Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 757 Prepare Gifts Doesn't He Like Money? (6-character combined chapter)

Chapter 757 Prepare Gifts Doesn't He Like Money? (Six thousand words combined chapter)

The next day.

10:10 am,
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua, who was immersed in his work, picked up his mobile phone when he heard the sound.

When he saw the caller ID clearly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then pressed the call button.


Hong Minzhen's voice came out.

"In China, Minister Jin agrees to see you. At eight o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, listen to Tao Pavilion and report Minister Jin's name when you arrive."

Li Zaihua was very moved to see Hong Minzhen being so caring about his affairs.

He originally thought it would take a few days, but he got an answer in just one night.

Li Zaihua said sincerely: "Thank you Dean, I really don't know what to say!"

Hong Minzhen smiled and said, "Okay, big men don't want mothers-in-law."

Li Zaihua smiled.

"By the way, Dean, what does Minister Jin like?"

It is common sense to ask for help and give gifts.

This is the case all over the world, it is unavoidable.

Therefore, Hong Minzhen was not disgusted.

"Minister Jin likes ancient books, you can start from this aspect!"

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Thank you Dean, I see."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua thought for a while, and with a thought, he took out the unregistered mobile phone from the space backpack and dialed the number.

To inquire about news, Ding Qing came quickly.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Ding Qing's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said without hesitation: ""Third brother, do me a favor, find an ancient book for me before [-]:[-] pm the day after tomorrow, I need it urgently! "

Ding Qing did not hesitate to say what to do: "Don't worry, the boss, let me handle it."

Explain what to do.

hang up the phone.

Li Zaihua put down his phone and pondered for a long time, feeling that it was not safe to simply send ancient books.

He wants to pull Jin Jin into his boat.

Although Li Zaihua is the founder of [TOP National Foundation].

But Jin Zhenzhen joined the foundation because of Hong Minzhen's face.

Seriously speaking, the relationship between him and Jin Zhenzhen is not close, because after all, there is a person in the middle.

Moreover, Jin Zhenzhen has been in the foundation for so long, and the two have never met.

Meeting for the first time.

Li Zaihua naturally had to leave a good impression.

It is true that Jin Zhenzhen likes ancient books, but there is no shortage of such books.

He pinched his chin and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Li Zaihua picked up the anonymous mobile phone and dialed the number again.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Han Shizhong's voice came out.


Li Zaihua simply said in shock: "Shizhong, come to see me at Jin Saili's clubhouse at eight o'clock tonight."

Han Shizhong didn't ask why, how dare he refuse his boss, even if he has an important date at night.

"Okay boss, at eight o'clock tonight, I will be there on time at the Jinsaili clubhouse!"

"Well, that's it, hang up!"

Get everything done.

Li Zaihua put the unregistered mobile phone back into the space backpack.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Park Haoyu pushed the door open and entered, and quickly stepped forward and bowed.


Li Zaihua said expressionlessly, "Is there something wrong?"

Park Haoyu is one of the few prosecutors who participated in the case of Wang Zhi and Zhang Shilan throughout the whole process.

The two cases caused a lot of trouble, which made him leave a strong mark on his resume.

Affected by these two cases at the same time, Park Haoyu's ambition inflated involuntarily.

"Minister, this is the report letter I received this morning, please read it!"

Looking at the envelope in his subordinate's hand, Li Zaihua frowned lightly.

"Bring it to me to see."

Park Haoyu handed over the letter with both hands respectfully.

Li Zaihua took it and poured out the report letter.


He read all the content of the report at a glance.

Li Zaihua frowned more and more.

After a long time.

He raised his head and stared straight at Park Haoyu.

"You want to file a case for investigation?"

Park Haoyu asked tentatively: "Minister, can I?"

Li Zaihua threw the report letter on the table.

He put on a smile and said: "Prosecutor Park, you are brave enough to even investigate the Beijing and Xian enterprises."

To be honest, after getting along for a period of time, Li Zaihua knew a little about Park Haoyu's character.

