office is in charge of budget and preparation issues, it will only contact high-level courts in various places.

The personnel management office is just the opposite. It manages promotions and assessments, and basically deals with middle- and lower-level judges.

Because the promotion and assessment above the ministerial level will be directly responsible by the head of the court management department.

Therefore, the planning room and the personnel management room have their own advantages.

Through his own minister, Wu Zhangxun realized the importance of connections.

Although I failed to transfer to the Seoul Central District Court, the Grand Court is also not accessible to ordinary people.

What's more, the planning office, judicial policy research office, and personnel management office are selected from three departments.

thought here.

Wu Zhangxun frowned, unable to make up his mind for a moment.

"Where should I go?"

As for waiting another year, he never thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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