Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 732 The plan starts

Chapter 732 The plan starts
Li Zaihua left.

Leave the rest to Liang Wuxing.
The next day.

11:12 am.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

minister's office,

bell bell bell.
Ringtone remembered.

Li Zaihua bent down and took out the unregistered mobile phone from the drawer, and pressed the call button casually.

Liang Wuxing's voice came out.


Li Zaihua asked: "How is it? Did you find out the bank account information?"

Liang Wuxing nodded.

"Found it, this card belongs to a homeless man, but one of the transfers came from Zhang Shilan's distant relative..."

"If it weren't for the information you provided, it's really possible to miss this person!"

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

"How do you say, those two private detectives were indeed hired by Zhang Shilan?"

Liang Wuxing replied: "Yes, it depends on the situation. As for whether the two parties know each other, it is no longer important."

"The important thing is that the two private detectives are in our hands, and they can do whatever they want!"

As soon as this word comes out.

A smile flashed across Li Zaihua's face.

What Liang Wuxing said is correct, and it is also the real meaning of Plan A.

"Five sexes, I don't want to waste time!"

"Good Minister, promise to complete the task!"

The two ended the call.

Li Zaihua put the anonymous phone back in the drawer.

Now that he knew that Zhang Shilan was behind the scenes, he immediately lost his scruples and prepared to implement the essence of Plan A.

Li Zaihua picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

He was so drunk last night that Han Jiangzhi still hasn't recovered from it.

He asked wearily, "Zai Hua, what can I do for you?"

Li Zaihua didn't think about it.

"Brother Jiang Zhi, don't wait any longer, sue Jiang Zhenshi!"

Hear this.

Han Jiangzhi was taken aback for a moment, and he instantly woke up.

"What did you say? Sue Jiang Zhenshi now?"

"Yes, file a lawsuit against Jiang Zhenshi immediately!"

Han Jiangzhi frowned and said, "If Jiang Zhenshi is sued, will Zhang Shilan come to me?"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly, and said mysteriously: "Don't worry, I promise Zhang Shilan will find you soon!"

Han Jiangzhi took a deep breath.

Although I don't know what the guy on the other side is doing, but the two of them are in the same boat, one prospers and the other loses.

What's more, he had to rely on Li Zaihua's strength to compete for the position of director of the Procuratorate Research Institute.

Therefore, Han Jiangzhi did not break the casserole and ask the end.


Li Zaihua nodded in satisfaction.

He immediately comforted him: "Brother Jiang Zhi, I will naturally tell you everything after the matter is completed."

"Now you just need to do what I say, the director of the procuratorial institute must be yours!"

Hearing the words 'President of the Prosecutor's Research Institute', Han Jiangzhi immediately made up his mind.

Compared to going further, the truth of the facts is not important.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

"Well, then please, brother Jiang Zhi."
the other side.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Office of the Second Chief.

hang up the phone.

Han Jiangzhi pondered for a moment, then picked up the microphone of the landline and dialed the internal number.

The call will be connected soon.

"Minister Yang, come to my office!"

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Yang Dongxu pushed open the door and entered, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute.

"Secretary, what can I do for you?"

Han Jiangzhi said bluntly: "Don't delay Jiang Zhenshi's case, file a lawsuit immediately!"

Yang Dongxu frowned.

"Deputy Chief, if Jiang Zhenshi is sued, what will Zhang Shilan do?"

Han Jiangzhi glared at his cronies viciously.

"Do what you are told to do, no nonsense!"

Seeing that his boss was angry, Yang Dongxu hurriedly said: "I know, let's do it now!"

Han Jiangzhi nodded.


Yang Dongxu breathed a sigh of relief, bowed again, turned and left.

After people leave.

Han Jiangzhi was thoughtful, with an uncertain expression.

He thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the intention of his former subordinates.
at the same time.

Western suburbs.

Secret Base No. [-].


Liang Wuxing covered his face and sat on a chair.

At this time, the two private detectives stood in front of Liang Wuxing obediently.

Liang Wuxing threw a file bag in their faces.

"See for yourself!"

Tremblingly, the two private detectives picked up the bag and unsealed it.

Tracker A took out the file, and his expression suddenly changed.

It actually recorded all the information about the two of them, including their family members.

Stalker A panicked and said, "Brother, what do you mean? We agreed not to hurt our family!"

Liang Wuxing sneered.

"When did I promise you?"

The two private detectives were stunned, and after thinking about it, the guy opposite did not agree to them.

Stalker A wryly smiled, "What do you think of me?"

Hearing this, Liang Wuxing smiled.

"I hope your family is safe and sound, it's actually very simple!"

Stalker A gritted his teeth, "What should we do?"

Liang Wuxing cut to the chase.

"Report to your employer and say that everything around Han Jiangzhi is normal."

"You have to follow Han Jiangzhi normally every day."

Having said that, he changed the subject and said again in a deep voice: "I will send people to follow you, don't play tricks!"

The two private detectives looked at each other when they heard the words.

Follower A said helplessly: "Brother, we have reached this point, how dare we play tricks."