This kind of person has always judged the situation and will never easily offend the plutocrats or figures at the level of big bosses in the altar.

Today, he suddenly said that he would investigate the Jingxian Enterprise Group, and Li Zaihua suddenly noticed something strange.

He remembered that Park Ho-woo's father seemed to be a member of the small party Axiom Party.

Although it was unclear what the father and son were doing, Li Zaihua didn't want to ask for trouble.

"Prosecutor Park, trust me and finish reading."

"But the case is yours. As for whether to open the case for investigation, you can make up your own mind, don't ask me again!"

Park Haoyu was taken aback for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

"Minister, will you support me if I file a case against the Beijing-Season company?"

Li Zaihua sneered secretly, a dog-like thing dared to make his own mind.

He cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface he spoke another word.

"Prosecutor Park, I said that all cases will be reported to me"

"It's your freedom to file a case or not to investigate"

"If you insist on investigating, I will give you some help!"

Li Zaihua emphasized his tone when he said the word 'certainly'.

Park Haoyu understood, and felt disappointed.

"Minister, I know what to do!"

Seeing his subordinate's disappointed appearance, Li Zaihua remained calm.

"Prosecutor Park, take the report letter back. Whether you want to investigate or not, you can decide for yourself, don't ask me again!"

Park Haoyu retracted the envelope.

"Minister, if there is nothing else, I'll go back to work first."

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Well, let's go!"

Park Haoyu bowed again, turned around and left without looking back.

Looking at his subordinate's back, Li Zaihua's eyes were full of indifference, he wanted to plot against him, dreaming!

However, the sudden report letter reminded him that the Jingxian company might be in trouble.

thought here.

Li Zaihua shook his head.

Beijing Fresh Enterprises has nothing to do with itself, so why think so much.
the other side.

Park Haoyu returned to his office.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the number.

After a while, the phone was connected.

Don't wait for the opening on the opposite side.

Park Haoyu said first: "Father, I failed, that old fox Li Zaihua didn't accept the move."

At this time, he completely forgot how much older he was than Li Zaihua.

Park Ho-woo's father's name is 'Park Jung-myeon'.

Park Jung-myun seems to have anticipated the outcome of the matter.

He wasn't surprised.

"I've said it all, your minister is not easy, you have to try."

"It's a good thing you didn't completely offend Li Zaihua, otherwise there would be no place for you in Tesou No. [-]!"

Park Haoyu is not a fool, of course he understands the consequences of doing so.

But someone pushed too hard, he only took the risk if he wanted to help his father.

"Father, if I don't do this."

The words just came out.

Park Jung-myun interjected: "Don't worry about the adult's business, just do your own thing well."

Pu Haoyu's lips moved slightly, he hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a dark sigh, he really wasn't strong enough.

"Okay father, I know what to do!"
Time flies.

The sky gradually darkened.

19:57 in the evening.

A black car parked in front of the Kinsley clubhouse.

Li Zaihua stepped out of the car, handed the doorman a tip and walked straight into the lobby.

He refused the manager to lead the way, and came to VIP Room 0 alone.


Li Zaihua pushed the door open and entered.

inside the room.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Han Shizhong turned his head to look.

see someone coming.

He immediately got up and bowed.

"Boss, you are here."

Li Zaihua strode to the sofa.

"Don't stand up, sit down and talk."

Han Shizhong sat down obediently.

"Boss, what do you have to do with me?"

face inquiries.

Li Zaihua went straight to the point: "I called you here today, there is something I want you to do."

"Tomorrow, you prepare a [Global Times Capital] contract to transfer [-]% of the shares in "Laputa in the Sky""

"Keep the contract clean, don't do anything!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Han Shizhong frowned.

A [-]% stake in "Laputa in the Sky" is not a small sum.

As Jin Xiucheng visited the Philippines, he secretly reached an agreement with its president, local departments and gangs.

"Laputa in the Sky" finally started construction smoothly.

Recently, the tourism industry in the Philippines has grown linearly, and the potential of "Laputa in the Sky" has been further enhanced.

