Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 737 Zhang Shilan Shots (There is 1 more chapter tomorrow morning)

Chapter 737 Zhang Shilan Makes a Move (There will be another chapter tomorrow morning)
Time flies fast.

Another two days passed in a blink of an eye.

10:15 am.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Criminal part.

Office of the Minister.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Prosecutor Lin pushed the door open and entered, stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted, and then handed over the documents.

"Minister, this is the indictment about Jiang Zhenshi, please read it!"

Looking at the documents in the hands of his subordinates, Yang Dongxu knew that the time to come had finally come.

He took the indictment and read it page by page.

It didn't take a while.

Yang Dongxu returned the documents to his subordinates.

"You did a good job, you can file a public prosecution with the Seoul Central District Court!"

Prosecutor Lin withdrew the indictment and said blankly, "Good minister!"

Yang Dongxu waved his hand.

"Okay, let's go out and do something!"

The prosecutor bowed again and turned to leave without looking back.

After people leave.

Yang Dongxu picked up the microphone of the landline and dialed the internal number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the person opposite to speak.

Yang Dongxu immediately said: "Deputy Chief, Jiang Jinse's indictment has been drafted and is about to be sent to the Seoul Central District Court."

Han Jiangzhi replied after hearing the words: "Very good, just sue, don't worry about the others!"

"Understood, do you have any other orders?"

"It's gone, keep an eye on Jiang Zhenshi for me, don't make trouble!"

"Okay, I know how to do it."
the other side.

Prosecutor Lin returned to the office, the indictment in his hand was like a hot potato.

He threw the papers on the table, irritated.

In the past few days, Minister Huang seems to have disappeared, and he doesn't care about Jiang Zhenshi.

Prosecutor Lin is helpless, causing him to sleep badly every night, and now he has started to lose his hair.

thought here.

He thought for a while, picked up his phone and dialed the number.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

However, Prosecutor Lin did not give up and kept dialing the number.

After calling a dozen times, the call got through.

Prosecutor Lin said bluntly: "Minister Huang, have you answered the phone?"

At this moment, Minister Huang's face was extremely ugly.

He deliberately didn't understand the phone call, just to hint to Prosecutor Lin that he didn't want to get involved in Jiang Zhenshi's case.

Unexpectedly, this guy has no comprehension at all.

"Prosecutor Lin, what can I do for you?"

Prosecutor Lin couldn't wait to say: "Minister Huang, why didn't you answer the phone? Is there any news from Dean Zhang?"

"The indictment is ready and will be going to the Seoul Central District Court soon."

"You have to inform Dean Zhang to act quickly and stop the document before it is sent to the Seoul Central District Court!"

He said it because once the indictment was sent to the court, there was no turning back.

However, since Minister Huang learned that this is a war between Zhang Shilan and Han Jiangzhi, he no longer intends to participate in order to avoid harming Chi Yu.

The so-called sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Even though Zhang Shilan is a high-level prosecutor, she is under Han Jiangzhi's nose.

The county magistrates are better off now.

Han Jiangzhi has countless ways to deal with him.

Minister Huang took a deep breath, pretending to be kind and said: "Thank you, Prosecutor Lin, I will notify Dean Zhang immediately."

"Also, Dean Zhang said that you have helped her a lot, and you will repay her well in the future."

Hear this.

Prosecutor Lin was secretly happy.

"Minister Huang, thank you Dean Zhang for helping me"

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly said again: "By the way, please tell Dean Zhang."

"I will send the prosecution documents about Mr. Jiang before five o'clock in the afternoon!"

At present, it is five o'clock in the afternoon, and there are only seven hours left.

As long as Zhang Shilan is willing to make a move, seven hours is enough to get everything done.

Minister Huang frowned, but still agreed.

"No problem, I'll contact Dean Zhang, that's it, hang up first."

Prosecutor Lin believed it was true, and said with a smile: "Well, I won't bother Minister Huang anymore. Goodbye."

hang up the phone.

Minister Huang thought for a long time, and concealing Jiang Zhenshi's prosecution was still not an option.

In case Zhang Shilan escaped, don't think about relying on this big Buddha to continue to shelter from the wind and rain in the future.

Anyway, it's just passing a message, as long as you don't directly participate in it, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Minister Huang no longer hesitated, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

The phone is on.

Zhang Shilan's voice came out.

"Minister Huang, is there any news?"

Minister Huang replied: "Dean, Prosecutor Lin doesn't know if Han Jiangzhi is behind the scenes."

"However, I received word that the Criminal Division [-] will send Jinse's indictment to the Seoul Central District Court before [-] pm today."

Speaking of this, he pretended to be concerned and said: "Dean, if you don't make a move, Jiang Zhenshi will really go to jail!"

This is not a lie, just one crime of unidentified sources of huge funds will result in three years in prison.

Not to mention the crimes of stealing state property, bribing state staff, and so on.

With Jiang Zhenshi's character, putting him in prison is equivalent to killing him.

After listening to Minister Huang's words.