"You really think we are not afraid of death!"

Liang Wuxing smiled.

"You just understand!"

After speaking, he threw a positioning tracker to Tracker A.

"This is a locator, and you have to wear it [-]/[-]."

The tracker caught the tracker with both hands and carefully put it in his pocket.

"Can we go now?"

Liang Wuxing shook his head: "Not yet!"

Stalker A frowned.

"Brother, what else do you want?"

Liang Wuxing said with a blank expression: "Put blindfolds on them!"

The voice fell.

The two private detectives breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't trouble a few, we will do it ourselves!"

They took the blindfold from a security guard and quickly put it on.

In an instant, the eyes of the two private detectives were completely dark.

Liang Wuxing said again: "Okay, let's take them out!"

Two security guards led the way holding their hands.

after an hour.

On the edge of downtown Seoul.

Somewhere in a remote woods.

An unremarkable van stopped abruptly.

Door opens.

The two private detectives were immediately pushed out of the car.

Immediately afterwards, the van drove away.

The two private detectives learned the rules and didn't take off their blindfolds until they could no longer hear the sound of the car's engine.

Stalker B looked at the unfamiliar environment and looked at his boss.

"President, what should we do now? I feel like I'm in big trouble!"

Stalker A gritted his teeth, and slapped Stalker B on the back of the head.

"You treat me as blind! Whatever you can do, naturally do it!"

"You also saw that they had guns, and they were really killed by their employers this time!"
When Liang Wuxing took care of two private detectives.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office.

Criminal part.

Yang Dongxu returned to the office, picked up the microphone and dialed the number.

After a few minutes.

There was a knock on the door.

Prosecutor A, who was in charge of Jiang Zhenshi's case, pushed the door open, stepped forward and bowed quickly.

"Minister, are you looking for me?"

Yang Dongxu opened his mouth and said, "Prepare materials and sue Jiang Zhenshi!"

Prosecutor A was taken aback.

"Minister, do you really want to sue Jiang Zhenshi?"

Although he personally captured Jiang Zhenshi, the other party said he was also Zhang Shilan's son.

If someone is sent to prison, wouldn't he face revenge from a high-level prosecutor.

What's more, when he arrested people at the beginning, his minister personally agreed, just for show.

I got angry with Han Jiangzhi.

Yang Dongxu naturally vented his anger on Prosecutor A who is also a subordinate.

"Are you the minister, or am I the minister!"

"Jiang Zhenshi's case has solid evidence. As a prosecutor, you have to cover up the criminal!"

Prosecutor A was startled, bowed at [-] degrees and apologized.

"Minister, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Yang Dongxu snorted coldly.

"Okay, hurry up and do something!"

The county magistrates are better off now.

Offending Zhang Shilan is a matter of the future, offending Yang Dongxu at this moment, it will be difficult to move forward in the Criminal Division [-] in the future.

Prosecutor A bowed again and left the office without looking back.

After people leave.

Yang Dongxu was also frowning.

Zhang Shilan didn't dare to do anything to Han Jiangzhi, but it didn't mean that he could avoid Zhang Shilan's revenge.


Prosecutor A returns to his office.

He sat on the chair, the more he thought about it, the more ugly his face became, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"Yang Dongxu, you bastard, you actually put me together."

"No, I can't sit still!"

Suddenly, Prosecutor A thought of something.

He hesitated for a moment, and then a cloud of anger appeared in his eyes.

"Yang Dongxu, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Think here.

Prosecutor A took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

After dozens of seconds, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the opening on the opposite side.

Prosecutor A blurted out: "Minister Huang, our minister has decided to sue Jiang Zhenshi!"

On the other side of the phone.

Minister Huang was stunned.

Zhang Shilan's words completely broke the dog's heart.

Originally, he didn't want to care about Jiang Zhenshi anymore, but he didn't expect the guy who revealed the news before to call again.

Minister Huang hesitated for a moment.

Seeing that the other side didn't speak, Prosecutor A asked, "Minister Huang, what's wrong with you?"

Minister Huang came back to his senses.

"It's nothing, you just said that Yang Dongxu wants to sue Jiang Zhenshi?"

Prosecutor A nodded.

"That's right, Minister Yang ordered me to prosecute Jiang Zhenshi as soon as possible!"

Minister Huang licked his lips.

"Thank you, I see, I'll treat you to dinner another day!"

"It's okay, this is what I should do!"

Prosecutor A shyly said: "By the way, Minister Huang, I don't know where President Zhang is, can you give me a few words of kindness?"

The voice fell.

Minister Huang smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem. I believe that President Zhang will treat you differently after he understands the situation."

Prosecutor A was overjoyed.

"Thank you, thank you Minister Huang!"

The two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.
in an office.

Minister Huang held the phone, his eyes flickering.

He took a deep breath.

No matter what, Zhang Shilan has to be notified about Jiang Zhenshi's prosecution.

Then Minister Huang dialed the number with his mobile phone.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Minister Huang said, "Dean, Yang Dongxu from the Criminal Division has decided to sue Zhenshi!"

(End of this chapter)

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