Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 719 Wu Zhangxun's Sense of Crisis

Chapter 719 Wu Zhangxun's Sense of Crisis

It didn't take long for Han Jiangzhi to report.
Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

bell bell bell.
The landline rings.

Li Zaihua picked up the microphone: "Hi, hello, this is Tesou No. [-], I'm Li Zaihua!"

Xu Zhenzai's voice came out.

"Come to my office!"

Hear this.

The corner of Li Zaihua's mouth whispered, but it was fleeting.

He understood that what he had been waiting for had finally come.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"


He hung up the phone, picked up his coat and left the room.

It didn't take a while.

top layer.

Office of the Chief.

When the secretary saw the person coming, he bowed immediately.

"Minister Li, the chief is waiting for you."

Li Zaihua nodded.

He went to the door.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Li Zaihua pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"Chief, are you looking for me?"

At this time, Xu Zhenzai was sitting on the sofa, looking at the serious young minister, he couldn't help curling his lips.

"Okay, stop pretending, come and sit down!"

Hearing this, Li Zaihua came to the sofa with a smile and sat down.

"Uncle Xu, you have to think about it during working hours."

Xu Zhenzai waved his hand, too lazy to listen to such nonsense.

"You kid, don't play the same game with me, when have you ever clearly distinguished between public and private!"

Li Zaihua smiled slightly, and said shyly, "Uncle Xu, it's only in front of you that I will show my true nature."

"If it's someone else, I've always kept a clear line between public and private. If you don't believe me, you can ask people outside."

Seo Jin Jae enjoyed the young minister's flattery very much.

"Hey, I don't even know what to say."

Xu Zhenzai stopped talking nonsense, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's important to be serious, you should guess why I called you here?"

Li Zaihua nodded cooperatively.

"That's right, Han Jiangzhi must have reported the cases of Jiang Zhenshi, Jiang Wanyan and Zhang Shilan."

Xu Zhenzai said with a serious expression: "Think about it, Jiang Wanyan and Zhang Shilan are also deeply entrenched in the judicial circle."

"The counterattack of the two of them, you have to be careful!"

Hearing Xu Zhenzai's reminder, Li Zaihua smiled coldly, as if pointing something.

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, I have a measure."

"You should be clear that there is more than one person behind me"

"If something happens to me, the tens of billions of dollars in business will be ruined!"

As soon as this word comes out

Xu Zhenzai's heart moved, and he understood that the other party was telling the truth.

If it weren't for Li Zaihua to take the lead, it would be basically impossible for several big chaebols to sit down and carve up the construction of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

Moreover, several major projects of [TOP National Foundation] also need Li Zaihua to take the helm.

If someone takes action against Li Zaihua, let alone Li Zhengzhi refuses to agree, he also does not agree, including all directors of the [TOP National Foundation] and the forces behind them.

With this huge force united, Jiang Wanyan and Master Zhang could only be crushed.

Xu Zhenzai took a deep breath.

"It's good if you know, don't say anything extra, so you don't get annoyed by me"

He stood up and walked to the desk, then returned to the sofa and handed a document to Li Zaihua.

"This is what you want, get out now!"

Li Zaihua followed the file, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you Uncle Xu, I'll go first!"

He bowed and saluted, and left without looking back.
After a few minutes.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua picked up the microphone of the landline and dialed the internal number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Don't wait for the person on the other side to open their mouths.

Li Zaihua said first: "Zhang Xun, call Prosecutor Park to come to my room!"

Then, he hung up the phone.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Wu Zhangxun and Park Haoyu pushed the door open.

The two bowed and saluted: "Minister, we are here."

Li Zaihua pretended to be working, and casually pointed to the documents placed aside.

"Look, you two."

Wu Zhangxun glanced at Park Haoyu vigilantly.

Taking advantage of the other party's inattention, Wu Zhangxun stepped forward, picked up the document and read it at a glance.

Park Haoyu next to him frowned, and because he was a little shorter, he could only stand on tiptoe to watch.

The content of the document is not long, but it has extraordinary significance.

Wu Zhangxun put down the document and asked, "Minister, what should we do!"

Li Zaihua said without hesitation: "You guys go back with the documents, wait for my news, and be ready to act at any time!"

Having said that, he turned his gaze to Park Haoyu.

"Jiang Jinse was arrested by the Criminal Division [-] of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office."

"If Zhang Shilan asks, Prosecutor Park, you know how to say it!"

Park Haoyu swallowed.

"Minister, rest assured, I will not disappoint you!"

Li Zaihua nodded in satisfaction.

"Prosecutor Park, it's all up to you!"

How could Zhang Shilan be so easy to get to where he is today?

As long as the other party calms down and thinks about it, they can more or less guess that Jiang Zhenshi's accident may have something to do with Wang Zhi.

At that time, Zhang Shilan will definitely ask Park Haoyu for news.

On the surface, Li Zaihua meant that he only needed to mislead Zhang Shilan.

As for what this Prosecutor Park did, it was beyond his control.

Thinking of this, Li Zaihua waved his hand and issued an order to expel the guest.

"I've said everything I need to say, you two go out and do something!"

Seeing this, Wu Zhangxun and Park Haoyu turned their heads and left. .

Looking at the backs of the two, Li Zaihua's eyes flickered.

And outside the room.

The moment he walked out of the office.

Wu Zhangxun suddenly said: "Prosecutor Park, go to my office and have a chat!"

Pu Haoyu was taken aback for a moment, and then agreed.

"Okay, Prosecutor Wu."


They came to Wu Zhangxun's office.

Enter the house.

Wu Zhangxun told the secretary, "Go and buy two cups of coffee."

Then, he pushed open the inner door.

"Prosecutor Park, please come in!"

The two just sat down.

Wu Zhangxun said immediately: "I came to you to talk about the Wang Zhi case."

However, he said one thing with his mouth and another behind his back.

Wu Zhangxun said it nicely, but he actually wanted to find out about the relationship between Park Haoyu and Li Zaihua.

He vaguely sensed a threat.

This is the feeling Liang Guohuan has never made Wu Zhangxun feel.

Although he intends to transfer to the court, he has not yet made up his mind.

Now that Park Haoyu appeared, Wu Zhangxun naturally felt a sense of crisis.
the other side.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Four special searches.

Office of the Minister.

Li Zaihua leisurely drank the coffee made by Wen Jinghao.

Recalling Wu Zhangxun's reaction just now in his mind, he couldn't help being very satisfied.

Li Zaihua is determined to train a great judge.

Wu Zhangxun couldn't make up his mind, so he could only do it himself.

In the past two days, Park Haoyu has been called frequently, just to show Wu Zhangxun.

Wu Zhangxun was also aware of the crisis.

I have to say, it works really well.

I believe Wu Zhangxun will soon have the answer.

Now only Wang Zhi, Zhang Shilan and Jiang Wanyan are left to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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