Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 751 Wang Zhi pleads guilty and reconnects with Kim Soo-seung (the rest is about 22:[-])

Chapter 751 Wang Zhi pleads guilty and reconnects with Kim Soo-seung (the rest is about 22:[-])
(The upload is late, and the other two may be uploaded directly with a combined chapter.)
14:15 PM.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua sat down, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

After convincing Lin Bingshi and securing the new candidate for the chairman of the sports association, he was relieved.

Now I can finally give an explanation to the four major chaebols, no, it is now the five major chaebols.

As for whether Lin Bingshi believed it or not, Li Zaihua said it.

In fact, it is very simple. Before the official action, the five chaebols must meet each other.

At that time, everything will be self-defeating.

Thinking of this, Li Zaihua pondered for a while, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Li Zhengzhi's gentle voice came out.

"Zai Hua, what can I do for you?"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "Uncle Li, I made an appointment with President Lim Byung-se of Hanwha at noon today, and he agreed to cooperate with us."

"In addition, Representative Chung Suk-kyung agreed to my conditions."

"Now there is only Wang Zhi left, I will finish it all within a week, please help me communicate with the presidents."

"I believe it won't be long before everyone should meet."

Crackling, he said everything in one breath.

Li Zhengzhi was stunned when he heard this, but he also understood what his future son-in-law meant.

"I know, let me do it!"

"Thank you Uncle Li!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Li Zaihua put down his mobile phone, picked up the microphone of the landline again and dialed the internal number.

The call will be connected soon.

Wu Zhangxun's voice came out.


Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Zhang Xun, go ask Dr. Bai how Wang Zhi's situation is!"

Wang Zhi's case cannot be delayed any longer.

He got the news that the 2018 Winter Olympic Games Pavilion project is about to invite public bidding.

Li Jae-hwa has to get ahead of the bidding, pull Wang Zhi off his horse and support Zheng Xiqing in the top position, so as to gain an advantage in the Peninsula Olympic Committee.

Wu Zhangxun replied: "Minister, I have been watching Wang Zhi's side, so it should not be a big problem."

"But just in case, I'll ask Dr. Bai again, and I'll get back to you later."

Li Zaihua nodded.

"Okay, just give me an answer."

hang up the phone.

Li Zaihua put the microphone back to its original place, picked up the red pen and started his work.

Time passed by minute by minute.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the microphone casually.

"Hello, I'm Li Zaihua."

"Minister, it's me. Doctor Bai said that Wang Zhi is recovering well and can accept interrogation."

Li Zaihua smiled.

"Very good, interrogate Wang Zhi immediately, no matter what method you use, I must make him plead guilty!"

Everything has already been settled, so naturally there is no need for him to continue to do everything by himself.

Hearing what the minister said, Wu Zhangxun's expression changed.

It is related to his own promotion path, he said solemnly: "Minister, I will not let you down!"
Another day passed in a blink of an eye.

The next day.

9:22 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Wu Zhangxun pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed quickly.


Li Zaihua raised his head and put down the pen in his hand.

"Is there a problem?"

Wu Zhangxun said, "Minister, Wang Zhi has pleaded guilty!"

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?"

Wu Zhangxun smiled and said, "That's right, but a little change has been made in the charges!"

Li Zaihua frowned.

"You reached an agreement with Wang Zhi in private?"

Seeing the Minister's frown, Wu Zhangxun was startled, and hurriedly explained.

"Minister, it's not what you think. I reached an agreement with Wang Zhi, but I won't punish you lightly."

"Considering the impact on the society, I removed the crime of infringement, focusing on homicide, bribery, and intentional injury."

Listening to Wu Zhangxun's explanation, Li Zaihua's expression softened.

Although it is unfair to those victims, it is already the greatest fairness.

There is no way, Wang Zhi's identity is destined to have too much influence.

Even if there is infringement in the charge, the judge still has to carefully consider it when it comes to the court, and there is a high probability that it will not be accepted.

This is the reality, and no one can change it.

Even if Lee Jae-hwa becomes the president of the peninsula.

After thinking about it, Li Zaihua's face slowly returned to normal.

To be honest, Wu Zhangxun handled Wang Zhi's case well, so there is no need to force it too much.

"I see, you go prepare the documents and send the indictment to the court as soon as possible!"

Wu Zhangxun breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Li Zaihua would blame him for making decisions without authorization.

This is a critical period.

Wu Zhangxun knew very well that if he wanted to be successfully transferred to the Seoul Central District Court as a minister, he must not offend the man in front of him.

"Minister, if there is nothing else, I will go back and write the indictment!"

"Well, don't waste time, it's best to get it done within two days!"

Wu Zhangxun nodded, bowed again, turned and left without looking back.

Wang Zhi's case has been dealt with, so Zhang Shilan needn't worry.

Besides, it wasn't me who was so anxious, it was Han Jiangzhi.

Just take this opportunity to give it a little color, and recognize the reality by the way.

Wu Zhangxun left.

Li Zaihua picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number again.
the other side.

House of Parliament.

Speaker's office.

bell bell bell.
The bell rings.

Jin Xiucheng picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.

Seeing that it was Li Zaihua calling, he couldn't help raising his brows, and pressed the call button.