Zhang Shilan's heart seemed to be tightly held by someone.

But she didn't express her opinion immediately, and said lightly: "I see, thank you Minister Huang."

"When Zhenshi's case is over, I will personally bring him to thank you!"

When Minister Huang heard the words, he hurriedly said: "No need, as long as Zhenshi can come back safely, I will be satisfied."

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.
at the same time.

Prosecutor's Institute.

director's office.

Zhang Shilan put down her phone, her expression was uncertain.

She expected that Han Jiangzhi would do something, but she didn't expect it so soon, and thought she would have to wait a few more days.

Jiang Zhenshi is a piece of meat that fell from his body, Zhang Shilan can't just sit idly by.

After thinking about it, she bent down and opened the drawer to take out the anonymous mobile phone and voice changer.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Zhang Shilan asked bluntly: "You have been monitoring Han Jiangzhi for several days, do you have any clues?"

Stalker A was very happy when he received the call from the client.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said calmly: "Everything is normal. I commute to and from get off work every day. I haven't seen other strangers except drinking with friends occasionally."

The word 'friend' brought Zhang Shilan back to life immediately.

"You say that a friend is a friend! Have you checked the details of who?"

Follower A has long expected this question.

"You should have heard of the reputation of our detective agency, otherwise you wouldn't choose us"

"How can such a trivial matter go wrong, don't worry, we have checked those people a long time ago, and there is indeed nothing suspicious."

Zhang Shilan didn't believe it.

"Put those people's information in the previous locker, I want to see for myself!"

"Okay, old rules, deliver it before three o'clock in the afternoon."

Zhang Shilan shook her head, it was about Jiang Zhenshi, she couldn't wait that long.

"No, I need to get the information before twelve o'clock!"

Stalker A frowned.

"It takes time to sort out the materials, twelve o'clock is too late!"

Zhang Shilan didn't care about that.

"No, it must be sent to the locker at twelve o'clock."

"As long as you can deliver it on time, I am willing to double the labor fee!"

Stalker A showed joy on his face, but in a blink of an eye, his face darkened again.

He knew that he could not get the money himself, so he was happy for nothing.

Later, Tracker A thought of Liang Wuxing's instructions.

"Well, you said, double the labor fee!"

Zhang Shilan nodded.

"I have plenty of money, but I'm afraid you won't be able to make it all!"

"No problem, deliver it on time before twelve o'clock!"
Outside the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Inside a gray car.

Stalker A did not put down the phone, but continued to dial the number.

Soon, Liang Wuxing's voice came out.

"Is there a problem?"

Crackling, stalker A told what happened just now in detail,
Liang Wuxing's eyes lit up.

"I see, go prepare the materials and send them to the designated place immediately!"

The boss speaks.

Stalker A dares to waste time.

hang up the phone.

He slapped Stalker B on the back of the head.

The sleepy stalker B woke up instantly, and asked confusedly, "Who, who hit me!"

Stalker A rolled his eyes, hating iron for not making steel: "It's me, your boss, hurry up and drive."

"where to go"

"Back to the detective agency!"

Seocho District.

Near the Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Inside a cafe.

Zhang Shilan sat by the window, drinking coffee absently.


A man in black walked in.

He is Zhang Shilan's driver.

The driver looked around and saw Zhang Shilan not far away.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly stepped forward and bowed: "Dean, this is what you want."

Zhang Shilan took the portfolio and immediately waved his hand.

"It's none of your business, go out!"

The driver nodded and turned to leave.

Zhang Shilan quickly opened the seal and took out the information in the file bag.

Looking at the photos one by one, some are strange and some are familiar.

Compared with the information provided by tracker A, there is really nothing suspicious.

But out of caution.

Zhang Shilan used his connections to verify the information provided by Tracker A.

Stalker A did not cheat in this regard, and quickly passed the verification.

Zhang Shilan felt relieved.

After a few days of observation, her heart gradually began to lean towards Han Jiangzhi, maybe she really didn't know it.

Maybe someone was jealous of Jiang Zhenshi, so he secretly reported it, and was arrested by the criminal department.

Everything is a coincidence.

The more Zhang Shilan thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

Since it has nothing to do with Han Jiangzhi, you can talk to the other party and withdraw the prosecution against his son Jiang Zhenshi.

Just do it.

Zhang Shilan took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.

After a while, the phone was connected.

Han Jiangzhi's voice came out.


"Dean Zhang, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Shilan smiled and said, "Deputy Chief Han, I'm sorry, I'm too busy to visit you this time."

"I don't know if you are free now, let's meet up!"
outside the cafe.

An ordinary cannot be inside an ordinary black car.

Liang Wuxing watched Zhang Shilan while nibbling on the bread.

At the same time, the voice calls between Zhang Shilan and Han Jiangzhi were continuously transmitted to his ears through the following security personnel.

After a few minutes.

Liang Wuxing swallowed the bread in one gulp, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Liang Wuzhong immediately said: "Boss, Zhang Shilan decided to meet Han Jiangzhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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