The 700% stake is about [-]% higher than the original, worth [-] million US dollars.

What's more, these shares are still rising in value, and $700 million is by no means the end.

Li Zaihua gave away shares equivalent to tens of millions of dollars in the future, just like a prodigal son.

Of course, Han Shizhong only dared to think about it in his heart.

But as a subordinate, he has the responsibility to remind his boss.

"Boss, is it a little too much, now "Laputa in the Sky" is going up."

Halfway through.

Li Zaihua waved his hand: "You don't need to tell me so much, just do whatever you are asked to do."

"You have to understand that money is for spending. If I don't spend money, do you think you can have today!"

Han Shizhong was surprised.

Li Zaihua was right.

【Global Times Capital】To be able to exist today depends on spending money.

"Boss, I understand!"

Seeing this, Li Zaihua nodded in satisfaction.

"Shizhong, you have to be clear, money is just a number to me now."

"The reason why money is money, it must flow"

"I pay 1000 million US dollars today, maybe I will get ten times or even a hundred times the return in the future"

"You get it!"

Han Shizhong said convincingly: "Boss, I am ashamed of myself!"

The pattern of the two sides is not at the same level.

Han Shizhong only cared about immediate interests, while Li Zaihua looked to the future.

This transfer contract is a gift from Li Zaihua to Jin Zhenzhen.

As a big figure in the judiciary, Minister Kim, once he has his support.

Li Zaihua's involvement in the court will be unprecedentedly convenient.

A mere 1000 million US dollars can be exchanged for controlling the entire judiciary, so why not do it.

But Li Zaihua didn't bother to explain these.

Han Shizhong pays attention to the immediate interests, which is more beneficial to him.

Think here.

Li Zaihua patted Han Shizhong on the shoulder.

"Forget it, you are a businessman, don't think too much, just make money."
time flies.

Another two days passed in a blink of an eye.

19:50 in the evening.

Listen to Tao Pavilion.

A members-only restaurant located in Nanshan.

This restaurant has a mysterious background, and most of the people who come and go are people from the judicial circle, or members of parliament from the judicial circle.

A black car slowly stopped in front of the courtyard.

Two security guards in black blocked the way.

Li Zaihua lowered the car window, exposing his cheeks.

The two security guards recognized the person at a glance, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Hello, Minister Li!"

Li Zaihua is not a member of this restaurant, but it does not prevent him from brushing his face.

"Hello, Minister Kim Truth has asked me to meet here. Is he here?"

hear the name.

The faces of the two security guards changed slightly.

Security A said: "I'm sorry, we just changed shifts not long ago, let me ask for you."

After finishing speaking, he instructed Security B again.

"You take Minister Li to the parking lot."

Security B nodded.

"Minister Li, please follow me."

Under the guidance of security.

Li Zaihua quickly parked the car.

At this time.

A female waiter rushed over.

The moment I saw Li Zaihua.

She hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Hi Minister Li, Minister Jin is here and is waiting for you, please come with me."

The waitress leads the way.

It didn't take a while.

The two came to a box.

The waitress knocked on the door, opened it and walked in, bowing.

"Minister Jin, the guest you were waiting for is here."

Li Zaihua bypassed the waiter, took off his shoes and walked into the room, bowing slightly.

"Minister Jin, I'm sorry, I'm late because of the traffic jam."

As the young minister stepped on the tatami.

The waitress tactfully closed the door.

A gentle voice sounded.

"It's okay, I just arrived too."

Li Zaihua looked up at the protagonist tonight.

A gentleman in glasses, about 50 years old, came into view.

He is the justice of the Supreme Court and the head of the court management department, Jin Zhenzhen.

Li Zaihua stepped forward quickly and bowed again.

"Minister Jin, I'm Li Zaihua from the Special Investigation Division [-] of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me!"

Looking at the bowing young minister.

Jin Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Minister Li, I have admired your name for a long time. When I saw you today, you are indeed young and promising, and your reputation is well-deserved. Please sit down!"