Before the person on the opposite side could speak, he said first, "Zai Hua, what can I do for you?"

Li Zaihua's voice came out.

"Uncle Jin, I have good news for you, Wang Zhi has pleaded guilty!"

Jin Xiucheng was slightly surprised.

There is a saying that you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River.

Human psychology is sometimes very guesswork.

People like Wang Zhi always take chances until the last moment.

Coupled with Wang Zhi's special status, ordinary torture methods cannot be used.

So Jin Xiu admitted that it would take a long time before Wang Zhi pleaded guilty.

Unexpectedly, Li Zaihua actually subdued Wang Zhi in such a short period of time, he was really surprised.

Surprised to be surprised.

Wang Zhi's plea is indeed good news for them.

Jin Xiucheng said with a smile: "Zaihua, congratulations on getting what you want."

Hear this.

Li Zaihua said sincerely: "I would like to thank Uncle Jin for his help. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Vice Representative Jiang would have a hard time getting through that test!"

This is not a lie, but a fact.

Of course, it cannot be said absolutely.

It's true that Jiang Tong is a big boss in the alchemy world, but Li Zaihua is also not just for nothing.

It's just that at that time, he had to pay a considerable price to resolve the matter satisfactorily.

Jin Xiucheng smiled slightly.

"Okay, don't talk about flattering, what do you want from me?"

Li Zaihua no longer beat around the bush.

"Uncle Jin, I don't know if you have time tonight, I would like to invite you to have a meal and talk by the way!"

As the chairman of the Peninsula National Assembly, Jin Xiucheng's time is very tight, even at night.

But he didn't refuse on the spot.

"Hold on!"

Then, Jin Xiucheng picked up the microphone of the landline and pressed it casually.

"Zhenrui, come in!"

"Good Speaker!"

A moment of effort.

There was a knock on the door.

Jin Zhenrui, Jin Xiucheng's chief assistant, pushed the door open.

He stepped forward and bowed.

"Speaker, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, do I have any plans tonight?"


A hint of doubt flashed in Jin Zhenrui's eyes.

He had just reported today's itinerary to Jin Xiucheng, and it was impossible for the other party to forget so quickly.

It's just that when Jin Zhenrui saw the mobile phone in his speaker's hand, he immediately understood.

He pretended to take out his notebook and looked at Jin Xiucheng's itinerary for today.

"Speaker, your schedule today is until seven o'clock tonight, and there is no other schedule after that."

Jin Xiucheng nodded, and immediately waved: "Well, you go out!"

But Jin Zhenrui didn't go out immediately.

He happened to have something to report to Jin Xiucheng.

"Speaker, Mr. Li Dongcheng just called and wanted to invite you to dinner tonight."

As soon as this word comes out.

Jin Xiucheng frowned, thought to himself, and thought to himself.

"Li Dongcheng? What does he want me for?"

However, he just thought about it in his heart. The weight of a congressman was obviously not as important as Li Zaihua.

Jin Xiucheng immediately refused.

"Call Mr. Li back and tell me that I'm not free tonight."

Li Dongcheng is a small party representative.

As an assistant officer, Jin Zhenrui had to remind his assistants.

"Speaker, it doesn't seem very good to just refuse Councilor Li like this. How about I make another appointment for you?"

At the same time, he was very curious, whose phone call would make Jin Xiucheng give up trying to win over a representative of a small party.

Hear the assistant officer's words.

Jin Xiucheng thought for a while: "Well, you can arrange the time, I still have something to do, you go out first!"

Jin Zhenrui stopped disturbing, bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

After people leave.

Jin Xiucheng raised his mobile phone and said: "Zaihua, you heard it all, I rejected Li Dongcheng for you!"

Li Zaihua will be involved in the altar in the future, so he must have had a deep understanding of it.

He had heard the name of Li Dongcheng, a small party with more than a dozen congressmen.

But don't underestimate the smallness of other people's parties, sometimes it plays a decisive role.

Jin Xiucheng turned down Li Dongcheng's invitation, which can be said to have given enough face.

Li Zaihua pretended to be grateful and said: "Thank you Uncle Jin, I heard everything you just said."

The corner of Jin Xiucheng's mouth raised slightly.

"Where do we meet tonight?"

Li Zaihua reported the time and place.

"Eight o'clock tonight, Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant"

"Okay, see you at eight o'clock tonight."

Both of them were busy people, chatted for a while, and hung up the phone.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua did not put down his mobile phone, and continued to dial this number.

Of course, asking Jin Xiu to come out is not that simple.

The call will be connected soon.

Zheng Xiqing's voice came out.

"Zai Hua, what can I do for you?"

Li Zaihua cut to the chase: "Uncle Zheng, I have an appointment with Chairman Kim tonight, do you have time?"

He seemed to be asking, but he was actually informing, and he didn't give Zheng Xiqing a chance to object.

Hearing that he was going to see Kim Soo-seung, Jung Seok-kyung was instantly refreshed.

"Of course I have time, what time will we meet?"

"Tonight at eight o'clock, Yiyuan Cave, Jingluo Peninsula Restaurant, see you there or be square!"

After getting the answer, Zheng Xiqing, who was worried about gains and losses, finally cheered up a little.

"No problem, see you at eight o'clock tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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