Li Zaihua sat cross-legged.

"Minister Jin has won the prize!"

"Minister Li, don't need to be modest. At your age, I'm still a rookie who just graduated from the Judicial Training Institute..."

End of polite words.

He changed his words.

"By the way, Minister Li, what can I do for you?"

The truth of Jin is so straightforward, and Li Zaihua doesn't hide it.

"Minister Jin, I see you today. I have something to ask for your help."

The young minister confessed.

Jin Zhenzhen took a deep look at Li Zaihua.

"Oh, what can I do to help Minister Li?"

Li Zaihua said calmly: "It's actually not a big deal."

"I have a prosecutor named Wu Zhangxun who wants to transfer to the Seoul Central District Court."

Hearing this, Jin Zhen raised his eyebrows.

"Minister Li, excuse me for interrupting, it seems that we should go to Dean Jiang for this matter?"

Li Zaihua explained: "Minister Jin, if it's so simple, how can I ask you for help?"

"Recently, we have dealt with two major cases in the No. [-] Department of Special Search. Prosecutor Wu Zhangxun has done a lot of hard work. I have already recommended him for promotion."

"I believe that it won't be long before Prosecutor Wu will become Minister Wu."

Not finished.

But the subtext in it is already self-evident.

Jin knew the truth clearly, and couldn't help frowning.

"Minister Lee, are you kidding me? You want to help Prosecutor Wu be transferred to the Seoul Central District Court at the ministerial level!"

face questioning.

Li Zaihua nodded solemnly.

"Minister Jin, you are right, I really think what I think!"

Jin Jin smiled.

He laughed at the young minister's naivety.

The Seoul Central District Court has a special status in the court system.

Even Kim Jung-jin's right to speak to the Seoul Central District Court has been greatly restricted.

To a certain extent, the weight of the president of the Seoul Central District Court is no less than that of any justice.

Not to mention, the ministerial position of the Seoul Central District Court is a radish and a pit.

The ordinary prosecutor's level is still reasonable, but the difficulty of the ministerial level has increased exponentially.

Even if Jin Zhenzhen is the head of the court management department of the Supreme Court, it is not something that can be done casually.

"Minister Li, you really gave me a big problem!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua said calmly: "Minister Jin, if it's not difficult, why should I ask you for help?"


He picked up an exquisite sandalwood gift box from the bottom of his feet.

"I heard from Dean Hong that you like ancient books. I specially asked someone to find one. I don't know if you like it or not."

Look at the luxuriously carved gift box.

A look of disdain flashed in Jin Zhenzhen's eyes.

Just relying on this to buy himself, his golden truth is too cheap.

But for Hong Minzhen's sake, he still accepted the gift box.

Jin Zhenzhen casually lifted the lid.

However, when he saw an isolated copy of the Song Dynasty in Huaxia inside, his eyes lit up instantly.

He really likes ancient books, which doesn't mean he can give up everything for these things.

Jin Zhenzhen seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He took out a pair of white gloves from his inner pocket, put them on, and slowly picked up the lonely Song Dynasty book, intending to read it.

But holding it in his hand, he immediately found that the thickness of the ancient book was wrong.

Jin Zhenzhen frowned immediately, and glanced at the young minister opposite.

But he felt that Li Zaihua didn't dare to lie to himself.

Jin Zhenzhen hesitated for a while, and decided to verify it himself.

He turned the ancient book directly to the place where the thickness was wrong, and saw that there was folded thick white paper inside.

Jin's truth was unknown, so he took out the white paper and unfolded it.

Immediately afterwards, he froze on the spot.

After a long time.

Jin Zhenzhen came back to his senses and asked, "Minister Li, what does this mean?"

Li Zaihua did not answer the question.

"Minister Kim, since you joined the [TOP National Foundation], have you heard of the "Castle in the Sky" project?"

Jin Zhenzhen subconsciously licked his lips.

Laputa plans are no secret in certain circles.

After all, investors are elites from the upper class, and showing off is inevitable.

"Minister Li, don't go around in circles, just speak up if you have something to say!"

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point!"

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Minister Kim, you have a transfer contract for "Laputa in the Sky" in your hand."

"As long as you sign it, you will own 1000% of the shares in "Laputa", worth [-] million US dollars"

"In addition, this is also a gift from me on behalf of [TOP National Foundation]!"

The identity of the founder of the Li Zaihua Foundation is kept secret, and only the board of directors and some members know it.

This was done to protect the young minister.

Li Zaihua is already in the limelight, and if this level is added, he will be more handsome than Lin, and I am afraid that some people will really be unable to sit still.

There is something in the words.

The word "representative" has a specific meaning in the peninsula.

In an instant.

A thought popped up in Jin Zhenzhen's mind that even he couldn't believe it.

He shook his head, trying to get rid of this ridiculous idea.

But the transfer contract in his hand told him that the young minister in front of him might have an extraordinary status in the foundation.

Jin Zhenzhen has a detailed understanding of the "Castle in the Sky" project, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as unlimited money.

As long as they are handled properly, these shares can be used as family heritage.

Therefore, most investors hold their shares firmly in their hands, and few people sell them even if they offer high prices.

Now that a transfer contract suddenly appeared in front of him, he had to think about it.

Jin Zhen thought for a moment.

"Minister Li, are you serious?"

Li Zaihua smiled and said: "It is an honor for the foundation to have a member like you. The mere $1000 million is nothing compared to Minister Kim!"

That sounds nice.

Jin Zhenzhen was secretly proud.

When he was willing to join the foundation, apart from Hong Minzhen's invitation, he was more interested in the future.

The development of [TOP National Foundation] in recent years is obvious to all.

Looking at the transfer of the contract, Jin Zhenzhen was extremely disturbed.

But he suppressed his greed and said calmly: "Minister Li, it's too expensive, I can't accept it!"

Li Zaihua was stunned, looking a little surprised.

This is 1000 million U.S. dollars, not 1000 million Peninsular dollars.

"Minister Kim, don't worry, I'm here today to make friends"

"As for Prosecutor Wu, I can think of another way!"

Jin Zhen shook his head.

"I still can't accept it!"

Li Zaihua was silent for a while, and then said again: "Minister Jin, the contract is very clean, if you don't believe me, you can take it back and read it slowly!"

Jin Zhen shook his head again.

"Minister Li, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that!"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"Minister Kim, are you rejecting me!"

See the young minister angry.

Jin Zhenzhen said unhurriedly: "Minister Li, I will accept the only copy of the Song Dynasty, please take back this transfer contract!"

Li Zaihua was at a loss.

"Minister Jin, did I do something wrong?"

"It's none of Minister Li's business."

In this world, is there really someone who doesn't love money?

Li Zaihua became quiet and remained silent for a long time.

Look at the young minister not talking.

Jin Zhen seemed to have guessed something.

"Minister Li, you don't have to think too much about it. Regarding Prosecutor Wu, I am willing to help."

Li Zaihua was completely dumbfounded.

Suddenly, some can't see through the truth of Jin.

He didn't think that the orphan copy of the Song Dynasty worth hundreds of thousands of Huaxia coins could buy off Minister Jin, who was about to become the chief justice.

But the other party has promised that no matter what kind of tricks Jin Zhenzhen has, just be more careful in the future.

Think about it.

Li Zaihua stood up and bowed in salute.

"On behalf of Prosecutor Wu Jang-hoon, thank you Minister Kim!"

Jin Zhen waved his hand.

"Minister Lee is serious. I have a good relationship with President Jiang of the Seoul Central District Court."

"I'll ask him to help Prosecutor Wu keep an eye out later to see if anyone has been transferred recently."

"If someone is transferred away, the matter of Prosecutor Wu is not only guaranteed, but half the battle is done!"

Let's talk about this.

Li Zaihua no longer insisted.

"Okay, thank you, Minister Jin, I'll leave it up to you to transfer Prosecutor Wu!"

(End of this chapter)

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